Commit eabd962e authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

some bugs fixed

parent 369937de
......@@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
public class TileSurface {
// public
private int tileSize;
// private int tileSize;
private int superTileSize;
private int tilesX;
private int tilesY;
// private int tilesX;
// private int tilesY;
private int stilesX;
private int stilesY;
private int [] st_dirs8;
......@@ -50,11 +50,11 @@ public class TileSurface {
int tilesY,
GeometryCorrection geometryCorrection,
int threadsMax){
this.tileSize = tileSize;
// this.tileSize = tileSize;
this.superTileSize = superTileSize;
this.geometryCorrection =geometryCorrection;
this.tilesX = tilesX;
this.tilesY = tilesY;
// this.tilesX = tilesX;
// this.tilesY = tilesY;
this.window = getWindow(2*superTileSize);
this.threadsMax = threadsMax;
stilesX = (tilesX + superTileSize -1)/superTileSize;
......@@ -80,12 +80,23 @@ public class TileSurface {
int new_index = 0;
boolean enable = true;
int [] neighbors = {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1};
int dbg_nsTile;
public TileData (
double disparity,
double strength)
public void setDbgNsTile(int dbg_nsTile)
this.dbg_nsTile = dbg_nsTile;
public int getDbgNsTile()
return this.dbg_nsTile;
public void setIndex(int indx)
......@@ -334,9 +345,9 @@ public class TileSurface {
int stx1 = nsTile1 % stilesX;
int dx = stx1 - stx;
int dy = sty1 - sty;
int sdx = (dx > 0) ? 1: ( (dx < 0) ? -1 : 0);
int sdy = (dy > 0) ? 1: ( (dy < 0) ? -1 : 0);
if ((dy ==0 ) && (dx == 0)) return -1; // same tile
// int sdx = (dx > 0) ? 1: ( (dx < 0) ? -1 : 0);
// int sdy = (dy > 0) ? 1: ( (dy < 0) ? -1 : 0);
if ((dy == 0 ) && (dx == 0)) return -1; // same tile
if (dy < 0) {
if (dx < 0) return 7;
if (dx > 0) return 1;
......@@ -347,8 +358,8 @@ public class TileSurface {
if (dx > 0) return 3;
return 4;
if (dx < 0) return 2;
if (dx > 0) return 6;
if (dx < 0) return 6;
if (dx > 0) return 2;
return -1;
......@@ -718,7 +729,7 @@ public class TileSurface {
// depending on match values, cut and join mesh with the neighbor
// change diagonal first
// change diagonal first (add corner square later again
if (neib_id[2] != null){
switch (quadrant){
case 0: // top left
......@@ -760,7 +771,39 @@ public class TileSurface {
// add corner square corner on top of possible ortho
if (neib_id[2] != null){
switch (quadrant){
case 0: // top left
for (int j = 0; j < sh; j++){
for (int i = 0 ; i < sh; i++){
pre_mesh[i * ss2 + j] = neib_id[2];
case 1: // top right
for (int j = ss1 + sh; j < ss2; j++){
for (int i = 0; i < sh; i++){
pre_mesh[i * ss2 + j] = neib_id[2];
case 2: // bottom left
for (int j = 0; j < sh; j++){
for (int i = ss1 + sh; i < ss2; i++){
pre_mesh[i * ss2 + j] = neib_id[2];
case 3: // bottom right
for (int j = ss1 + sh; j < ss2; j++){
for (int i = ss1 + sh; i < ss2; i++){
pre_mesh[i * ss2 + j] = neib_id[2];
// build mesh , then add cuts if needed
meshes[nsTile][np] = new int [len_st2][][];
......@@ -852,6 +895,7 @@ public class TileSurface {
final int nStiles = stilesX * stilesY;
final int tilesX = stilesX * superTileSize;
final int tilesY = stilesY * superTileSize;
final int nTiles = nStiles * superTileSize * superTileSize;
final TileData [][] tile_data = new TileData [nTiles][];
final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(threadsMax);
......@@ -860,6 +904,7 @@ public class TileSurface {
final int sh = superTileSize/2;
final int len2 = ss2 * ss2 ;
final TileNeibs tileNeibs = new TileNeibs(2 * superTileSize);
final int dbg_tile = dbg_Y * stilesX + dbg_X;
// initialize result structure
......@@ -908,13 +953,13 @@ public class TileSurface {
int stileY = nsTile / stilesX;
int stileX = nsTile % stilesX;
for (int np = 0; np < planes[nsTile].length; np++) if (planes[nsTile][np] != null){
int surf_number = getTileSurfaceNumber ( // maximal number of surfaces in this supertile
nsTile, // int nsTile,
-1, // int dir, // direction, or -1 (same)
np, // 0, // int np,
planes); // TilePlanes.PlaneData [][] planes)
int [][][] src_mesh = lappingMeshes[nsTile][np];
double [][] disp_strength = fusedSupertilePlanes[nsTile][np];
TileData [] dual_mesh = new TileData [len2]; // full overlapping dual-sized mesh
......@@ -922,6 +967,7 @@ public class TileSurface {
System.out.println("createTileShells():2, *** NULL here*** nsTile = "+nsTile+" np="+np);
int [] sNeibs = planes[nsTile][np].getNeibBest();
int [] surface_numbers = new int [8];
for (int dir = 0; dir < 8; dir++){
......@@ -942,7 +988,11 @@ public class TileSurface {
surface_numbers[dir] = -1; // out of the picture
for (int indx = 0 ; indx < len2; indx++){
// src_mesh non-null elements can only be generated by this supertile, while
// neighbor links can point to others (connected).
// others (connected) should have unique surface index based on their own planes ?
if (src_mesh[indx] != null){
if ((dl > 0) && ((indx & 15) == 0)){
System.out.println("createTileShells():3, nsTile = "+nsTile+", indx="+indx);
......@@ -950,18 +1000,41 @@ public class TileSurface {
int [][] src_neibs = src_mesh[indx];
if (src_neibs != null){
int tsegm = tileNeibs.getSegment(indx);
if ((tsegm < 0) || // own tile (center square)
(surface_numbers[tsegm] >= 0)) { // <0 - out of picture area
int nsTile0 = getNStileDir(nsTile, tsegm); // supertile over which this tile is
// if ( (tsegm < 0) || // own tile (center square)
// (surface_numbers[tsegm] >= 0)) { // <0 - out of picture area
if ( (tsegm < 0) || // own tile (center square)
(nsTile0 >= 0)) { // <0 - out of picture area
dual_mesh[indx] = new TileData( // now sets neighbors to -1
disp_strength[0][indx], // disparity
disp_strength[1][indx]); // strength
if (tsegm < 0) { // own (center)
} else {
// dual_mesh[indx].setIndex(surface_numbers[tsegm]);
// the cell is generated byh this supertile, so if the segment is outside
// of the home area (tsegm >= 0), surface will be numbered as destinatination
// supertile coming from this
// int nsTile2 = getNStileDir(nsTile, tsegm); // negative segm 1 is OK ?
int dir1from2 = getDirToStile(nsTile0, nsTile); // can be -1;
int surf = getTileSurfaceNumber ( // maximal number of surfaces in this supertile
nsTile0, // int nsTile,
dir1from2, // int dir, // direction, or -1 (same)
np, // int np,
int dirThisfrom0 = getDirToStile(nsTile0, nsTile); // can be -1;
int surf0 = getTileSurfaceNumber ( // Number of the surface for the tile itself
nsTile0, // int nsTile,
dirThisfrom0, // int dir, // direction, or -1 (same)
np, // int np,
for (int dir = 0; dir < 8; dir++) {
if (src_neibs[dir] != null){
int nsTile1 = src_neibs[dir][0];
......@@ -976,7 +1049,7 @@ public class TileSurface {
// Unique surface number should be determined for nsTile2, generated by nsTile1,
// for direction how nsTile1 is visible from the nsTile2
// int dir1from2 = getDirToStile(nsTile2, nsTile1); // can be -1;
int dir1from2 = getDirToStile(nsTile1, nsTile2); // can be -1;
int dir1from2 = getDirToStile(nsTile2, nsTile1); // can be -1;
int surf = getTileSurfaceNumber ( // maximal number of surfaces in this supertile
nsTile2, // int nsTile,
dir1from2, // int dir, // direction, or -1 (same)
......@@ -1014,10 +1087,13 @@ public class TileSurface {
ix = tx -sh; iy = ty -sh;
ix = tx -sh; iy = ty -sh;
ix = (stileX * superTileSize) + tx -sh; iy = (stileY * superTileSize) + ty -sh;
if ((ix >= 0) && (ix < superTileSize) && (iy >= 0) && (iy < superTileSize)) {
int tindx = ((stileY * superTileSize) + iy) * tilesX + ((stileX * superTileSize) + ix);
// if ((ix >= 0) && (ix < superTileSize) && (iy >= 0) && (iy < superTileSize)) {
// int tindx = ((stileY * superTileSize) + iy) * tilesX + ((stileX * superTileSize) + ix);
if ((ix >= 0) && (ix < tilesX) && (iy >= 0) && (iy < tilesX)) {
int tindx = iy * tilesX + ix;
// if ()
tile_data[tindx][dual_mesh[indx].getIndex()] = dual_mesh[indx]; //oob
// tile_data[nsTile1][iy * superTileSize + ix][dual_mesh[indx].getIndex()] = dual_mesh[indx];
......@@ -1112,12 +1188,25 @@ public class TileSurface {
for (int dir = 0; dir < neibs.length; dir++){
if (neibs[dir] >= 0){
int nTile1 = getNtileDir(nTile, dir);
if (nTile1 >= 0){
if (tile_data[nTile1] == null){
if (nTile1 >= 0) {
if ((tile_data[nTile1] == null) || (tileData_src[nTile1][neibs[dir]] == null)){
int dbg_sstile = tile_data[nTile][i].getDbgNsTile();
int dbg_stileX = dbg_sstile % stilesX;
int dbg_stileY = dbg_sstile / stilesX;
int dbg_tx = nTile % dbg_tilesX;
int dbg_ty = nTile / dbg_tilesX;
int dbg_dx = dbg_tx - (superTileSize * dbg_stileX + superTileSize/2);
int dbg_dy = dbg_ty - (superTileSize * dbg_stileY + superTileSize/2);
System.out.println("Null tile: "+nTile1+ " from "+nTile+", i="+i+", dir = "+dir+
", dbg_stX="+dbg_stX+", dbg_stY="+dbg_stY+", dbg_st="+dbg_st);
", dbg_stX="+dbg_stX+", dbg_stY="+dbg_stY+", dbg_st="+dbg_st+", neibs[dir]="+neibs[dir]+
" dbg_nsTile = "+dbg_sstile +" ("+dbg_stileX+":"+dbg_stileY+")"+
" nTile="+nTile+" ("+dbg_tx+":"+dbg_ty+")"+
", deltas from src center: "+dbg_dx+":"+dbg_dy);
neibs[dir] = -1;
} else {
neibs[dir] = tile_data[nTile1][neibs[dir]].getNewIndex();
// neibs[dir] = tile_data[nTile1][neibs[dir]].getNewIndex();
neibs[dir] = tileData_src[nTile1][neibs[dir]].getNewIndex();
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