• Wayne Stambaugh's avatar
    More Pcbnew footprint library table work in progress. · 5560cb54
    Wayne Stambaugh authored
    * Add footprint library table loading to footprint editor.
    * Overload FOOTPRINT_INFO::ReadFootprintFiles() to read footprints from the
      footprint library tables.
    * Fix a bug in FP_LIB_TABLE::IsEmpty() when the table has a fallback table.
    * Add code to FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME to use footprint library tables.
    * Add an optional build time version of PCB_EDIT_FRAME::loadFootprints() to
      populate netlist footprints from footprint library table.
    * Remove adding footprints to board whenever GetModuleLibrary() is called and
      move loading locally as required.
    * Add missing source file license comments and coding policy fixes.
kicad_netlist_reader.cpp 12.2 KB