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</DIV><DIV ID="Table des mati&egrave;res1" DIR="LTR">
	<DIV ID="Table of Contents1_Head" DIR="LTR">
		<P><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=5><B>Headings:</B></FONT></FONT></P>
		<DT><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3><A HREF="#1.Introduction|outline">1
		- Introduction</A></FONT></FONT><DD>
		<FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3><A HREF="#1.1.Description|outline">1.1
		- Description</A></FONT></FONT><DT>
		<FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3><A HREF="#2.Installation and configuration|outline">2
		- Installation and configuration</A></FONT></FONT><DD>
		<FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3><A HREF="#2.1.Display options|outline">2.1
		- Display options</A></FONT></FONT><DD>
		<FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3><A HREF="#2.2.Linux versions: installation|outline">2.2
		- Linux versions: installation</A></FONT></FONT><DD>
		<FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3><A HREF="#2.3.Windows versions: installation|outline">2.3
		- Windows versions: installation</A></FONT></FONT><DD>
		<FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3><A HREF="#2.4.Initialisation of the default configuation|outline">2.4
		- Initialisation of the default configuation</A></FONT></FONT><DD>
		<FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3><A HREF="#2.5.Kicad: principles of use|outline">2.5
		- Kicad: principles of use</A></FONT></FONT><DT>
		<FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3><A HREF="#3.Use|outline">3 - Use</A></FONT></FONT><DD>
		<FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3><A HREF="#3.1.Main window|outline">3.1
		- Main window</A></FONT></FONT><DD>
		<FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3><A HREF="#3.2.Utility launch pane|outline">3.2
		- Utility launch pane</A></FONT></FONT><DD>
		<FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3><A HREF="#3.3.Project tree view|outline">3.3
		- Project tree view</A></FONT></FONT><DD>
		<FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3><A HREF="#3.4.Toolbar:|outline">3.4
		- Toolbar:</A></FONT></FONT></DL>
<H1 ALIGN=JUSTIFY><A NAME="1.Introduction|outline"></A><FONT COLOR="#800000"><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=5>1 - Introduction</FONT></FONT></FONT></H1>
	<DD><H2 ALIGN=JUSTIFY><A NAME="1.1.Description|outline"></A><FONT COLOR="#008000"><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=4><I>1.1 - Description</I></FONT></FONT></FONT></H2>
	<DT><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3>The <B><I>Kicad</I></B> suite is
	a group of programs for schematics and PCBs that is available for
	the following operating systems:</FONT></FONT></DL>
	<FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3>Windows XP/2000</FONT></FONT></UL>
	<DT><P><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3>The <B><I><FONT COLOR="#800000">kicad</FONT></I></B>
	utility program is a project manager that facilitates the use of the
	various programs required to draw schematics, lay out PCBs, generate
	and check the production files.</FONT></FONT><DT><P>
	<FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3>The programs included are:</FONT></FONT></DL>
	<FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3><B><I><FONT COLOR="#800000">Eeschema</FONT></I></B>:
	the schematic editor.</FONT></FONT><LI><P ALIGN=LEFT>
	<FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3><B><I><FONT COLOR="#800000">Pcbnew</FONT></I></B>:
	the PCB editor.</FONT></FONT><LI><P ALIGN=LEFT>
	<FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3><B><I><FONT COLOR="#800000">Cvpcb</FONT></I></B>:
	enables the association of schematic components with physical
	modules (packages) for placement on the PCB.</FONT></FONT><LI><P ALIGN=LEFT>
	<FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3><B><I><FONT COLOR="#800000">Gerbview</FONT></I></B>:
	is used to visualise Gerber files.</FONT></FONT></UL>
<H1 ALIGN=JUSTIFY><A NAME="2.Installation and configuration|outline"></A>
<FONT COLOR="#800000"><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=5>2 - Installation
and configuration</FONT></FONT></FONT></H1>
	<DD><H2 ALIGN=JUSTIFY><A NAME="2.1.Display options|outline"></A><FONT COLOR="#008000"><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=4><I>2.1 - Display
	<DT><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3>It is recommended to set your
	display/graphics card to use 24 or 32 bits per pixel.</FONT></FONT><DT>
	<FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3>The 16-bit mode will work for
	Eeschema, but in Pcbnew the display will not function correctly
	under Linux in this mode.</FONT></FONT><DD><H2 ALIGN=JUSTIFY>
	<A NAME="2.2.Linux versions: installation|outline"></A><FONT COLOR="#008000"><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=4><I>2.2 - Linux
	versions: installation</I></FONT></FONT></FONT></H2>
	<DT><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3>It is standard and recommended
	practice (though not strictly necesary) to place the <B>kicad</B>
	directory structure under <B>/usr/local</B>. Other installation
	locations are perfectly possible, but if KiCad is unable to find
	libraries or other files, the directory /usr/local/kicad will always
	be searched.</FONT></FONT></DL>
	<FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3>Become <B><I>root</I></B> .</FONT></FONT><LI><P ALIGN=LEFT>
	<FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3>Copy the file <B><I>kicad.tgz</I></B>
	into the directory /usr/local. It is also possible to use the file
	<B><I></I></B> (at the price of an extra installation step
	explained below).</FONT></FONT><LI><P ALIGN=LEFT>
	<FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3>Run the command: <B>tar zxvf
	kicad.tgz</B> (or <B>unzip</B>). The <B><I>kicad</I></B>
	directory, its subdirectories and files will be created.</FONT></FONT><LI><P ALIGN=LEFT>
	<FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3>Optionally, odify the file
	/etc/profile (or whatever the standard config file for your Linux
	distribution is &ndash; possibly /usr/.profile), in order to add to
	the PATH line the path to the binaries of Eeschema
	(<I>/usr/local/kicad/linux)</I>. Do not use symbolic links, because
	Eeschema needs to know the real path in order to find other files
	(default configuration, online help files, ...)</FONT></FONT><LI><P ALIGN=LEFT>
	<FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3>It may be necessary/desirable to
	change the file permissions. By default, the files are
	world-readable and world-executable (if executable) but only
	writable by the owner - <B><I>root</I></B>.<BR>If the <B></B>
	file was used for the installation, it will be necessary to make
	executable the following 5 files:<BR><I>kicad, pcbnew, eeschema,
	cvpcb, gerbview</I>  and the <I>wyoeditor</I> text editor in the
	kicad/linux directory (command: <B><I>chmod +x kicad</I></B>).</FONT></FONT><LI><P ALIGN=LEFT>
	<FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3>Eeschema uses the function keys F1
	to F4 (zooms). They should not be reassigned. Under KDE, use the
	configuration menu for KDE to delete these reassignments if the zoom
	functions are inactive.</FONT></FONT></OL>
	<DT><P><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3>Notes&nbsp;:</FONT></FONT><DT><P>
	<FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3>Any modification of profile or
	.profile will only take effect after a new login. </FONT></FONT>
	<DT><P><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3>Under KDE, it is possible to
	create an icon that runs the kicad project manager. It is preferable
	to run the kicad project manager rather than Eeschema directly, for
	the project management functions kicad offers (the binary for kicad
	is located in /usr/local/linux). <B>The simplest method is to copy </B></FONT></FONT>
	<DT><P><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3><B>/usr/local/linux/kicad.desktop
	onto the desktop</B>.</FONT></FONT><DD><H2 ALIGN=JUSTIFY>
	<A NAME="2.3.Windows versions: installation|outline"></A><FONT COLOR="#008000"><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=4><I>2.3 - Windows
	versions: installation</I></FONT></FONT></FONT></H2>
	<LI><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3>Copy the Kicad directory and its
	subdirectories to the disk of your choice ( C:, D:, ... )</FONT></FONT><LI>
	<FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3>Create an icon to run the kicad.exe
	project manager.<BR>It is preferable to run the kicad project
	manager rather than Eeschema directly, for the project management
	functions kicad offers. The binary for kicad is located in
	<I>disk</I>:\kicad\winexe\, where <I>disk</I> is the installation
	disk (C:, D:, ...)</FONT></FONT></OL>
	<DT><FONT COLOR="#800000"><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3><I><B>Note
	<FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3>EESchema can be installed on a
	server and used from client computers without difficulty (this was
	an original design goal).</FONT></FONT><DT>
	<FONT COLOR="#800000"><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3><I><B>Note 2&nbsp;:</B></I></FONT></FONT></FONT><DT>
	<FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3>Removal of the software is trivial &ndash;
	it is sufficient to delete the kicad directory and the kicad icon.</FONT></FONT><DD><H2 ALIGN=JUSTIFY>
	<A NAME="2.4.Initialisation of the default configuation|outline"></A>
	<FONT COLOR="#008000"><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=4><I>2.4 - Initialisation
	of the default configuation</I></FONT></FONT></FONT></H2>
	<DT><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3>A default configuration file
	( is supplied in kicad/template. It serves as the template
	for each new project. It can be modified or added to if necessary,
	usually for the list of libraries to load. Run Eeschema via kicad or
	directly (Linux command; <B>/usr/local/kicad/linux/eeschema</B>).
	Update the configuration and then save it in
	<B>/usr/local/kicad/template/</B></FONT></FONT><DD><H2 ALIGN=JUSTIFY>
	<A NAME="2.5.Kicad: principles of use|outline"></A><FONT COLOR="#008000"><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=4><I>2.5 - Kicad:
	principles of use</I></FONT></FONT></FONT></H2>
	<DT><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3>In order to manage simply a
	project, i.e. all the files it constitutes (representing schematics,
	printed circuit boards, supplementary libraries, manufacturing files
	for phototracing, drilling and automatic component placement), it is
	recommended to create a <I><B>project</B>:</I></FONT></FONT></DL>
	<FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3><B>Create a working directory for
	the project (using kicad or by other means).</B></FONT></FONT><LI>
	<FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3><B>In this directory, use kicad to
	create the project file (file .pro)</B> via the 
	<IMG SRC="kicad_html_m7fc53a80.png" NAME="Image4" ALIGN=BOTTOM WIDTH=21 HEIGHT=20 BORDER=0><B>
is strongly recommended to use the same name for the project and its
	<DT><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3><B><I><FONT COLOR="#800000">Kicad</FONT></I></B>
	creates a file with a .pro extension that maintains a number of
	parameters relating to project management (such as the filename of
	the principal schematic, list of libraries used in the schematics
	and PCBs). The default names of both the principal schematic and the
	printed circuit board are based upon the name of the project. Thus,
	if a project called <B><I>example</I></B> was created in a directory
	called <B>example</B>, the default files created would be:</FONT></FONT><DD>
		<COL WIDTH=142>
		<COL WIDTH=395>
			<TD WIDTH=142>
				<P><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3><I><B></B></I></FONT></FONT></TD>
			<TD WIDTH=395>
					<DD><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3>project management file.</FONT></FONT></DL>
			<TD WIDTH=142>
				<P><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3><I><B>example.sch</B></I></FONT></FONT></TD>
			<TD WIDTH=395>
					<DD><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3>principal schematic file.</FONT></FONT></DL>
			<TD WIDTH=142>
				<P><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3><I><B>example.brd</B></I></FONT></FONT></TD>
			<TD WIDTH=395>
					<DD><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3>printed circuit board file.</FONT></FONT></DL>
			<TD WIDTH=142>
				<P><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3><I><B></B></I></FONT></FONT></TD>
			<TD WIDTH=395>
					<DD><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3>netlist file.</FONT></FONT></DL>
			<TD WIDTH=142>
				<P><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3><I><B></B></I></FONT></FONT></TD>
			<TD WIDTH=395>
					<DD><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3>various files created by the
					other utility programs.</FONT></FONT></DL>
			<TD WIDTH=142>
				<P><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3><I><B>example.cache.lib</B></I></FONT></FONT></TD>
			<TD WIDTH=395>
					<DD><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3>cache file of the libraries
					used in the schematic</FONT></FONT><DD>
					<FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3>(backup of the components used)</FONT></FONT></DL>
<H1 ALIGN=JUSTIFY><A NAME="3.Use|outline"></A><FONT COLOR="#800000"><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=5>3 - Use</FONT></FONT></FONT></H1>
	<DD><H2 ALIGN=JUSTIFY><A NAME="3.1.Main window|outline"></A><FONT COLOR="#008000"><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=4><I>3.1 - Main
<P ALIGN=CENTER><IMG SRC="kicad_html_m5da4dd8d.png" NAME="Graphic1" ALIGN=BOTTOM WIDTH=627 HEIGHT=498 BORDER=0><DL>
	<FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3>The main window is composed of a
	tree view of the project, a pane containing buttons used to run the
	various utilities, and a message window. The menu and the toolbar
	can be used to create, read and save project files (*.pro).</FONT></FONT><DD><H2 ALIGN=JUSTIFY>
	<A NAME="3.2.Utility launch pane|outline"></A><FONT COLOR="#008000"><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=4><I>3.2 - Utility
	launch pane</I></FONT></FONT></FONT></H2>
<P ALIGN=CENTER><IMG SRC="kicad_html_4e2d3537.png" NAME="Graphic2" ALIGN=BOTTOM WIDTH=310 HEIGHT=110 BORDER=0><DL>
	<DT><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3>The buttons correspond to the
	following commands:</FONT></FONT><DT>
	<COL WIDTH=350>
		<TD WIDTH=49>
			<P><IMG SRC="kicad_html_21af0dc0.png" NAME="Graphic3" ALIGN=BOTTOM WIDTH=40 HEIGHT=38 BORDER=0></TD>
		<TD WIDTH=350>
			<P><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3>Run Eeschema</FONT></FONT></TD>
		<TD WIDTH=49>
			<P><IMG SRC="kicad_html_m121af765.png" NAME="Graphic4" ALIGN=BOTTOM WIDTH=40 HEIGHT=40 BORDER=0></TD>
		<TD WIDTH=350>
			<P><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3>Run Cvpcb.</FONT></FONT></TD>
		<TD WIDTH=49>
			<P><IMG SRC="kicad_html_m20d2b210.png" NAME="Graphic5" ALIGN=BOTTOM WIDTH=39 HEIGHT=39 BORDER=0></TD>
		<TD WIDTH=350>
			<P><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3>Run Pcbnew.</FONT></FONT></TD>
		<TD WIDTH=49>
			<P><IMG SRC="kicad_html_1f2b2ef9.png" NAME="Graphic6" ALIGN=BOTTOM WIDTH=41 HEIGHT=40 BORDER=0></TD>
		<TD WIDTH=350>
			<P><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3>Run Gerbview.</FONT></FONT></TD>
	<DD><H2 ALIGN=JUSTIFY><A NAME="3.3.Project tree view|outline"></A><FONT COLOR="#008000"><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=4><I>3.3 - Project
	tree view</I></FONT></FONT></FONT></H2>
	<COL WIDTH=230>
	<COL WIDTH=346>
		<TD WIDTH=230>
			<P ALIGN=LEFT><IMG SRC="kicad_html_450a70e8.png" NAME="Graphic7" ALIGN=BOTTOM WIDTH=186 HEIGHT=270 BORDER=0></TD>
		<TD WIDTH=346>
				<DT><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3>Double-clicking on 
				<IMG SRC="kicad_html_m5e89f6f4.png" NAME="Image6" ALIGN=BOTTOM WIDTH=17 HEIGHT=19 BORDER=0>
				runs the schematic editor, in this case opening the file
				<DT><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3>Double-clicking on 
				<IMG SRC="kicad_html_7907960d.png" NAME="Graphic9" ALIGN=BOTTOM WIDTH=19 HEIGHT=16 BORDER=0>
				runs the layout editor, in this case opening the file
	<DD><H2 ALIGN=JUSTIFY><A NAME="3.4.Toolbar:|outline"></A><FONT COLOR="#008000"><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=4><I>3.4 - Toolbar:</I></FONT></FONT></FONT></H2>
	<COL WIDTH=604>
			<TD WIDTH=42>
				<P><IMG SRC="kicad_html_m7fc53a80.png" NAME="Image1" ALIGN=BOTTOM WIDTH=21 HEIGHT=20 BORDER=0></TD>
			<TD WIDTH=604>
				<P><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3>Create a configuration file
				for a new project. If the template is found in
				kicad/winexe or kicad/linux, it is copied into the working
			<TD WIDTH=42>
				<P><IMG SRC="kicad_html_m6738784a.png" NAME="Image2" ALIGN=BOTTOM WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=21 BORDER=0></TD>
			<TD WIDTH=604>
				<P><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3>Open an existing project.</FONT></FONT></TD>
			<TD WIDTH=42>
				<P><IMG SRC="kicad_html_m20223bf4.png" NAME="Image3" ALIGN=BOTTOM WIDTH=24 HEIGHT=22 BORDER=0></TD>
			<TD WIDTH=604>
				<P><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3>Update (save) the current
			<TD WIDTH=42>
				<P><IMG SRC="kicad_html_7f7f71a7.png" NAME="Image5" ALIGN=BOTTOM WIDTH=23 HEIGHT=22 BORDER=0></TD>
			<TD WIDTH=604>
				<P><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3>Create a zip archive of the
				whole project (schematic files, libraries, pcb, etc).</FONT></FONT></TD>
	<P><FONT COLOR="#0000ff">Use<FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=3><I><B>		Page