• Dick Hollenbeck's avatar
    ++all · 78d921e7
    Dick Hollenbeck authored
      * Carve out TITLE_BLOCK from BASE_SCREEN
      * Add include/hashtables.h and put class PROPERTIES in there.
        Change PROPERTIES to use "const char*" as the key instead of wxString.
      * Add shim class SCH_BASE_FRAME which introduces the data model SCH_SCREEN
        to the frame EESCHEMA frame class hierarchy and allows sharing of:
        SCH_SCREEN* GetScreen() const;                              // overload EDA_DRAW_FRAME
        void SetPageSettings( const PAGE_INFO& aPageSettings );     // overload EDA_DRAW_FRAME
        const PAGE_INFO& GetPageSettings () const;                  // overload EDA_DRAW_FRAME
        const wxSize GetPageSizeIU() const;                         // overload EDA_DRAW_FRAME
        const wxPoint& GetOriginAxisPosition() const;               // overload EDA_DRAW_FRAME
        void SetOriginAxisPosition( const wxPoint& aPosition );     // overload EDA_DRAW_FRAME
        const TITLE_BLOCK& GetTitleBlock() const;                   // overload EDA_DRAW_FRAME
        void SetTitleBlock( const TITLE_BLOCK& aTitleBlock );       // overload EDA_DRAW_FRAME
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