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// OpenGL Mathematics Copyright (c) 2005 - 2012 G-Truc Creation (
// Created : 2005-12-24
// Updated : 2011-10-13
// Licence : This source is under MIT License
// File    : glm/gtx/integer.inl

namespace glm
	// pow
	GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER int pow(int x, int y)
		if(y == 0)
			return 1;
		int result = x;
		for(int i = 1; i < y; ++i)
			result *= x;
		return result;

	// sqrt: From Christopher J. Musial, An integer square root, Graphics Gems, 1990, page 387
	GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER int sqrt(int x)
		if(x <= 1) return x;

		int NextTrial = x >> 1;
		int CurrentAnswer;

			CurrentAnswer = NextTrial;
			NextTrial = (NextTrial + x / NextTrial) >> 1;
		} while(NextTrial < CurrentAnswer);

		return CurrentAnswer;

// Henry Gordon Dietz:
namespace _detail
	GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER unsigned int ones32(unsigned int x)
		/* 32-bit recursive reduction using SWAR...
		but first step is mapping 2-bit values
		into sum of 2 1-bit values in sneaky way
		x -= ((x >> 1) & 0x55555555);
		x = (((x >> 2) & 0x33333333) + (x & 0x33333333));
		x = (((x >> 4) + x) & 0x0f0f0f0f);
		x += (x >> 8);
		x += (x >> 16);
		return(x & 0x0000003f);

	template <>
	struct _compute_log2<detail::float_or_int_value::GLM_INT>
		template <typename T>
		GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER T operator() (T const & Value) const
			return Value <= T(1) ? T(0) : T(32) - nlz(Value - T(1));
			return T(32) - nlz(Value - T(1));

}//namespace _detail

	// Henry Gordon Dietz:
	GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER unsigned int floor_log2(unsigned int x)
		x |= (x >> 1);
		x |= (x >> 2);
		x |= (x >> 4);
		x |= (x >> 8);
		x |= (x >> 16);

		return _detail::ones32(x) >> 1;
	// mod
	GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER int mod(int x, int y)
		return x - y * (x / y);

	// factorial (!12 max, integer only)
	template <typename genType>
	GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER genType factorial(genType const & x)
		genType Temp = x;
		genType Result;
		for(Result = 1; Temp > 1; --Temp)
			Result *= Temp;
		return Result;

	template <typename valType>
	GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER detail::tvec2<valType> factorial(
		detail::tvec2<valType> const & x)
		return detail::tvec2<valType>(

	template <typename valType>
	GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER detail::tvec3<valType> factorial(
		detail::tvec3<valType> const & x)
		return detail::tvec3<valType>(

	template <typename valType>
	GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER detail::tvec4<valType> factorial(
		detail::tvec4<valType> const & x)
		return detail::tvec4<valType>(

	GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER uint pow(uint x, uint y)
		uint result = x;
		for(uint i = 1; i < y; ++i)
			result *= x;
		return result;

	GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER uint sqrt(uint x)
		if(x <= 1) return x;

		uint NextTrial = x >> 1;
		uint CurrentAnswer;

			CurrentAnswer = NextTrial;
			NextTrial = (NextTrial + x / NextTrial) >> 1;
		} while(NextTrial < CurrentAnswer);

		return CurrentAnswer;

	GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER uint mod(uint x, uint y)
		return x - y * (x / y);


	GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER unsigned int nlz(unsigned int x) 
		return 31u - findMSB(x);


	// Hackers Delight:
	GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER unsigned int nlz(unsigned int x) 
	   int y, m, n;

	   y = -int(x >> 16);      // If left half of x is 0,
	   m = (y >> 16) & 16;  // set n = 16.  If left half
	   n = 16 - m;          // is nonzero, set n = 0 and
	   x = x >> m;          // shift x right 16.
							// Now x is of the form 0000xxxx.
	   y = x - 0x100;       // If positions 8-15 are 0,
	   m = (y >> 16) & 8;   // add 8 to n and shift x left 8.
	   n = n + m;
	   x = x << m;

	   y = x - 0x1000;      // If positions 12-15 are 0,
	   m = (y >> 16) & 4;   // add 4 to n and shift x left 4.
	   n = n + m;
	   x = x << m;

	   y = x - 0x4000;      // If positions 14-15 are 0,
	   m = (y >> 16) & 2;   // add 2 to n and shift x left 2.
	   n = n + m;
	   x = x << m;

	   y = x >> 14;         // Set y = 0, 1, 2, or 3.
	   m = y & ~(y >> 1);   // Set m = 0, 1, 2, or 2 resp.
	   return unsigned(n + 2 - m);


}//namespace glm