Commit a17be71e authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

Tested telemetry, added ffc calibration before each image set

parent 1c75cb4c
......@@ -191,6 +191,7 @@ public class LwirReader {
public ImagePlus [] averageMultiFrames(ImagePlus [][] sets) {
//TODO: convert to multithreaded !
int num_frames = sets.length;
int num_channels = sets[0].length;
ImagePlus [] imps_avg = new ImagePlus [num_channels];
......@@ -316,6 +317,54 @@ public class LwirReader {
return imps_synced;
public boolean calibrate(LwirReaderParameters lrp) {
if (lrp.lwir_channels.length == 0) {
LOGGER.error("calibrate(): No LWIR channels are configured");
return false;
int chn = lrp.lwir_channels[0];
int channels = 0;
for (int c : lrp.lwir_channels) {
channels |= 1 << c;
String hex_chan = String.format("%x", channels);
System.out.println("Channels = "+channels+" (0x"+hex_chan);
String url = "http://"+lrp.lwir_ip+"/parsedit.php?immediate&sensor_port="+chn+
Document dom=null;
try {
DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
dom = db.parse(url);
if (!dom.getDocumentElement().getNodeName().equals("parameters")) {
LOGGER.error("programLWIRCamera() in " + url+
": Root element: expected 'parameters', got \"" + dom.getDocumentElement().getNodeName()+"\"");
return false;
} catch(MalformedURLException e){
LOGGER.error("programLWIRCamera() in " + url+ ": " + e.toString());
return false;
} catch(IOException e1){
LOGGER.error("programLWIRCamera() in " + url+ " - camera did not respond: " + e1.toString());
return false;
}catch(ParserConfigurationException pce) {
LOGGER.error("programLWIRCamera() in " + url+ " - PCE error: " + pce.toString());
return false;
}catch(SAXException se) {
LOGGER.error("programLWIRCamera() in " + url+ " - SAX error: " + se.toString());
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < FRAMES_SKIP; i++) {
if (!skipFrame(lrp)) {
LOGGER.error("programLWIRCamera():Failed to skip frame");
return true;
private double secOffs(double sec1, double sec2) {
double aoff = Math.abs(sec2 - sec1);
if (aoff > 30) {
......@@ -370,6 +419,9 @@ public class LwirReader {
LOGGER.error("acquire(): failed to program cameras");
return null;
if (lrp.lwir_ffc) {
calibrate(lrp); // seems to work. test calibration duration and if any images are sent during calibration
int num_frames = lrp.avg_number + lrp.vnir_lag + 2 * lrp.max_frame_diff;
ImagePlus [][] imps = readAllMultiple(
......@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ public class LwirReaderParameters {
protected String vnir_ip = "";
protected int [] lwir_channels = {0, 1, 2 ,3};
protected int [] vnir_channels = {0, 1, 2 ,3};
protected boolean lwir_ffc = true;
protected boolean lwir_telemetry = true;
protected double vnir_quality = 98.0;
protected boolean vnir_scale = false; // restore sensor pixel values, undo camera white balancing
......@@ -32,18 +32,51 @@ public class Lepton3Telemetry {
public static final int LEPTON3_IMAGE_WIDTH = 160;
public static final int LEPTON3_IMAGE_HEIGHT = 120;
public static final int LEPTON3_TELEMETRY_LINES = 2;
public static final String REVISION = "REVISION"; public static final int REVISION_OFFSET = 0;
public static final String UPTIME = "UPTIME"; public static final int UPTIME_OFFSET = 1;
public static final String STATUS = "STATUS"; public static final int STATUS_OFFSET = 3;
public static final String MOD_SER = "MOD_SER"; public static final int MOD_SER_OFFSET = 5;
public static final String SOFT_REV = "SOFT_REV"; public static final int SOFT_REV_OFFSET = 13;
public static final String FRAME = "FRAME"; public static final int FRAME_OFFSET = 20;
public static final String MEAN = "MEAN"; public static final int MEAN_OFFSET = 22;
public static final String FPA_TCNT = "FPA_TCNT"; public static final int FPA_TCNT_OFFSET = 23;
public static final String FPA_KELV = "FPA_KELV"; public static final int FPA_KELV_OFFSET = 24;
public static final String ENCL_TCNT = "ENCL_TCNT"; public static final int ENCL_TCNT_OFFSET = 25;
public static final String ENCL_KELV = "ENCL_KELV"; public static final int ENCL_KELV_OFFSET = 26;
public static final String FFC_KELV = "FFC_KELV"; public static final int FFC_KELV_OFFSET = 29;
public static final String REVISION = "REVISION"; public static final int REVISION_OFFSET = 0;
public static final String UPTIME = "UPTIME"; public static final int UPTIME_OFFSET = 1;
public static final String STATUS = "STATUS"; public static final int STATUS_OFFSET = 3;
public static final String MOD_SER = "MOD_SER"; public static final int MOD_SER_OFFSET = 5;
public static final String SOFT_REV = "SOFT_REV"; public static final int SOFT_REV_OFFSET = 13;
public static final String FRAME = "FRAME"; public static final int FRAME_OFFSET = 20;
public static final String MEAN = "MEAN"; public static final int MEAN_OFFSET = 22;
public static final String FPA_TCNT = "FPA_TCNT"; public static final int FPA_TCNT_OFFSET = 23;
public static final String FPA_KELV = "FPA_KELV"; public static final int FPA_KELV_OFFSET = 24;
public static final String ENCL_TCNT = "ENCL_TCNT"; public static final int ENCL_TCNT_OFFSET = 25;
public static final String ENCL_KELV = "ENCL_KELV"; public static final int ENCL_KELV_OFFSET = 26;
public static final String FFC_KELV = "FFC_KELV"; public static final int FFC_KELV_OFFSET = 29;
public static final String FFC_TIME = "FFC_TIME"; public static final int FFC_TIME_OFFSET = 30;
public static final String ENCL_FFC_KELV = "ENCL_FFC_KELV"; public static final int ENCL_FFC_KELV_OFFSET = 32;
public static final String AGC_ROI_TLBR = "AGC_ROI_TLBR"; public static final int AGC_ROI_TLBR_OFFSET = 34;
public static final String AGC_CLIP_HIGH = "AGC_CLIP_HIGH"; public static final int AGC_CLIP_HIGH_OFFSET = 38;
public static final String AGC_CLIP_LOW = "AGC_CLIP_LOW"; public static final int AGC_CLIP_LOW_OFFSET = 38;
public static final String VFORMAT = "VFORMAT"; public static final int VFORMAT_OFFSET = 72;
public static final String FFC_LOG2 = "FFC_LOG2"; public static final int FFC_LOG2_OFFSET = 74;
public static final String EMISS_8192 = "EMISS_8192"; public static final int EMISS_8192_OFFSET = 19 + 80; // row B
public static final String BGND_KELV = "BGND_KELV"; public static final int BGND_KELV_OFFSET = 20 + 80;
public static final String ATMOSPH_8192 = "ATMOSPH_8192"; public static final int ATMOSPH_8192_OFFSET = 21 + 80;
public static final String ATMOSPH_KELV = "ATMOSPH_KELV"; public static final int ATMOSPH_KELV_OFFSET = 22 + 80;
public static final String WND_TRANS_8192 ="WND_TRANS_8192";public static final int WND_TRANS_8192_OFFSET =23 + 80;
public static final String WND_REFL_8192 = "WND_REFL_8192"; public static final int WND_REFL_8192_OFFSET = 24 + 80;
public static final String WND_KELV = "WND_KELV"; public static final int WND_KELV_OFFSET = 25 + 80;
public static final String WND_REFL_KELV = "WND_REFL_KELV"; public static final int WND_REFL_KELV_OFFSET = 26 + 80;
public static final String GAIN_MODE = "GAIN_MODE"; public static final int GAIN_MODE_OFFSET = 5 + 160; // row C
public static final String GAIN_EFF = "GAIN_EFF"; public static final int GAIN_EFF_OFFSET = 6 + 160;
public static final String GAIN_DFLAG = "GAIN_DFLAG"; public static final int GAIN_DFLAG_OFFSET = 7 + 160;
public static final String GAIN_THR_HL_C = "GAIN_THR_HL_C"; public static final int GAIN_THR_HL_C_OFFSET = 8 + 160;
public static final String GAIN_THR_LH_C = "GAIN_THR_LH_C"; public static final int GAIN_THR_LH_C_OFFSET = 9 + 160;
public static final String GAIN_THR_HL_K = "GAIN_THR_HL_K"; public static final int GAIN_THR_HL_K_OFFSET = 10 + 160;
public static final String GAIN_THR_LH_K = "GAIN_THR_LH_K"; public static final int GAIN_THR_LH_K_OFFSET = 11 + 160;
public static final String GAIN_HL_PP = "GAIN_HL_PP"; public static final int GAIN_HL_PP_OFFSET = 14 + 160;
public static final String GAIN_LH_PP = "GAIN_LH_PP"; public static final int GAIN_LH_PP_OFFSET = 15 + 160;
public static final String GAIN_ROI_TLBR = "GAIN_ROI_TLBR"; public static final int GAIN_ROI_TLBR_OFFSET = 22 + 160;
public static final String TLIN_EN = "TLIN_EN"; public static final int TLIN_EN_OFFSET = 48 + 160;
public static final String TLIN_RESOL = "TLIN_RESOL"; public static final int TLIN_RESOL_OFFSET = 49 + 160;
public static final String SPOT_AVG_KELV = "SPOT_AVG_KELV"; public static final int SPOT_AVG_KELV_OFFSET = 50 + 160;
public static final String SPOT_MAX_KELV = "SPOT_MAX_KELV"; public static final int SPOT_MAX_KELV_OFFSET = 51 + 160;
public static final String SPOT_MIN_KELV = "SPOT_MIN_KELV"; public static final int SPOT_MIN_KELV_OFFSET = 52 + 160;
public static final String SPOT_POP_PERC = "SPOT_POP_PERC"; public static final int SPOT_POP_PERC_OFFSET = 53 + 160;
public static final String SPOT_ROI_TLBR = "SPOT_ROI_TLBR"; public static final int SPOT_ROI_TLBR_OFFSET = 54 + 160;
private float [] pixels = null;
......@@ -56,7 +89,16 @@ public class Lepton3Telemetry {
this.bbtm = bb.get(btm, 0,btm.length);
byte dbg = bb.get();
dbg = bb.get();
dbg = bb.get();
dbg = bb.get();
dbg = bb.get();
// this.bbtm =
bb.get(btm, 0,btm.length);
this.bbtm = ByteBuffer.wrap(btm);
this.bbtm.order( bb.order()); // or is it already same as in bb?
this.pixels = new float [LEPTON3_IMAGE_WIDTH * LEPTON3_IMAGE_HEIGHT];
......@@ -79,25 +121,62 @@ public class Lepton3Telemetry {
public HashMap<String, String> parseTelemetry(){
HashMap<String, String> tm = new HashMap<String, String>();
byte [] bytes = getBytes(REVISION_OFFSET,2);
tm.put(REVISION, ""+bytes[1]+"."+bytes[0]);
tm.put(UPTIME, ""+getU32(UPTIME_OFFSET));
tm.put(STATUS, ""+getU32(STATUS_OFFSET));
tm.put(MOD_SER, ""+getHex(MOD_SER_OFFSET,8));
tm.put(SOFT_REV, ""+getHex(SOFT_REV_OFFSET,4));
tm.put(FPA_TCNT, ""+getU16(FPA_TCNT_OFFSET));
tm.put(FPA_KELV, ""+getU16(FPA_KELV_OFFSET));
tm.put(ENCL_TCNT, ""+getU16(ENCL_TCNT_OFFSET));
tm.put(ENCL_KELV, ""+getU16(ENCL_KELV_OFFSET));
tm.put(FFC_KELV, ""+getU16(FFC_KELV_OFFSET));
public static final String FPA_TCNT = "FPA_TCNT"; public static final int FPA_TCNT_OFFSET = 23;
public static final String FPA_KELV = "FPA_KELV"; public static final int FPA_KELV_OFFSET = 24;
public static final String ENCL_TCNT = "ENCL_TCNT"; public static final int ENCL_TCNT_OFFSET = 25;
public static final String ENCL_KELV = "ENCL_KELV"; public static final int ENCL_KELV_OFFSET = 26;
public static final String FFC_KELV = "FFC_KELV"; public static final int FFC_KELV_OFFSET = 29;
tm.put(REVISION, "" + bytes[1] + "." + bytes[0]);
tm.put(UPTIME, String.format("%.3f", getSeconds (UPTIME_OFFSET)));
tm.put(STATUS, "" + getU32 (STATUS_OFFSET));
tm.put(MOD_SER, "" + getHex (MOD_SER_OFFSET,8));
tm.put(SOFT_REV, "" + getHex (SOFT_REV_OFFSET,4));
tm.put(FPA_TCNT, "" + getU16 (FPA_TCNT_OFFSET));
tm.put(FPA_KELV, String.format("%.2f", getKelv (FPA_KELV_OFFSET)));
tm.put(ENCL_TCNT, "" + getU16 (ENCL_TCNT_OFFSET));
tm.put(ENCL_KELV, String.format("%.2f", getKelv (ENCL_KELV_OFFSET)));
tm.put(FFC_KELV, String.format("%.2f", getKelv (FFC_KELV_OFFSET)));
tm.put(FFC_TIME, String.format("%.3f", getSeconds (FFC_TIME_OFFSET)));
tm.put(ENCL_FFC_KELV, String.format("%.2f", getKelv (ENCL_FFC_KELV_OFFSET)));
"" + getU16 (AGC_ROI_TLBR_OFFSET) +
" " + getU16 (AGC_ROI_TLBR_OFFSET + 1) +
" " + getU16 (AGC_ROI_TLBR_OFFSET + 2) +
" " + getU16 (AGC_ROI_TLBR_OFFSET + 3));
tm.put(AGC_CLIP_HIGH, "" + getU16 (AGC_CLIP_HIGH_OFFSET));
tm.put(AGC_CLIP_LOW, "" + getU16 (AGC_CLIP_LOW_OFFSET));
tm.put(VFORMAT, "" + getU32 (VFORMAT_OFFSET));
tm.put(FFC_LOG2, "" + getU16 (FFC_LOG2_OFFSET));
tm.put(EMISS_8192, "" + getU16 (EMISS_8192_OFFSET));
tm.put(BGND_KELV, String.format("%.2f", getKelv (BGND_KELV_OFFSET)));
tm.put(ATMOSPH_8192, "" + getU16 (ATMOSPH_8192_OFFSET));
tm.put(ATMOSPH_KELV, String.format("%.2f", getKelv (ATMOSPH_KELV_OFFSET)));
tm.put(WND_TRANS_8192, "" + getU16 (WND_TRANS_8192_OFFSET));
tm.put(WND_REFL_8192, "" + getU16 (WND_REFL_8192_OFFSET));
tm.put(WND_KELV, String.format("%.2f", getKelv (WND_KELV_OFFSET)));
tm.put(WND_REFL_KELV, String.format("%.2f", getKelv (WND_REFL_KELV_OFFSET)));
tm.put(GAIN_MODE, "" + getU16 (GAIN_MODE_OFFSET));
tm.put(GAIN_EFF, "" + getU16 (GAIN_EFF_OFFSET));
tm.put(GAIN_DFLAG, "" + getU16 (GAIN_DFLAG_OFFSET));
tm.put(GAIN_THR_HL_C, "" + getU16 (GAIN_THR_HL_C_OFFSET));
tm.put(GAIN_THR_LH_C, "" + getU16 (GAIN_THR_LH_C_OFFSET));
tm.put(GAIN_THR_HL_K, "" + getU16 (GAIN_THR_HL_K_OFFSET));
tm.put(GAIN_THR_LH_K, "" + getU16 (GAIN_THR_LH_K_OFFSET));
tm.put(GAIN_HL_PP, "" + getU16 (GAIN_HL_PP_OFFSET));
tm.put(GAIN_LH_PP, "" + getU16 (GAIN_LH_PP_OFFSET));
"" + getU16 (GAIN_ROI_TLBR_OFFSET) +
" " + getU16 (GAIN_ROI_TLBR_OFFSET + 1) +
" " + getU16 (GAIN_ROI_TLBR_OFFSET + 2) +
" " + getU16 (GAIN_ROI_TLBR_OFFSET + 3));
tm.put(TLIN_EN, "" + getU16 (TLIN_EN_OFFSET));
tm.put(TLIN_RESOL, "" + getU16 (TLIN_RESOL_OFFSET));
tm.put(SPOT_AVG_KELV, String.format("%.2f", getKelv (SPOT_AVG_KELV_OFFSET)));
tm.put(SPOT_MAX_KELV, String.format("%.2f", getKelv (SPOT_MAX_KELV_OFFSET)));
tm.put(SPOT_MIN_KELV, String.format("%.2f", getKelv (SPOT_MIN_KELV_OFFSET)));
tm.put(SPOT_POP_PERC, "" + getU16 (SPOT_POP_PERC_OFFSET));
"" + getU16 (SPOT_ROI_TLBR_OFFSET) +
" " + getU16 (SPOT_ROI_TLBR_OFFSET + 1) +
" " + getU16 (SPOT_ROI_TLBR_OFFSET + 2) +
" " + getU16 (SPOT_ROI_TLBR_OFFSET + 3));
return tm;
// internal methods
......@@ -112,9 +191,10 @@ public class Lepton3Telemetry {
return bytes;
private String getString (int offset, int len) { // offset in shorts, len in shorts
return new String(getBytes(offset, len));
// private String getString (int offset, int len) { // offset in shorts, len in shorts
// return new String(getBytes(offset, len));
// }
private String getHex (int offset, int len) { // offset in shorts, len in shorts
String s = "";
for (byte b :getBytes(offset, len)) {
......@@ -123,10 +203,17 @@ public class Lepton3Telemetry {
return s;
private double getKelv(int offset) {
return 0.01*((bbtm.getShort(2 * offset)) & 0xffff);
private int getU16(int offset) {
return (bbtm.getShort(2 * offset)) & 0xffff;
private double getSeconds(int offset) {
return 0.001*(((long) (bbtm.getShort(2 * offset)) & 0xffff) + (((long) (bbtm.getShort(2 * (offset+1))) & 0xffff) << 16));
private long getU32(int offset) {
return ((long) (bbtm.getShort(2 * offset)) & 0xffff) + (((long) (bbtm.getShort(2 * (offset+1))) & 0xffff) << 16);
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