Commit 8ee61ae6 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

alpha for border texture tiles

parent 5ae6b730
...@@ -1364,7 +1364,7 @@ public class TexturedModel { ...@@ -1364,7 +1364,7 @@ public class TexturedModel {
return disparity_max; return disparity_max;
} }
public static boolean [][][] get_fg_has_bg( public static boolean [][][] get_fg_has_bg_any(
final double [][] slice_disparities, final double [][] slice_disparities,
final double max_disparity_lim, final double max_disparity_lim,
final double min_trim_disparity, final double min_trim_disparity,
...@@ -1376,6 +1376,7 @@ public class TexturedModel { ...@@ -1376,6 +1376,7 @@ public class TexturedModel {
final int tilesY = tiles / tilesX; final int tilesY = tiles / tilesX;
final boolean [][] is_fg_tile = new boolean [num_slices][tiles]; final boolean [][] is_fg_tile = new boolean [num_slices][tiles];
final boolean [][] has_bg_tile = new boolean [num_slices][tiles]; final boolean [][] has_bg_tile = new boolean [num_slices][tiles];
final boolean [][] has_tile = new boolean [num_slices][tiles];
final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(THREADS_MAX); final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(THREADS_MAX);
final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0); final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0);
final double disparity_max = getMaxDisparity ( final double disparity_max = getMaxDisparity (
...@@ -1389,19 +1390,22 @@ public class TexturedModel { ...@@ -1389,19 +1390,22 @@ public class TexturedModel {
for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) {
threads[ithread] = new Thread() { threads[ithread] = new Thread() {
public void run() { public void run() {
for (int tile = ai.getAndIncrement(); tile < tiles; tile = ai.getAndIncrement()) if (slice_disparities[fnslice][tile] > min_trim_disparity){ // checks for NaN too ! for (int tile = ai.getAndIncrement(); tile < tiles; tile = ai.getAndIncrement()) if (!Double.isNaN(slice_disparities[fnslice][tile])){
// may be a FG tile that needs trimming (not considering yet tiles that both can be obscured and obscure). // may be a FG tile that needs trimming (not considering yet tiles that both can be obscured and obscure).
if ((fnslice == -6) && (tile==2333)) { if ((fnslice == -6) && (tile==2333)) {
System.out.println("fnslice="+fnslice+", tile="+tile); System.out.println("fnslice="+fnslice+", tile="+tile);
System.out.println("fnslice="+fnslice+", tile="+tile); System.out.println("fnslice="+fnslice+", tile="+tile);
} }
is_fg_tile[fnslice][tile] = true; has_tile[fnslice][tile] = true;
for (int ns = 0; ns < num_slices; ns++) if (slice_disparities[fnslice][tile] > min_trim_disparity) {
if ((ns != fnslice) && is_fg_tile[fnslice][tile] = true;
(slice_disparities[ns][tile] < slice_disparities[fnslice][tile])) { for (int ns = 0; ns < num_slices; ns++)
has_bg_tile[fnslice][tile] = true; if ((ns != fnslice) &&
break; (slice_disparities[ns][tile] < slice_disparities[fnslice][tile])) {
} has_bg_tile[fnslice][tile] = true;
search_obscuring: search_obscuring:
{ {
int tile_range = (int) Math.ceil((disparity_max - slice_disparities[fnslice][tile])/Math.sqrt(2)/transform_size); int tile_range = (int) Math.ceil((disparity_max - slice_disparities[fnslice][tile])/Math.sqrt(2)/transform_size);
...@@ -1420,14 +1424,13 @@ public class TexturedModel { ...@@ -1420,14 +1424,13 @@ public class TexturedModel {
} }
} }
} }
} }
} }
}; };
} }
ImageDtt.startAndJoin(threads); ImageDtt.startAndJoin(threads);
} }
return new boolean [][][] {is_fg_tile, has_bg_tile}; return new boolean [][][] {is_fg_tile, has_bg_tile, has_tile};
} }
//final double [][] slice_disparities, //final double [][] slice_disparities,
...@@ -2063,7 +2066,173 @@ public class TexturedModel { ...@@ -2063,7 +2066,173 @@ public class TexturedModel {
return result; return result;
} }
public static double [][] generateAlphaTemplates(
final int transform_size,
boolean debug){
double [] fade1d = new double [transform_size]; // 8
double [][] alpha8 = new double [8][transform_size * transform_size];
double [][] alpha = new double [256][transform_size * transform_size];
for (int i = 0; i < fade1d.length; i++) {
fade1d[i] = 0.5 * (1 + Math.cos((0.0 + i) *Math.PI /transform_size)); //0.5
int tsm1 = transform_size -1;
for (int idir = 0; idir < 8; idir++) {
for (int y = 0; y < transform_size; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < transform_size; x++) {
int indx = -1;
switch (idir ) {
case 0: indx = tsm1 - y; break;
case 1: indx = x - y; break;
case 2: indx = x; break;
case 3: indx = x + y - tsm1; break;
case 4: indx = y; break;
case 5: indx = -x + y; break;
case 6: indx = tsm1 - x; break;
case 7: indx = -x - y + tsm1; break;
if (indx >= 0) {
alpha8[idir][y * transform_size + x] = fade1d[indx];
} else {
alpha8[idir][y * transform_size + x] = 1.0;
for (int mode = 0; mode < alpha.length; mode++) {
Arrays.fill(alpha[mode], 1.0);
for (int idir = 0; idir < alpha8.length; idir++) {
if ((mode & (1 << idir)) == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < alpha8[idir].length; i++) {
alpha[mode][i] *= alpha8[idir][i];
for (int mode = 0; mode < alpha.length; mode++) {
Arrays.fill(alpha[mode], 1.0);
for (int idir = 0; idir < alpha8.length; idir++) {
if ((mode & (1 << idir)) == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < alpha8[idir].length; i++) {
alpha[mode][i] = Math.min(alpha[mode][i],alpha8[idir][i]);
for (int imode = 0; imode < alpha.length; imode++) {
int mode = (imode | imode << 8) & 0x1ff;
for (int c = 2; c < 256; c <<=2){
int m = (c << 1) | (c >> 1);
if ((mode & m) != m) {
mode |= c;
mode &= 0xff;
Arrays.fill(alpha[imode], 1.0);
for (int idir = 0; idir < alpha8.length; idir++) {
if ((mode & (1 << idir)) == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < alpha8[idir].length; i++) {
alpha[imode][i] *= alpha8[idir][i];
for (int imode = 0; imode < alpha.length; imode++) {
int mode = (imode | imode << 8) & 0x1ff;
Arrays.fill(alpha[imode], 1.0);
for (int idir = 0; idir < alpha8.length; idir++) {
if ((mode & (1 << idir)) == 0) {
if (((idir & 1) != 0) && ((mode & (1 << (idir -1))) == 0) && ((mode & (1 << (idir +1))) == 0)) {
for (int i = 0; i < alpha8[idir].length; i++) {
int i1 = alpha8[0].length - 1 -i;
alpha[imode][i] = Math.min(alpha[imode][i],(1.0 - alpha8[idir][i1]));
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < alpha8[idir].length; i++) {
alpha[imode][i] = Math.min(alpha[imode][i], alpha8[idir][i]);
if (debug) {
return alpha;
public static double [][] generateTileAlphas(
boolean [][] texture_tiles,
int width,
int transform_size){
final double [][] alpha_templates = generateAlphaTemplates(
transform_size, // final int transform_size,
false); // boolean debug)
final int num_slices = texture_tiles.length;
// final int img_size = texture_tiles.length/transform_size/transform_size;
final int tilesX = width /transform_size;
final int tilesY = texture_tiles[0].length / tilesX;
final int tiles = tilesX * tilesY;
final int height = tilesY * transform_size;
final TileNeibs tn = new TileNeibs(tilesX, tilesY);
final double [][] alpha = new double [num_slices][width * height];
final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(THREADS_MAX);
final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0);
for (int nslice = 0; nslice < num_slices; nslice++) {
final int fnslice = nslice;
for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) {
threads[ithread] = new Thread() {
public void run() {
for (int tile = ai.getAndIncrement(); tile < tiles; tile = ai.getAndIncrement()) if (texture_tiles[fnslice][tile]) {
int dir_mode = 0;
for (int dir = 0; dir < 8; dir++) {
int tile1 = tn.getNeibIndex(tile, dir);
if ((tile1 >= 0) && texture_tiles[fnslice][tile1]) {
dir_mode |= (1 << dir);
int x0 = (tile % tilesX) * transform_size;
int y0 = (tile / tilesX) * transform_size;
int indx0 = x0 + width * y0;
for (int row = 0; row < transform_size; row++) {
row * transform_size,
indx0+ row * width,
return alpha;
public static double [][] processTexture( public static double [][] processTexture(
final CLTParameters clt_parameters, final CLTParameters clt_parameters,
...@@ -2102,7 +2271,7 @@ public class TexturedModel { ...@@ -2102,7 +2271,7 @@ public class TexturedModel {
boolean [][][] dbg_bool = (dbg_prefix != null) ? new boolean [4][][] : null; boolean [][][] dbg_bool = (dbg_prefix != null) ? new boolean [4][][] : null;
final boolean [][][] fg_has_bg = get_fg_has_bg( final boolean [][][] fg_has_bg = get_fg_has_bg_any(
slice_disparities, // final double [][] slice_disparities, slice_disparities, // final double [][] slice_disparities,
max_disparity_lim, // final double max_disparity_lim, max_disparity_lim, // final double max_disparity_lim,
min_trim_disparity, // final double min_trim_disparity, min_trim_disparity, // final double min_trim_disparity,
...@@ -2188,7 +2357,14 @@ public class TexturedModel { ...@@ -2188,7 +2357,14 @@ public class TexturedModel {
applyTextureSelection( applyTextureSelection(
texture_fg_filt, // final boolean [][] selections, texture_fg_filt, // final boolean [][] selections,
out_textures); // final double [][] combo_texture // will be modified - NaN where not selected out_textures); // final double [][] combo_texture // will be modified - NaN where not selected
*/ */
double [][] tile_alpha = generateTileAlphas(
fg_has_bg[2], // boolean [][] texture_tiles,
width, // int width,
transform_size); // int transform_size)
if (dbg_prefix != null) { if (dbg_prefix != null) {
final double [][] gtext_fg_filt = dbgBooleanTexture (texture_fg_filt, -1000, 1000); // texture filtered by fg trim final double [][] gtext_fg_filt = dbgBooleanTexture (texture_fg_filt, -1000, 1000); // texture filtered by fg trim
final double [][] dbg_text_edge = dbgBooleanTexture (texture_edge, -1000, 1000); final double [][] dbg_text_edge = dbgBooleanTexture (texture_edge, -1000, 1000);
...@@ -2196,7 +2372,7 @@ public class TexturedModel { ...@@ -2196,7 +2372,7 @@ public class TexturedModel {
final double [][] dbg_fg_prefiltered = dbgBooleanTexture (dbg_bool[1], -1000, 1000); final double [][] dbg_fg_prefiltered = dbgBooleanTexture (dbg_bool[1], -1000, 1000);
final double [][] dbg_fg_prefiltered_neibs = dbgBooleanTexture (dbg_bool[2], -1000, 1000); final double [][] dbg_fg_prefiltered_neibs = dbgBooleanTexture (dbg_bool[2], -1000, 1000);
final double [][] dbg_fg_filtered = dbgBooleanTexture (dbg_bool[3], -1000, 1000); // final double [][] dbg_fg_filtered = dbgBooleanTexture (dbg_bool[3], -1000, 1000);
final double [][] tdbg_is_fg = dbgBooleanTexture (fg_has_bg[1], fg_has_bg[0], 0,1,2,3); final double [][] tdbg_is_fg = dbgBooleanTexture (fg_has_bg[1], fg_has_bg[0], 0,1,2,3);
final double [][] gdbg_is_fg = new double [tdbg_is_fg.length][width*height]; final double [][] gdbg_is_fg = new double [tdbg_is_fg.length][width*height];
...@@ -2239,12 +2415,13 @@ public class TexturedModel { ...@@ -2239,12 +2415,13 @@ public class TexturedModel {
dbg_text_en[nslice], dbg_text_en[nslice],
dbg_fg_prefiltered[nslice], // dbg_fg_prefiltered[nslice], //
dbg_fg_prefiltered_neibs[nslice], dbg_fg_prefiltered_neibs[nslice],
dbg_fg_filtered[nslice], gtext_fg_filt[nslice], //dbg_fg_filtered[nslice],
gdbg_is_fg[nslice], gdbg_is_fg[nslice],
gcombo_texture[nslice], gcombo_texture[nslice],
gtext_fg_filt[nslice], // gtext_fg_filt[nslice], // ??
out_textures [nslice], // dirs_avg, out_textures [nslice], // dirs_avg,
dbg_out_textures[nslice], dbg_out_textures[nslice],
sensor_texture[nslice][ 0], sensor_texture[nslice][ 0],
sensor_texture[nslice][ 1], sensor_texture[nslice][ 1],
sensor_texture[nslice][ 2], sensor_texture[nslice][ 2],
...@@ -2279,9 +2456,10 @@ public class TexturedModel { ...@@ -2279,9 +2456,10 @@ public class TexturedModel {
"IS_FG", "IS_FG",
"T00", "T00",
"T01", "T01",
"T02", "T02",
...@@ -2307,7 +2485,20 @@ public class TexturedModel { ...@@ -2307,7 +2485,20 @@ public class TexturedModel {
dbg_prefix+"-textures-"+nslice, dbg_prefix+"-textures-"+nslice,
dbg_titles); dbg_titles);
} }
} }
double [][] alpha_templates = generateAlphaTemplates(
transform_size, // final int transform_size,
(dbg_prefix != null)); // boolean debug)
return out_textures; // need overall alpha. What about colors? return out_textures; // need overall alpha. What about colors?
} }
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