class_GERBER.cpp 12.3 KB
 * @file class_GERBER.cpp
 * a GERBER class handle for a given layer info about used D_CODES and how the layer is drawn

 * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
 * Copyright (C) 1992-2013 Jean-Pierre Charras  jp.charras at
 * Copyright (C) 1992-2013 KiCad Developers, see change_log.txt for contributors.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
 * or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
 * or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA

#include <fctsys.h>
#include <common.h>
#include <class_drawpanel.h>
#include <confirm.h>
#include <macros.h>

#include <gerbview.h>
#include <gerbview_frame.h>
#include <class_GERBER.h>

 * Function scaletoIU
 * converts a distance given in floating point to our internal units
extern int scaletoIU( double aCoord, bool isMetric );       // defined it rs274d_read_XY_and_IJ_coordiantes.cpp

/* Format Gerber: NOTES:
 * Tools and D_CODES
 *   tool number (identification of shapes)
 *   1 to 999
 *   D01 ... D9 = action codes:
 *   D01 = activating light (lower pen) when di placement
 *   D02 = light extinction (lift pen) when di placement
 *   D03 Flash
 *   D09 = VAPE Flash
 *   D10 ... = Indentification Tool (Opening)
 * For tools:
 * DCode min = D10
 * DCode max = 999



void GERBER_LAYER::ResetDefaultValues()
    m_LayerName     = wxT( "no name" );             // Layer name from the LN command
    m_LayerNegative = false;                        // true = Negative Layer
    m_StepForRepeat.x     = m_StepForRepeat.y = 0;  // X and Y offsets for Step and Repeat command
    m_XRepeatCount        = 1;                      // The repeat count on X axis
    m_YRepeatCount        = 1;                      // The repeat count on Y axis
    m_StepForRepeatMetric = false;                  // false = Inches, true = metric

    m_Parent = aParent;
    m_GraphicLayer = aLayer;  // Graphic layer Number

    m_Selected_Tool = FIRST_DCODE;


    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < DIM( m_Aperture_List ); ii++ )
        m_Aperture_List[ii] = 0;

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < DIM( m_Aperture_List ); ii++ )
        delete m_Aperture_List[ii];

        // m_Aperture_List[ii] = NULL;

 * Function GetItemsList
 * returns the first GERBER_DRAW_ITEM * item of the items list
    return m_Parent->GetItemsList();

D_CODE* GERBER_IMAGE::GetDCODE( int aDCODE, bool create )
    unsigned ndx = aDCODE - FIRST_DCODE;

    if( ndx < (unsigned) DIM( m_Aperture_List ) )
        // lazily create the D_CODE if it does not exist.
        if( create )
            if( m_Aperture_List[ndx] == NULL )
                m_Aperture_List[ndx] = new D_CODE( ndx + FIRST_DCODE );

        return m_Aperture_List[ndx];
    return NULL;

    APERTURE_MACRO_SET::iterator iter = m_aperture_macros.find( aLookup );

    if( iter != m_aperture_macros.end() )
        APERTURE_MACRO* pam = (APERTURE_MACRO*) &(*iter);
        return pam;

    return NULL;    // not found

void GERBER_IMAGE::ResetDefaultValues()
    m_InUse         = false;
    m_ImageName     = wxT( "no name" );             // Image name from the IN command
    m_ImageNegative = false;                        // true = Negative image
    m_hasNegativeItems    = -1;                     // set to uninitialized
    m_ImageJustifyOffset  = wxPoint(0,0);           // Image justify Offset
    m_ImageJustifyXCenter = false;                  // Image Justify Center on X axis (default = false)
    m_ImageJustifyYCenter = false;                  // Image Justify Center on Y axis (default = false)
    m_GerbMetric    = false;                        // false = Inches (default), true = metric
    m_Relative = false;                             // false = absolute Coord,
                                                    // true = relative Coord
    m_NoTrailingZeros = false;                      // true: trailing zeros deleted
    m_DecimalFormat = false;                        // true: use floating point notations for coordinates
    m_ImageOffset.x   = m_ImageOffset.y = 0;        // Coord Offset, from IO command
    m_ImageRotation = 0;                            // Allowed 0, 90, 180, 270 (in degree)
    m_LocalRotation = 0.0;                          // Layer totation from RO command (in 0.1 degree)
    m_Offset.x = 0;
    m_Offset.y = 0;                                 // Coord Offset, from OF command
    m_Scale.x  = m_Scale.y = 1.0;                   // scale (A and B) this layer
    m_MirrorA  = false;                             // true: miror / axe A (default = X)
    m_MirrorB  = false;                             // true: miror / axe B (default = Y)
    m_SwapAxis = false;                             // false if A = X, B = Y; true if A =Y, B = Y
    m_Has_DCode = false;                            // true = DCodes in file
                                                    // false = no DCode->
                                                    // search for separate DCode file
    m_FmtScale.x = m_FmtScale.y = 4;                // Initialize default format to 3.4 => 4
    m_FmtLen.x   = m_FmtLen.y = 3 + 4;              // Initialize default format len = 3+4

    m_Iterpolation = GERB_INTERPOL_LINEAR_1X;       // Linear, 90 arc, Circ.
    m_360Arc_enbl  = false;                         // 360 deg circular
                                                    // interpolation disable
    m_Current_Tool = 0;                             // Current Dcode selected
    m_CommandState = 0;                             // State of the current command
    m_CurrentPos.x = m_CurrentPos.y = 0;            // current specified coord
    m_PreviousPos.x = m_PreviousPos.y = 0;          // last specified coord
    m_IJPos.x = m_IJPos.y = 0;                      // current centre coord for
                                                    // plot arcs & circles
    m_Current_File    = NULL;                       // Gerger file to read
    m_FilesPtr        = 0;
    m_PolygonFillMode = false;
    m_PolygonFillModeState = 0;
    m_Selected_Tool = FIRST_DCODE;

/* Function HasNegativeItems
 * return true if at least one item must be drawn in background color
 * used to optimize screen refresh
bool GERBER_IMAGE::HasNegativeItems()
    if( m_hasNegativeItems < 0 )    // negative items are not yet searched: find them if any
        if( m_ImageNegative )       // A negative layer is expected having always negative objects.
            m_hasNegativeItems = 1;
            m_hasNegativeItems = 0;
            for( GERBER_DRAW_ITEM* item = GetItemsList(); item; item = item->Next() )
                if( item->GetLayer() != m_GraphicLayer )
                if( item->HasNegativeItems() )
                    m_hasNegativeItems = 1;
    return m_hasNegativeItems == 1;

int GERBER_IMAGE::UsedDcodeNumber()
    int count = 0;

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < DIM( m_Aperture_List ); ii++ )
        if( m_Aperture_List[ii] )
            if( m_Aperture_List[ii]->m_InUse || m_Aperture_List[ii]->m_Defined )

    return count;

void GERBER_IMAGE::InitToolTable()
    for( int count = 0; count < TOOLS_MAX_COUNT; count++ )
        if( m_Aperture_List[count] == NULL )

        m_Aperture_List[count]->m_Num_Dcode = count + FIRST_DCODE;


 * Function ReportMessage
 * Add a message (a string) in message list
 * for instance when reading a Gerber file
 * @param aMessage = the straing to add in list
void GERBER_IMAGE::ReportMessage( const wxString aMessage )
    m_Parent->ReportMessage( aMessage );

 * Function ClearMessageList
 * Clear the message list
 * Call it before reading a Gerber file
void GERBER_IMAGE::ClearMessageList()

 * Function StepAndRepeatItem
 * Gerber format has a command Step an Repeat
 * This function must be called when reading a gerber file and
 * after creating a new gerber item that must be repeated
 * (i.e when m_XRepeatCount or m_YRepeatCount are > 1)
 * @param aItem = the item to repeat
void GERBER_IMAGE::StepAndRepeatItem( const GERBER_DRAW_ITEM& aItem )
    if( GetLayerParams().m_XRepeatCount < 2 &&
        GetLayerParams().m_YRepeatCount < 2 )
        return; // Nothing to repeat
    // Duplicate item:
    wxString msg;
    for( int ii = 0; ii < GetLayerParams().m_XRepeatCount; ii++ )
        for( int jj = 0; jj < GetLayerParams().m_YRepeatCount; jj++ )
            // the first gerber item already exists (this is the template)
            // create duplicate only if ii or jj > 0
            if( jj == 0 && ii == 0 )
            GERBER_DRAW_ITEM* dupItem = new GERBER_DRAW_ITEM( aItem );
            wxPoint           move_vector;
            move_vector.x = scaletoIU( ii * GetLayerParams().m_StepForRepeat.x,
                                   GetLayerParams().m_StepForRepeatMetric );
            move_vector.y = scaletoIU( jj * GetLayerParams().m_StepForRepeat.y,
                                   GetLayerParams().m_StepForRepeatMetric );
            dupItem->MoveXY( move_vector );
            m_Parent->GetGerberLayout()->m_Drawings.Append( dupItem );

 * Function DisplayImageInfo
 * has knowledge about the frame and how and where to put status information
 * about this object into the frame's message panel.
 * Display info about Image Parameters.
 * These parameters are valid for the entire file, and must set only once
 * (If more than once, only the last value is used)
void GERBER_IMAGE::DisplayImageInfo( void )
    wxString msg;


    // Display Image name (Image specific)
    m_Parent->AppendMsgPanel( _( "Image name" ), m_ImageName, CYAN );

    // Display graphic layer number used to draw this Image
    // (not a Gerber parameter but is also image specific)
    msg.Printf( wxT( "%d" ), m_GraphicLayer + 1 );
    m_Parent->AppendMsgPanel( _( "Graphic layer" ), msg, BROWN );

    // Display Image rotation (Image specific)
    msg.Printf( wxT( "%d" ), m_ImageRotation );
    m_Parent->AppendMsgPanel( _( "Img Rot." ), msg, CYAN );

    // Display Image polarity (Image specific)
    msg = m_ImageNegative ? _("Negative") : _("Normal");
    m_Parent->AppendMsgPanel( _( "Polarity" ), msg, BROWN );

    // Display Image justification and offset for justification (Image specific)
    msg = m_ImageJustifyXCenter ? _("Center") : _("Normal");
    m_Parent->AppendMsgPanel( _( "X Justify" ), msg, DARKRED );

    msg = m_ImageJustifyYCenter ? _("Center") : _("Normal");
    m_Parent->AppendMsgPanel( _( "Y Justify" ), msg, DARKRED );

    if( g_UserUnit == INCHES )
        msg.Printf( wxT( "X=%f Y=%f" ), (double) m_ImageJustifyOffset.x/10000,
                                    (double) m_ImageJustifyOffset.y/10000 );
        msg.Printf( wxT( "X=%f Y=%f" ), (double) m_ImageJustifyOffset.x*2.54/1000,
                                    (double) m_ImageJustifyOffset.y*2.54/1000 );
    m_Parent->AppendMsgPanel( _( "Image Justify Offset" ), msg, DARKRED );