pns_utils.cpp 5.06 KB
 * KiRouter - a push-and-(sometimes-)shove PCB router
 * Copyright (C) 2013-2014 CERN
 * Author: Tomasz Wlostowski <>
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
 * option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program.  If not, see <>.

#include "pns_utils.h"
#include "pns_line.h"
#include "pns_via.h"
#include "pns_router.h"

#include <geometry/shape_segment.h>

const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN OctagonalHull( const VECTOR2I& aP0, const VECTOR2I& aSize,
                                      int aClearance, int aChamfer )

    s.SetClosed( true );

    s.Append( aP0.x - aClearance, aP0.y - aClearance + aChamfer );
    s.Append( aP0.x - aClearance + aChamfer, aP0.y - aClearance );
    s.Append( aP0.x + aSize.x + aClearance - aChamfer, aP0.y - aClearance );
    s.Append( aP0.x + aSize.x + aClearance, aP0.y - aClearance + aChamfer );
    s.Append( aP0.x + aSize.x + aClearance, aP0.y + aSize.y + aClearance - aChamfer );
    s.Append( aP0.x + aSize.x + aClearance - aChamfer, aP0.y + aSize.y + aClearance );
    s.Append( aP0.x - aClearance + aChamfer, aP0.y + aSize.y + aClearance );
    s.Append( aP0.x - aClearance, aP0.y + aSize.y + aClearance - aChamfer );

    return s;

const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN SegmentHull ( const SHAPE_SEGMENT& aSeg, int aClearance,
                                     int aWalkaroundThickness )
    int d = aSeg.GetWidth() / 2 + aClearance + aWalkaroundThickness / 2 + HULL_MARGIN;
    int x = (int)( 2.0 / ( 1.0 + M_SQRT2 ) * d );

    const VECTOR2I a = aSeg.GetSeg().A;
    const VECTOR2I b = aSeg.GetSeg().B;

    VECTOR2I dir = b - a;
    VECTOR2I p0 = dir.Perpendicular().Resize( d );
    VECTOR2I ds = dir.Perpendicular().Resize( x / 2 );
    VECTOR2I pd = dir.Resize( x / 2 );
    VECTOR2I dp = dir.Resize( d );


    s.SetClosed( true );

    s.Append( b + p0 + pd );
    s.Append( b + dp + ds );
    s.Append( b + dp - ds );
    s.Append( b - p0 + pd );
    s.Append( a - p0 - pd );
    s.Append( a - dp - ds );
    s.Append( a - dp + ds );
    s.Append( a + p0 - pd );

    // make sure the hull outline is always clockwise
    if( s.CSegment( 0 ).Side( a ) < 0 )
        return s.Reverse();
        return s;

SHAPE_RECT ApproximateSegmentAsRect( const SHAPE_SEGMENT& aSeg )

    VECTOR2I delta( aSeg.GetWidth() / 2, aSeg.GetWidth() / 2 );
    VECTOR2I p0( aSeg.GetSeg().A - delta );
    VECTOR2I p1( aSeg.GetSeg().B + delta );

    return SHAPE_RECT( std::min( p0.x, p1.x ), std::min( p0.y, p1.y ),
                       std::abs( p1.x - p0.x ), std::abs( p1.y - p0.y ) );

void DrawDebugPoint( VECTOR2I aP, int aColor )

    l.Append( aP - VECTOR2I( -50000, -50000 ) );
    l.Append( aP + VECTOR2I( -50000, -50000 ) );

    PNS_ROUTER::GetInstance()->DisplayDebugLine ( l, aColor, 10000 );

    l.Append( aP - VECTOR2I( 50000, -50000 ) );
    l.Append( aP + VECTOR2I( 50000, -50000 ) );

    PNS_ROUTER::GetInstance()->DisplayDebugLine( l, aColor, 10000 );

void DrawDebugBox( BOX2I aB, int aColor )

    VECTOR2I o = aB.GetOrigin();
    VECTOR2I s = aB.GetSize();

    l.Append( o );
    l.Append( o.x + s.x, o.y );
    l.Append( o.x + s.x, o.y + s.y );
    l.Append( o.x, o.y + s.y );
    l.Append( o );

    PNS_ROUTER::GetInstance()->DisplayDebugLine( l, aColor, 10000 );

void DrawDebugSeg( SEG aS, int aColor )

    l.Append( aS.A );
    l.Append( aS.B );

    PNS_ROUTER::GetInstance()->DisplayDebugLine( l, aColor, 10000 );

void DrawDebugDirs( VECTOR2D aP, int aMask, int aColor )
    BOX2I b( aP - VECTOR2I( 10000, 10000 ), VECTOR2I( 20000, 20000 ) );

    DrawDebugBox( b, aColor );
    for( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
        if( ( 1 << i ) & aMask )
            VECTOR2I v = DIRECTION_45( ( DIRECTION_45::Directions ) i ).ToVector() * 100000;
            DrawDebugSeg( SEG( aP, aP + v ), aColor );

OPT_BOX2I ChangedArea( const PNS_ITEM* aItemA, const PNS_ITEM* aItemB )
    if( aItemA->OfKind( PNS_ITEM::VIA ) && aItemB->OfKind( PNS_ITEM::VIA ) )
        const PNS_VIA* va = static_cast<const PNS_VIA*>( aItemA );
        const PNS_VIA* vb = static_cast<const PNS_VIA*>( aItemB );

        return va->ChangedArea( vb );
    else if( aItemA->OfKind( PNS_ITEM::LINE ) && aItemB->OfKind( PNS_ITEM::LINE ) )
        const PNS_LINE* la = static_cast<const PNS_LINE*> ( aItemA );
        const PNS_LINE* lb = static_cast<const PNS_LINE*> ( aItemB );

        return la->ChangedArea( lb );

    return OPT_BOX2I();