publicdouble[][]rig_disparity_strength=null;// Disparity and strength created by a two-camera rig, with disparity scale and distortions of the main camera
publicdouble[][]rig_pre_poles_ds=null;// Rig disparity and strength before processing poles
publicdouble[][]rig_post_poles_ds=null;// Rig disparity and strength after processing poles
publicboolean[]rig_pre_poles_sel=null;// Rig tile selection before processing poles
publicboolean[]rig_post_poles_sel=null;// Rig tile selection after processing poles
publicboolean[]rig_pre_poles_sel=null;// Rig tile selection before processing poles
publicboolean[]rig_post_poles_sel=null;// Rig tile selection after processing poles
publicdouble[][]main_ds_ml=null;// main camera DSI restored from the COMBO-DSI file to generate ML test files
publicintclt_3d_passes_size=0;//clt_3d_passes size after initial processing
publicintclt_3d_passes_rig_size=0;//clt_3d_passes size after initial processing and rig processing
System.out.println("DSI data for the scene after poles extraction is not available. You may enable it and re-run \"Ground truth\" command or run \"Poles GT\"");