idf.h 10.5 KB
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 * @file idf.h

 * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
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 * Copyright (C) 2013-2014  Cirilo Bernardo
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
 * or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
 * or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA

#ifndef IDF_H
#define IDF_H

#include <wx/string.h>
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#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <idf_common.h>
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 * @Class IDF_COMP
 * is responsible for parsing individual component files and rewriting relevant
 * data to a library file.
class IDF_COMP
    /// filename (full path) of the IDF component footprint
    wxString componentFile;

    /// reference designator; a valid designator or NOREFDES
    std::string refdes;

    /// overall translation of the part (component location + 3D offset)
    double loc_x;
    double loc_y;
    double loc_z;

    /// overall rotation of the part (3D Z rotation + component rotation)
    double rotation;

    /// true if the component is on the top of the board
    bool top;

    /// geometry of the package; for example, HORIZ, VERT, "HORIZ 0.2 inch"
    std::string geometry;

    /// package name or part number; for example "TO92" or "BC107"
    std::string partno;

    /// the owning IDF_LIB instance
    IDF_LIB* parent;

     * Function substituteComponent
     * places a substitute component footprint into the library file
     * and creates an appropriate entry for the PLACEMENT section
     * @param aLibFile is the library file to write to
     * @return bool: true if data was successfully written
    bool substituteComponent( FILE* aLibFile );

    // parse RECORD 2; return TRUE if all is OK, otherwise FALSE
    bool parseRec2( const std::string aLine, bool& isNewItem );

    // parse RECORD 3; return TRUE if all is OK, otherwise FALSE
    bool parseRec3( const std::string aLine, int& aLoopIndex,
                    double& aX, double& aY, bool& aClosed );

    IDF_COMP( IDF_LIB* aParent );

     * Function PlaceComponent
     * specifies the parameters of an IDF component outline placed on the board
     * @param aComponentFile is the IDF component file to include
     * @param aRefDes is the component reference designator; an empty string,
     *                '~' or '0' all default to "NOREFDES".
     * @param aLocation is the overall translation of the part (board location + 3D offset)
     * @param aRotation is the overall rotation of the part (component rotation + 3D Z rotation)
     * @return bool: true if the specified component file exists
    bool PlaceComponent( const wxString aComponentFile, const std::string aRefDes,
                         double aXLoc, double aYLoc, double aZLoc,
                         double aRotation, bool isOnTop );

     * Function WriteLib
     * parses the model file to extract information needed by the
     * PLACEMENT section and writes data (if necessary) to the
     * library file
     * @param aLibFile is the library file to write to
     * @return bool: true if data was successfully written
    bool WriteLib( FILE* aLibFile );

     * Function WritePlacement
     * write the .PLACEMENT data of the component to the IDF board @param aLayoutFile
     * @return bool: true if data was successfully written
    bool WritePlacement( FILE* aLayoutFile );

 * @Class IDF_LIB
 * stores information on IDF models ( also has an inbuilt NOMODEL model )
 * and is responsible for writing the ELECTRICAL sections of the library file
 * (*.emp) and the PLACEMENT section of the board file.
class IDF_LIB
    /// a list of component outline names and a flag to indicate their save state
    std::set< std::string > regOutlines;
    std::list< IDF_COMP* > components;
    bool libWritten;

     * Function writeLib
     * writes all current library information to the output file
    bool writeLib( FILE* aLibFile );

     * Function writeBrd
     * write placement information to the board file
    bool writeBrd( FILE* aLayoutFile );

    virtual ~IDF_LIB();

     * Function WriteFiles
     * writes the library entries to the *.emp file (aLibFile) and the
     * .PLACEMENT section to the *.emn file (aLayoutFile)
     * @param aLayoutFile IDF board file
     * @param aLibFile IDF library file
     * @return bool: true if all data was written successfully
    bool WriteFiles( FILE* aLayoutFile, FILE* aLibFile );

     * Function RegisterOutline
     * adds the given string to a list of current outline entities.
     * @param aGeomPartString is a concatenation of the IDF component's
     * geometry name and part name; this is used as a unique identifier
     * to prevent redundant entries in the library output.
     * @return bool: true if the string was already registered,
     * false if it is a new registration.
    bool RegisterOutline( const std::string aGeomPartString );

    bool PlaceComponent( const wxString  aComponentFile, const std::string aRefDes,
                         double aXLoc, double aYLoc, double aZLoc,
                         double aRotation, bool isOnTop );

178 179 180 181 182 183 184
 * @Class IDF_BOARD
 * contains objects necessary for the maintenance of the IDF board and library files.
    IDF_LIB IDFLib;                         ///< IDF library manager
186 187 188 189 190 191
    std::list<IDF_DRILL_DATA*> drills;      ///< IDF drill data
    int outlineIndex;                       ///< next outline index to use
    bool useThou;                           ///< true if output is THOU
    double scale;                           ///< scale from KiCad IU to IDF output units
    double boardThickness;                  ///< total thickness of the PCB
    bool hasBrdOutlineHdr;                  ///< true when a board outline header has been written
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    int refdesIndex;                        ///< index to generate REFDES for modules which have none
193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267

    double offsetX;                         ///< offset to roughly center the board on the world origin
    double offsetY;

    FILE* layoutFile;                       ///< IDF board file (*.emn)
    FILE* libFile;                          ///< IDF library file (*.emp)

     * Function Write
     * outputs a .DRILLED_HOLES section compliant with the
     * IDFv3 specification.
     * @param aLayoutFile : open file (*.emn) for output
    bool WriteDrills( void );



    // Set up the output files and scale factor;
    // return TRUE if everything is OK
    bool Setup( wxString aBoardName, wxString aFullFileName, bool aUseThou, int aBoardThickness );

    // Finish a board
    // Write out all current data and close files.
    // Return true for success
    bool Finish( void );

     * Function GetScale
     * returns the output scaling factor
    double GetScale( void );

     * Function SetOffset
     * sets the global coordinate offsets
    void SetOffset( double x, double y );

     * Function GetOffset
     * returns the global coordinate offsets
    void GetOffset( double& x, double& y );

    // Add an outline; the very first outline is the board perimeter;
    // all additional outlines are cutouts.
    bool AddOutline( IDF_OUTLINE& aOutline );

     * Function AddDrill
     * creates a drill entry and adds it to the list of PCB holes
     * @param dia : drill diameter
     * @param x : X coordinate of the drill center
     * @param y : Y coordinate of the drill center
     * @param plating : flag, PTH or NPTH
     * @param refdes : component Reference Designator
     * @param holetype : purpose of hole
     * @param owner : one of MCAD, ECAD, UNOWNED
    bool AddDrill( double dia, double x, double y,
            IDF3::KEY_PLATING plating,
            const std::string refdes,
            const std::string holeType,
            IDF3::KEY_OWNER owner );

     * Function AddSlot
     * creates a slot cutout within the IDF BOARD section; this is a deficient representation
     * of a KiCad 'oval' drill; IDF is unable to represent a plated slot and unable to
     * represent the Reference Designator association with a slot.
    bool AddSlot( double aWidth, double aLength, double aOrientation, double aX, double aY );
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    bool PlaceComponent( const wxString aComponentFile, const std::string aRefDes,
                         double aXLoc, double aYLoc, double aZLoc,
                         double aRotation, bool isOnTop );
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    std::string GetRefDes( void );
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 * contains information describing a drilled hole and is responsible for
 * writing this information to a file in compliance with the IDFv3 specification.
    double dia;
    double x;
    double y;
    IDF3::KEY_PLATING plating;
    IDF3::KEY_REFDES kref;
    IDF3::KEY_HOLETYPE khole;
    std::string refdes;
    std::string holetype;
    IDF3::KEY_OWNER owner;

     * Constructor IDF_DRILL_DATA
     * creates a drill entry with information compliant with the
     * IDFv3 specifications.
     * @param aDrillDia : drill diameter
     * @param aPosX : X coordinate of the drill center
     * @param aPosY : Y coordinate of the drill center
     * @param aPlating : flag, PTH or NPTH
     * @param aRefDes : component Reference Designator
     * @param aHoleType : purpose of hole
     * @param aOwner : one of MCAD, ECAD, UNOWNED
    IDF_DRILL_DATA( double aDrillDia, double aPosX, double aPosY,
            IDF3::KEY_PLATING aPlating,
            const std::string aRefDes,
            const std::string aHoleType,
            IDF3::KEY_OWNER aOwner );

     * Function Write
     * writes a single line representing the hole within a .DRILLED_HOLES section
    bool Write( FILE* aLayoutFile );

#endif  // IDF_H