• jean-pierre charras's avatar
    Updated boost to version 1.34. Added boost::polygon (experimental). · 1794a2ae
    jean-pierre charras authored
    Fixed some issues with wxWidgets 2.9.1 (fixed Gerbview and Pcbnew crashes under Linux when starting. Could explain also crashes under MACOSX)
    Code cleaning.
        Added experimental zone fill calculations with boost::polygon
        old file zones_convert_brd_items_to_polygons.cpp has now 2 versions:
        zones_convert_brd_items_to_polygons_with_Boost.cpp use boost::polygon to calculate filled areas
        zones_convert_brd_items_to_polygons_with_BKbool.cpp use kbool (code cleaned).
        >>> to use boost polygon version:
            call cmake with option: -DUSE_BOOST_POLYGON_LIBRARY=ON
    Eeschema: added patches from Yuri Khalyavin
wxstruct.h 28.2 KB