Commit f1f11102 authored by Oleg Dzhimiev's avatar Oleg Dzhimiev

fixed working in gui

parent da48d22b
......@@ -1194,7 +1194,6 @@ public class ImageDtt {
public void clt_dtt2( // transform dcct2, dsct2, dcst2, dsst2
final double [][][][] data,
final boolean transpose, // when doing inverse transform, the data comes in transposed form, so CS <->SC
final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch
final int globalDebugLevel)
......@@ -1214,8 +1213,7 @@ public class ImageDtt {
tileY = nTile/tilesX;
tileX = nTile - tileY * tilesX;
for (int quadrant = 0; quadrant < 4; quadrant++){
int mode = transpose ? (((quadrant << 1) & 2) | ((quadrant >> 1) & 1)) : quadrant;
data[tileY][tileX][quadrant] = dtt.dttt_iie(data[tileY][tileX][quadrant], mode, dct_size);
data[tileY][tileX][quadrant] = dtt.dttt_iie(data[tileY][tileX][quadrant], quadrant, dct_size);
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