Commit cc453673 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

First run-through 2-border texture cluster generation

parent 164444fe
......@@ -29,6 +29,9 @@ import java.util.Arrays;
class TileCluster{
Rectangle bounds;
boolean [] border;
// <0 - outside, 0 - inner /true disparity, border_int_max - outer border layer, ...
int [] border_int; // will replace border? Provide on-the-fly?
int border_int_max; // outer border value
double [] disparity; // all and only unused - NaN
int [] cluster_index = null; // for debug purposes, index of the source cluster
int index = -1;
......@@ -52,31 +55,43 @@ class TileCluster{
Rectangle bounds,
int index, // <0 to skip
boolean [] border,
int [] border_int, // will replace border? Provide on-the-fly?
int border_int_max, // outer border value
double [] disparity,
boolean is_sky){
this.bounds = bounds;
this.index = index;
this.is_sky = is_sky;
if (index >= 0) {
this.cluster_index = new int [bounds.width * bounds.height];
Arrays.fill(cluster_index, -1);
if (disparity != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < cluster_index.length; i++) if (!Double.isNaN(disparity[i])){
cluster_index[i] = index;
if (disparity == null) {
disparity = new double[bounds.width * bounds.height];
Arrays.fill(disparity, Double.NaN);
this.disparity = disparity;
if (border == null) {
border = new boolean[bounds.width * bounds.height];
if (border_int != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < border_int.length; i++) {
border[i] = border_int[i] == border_int_max;
this.border = border;
if (disparity == null) {
disparity = new double[bounds.width * bounds.height];
Arrays.fill(disparity, Double.NaN);
// for back compatibility
if (border_int == null) {
border_int = new int [bounds.width * bounds.height];
border_int_max = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < border_int.length; i++) {
if (Double.isNaN(disparity[i])) {
border_int[i] = -1;
} else {
border_int[i] = border[i] ? border_int_max : 0;
this.disparity = disparity;
this.border_int = border_int;
this.border_int_max = border_int_max;
public boolean isSky() {
return is_sky;
......@@ -100,7 +115,9 @@ class TileCluster{
public Rectangle getBounds(int gap) {
return new Rectangle (bounds.x - gap, bounds.y - gap, bounds.width + 2* gap, bounds.height + 2* gap);
public boolean [] getBorder() {return border;}
public boolean [] getBorder() {return border;} // Modify to use border_int (==border_int_max)?
public int [] getBorderInt() {return border_int;}
public int getBorderIntMax() {return border_int_max;}
public double [] getDisparity() {return disparity;}
public void setDisparity(double [] disparity) {this.disparity = disparity;}
public double [] getSubDisparity(int indx) { // disparity should be NaN for unused !
......@@ -148,7 +165,7 @@ class TileCluster{
return clust_list.get(indx).is_sky;
public boolean [] getSubBorder(int indx) { // disparity should be NaN for unused !
public boolean [] getSubBorder(int indx) {
if (clust_list == null) {
return null;
......@@ -166,6 +183,27 @@ class TileCluster{
return sub_border;
public int [] getSubBorderInt(int indx) {
if (clust_list == null) {
return null;
Rectangle sub_bounds = clust_list.get(indx).bounds;
int [] sub_border_int = new int [sub_bounds.width * sub_bounds.height];
int src_x = sub_bounds.x - bounds.x;
for (int dst_y = 0; dst_y < sub_bounds.height; dst_y++) {
int src_y = dst_y + sub_bounds.y - bounds.y;
src_y * bounds.width + src_x,
dst_y * sub_bounds.width,
return sub_border_int;
// returns selected for all non-NAN, so it is possible to use NEGATIVE_INFINITY for non-NaN
public boolean [] getSubSelected(int indx) { // disparity should be NaN for unused !
if (clust_list == null) {
......@@ -290,7 +328,7 @@ class TileCluster{
clust_list = new ArrayList<IndexedRectanle>();
clust_list.add(new IndexedRectanle(tileCluster.index, tileCluster.bounds, tileCluster.isSky()));
border_int_max = tileCluster.border_int_max; // all clusters should have the same border_int_max
int dst_x = tileCluster.bounds.x - bounds.x;
for (int src_y = 0; src_y < tileCluster.bounds.height; src_y++) {
int dst_y = src_y + tileCluster.bounds.y - bounds.y;
......@@ -300,6 +338,12 @@ class TileCluster{
dst_y * bounds.width + dst_x,
src_y * tileCluster.bounds.width,
dst_y * bounds.width + dst_x,
src_y * tileCluster.bounds.width,
......@@ -131,6 +131,12 @@ public class TileNeibs{
return y * sizeX + x;
public boolean isInside (int indx, Rectangle roi) {
if (indx < 0) return false;
int y = indx / sizeX;
int x = indx % sizeX;
return (y >= roi.y) && (x >= roi.x) || (y < roi.y + roi.height) || (x < roi.x + roi.width);
* Get 2d element index after step N, NE, ... NW. Returns -1 if leaving array
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