bitand.hpp 3.28 KB
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// Copyright Aleksey Gurtovoy 2000-2004
// Copyright Jaap Suter 2003
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. 
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at 

// Preprocessed version of "boost/mpl/bitand.hpp" header
// -- DO NOT modify by hand!

namespace boost { namespace mpl {

      typename Tag1
    , typename Tag2
struct bitand_impl
    : if_c<
          ( BOOST_MPL_AUX_NESTED_VALUE_WKND(int, Tag1)
              > BOOST_MPL_AUX_NESTED_VALUE_WKND(int, Tag2)

        , aux::cast2nd_impl< bitand_impl< Tag1,Tag1 >,Tag1, Tag2 >
        , aux::cast1st_impl< bitand_impl< Tag2,Tag2 >,Tag1, Tag2 >

/// for Digital Mars C++/compilers with no CTPS/TTP support
template<> struct bitand_impl< na,na >
    template< typename U1, typename U2 > struct apply
        typedef apply type;
        BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, value  = 0);

template< typename Tag > struct bitand_impl< na,Tag >
    template< typename U1, typename U2 > struct apply
        typedef apply type;
        BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, value  = 0);

template< typename Tag > struct bitand_impl< Tag,na >
    template< typename U1, typename U2 > struct apply
        typedef apply type;
        BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, value  = 0);

template< typename T > struct bitand_tag
    typedef typename T::tag type;

      typename BOOST_MPL_AUX_NA_PARAM(N1)
    , typename BOOST_MPL_AUX_NA_PARAM(N2)
    , typename N3 = na, typename N4 = na, typename N5 = na
struct bitand_
    : bitand_< bitand_< bitand_< bitand_< N1,N2 >, N3>, N4>, N5>
        , bitand_
        , ( N1, N2, N3, N4, N5 )

      typename N1, typename N2, typename N3, typename N4
struct bitand_< N1,N2,N3,N4,na >

    : bitand_< bitand_< bitand_< N1,N2 >, N3>, N4>
        , bitand_
        , ( N1, N2, N3, N4, na )

      typename N1, typename N2, typename N3
struct bitand_< N1,N2,N3,na,na >

    : bitand_< bitand_< N1,N2 >, N3>
        , bitand_
        , ( N1, N2, N3, na, na )

      typename N1, typename N2
struct bitand_< N1,N2,na,na,na >
    : bitand_impl<
          typename bitand_tag<N1>::type
        , typename bitand_tag<N2>::type
        >::template apply< N1,N2 >::type
        , bitand_
        , ( N1, N2, na, na, na )


BOOST_MPL_AUX_NA_SPEC2(2, 5, bitand_)


namespace boost { namespace mpl {
struct bitand_impl< integral_c_tag,integral_c_tag >
    template< typename N1, typename N2 > struct apply

        : integral_c<
              typename aux::largest_int<
                  typename N1::value_type
                , typename N2::value_type
            , ( BOOST_MPL_AUX_VALUE_WKND(N1)::value
                  & BOOST_MPL_AUX_VALUE_WKND(N2)::value
