• Dick Hollenbeck's avatar
    Consistent with my email posting from a day or two ago, remove the translated · 25b65b2e
    Dick Hollenbeck authored
    standard layer name support from BOARD::GetLayerName().  This function evolved
    in a contorted direction over time, and was being asked to return one of 3
    different kinds of layer names, even though it only took a boolean to control
    that choice.  
    Users are better served by forcing them to get to know the concise new 
    English Standard layer names.  This is because these concise names show up
    in the "pretty" footprint/module files as the standard representation of
    both feature and copper layers.
    Change the name of BOARD::GetDefaultLayerName() to GetStandardLayerName().
    Drop boolean argument to both BOARD::GetStandardLayerName() and 
kicad_plugin.cpp 58.9 KB