• jean-pierre charras's avatar
    Remove 2 global variables: g_DrawBgColor and g_ShowPageLimits. · 7c99a242
    jean-pierre charras authored
    They are now member of EDA_DRAW_FRAME.
    This change could fix Bug #1330781 (Background color change in Eeschema affects background color in Pcbnew)
    Show page limits has meaning only for the schematic editor,  the board editor and the page layout editor.
    Draw background color selection exists only in eeschema and  page layout editor.
    In pcbnew, only a black background is allowed.
    A side effect is now the user should set the background color in schematic editor, and the library editor (2 different options).
    The default is still the white color.
dialog_lib_edit_pin.h 3.37 KB
#ifndef __dialog_lib_edit_pin__
#define __dialog_lib_edit_pin__

 * @file
 * Subclass of DIALOG_LIB_EDIT_PIN_BASE, which is generated by wxFormBuilder.

#include <wx/bmpcbox.h>

#include <dialog_lib_edit_pin_base.h>

/** Implementing DIALOG_LIB_EDIT_PIN_BASE */
    LIB_PIN * m_dummyPin;       // a working copy used to show changes

    /** Constructor */

    void OnCloseDialog( wxCloseEvent& event );
    void OnCancelButtonClick( wxCommandEvent& event );
    void OnOKButtonClick( wxCommandEvent& event );
    void OnPaintShowPanel( wxPaintEvent& event );
    void OnPropertiesChange( wxCommandEvent& event );

    void SetOrientationList( const wxArrayString& list, const BITMAP_DEF* aBitmaps );
    void SetOrientation( int orientation )
        m_choiceOrientation->SetSelection( orientation );
    int GetOrientation( void ) { return m_choiceOrientation->GetSelection(); }

    void SetElectricalTypeList( const wxArrayString& list, const BITMAP_DEF* aBitmaps );
    void SetElectricalType( int type )
        m_choiceElectricalType->SetSelection( type );
    int GetElectricalType( void )
        return m_choiceElectricalType->GetSelection();

    void SetStyleList( const wxArrayString& list, const BITMAP_DEF* aBitmaps );
    void SetStyle( int style ) { m_choiceStyle->SetSelection( style ); }
    int GetStyle( void ) { return m_choiceStyle->GetSelection(); }

    void SetName( const wxString& name ) { m_textPinName->SetValue( name ); }
    wxString GetName( void ) { return m_textPinName->GetValue(); }

    void SetNameTextSize( const wxString& size )
        m_textPinNameTextSize->SetValue( size );
    wxString GetNameTextSize( void )
        return m_textPinNameTextSize->GetValue();

    void SetNameTextSizeUnits( const wxString& units )
        m_staticNameTextSizeUnits->SetLabel( units );

    void SetPadName( const wxString& number )
        m_textPadName->SetValue( number );
    wxString GetPadName( void ) { return m_textPadName->GetValue(); }

    void SetPadNameTextSize( const wxString& size )
        m_textPadNameTextSize->SetValue( size );
    wxString GetPadNameTextSize( void )
        return m_textPadNameTextSize->GetValue();

    void SetPadNameTextSizeUnits( const wxString& units )
        m_staticNumberTextSizeUnits->SetLabel( units );

    void SetLength( const wxString& length )
        m_textLength->SetValue( length );
    wxString GetLength( void ) { return m_textLength->GetValue(); }

    void SetLengthUnits( const wxString& units )
        m_staticLengthUnits->SetLabel( units );

    void SetAddToAllParts( bool apply )
        m_checkApplyToAllParts->SetValue( apply );
    bool GetAddToAllParts( void )
        return m_checkApplyToAllParts->GetValue();

    void SetAddToAllBodyStyles( bool apply )
        m_checkApplyToAllConversions->SetValue( apply );
    bool GetAddToAllBodyStyles( void )
        return m_checkApplyToAllConversions->GetValue();

    void SetVisible( bool visible ) { m_checkShow->SetValue( visible ); }
    bool GetVisible( void ) { return m_checkShow->GetValue(); }

#endif // __dialog_lib_edit_pin__