cameraRadius=gc.cameraRadius;// =0; // average distance from the "mass center" of the sensors to the sensors
disparityRadius=gc.disparityRadius;// 150.0; // distance between cameras to normalize disparity units to. sqrt(2)*disparityRadius for quad camera (~=150mm)?
rByRDist=gc.rByRDist;// =null;
stepR=gc.stepR;// =0.0004; // 0004 - double, 0.0002 - float to fit into GPU shared memory (was 0.001);
maxR=gc.maxR;// =2.0; // calculate up to this*distortionRadius
m_balance_xy=gc.m_balance_xy;// = null; // [2*numSensors][2*numSensors] 8x8 matrix to make XY ports correction to have average == 0
m_balance_dd=gc.m_balance_dd;// = null; // [2*numSensors+1)][2*numSensors] 9x8 matrix to extract disparity from dd
extrinsic_corr=gc.extrinsic_corr;// ;
rigOffset=gc.rigOffset;// = null;
woi_tops=gc.woi_tops;// = null; // used to calculate scanline timing
double[]wxyz_center,// world camera XYZ (meters) for the frame center
double[]wxyz_center_dt,// world camera Vx, Vy, Vz (m/s)
double[]wxyz_center_d2t,// world camera Vx, Vy, Vz (m/s^2)
// double [] watr_center, // camera orientation (az, tilt, roll in radians, corresponding to the frame center)
double[]watr_center_dt,// camera rotaions (az, tilt, roll in radians/s, corresponding to the frame center)
double[]watr_center_d2t)// camera rotaions (az, tilt, roll in radians/s, corresponding to the frame center)