hetraits.h 6.95 KB
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 * Copyright (C) 1998, 2000-2007, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 SINTEF ICT,
 * Applied Mathematics, Norway.
 * Contact information: E-mail: tor.dokken@sintef.no                      
 * SINTEF ICT, Department of Applied Mathematics,                         
 * P.O. Box 124 Blindern,                                                 
 * 0314 Oslo, Norway.                                                     
 * This file is part of TTL.
 * TTL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version. 
 * TTL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,        
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of         
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
 * License along with TTL. If not, see
 * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public
 * License, a covered work must retain the producer line in every data
 * file that is created or manipulated using TTL.
 * Other Usage
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 * This file may be used in accordance with the terms contained in a
 * written agreement between you and SINTEF ICT. 


#include <ttl/halfedge/hetriang.h>
#include <ttl/halfedge/hedart.h>

namespace hed {

  // Traits class for the half-edge data structure
  /** \struct TTLtraits
  *   \brief \b Traits class (static struct) for the half-edge data structure.
  *   The member functions are those required by different function templates
  *   in the TTL. Documentation is given here to explain what actions
  *   should be carried out on the actual data structure as required by the functions
  *   in the \ref ttl namespace.
  *   The source code of \c %HeTraits.h shows how the traits class is implemented for the
  *   half-edge data structure.
  *   \see \ref api

  struct TTLtraits {
    /** The floating point type used in calculations
    *   involving scalar products and cross products.
    typedef double real_type;

    // ------------------------------- Geometric Predicates Group ---------------------------------

    /** @name Geometric Predicates */

    /** Scalar product between two 2D vectors represented as darts.\n
    *   ttl_util::scalarProduct2d can be used.
    static real_type scalarProduct2d(const Dart& v1, const Dart& v2) {
      Dart v10 = v1; v10.alpha0();
      Dart v20 = v2; v20.alpha0();
      return ttl_util::scalarProduct2d(v10.x()-v1.x(), v10.y()-v1.y(),
                                       v20.x()-v2.x(), v20.y()-v2.y());

    /** Scalar product between two 2D vectors.
    *   The first vector is represented by a dart \e v, and the second
    *   vector has direction from the source node of \e v to the point \e p.\n
    *   ttl_util::scalarProduct2d can be used.
    static real_type scalarProduct2d(const Dart& v, const NodePtr& p) {
      Dart d0 = v; d0.alpha0();
      return ttl_util::scalarProduct2d(d0.x() - v.x(), d0.y() - v.y(),
                                       p->GetX() - v.x(), p->GetY() - v.y());

    /** Cross product between two vectors in the plane represented as darts.
    *   The z-component of the cross product is returned.\n
    *   ttl_util::crossProduct2d can be used.
    static real_type crossProduct2d(const Dart& v1, const Dart& v2) {
      Dart v10 = v1; v10.alpha0();
      Dart v20 = v2; v20.alpha0();
      return ttl_util::crossProduct2d(v10.x()-v1.x(), v10.y()-v1.y(), 
                                      v20.x()-v2.x(), v20.y()-v2.y());

    /** Cross product between two vectors in the plane.
    *   The first vector is represented by a dart \e v, and the second
    *   vector has direction from the source node of \e v to the point \e p.
    *   The z-component of the cross product is returned.\n
    *   ttl_util::crossProduct2d can be used.
    static real_type crossProduct2d(const Dart& v, const NodePtr& p) {
      Dart d0 = v; d0.alpha0();
      return ttl_util::crossProduct2d(d0.x() - v.x(), d0.y() - v.y(),
                                      p->GetX() - v.x(), p->GetY() - v.y());

    /** Let \e n1 and \e n2 be the nodes associated with two darts, and let \e p
    *   be a point in the plane. Return a positive value if \e n1, \e n2,
    *   and \e p occur in counterclockwise order; a negative value if they occur
    *   in clockwise order; and zero if they are collinear.
    static real_type orient2d(const Dart& n1, const Dart& n2, const NodePtr& p) {
      real_type pa[2]; real_type pb[2]; real_type pc[2];
      pa[0] = n1.x(); pa[1] = n1.y();
      pb[0] = n2.x(); pb[1] = n2.y();
      pc[0] = p->GetX(); pc[1] = p->GetY();
      return ttl_util::orient2dfast(pa, pb, pc);

    /** This is the same predicate as represented with the function above,
    *   but with a slighty different interface:
    *   The last parameter is given as a dart where the source node of the dart
    *   represents a point in the plane.
    *   This function is required for constrained triangulation. 
    static real_type orient2d(const Dart& n1, const Dart& n2, const Dart& p) {
      real_type pa[2]; real_type pb[2]; real_type pc[2];
      pa[0] = n1.x(); pa[1] = n1.y();
      pb[0] = n2.x(); pb[1] = n2.y();
      pc[0] =  p.x(); pc[1] =  p.y();
      return ttl_util::orient2dfast(pa, pb, pc);

    //@} // End of Geometric Predicates Group

}; // End of hed namespace
