• Wayne Stambaugh's avatar
    Initial work on new component library stucture. · 3335ccd9
    Wayne Stambaugh authored
    * Use C++ map in component library instead of boost::ptr_vector.
    * Drop Boost pointer containers for standard C++ containers.
    * Moved duplicate name user interface elements from library object to
      library editor.
    * Added code to support direct addition and replacement of component
      alias objects into libraries.
    * Removed temporary strings used to add and remove alias objects.
    * Libraries only store alias objects, components now accessed thru alias.
    * Simplify library API for adding, removing, and replacing components.
    * Updated edit component in library dialog and library editor to reflect
      component library object changes.
    * Fixed bug in library viewer when displaying alias name.
    * Made a few header files compile stand alone per the new coding policy.
    * Remove some dead code and the usual code formatting fixes.
classes_body_items.h 29.6 KB