• Dick Hollenbeck's avatar
    *) Start removing some of the problematic "<%s>.." format strings, which won't · 42ef7f62
    Dick Hollenbeck authored
       pass into an HTML rendering panel and otherwise look goofey.
    *) Implement BOARD::Move() can call it from EAGLE_PLUGIN::Load().
    *) When USE_FP_LIB_TABLE, tolerate blank nicknames in FPIDs coming from eeschema.
       See the switch for this in pcbnew/netlist.cpp as ALLOW_PARTIAL_FPID.
    *) Add an assert and a try catch block to figure out that View does not
       like some eagle pcb board.  bitset::set() is getting a -1 value and firing
       an exception.
loadcmp.cpp 20.5 KB