• Wayne Stambaugh's avatar
    Footprint library table improvements. · 8580d87e
    Wayne Stambaugh authored
    * Add save table and set project path environment variable code to
      FP_LIB_TABLE object.
    * Add code to Pcbnew and CvPcb to set project path environment variable.
    * Create empty footprint table in Pcbnew when new board created.
    * Save current project specific footprint library table to path on file save
      as or empty project path.
    * Fix a bug in Pcbnew in file save function that would silently overwrite
      an existing board file.
    * Disable selecting the current library in the module editor when there are
      no libraries defined.
    * Catch exceptions and report errors when writing footprint library tables.
    * Fix Boost build CMakeFile to fix bug when bootstrapping a Boost build in
fp_lib_table.h 23.2 KB