Commit d93d350f authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

More places that needed port support

parent 0688d981
......@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ public class CalibrationHardwareInterface {
private String cameraSubnet="192.168.0.";
private int iBaseIP=236;
private String [] cameraIPs = null; // since nc393 port is a part of cameraIPs[]
private int [] channelIPPort = null; // index in camareIPs (each IP/port combination) for each individual sensor
private int imgsrvPort=8081;
private String resetURLcmd="towp/save/pointers"; // advance buffer, next time will wait for the next frame acquired
// will return XML, just "trig" - 1x1 GIF
......@@ -127,7 +128,7 @@ public class CalibrationHardwareInterface {
// these are initialized after being null, when the cameras are probed
private int [] cameraFrameNumber=null;
private boolean [] triggeredMode= null; // true - triggered, false - free running
private boolean [][] sensorPresent= null; // probe which sensors (of 3) are detected per system board
private boolean [][] sensorPresent= null; // probe which sensors (of 3) are detected per system board (NC393 - per board/port)
// TODO - try if skipping setting TRIG_PERIOD=0, IRQ_SMART=6 (when they are already set) will fix hanging
private int [] triggerPeriod= null;
private int [] cameraMasterPort= null;
......@@ -281,10 +282,17 @@ public class CalibrationHardwareInterface {
if (!ip_ports_list.contains(ip_port)) ip_ports_list.add(ip_port);
this.cameraIPs=new String [ip_ports_list.size()];
this.cameraIPs = new String [ip_ports_list.size()];
this.channelIPPort = new int [this.channelMap.length];
for (int i = 0; i<this.cameraIPs.length; i++){
this.cameraIPs[i] = this.cameraSubnet+(this.iBaseIP+(ip_ports_list.get(i)>>2))+":"+
(this.imgsrvPort+ (ip_ports_list.get(i) & 3));
int ip_index= ip_ports_list.get(i)>>2;
int sensor_port = ip_ports_list.get(i) & 3;
this.cameraIPs[i] = this.cameraSubnet+(this.iBaseIP + ip_index) + ":"+ sensor_port;
for (int j = 0; j<this.channelMap.length; j++){
if ((this.channelMap[j][0] == ip_index) && (this.channelMap[j][2] == sensor_port)) {
this.channelIPPort[j] = i;
......@@ -1469,6 +1477,7 @@ public class CalibrationHardwareInterface {
//TODO: Multithread the next cycle (per-sensor)
final ImagePlus [] images=this.images;
final int [][] channelMap = this.channelMap;
final int [] channelIPPort = this.channelIPPort;
final AtomicInteger imageIndexAtomic = new AtomicInteger(0);
final int [] motorsPosition=this.motorsPosition;
for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) {
......@@ -1479,7 +1488,8 @@ public class CalibrationHardwareInterface {
for (int imageIndex=imageIndexAtomic.getAndIncrement(); imageIndex<images.length;imageIndex=imageIndexAtomic.getAndIncrement())
if ((imageIndex<acquire.length) && acquire[imageIndex]){
// for (int i=0;i<this.images.length;i++) if ((i<acquire.length) && acquire[i]) {
int iIP=channelMap[imageIndex][0];
// int iIP=channelMap[imageIndex][0];
int iIP=channelIPPort[imageIndex]; // index in composite images (per ip/port)
if (sensorPresent[iIP]==null) { // system board for this channel did not respond null pointer - check cameras were detected
......@@ -1669,6 +1679,7 @@ public class CalibrationHardwareInterface {
final boolean otherGreen=laserPointers.laserPointer.otherGreen;
final int [][] channelMap=this.channelMap;
final int [] channelIPPort = this.channelIPPort;
final ImagePlus [] images=this.images;
final boolean [] flipImages=this.flipImages;
final LaserPointers laserPointers=this.laserPointers;
......@@ -1687,7 +1698,8 @@ public class CalibrationHardwareInterface {
for (int sensorNum=sensorNumAtomic.getAndIncrement(); sensorNum<lasers.length;sensorNum=sensorNumAtomic.getAndIncrement()) // null pointer
if (lasers[sensorNum] && (images[sensorNum]!=null)){
// for (int sensorNum=0;sensorNum<lasers.length;sensorNum++) if (lasers[sensorNum] && (this.images[sensorNum]!=null)){ // lasers - here sensors to use lasers for
int iIP=channelMap[sensorNum][0];
// int iIP=channelMap[sensorNum][0];
int iIP=channelIPPort[sensorNum]; // index in composite images (per ip/port)
double saturationRed=255.0;
if (images[sensorNum].getProperty("saturation_0")!=null) saturationRed=Double.parseDouble((String)images[sensorNum].getProperty("saturation_0"));
if (scaleExposureForLasers>0) saturationRed*=scaleExposureForLasers; // scaled to reduced exposure time
......@@ -1929,7 +1941,8 @@ public class CalibrationHardwareInterface {
if (this.debugLevel>1) {
if (this.debugLevel>2) System.out.println("++++++++++++++++++ Image Properies ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++");
for (int i=0;i<this.images.length;i++) if (this.images[i]!=null) {
int j=this.channelMap[i][0];
// int j=this.channelMap[i][0];
int j=channelIPPort[i]; // sincer NC393 adder port
if (this.debugLevel>2) {
System.out.println("Image #"+i);
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