upper_bound.hpp 4.25 KB
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//  Copyright Neil Groves 2009. Use, modification and
//  distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, Version
//  1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
//  http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
// For more information, see http://www.boost.org/libs/range/

#include <boost/concept_check.hpp>
#include <boost/range/begin.hpp>
#include <boost/range/end.hpp>
#include <boost/range/concepts.hpp>
#include <boost/range/detail/range_return.hpp>
#include <algorithm>

namespace boost
    namespace range

/// \brief template function upper_bound
/// range-based version of the upper_bound std algorithm
/// \pre ForwardRange is a model of the ForwardRangeConcept
template< class ForwardRange, class Value >
    BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME range_iterator<ForwardRange>::type
upper_bound( ForwardRange& rng, Value val )
    BOOST_RANGE_CONCEPT_ASSERT(( ForwardRangeConcept<ForwardRange> ));
    return std::upper_bound(boost::begin(rng), boost::end(rng), val);

/// \overload
template< class ForwardRange, class Value >
BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME range_iterator<const ForwardRange>::type
upper_bound( const ForwardRange& rng, Value val )
    BOOST_RANGE_CONCEPT_ASSERT(( ForwardRangeConcept<const ForwardRange> ));
    return std::upper_bound(boost::begin(rng), boost::end(rng), val);

/// \overload
template< class ForwardRange, class Value, class SortPredicate >
inline BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME disable_if<
    BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME range_iterator<ForwardRange>::type
upper_bound( ForwardRange& rng, Value val, SortPredicate pred )
    BOOST_RANGE_CONCEPT_ASSERT(( ForwardRangeConcept<ForwardRange> ));
    return std::upper_bound(boost::begin(rng), boost::end(rng), val, pred);

/// \overload
template< class ForwardRange, class Value, class SortPredicate >
inline BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME range_iterator<const ForwardRange>::type
upper_bound( const ForwardRange& rng, Value val, SortPredicate pred )
    BOOST_RANGE_CONCEPT_ASSERT(( ForwardRangeConcept<const ForwardRange> ));
    return std::upper_bound(boost::begin(rng), boost::end(rng), val, pred);

/// \overload
template< range_return_value re, class ForwardRange, class Value >
inline BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME disable_if<
    BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME range_return<ForwardRange,re>::type
upper_bound( ForwardRange& rng, Value val )
    BOOST_RANGE_CONCEPT_ASSERT(( ForwardRangeConcept<ForwardRange> ));
    return range_return<ForwardRange,re>::
        pack(std::upper_bound(boost::begin(rng), boost::end(rng), val),

/// \overload
template< range_return_value re, class ForwardRange, class Value >
inline BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME range_return<const ForwardRange,re>::type
upper_bound( const ForwardRange& rng, Value val )
    BOOST_RANGE_CONCEPT_ASSERT(( ForwardRangeConcept<const ForwardRange> ));
    return range_return<const ForwardRange,re>::
        pack(std::upper_bound(boost::begin(rng), boost::end(rng), val),

/// \overload
template< range_return_value re, class ForwardRange, class Value,
          class SortPredicate >
inline BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME disable_if<
    BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME range_return<ForwardRange,re>::type
upper_bound( ForwardRange& rng, Value val, SortPredicate pred )
    BOOST_RANGE_CONCEPT_ASSERT(( ForwardRangeConcept<ForwardRange> ));
    return range_return<ForwardRange,re>::
        pack(std::upper_bound(boost::begin(rng), boost::end(rng), val, pred),

/// \overload
template< range_return_value re, class ForwardRange, class Value,
          class SortPredicate >
inline BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME range_return<const ForwardRange,re>::type
upper_bound( const ForwardRange& rng, Value val, SortPredicate pred )
    BOOST_RANGE_CONCEPT_ASSERT(( ForwardRangeConcept<const ForwardRange> ));
    return range_return<const ForwardRange,re>::
        pack(std::upper_bound(boost::begin(rng), boost::end(rng), val, pred),

    } // namespace range
    using range::upper_bound;
} // namespace boost

#endif // include guard