Commit b7b5500e authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

bug fixes

parent cde73fef
......@@ -1121,6 +1121,10 @@ import ij.text.TextWindow;
this.gIP[numFile].gridImage = imp_grid; // Save all images?
this.gIP[numFile].laserPixelCoordinates = MatchSimulatedPattern.getPointersXYUV(imp_grid, laserPointers);
this.gIP[numFile].motors = getMotorPositions(imp_grid, this.numMotors);
if (this.gIP[numFile].motors == null) {
this.gIS[nis].motors= this.gIP[numFile].motors.clone();
this.gIP[numFile].matchedPointers = getUsedPonters(imp_grid);
if (this.gIP[numFile].matchedPointers > 0) {
......@@ -1802,11 +1806,25 @@ import ij.text.TextWindow;
public void listCameraParameters(){
boolean is_lwir16 = (getNumEo()==4) && (getNumLwir()==16);
double eoRollDegPerTurn = -0.45/33.5*180/Math.PI; // -0.769644799429464 deg/turn, CW screw increases roll, degrees per 1 screw turn
if (is_lwir16) eoRollDegPerTurn = -0.35/34.3*180/Math.PI; // -0.769644799429464 deg/turn, CW screw increases roll, degrees per 1 screw turn
double eoHeadDegPerTurn = 0.45/34.5*180/Math.PI; // 0.7473362545184652 deg/turn, both screws CW decreases heading (degree/turn)
double eoElevDegPerTurn = 0.45/14*180/Math.PI; // 1.8416500557776463 deg/turn, top CW, bottom CCW decreases elevation (degree/turn)
double M25PITCH = 0.45; // mm
double M16PITCH = 0.35; // mm
double eoRollDegPerTurn = -M25PITCH/33.5*180/Math.PI; // -0.769644799429464 deg/turn, CW screw increases roll, degrees per 1 screw turn
if (is_lwir16) eoRollDegPerTurn = +M16PITCH/34.3*180/Math.PI; // -0.769644799429464 deg/turn, CW screw decreases roll, degrees per 1 screw turn
double eoHeadDegPerTurn = M25PITCH/34.5*180/Math.PI; // 0.7473362545184652 deg/turn, both screws CW decreases heading (degree/turn)
double eoElevDegPerTurn = M25PITCH/14*180/Math.PI; // 1.8416500557776463 deg/turn, top CW, bottom CCW decreases elevation (degree/turn)
//View from the target to the front of camera
// S1: LWIR top segment, left screw
// S2: LWIR right segment, top screw
// S3: LWIR bottom segment, right screw
// S4: LWIR left segment, bottom screw (other 4 screws moved accordingly)
double lwir_rrot = 11.591; // mm, screws from the optical axis
double lwir_rdirect = 31.0; // mm, screws z distance from the rotation center
// 45 degree cross orientation - movements of the screws when cross moves up/down, right-left are reduced be sqrt(2)
double lwirTurnsPerRollDegree = lwir_rrot/M16PITCH*Math.PI/180.0;
double lwirTurnsPerDirectDegree = lwir_rdirect/M16PITCH*Math.PI/180.0/Math.sqrt(2.0); // reduced for 45 degree cross
int numSubCameras=getNumSubCameras();
if (this.gIP!=null) {
int maxChn=0;
......@@ -1894,6 +1912,7 @@ import ij.text.TextWindow;
if (is_lwir16) {
int num_lwir = getNumLwir(); // 16
int num_eo = getNumEo(); // 4
int lwir0 = 0;
int eo0 = num_lwir; // 16
double [] eoRollCorrTurns = new double[num_eo];
double [] eoTopCorrTurns = new double[num_eo];
......@@ -1908,8 +1927,30 @@ import ij.text.TextWindow;
cameraPars[i + eo0][getParameterIndexByName("subcamHeading")] / eoHeadDegPerTurn -
cameraPars[i + eo0][getParameterIndexByName("subcamElevation")] / eoElevDegPerTurn;
double [][] lwir_screw = new double [num_lwir][4];
// for some reason, LWIR roll was overcorrected, scaling it down:
double scale_roll_correction = 0.6;
sb.append("---"); for (int i=-1;i<numSubCameras;i++) sb.append("\t"); sb.append("\n");
for (int i = 0; i < num_lwir; i++) {
lwir_screw[i][0] = -lwirTurnsPerRollDegree * cameraPars[lwir0 + i][getParameterIndexByName("subcamRoll")]*scale_roll_correction;
lwir_screw[i][1] = -lwirTurnsPerRollDegree * cameraPars[lwir0 + i][getParameterIndexByName("subcamRoll")]*scale_roll_correction;
lwir_screw[i][2] = -lwirTurnsPerRollDegree * cameraPars[lwir0 + i][getParameterIndexByName("subcamRoll")]*scale_roll_correction;
lwir_screw[i][3] = -lwirTurnsPerRollDegree * cameraPars[lwir0 + i][getParameterIndexByName("subcamRoll")]*scale_roll_correction;
lwir_screw[i][0] += +lwirTurnsPerDirectDegree * cameraPars[lwir0 + i][getParameterIndexByName("subcamHeading")];
lwir_screw[i][1] += +lwirTurnsPerDirectDegree * cameraPars[lwir0 + i][getParameterIndexByName("subcamHeading")];
lwir_screw[i][2] += -lwirTurnsPerDirectDegree * cameraPars[lwir0 + i][getParameterIndexByName("subcamHeading")];
lwir_screw[i][3] += -lwirTurnsPerDirectDegree * cameraPars[lwir0 + i][getParameterIndexByName("subcamHeading")];
lwir_screw[i][0] += -lwirTurnsPerDirectDegree * cameraPars[lwir0 + i][getParameterIndexByName("subcamElevation")];
lwir_screw[i][1] += lwirTurnsPerDirectDegree * cameraPars[lwir0 + i][getParameterIndexByName("subcamElevation")];
lwir_screw[i][2] += lwirTurnsPerDirectDegree * cameraPars[lwir0 + i][getParameterIndexByName("subcamElevation")];
lwir_screw[i][3] += -lwirTurnsPerDirectDegree * cameraPars[lwir0 + i][getParameterIndexByName("subcamElevation")];
sb.append("--- EO screws"); for (int i=-1;i<numSubCameras;i++) sb.append("\t"); sb.append("\n");
sb.append("Screw roll"+"\t"+"turns CW");
for (int i = 0; i < eo0; i++) sb.append("\t");
for (int i=0;i<num_eo;i++) sb.append("\t"+IJ.d2s(eoRollCorrTurns[i],2));
......@@ -1925,8 +1966,32 @@ import ij.text.TextWindow;
for (int i=0;i<num_eo;i++) sb.append("\t"+IJ.d2s(eoBotCorrTurns[i],2));
sb.append("---"); for (int i=-1;i<numSubCameras;i++) sb.append("\t"); sb.append("\n");
sb.append("--- LWIR screws\t(view from target)"); for (int i=0;i<numSubCameras;i++) sb.append("\t"); sb.append("\n");
double lwirTurnsPerRollDegree = lwir_rrot/M16PITCH*Math.PI/180.0;
double lwirTurnsPerDirectDegree = lwir_rdirect/M16PITCH*Math.PI/180.0/Math.sqrt(2.0); // reduced for 45 degree cross
sb.append("S1: top segment, left screw"+"\t"+"turns CW");
for (int i=0;i<num_lwir;i++) sb.append("\t"+IJ.d2s(lwir_screw[i][0],2));
for (int i = 0; i < num_eo; i++) sb.append("\t");
sb.append("S2: Right segment, top screw"+"\t"+"turns CW");
for (int i=0;i<num_lwir;i++) sb.append("\t"+IJ.d2s(lwir_screw[i][1],2));
for (int i = 0; i < num_eo; i++) sb.append("\t");
sb.append("S3: bottom segment, right screw"+"\t"+"turns CW");
for (int i=0;i<num_lwir;i++) sb.append("\t"+IJ.d2s(lwir_screw[i][2],2));
for (int i = 0; i < num_eo; i++) sb.append("\t");
sb.append("S4: left segment, bottom screw"+"\t"+"turns CW");
for (int i=0;i<num_lwir;i++) sb.append("\t"+IJ.d2s(lwir_screw[i][3],2));
for (int i = 0; i < num_eo; i++) sb.append("\t");
sb.append("---"); for (int i=-1;i<numSubCameras;i++) sb.append("\t"); sb.append("\n");
......@@ -2228,7 +2293,7 @@ import ij.text.TextWindow;
// calculate average tilt for this tilt motor and difference of the current tilt from average
double dTilt=Double.NaN;
if (!Double.isNaN(this.gIS[i].goniometerTilt) && (this.gIS[i].motors != null)){
if (!Double.isNaN(this.gIS[i].goniometerTilt) && (this.gIS[i].motors != null) ){
int i_low,i_high;
for (i_low=i-1;i_low>=0;i_low--){
if ((this.gIS[i_low].motors != null) && (this.gIS[i_low].motors[2] != this.gIS[i].motors[2])) break;
......@@ -2240,7 +2305,7 @@ import ij.text.TextWindow;
int num_avg=0;
double sum_avg=0.0;
for (int i_avg=i_low;i_avg < i_high; i_avg++){
if (!Double.isNaN(this.gIS[i_avg].goniometerTilt)){
if (!Double.isNaN(this.gIS[i_avg].goniometerTilt) && !this.gIS[i_avg].orientationEstimated){
sum_avg += this.gIS[i_avg].goniometerTilt;
......@@ -2256,8 +2321,8 @@ import ij.text.TextWindow;
sb.append("\t"+(Double.isNaN(dTilt)?"---":((this.gIS[i].orientationEstimated?"(":"")+IJ.d2s(dTilt,3)+(this.gIS[i].orientationEstimated?")":"") )));
sb.append("\t"+(Double.isNaN(firstInterAxisAngle)?"---":((this.gIS[i].orientationEstimated?"(":"")+IJ.d2s(firstInterAxisAngle,3)+ (this.gIS[i].orientationEstimated?")":"") )));
if (showXYZ) {
sb.append(String.format("\t%.1f\t%.1f\t%.1f", this.gIS[i].GXYZ[0], this.gIS[i].GXYZ[1], this.gIS[i].GXYZ[2]));
......@@ -1162,7 +1162,13 @@ public class Lwir16Reader {
if (dt==null) {
System.out.println("i="+i+", dt is NULL!");
img_seconds[i] = Double.parseDouble(dt.substring(dt.lastIndexOf(":")+1));
try {
img_seconds[i] = Double.parseDouble(dt.substring(dt.lastIndexOf(":")+1));
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("i="+i+", dt="+dt);
System.out.println("i="+i+", dt="+dt);
try {
img_numbers[i] = Integer.parseInt((String) imps[i].getProperty("STD_Image_Number"));
} catch (Exception e) {
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