Commit 82ae5d53 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

preparing macro tiles for optical flow with CLT

parent ca22efc3
......@@ -397,6 +397,8 @@ public class ErsCorrection extends GeometryCorrection {
public void setupERS()
double ers_sign = 1.0; // -1.0; // invert all corrections to opposite?
ers_xyz= new double [pixelCorrectionHeight][3];
ers_xyz_dt= new double [pixelCorrectionHeight][3];
ers_quaternion = new Quaternion [pixelCorrectionHeight];
......@@ -414,12 +416,12 @@ public class ErsCorrection extends GeometryCorrection {
Quaternion quat_center2 = new Quaternion (0.0,ers_watr_center_d2t[1], ers_watr_center_d2t[0], ers_watr_center_d2t[2]); // angular velocity 1/s :tilt, az, roll
// integration to the bottom of the image
double dt = line_time;
double dt = ers_sign*line_time;
double [] wxy0 = ers_wxyz_center.clone();
double [] wxy1 = ers_wxyz_center_dt.clone();
double [] wxy2 = ers_wxyz_center_d2t.clone();
// bottom half rotations
dt = line_time;
dt = ers_sign*line_time;
Quaternion q0 = quat_center0.multiply(1.0); // clone() orientation
Quaternion q1 = quat_center1.multiply(1.0); // clone() angular velocity (pure)
Quaternion q2 = quat_center2.multiply(1.0); // clone() angular accelerations (pure)
......@@ -432,7 +434,7 @@ public class ErsCorrection extends GeometryCorrection {
q1 = q1_next;
// top half-frame rotations
dt = -line_time;
dt = -ers_sign*line_time;
q0 = quat_center0.multiply(1.0); // clone() orientation
q1 = quat_center1.multiply(1.0); // clone() angular velocity (pure)
q2 = quat_center2.multiply(1.0); // clone() angular accelerations (pure)
......@@ -470,7 +472,7 @@ public class ErsCorrection extends GeometryCorrection {
wxy1[i] = wxy1_next;
dt = -line_time;
dt = -ers_sign*line_time;
wxy0 = ers_wxyz_center.clone();
wxy1 = ers_wxyz_center_dt.clone();
for (int h = cent_h; h >= 0; h--) {
......@@ -502,10 +504,9 @@ public class ErsCorrection extends GeometryCorrection {
public double [] getImageCoordinatesERS(
QuadCLT cameraQuadCLT, // camera station that got image to be to be matched
double px, // pixel coordinate X in this camera view
double py, // pixel coordinate Y in this camera view
double disparity, // this view disparity
double px, // pixel coordinate X in the reference view
double py, // pixel coordinate Y in the reference view
double disparity, // this reference disparity
boolean distortedView, // This camera view is distorted (diff.rect), false - rectilinear
double [] reference_xyz, // this view position in world coordinates (typically zero3)
double [] reference_atr, // this view orientation relative to world frame (typically zero3)
......@@ -540,14 +541,14 @@ public class ErsCorrection extends GeometryCorrection {
if (xyzw[2] > 0) {
return null; // can not match object behind the camera
ErsCorrection ers_other = this;
ErsCorrection ers_camera = this;
if (cameraQuadCLT != null) {
ers_other = cameraQuadCLT.getErsCorrection();
ers_camera = cameraQuadCLT.getErsCorrection();
if (camera_xyz == null) camera_xyz = ers_other.camera_xyz;
if (camera_atr == null) camera_atr = ers_other.camera_atr;
if (camera_xyz == null) camera_xyz = ers_camera.camera_xyz;
if (camera_atr == null) camera_atr = ers_camera.camera_atr;
double [] pXpYD = ers_other.getImageCoordinatesERS( // USED in lwir
double [] pXpYD = ers_camera.getImageCoordinatesERS( // USED in lwir
camera_xyz, // camera center in world coordinates
......@@ -557,6 +558,63 @@ public class ErsCorrection extends GeometryCorrection {
return pXpYD;
public double [] getImageCoordinatesReferenceERS(
QuadCLT cameraQuadCLT, // camera station that got image to be to be matched
double px, // pixel coordinate X in this camera view
double py, // pixel coordinate Y in this camera view
double disparity, // this view disparity
boolean distortedView, // This camera view is distorted (diff.rect), false - rectilinear
double [] reference_xyz, // this view position in world coordinates (typically zero3)
double [] reference_atr, // this view orientation relative to world frame (typically zero3)
boolean distortedCamera, // camera view is distorted (false - rectilinear)
double [] camera_xyz, // camera center in world coordinates
double [] camera_atr, // camera orientation relative to world frame
double line_err) // threshold error in scan lines (1.0)
if (reference_xyz == null) reference_xyz = this.camera_xyz;
if (reference_atr == null) reference_atr = this.camera_atr;
ErsCorrection ers_camera = this;
if (cameraQuadCLT != null) {
ers_camera = cameraQuadCLT.getErsCorrection();
if (camera_xyz == null) camera_xyz = ers_camera.camera_xyz;
if (camera_atr == null) camera_atr = ers_camera.camera_atr;
// Find world coordinates of the camera pixel
double [] xyzw = ers_camera.getWorldCoordinatesERS( // {x - left,y - up, z (0 at camera, negative away), 1} for real, {x,y,z,0} - for infinity
distortedView, // correct distortion (will need corrected background too !)
camera_xyz, // camera center in world coordinates
camera_atr); // camera orientation relative to world frame
if (xyzw == null) {
return null;
if (xyzw[3] == 0.0) { // infinity
if (xyzw[2] > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
xyzw[i] = -xyzw[i];
if (xyzw[2] > 0) {
return null; // can not match object behind the camera
double [] pXpYD = ers_camera.getImageCoordinatesERS( // USED in lwir
reference_xyz, // camera center in world coordinates
reference_atr, // camera orientation relative to world frame
line_err); // threshold error in scan lines (1.0)
return pXpYD;
* Get real world coordinates from pixel coordinates and nominal disparity
......@@ -67,13 +67,6 @@ public class OpticalFlow {
for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) {
threads[ithread] = new Thread() {
public void run() {
final boolean [] fixed = new boolean [fullTileLen];
final TileNeibs tn = new TileNeibs(fullTileSize, fullTileSize);
double [] slice_in = new double [fullTileLen];
double [] slice_out = new double [fullTileLen];
// double [] strength = new double [fullTileLen];
for (int iMTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); iMTile < nan_tiles.length; iMTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) {
if (iMTile == dbg_mtile) {
System.out.println("iMTile = "+iMTile);
......@@ -85,108 +78,6 @@ public class OpticalFlow {
num_passes, // final int num_passes,
max_change, // final double max_change,
fullTileSize); // final int width
double [] strength = nan_tiles[iMTile][QuadCLT.DSRBG_STRENGTH];
// first - process strength, then use calculated strength to fill other slices
Arrays.fill(fixed, false);
for (int i = 0; i < fixed.length; i++) {
if (!Double.isNaN(slice_in[i]) && (strength[i] > 0.0)) {
fixed[i] = true;
} else {
strength[i] = 0.0; // get rid of NaN; for non-strength will use average
System.arraycopy(strength, 0, slice_in, 0, fullTileLen);
for (int pass = 0; pass < num_passes; pass ++) {
double pass_change = 0.0;
for (int nt = 0; nt < fullTileLen; nt++) if (!fixed[nt]){
double s = 0.0;
double sw = 0.0;
double d;
for (int dir = 0; dir < 8; dir++) {
int nt1 = tn.getNeibIndex(nt, dir);
if (nt1 >=0) {
if (fixed[nt1]) {
d = strength[nt1];
}else {
d = slice_in[nt1];
s += d * neibw[dir];
sw += neibw[dir];
// sw should never be 0;
s /= sw;
pass_change = Math.max(pass_change, Math.abs(slice_out[nt] - s));
slice_out[nt] = s;
if (pass_change < max_change) {
System.arraycopy(slice_out, 0, slice_in, 0, fullTileLen);
for (int i = 0; i < fixed.length; i++) if (!fixed[i]){
strength[i] = slice_out[i];
for (int iSlice = 0; iSlice < nan_tiles[iMTile].length; iSlice++) if (iSlice != QuadCLT.DSRBG_STRENGTH){
double [] slice = nan_tiles[iMTile][iSlice];
System.arraycopy(slice, 0, slice_in, 0, fullTileLen);
double fs =0.0;
double fsw = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < fixed.length; i++) {
if (!Double.isNaN(slice[i]) && (strength[i] > 0.0)) { // - now already non-null
fixed[i] = true;
fs += slice[i] * strength[i];
fsw += strength[i];
if (fsw <= 0.0) {
continue; // should not happen
fs /= fsw; // average value
for (int i = 0; i < fixed.length; i++) if (! fixed[i]){
slice_in[i] = fs;
for (int pass = 0; pass < num_passes; pass ++) {
double pass_change = 0.0;
for (int nt = 0; nt < fullTileLen; nt++) if (!fixed[nt]){
double s = 0.0;
double sw = 0.0;
double d;
for (int dir = 0; dir < 8; dir++) {
int nt1 = tn.getNeibIndex(nt, dir);
if (nt1 >=0) {
if (fixed[nt1]) {
d = slice[nt1];
}else {
d = slice_in[nt1];
double w = neibw[dir]; // * strength[nt1];
s += d * w ;
sw += w;
if (sw > 0) {
s /= sw;
pass_change = Math.max(pass_change, Math.abs(slice_out[nt] - s));
slice_out[nt] = s;
if (pass_change < max_change) {
System.arraycopy(slice_out, 0, slice_in, 0, fullTileLen);
for (int i = 0; i < fixed.length; i++) if (!fixed[i]){
slice[i] = slice_out[i];
......@@ -217,7 +108,7 @@ public class OpticalFlow {
final QuadCLT reference_QuadClt,
final double [][][] reference_tiles, // prepared with prepareReferenceTiles() + fillTilesNans();
final double [][] flowXY, // per macro tile {mismatch in image pixels in X and Y directions
final double [][] flowXY_frac, // should be initialized as [number of macro tiles][] - returns fractional shifts [-0.5, 0.5)
final double [][] flowXY_frac, // should be initialized as [number of macro tiles][] - returns fractional tile shifts [-0.5, 0.5)
final double tolerance_absolute, // absolute disparity half-range in each tile
final double tolerance_relative, // relative disparity half-range in each tile
final double occupancy, // fraction of remaining tiles (<1.0)
......@@ -255,17 +146,22 @@ public class OpticalFlow {
double wdiag = 0.25 *diagonal_weight / (diagonal_weight + 1.0);
double wortho = 0.25 / (diagonal_weight + 1.0);
final double [] neibw = {wortho, wdiag, wortho, wdiag, wortho, wdiag, wortho, wdiag};
final int dbg_mtile = 453; // 500;
for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) {
threads[ithread] = new Thread() {
public void run() {
double [][] pXpYD = new double [fullTileLen][];
// double [][] pXpYD = new double [fullTileLen][];
double [][] tXtYD = new double [fullTileLen][]; // measured in tiles, not pixels (disparity - still pixels)
for (int iMTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); iMTile < reference_tiles.length; iMTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) if (reference_tiles[iMTile] != null){
if (iMTile == dbg_mtile) {
System.out.println("iMTile = "+iMTile);
int mtileY = iMTile / macroTilesX;
int mtileX = iMTile % macroTilesX;
int tY0 = mtileY * transform_size + macroY0 -transform_size/2 - margin;
int tX0 = mtileX * transform_size + macroX0 -transform_size/2 - margin;
Arrays.fill(pXpYD, null);
// Arrays.fill(pXpYD, null);
Arrays.fill(tXtYD, null);
for (int iY = 0; iY < fullTileSize; iY++) {
int tileY = tY0 + iY;
if ((tileY >= 0) && (tileY < tilesY)) {
......@@ -282,7 +178,7 @@ public class OpticalFlow {
double centerX = tileX * transform_size + transform_size/2; // - shiftX;
double centerY = tileY * transform_size + transform_size/2; // - shiftY;
if (!Double.isNaN(disparity)) {
pXpYD[iTile] = ers_reference.getImageCoordinatesERS(
double [] xyd = ers_reference.getImageCoordinatesERS(
scene_QuadClt, // QuadCLT cameraQuadCLT, // camera station that got image to be to be matched
centerX, // double px, // pixel coordinate X in this camera view
centerY, //double py, // pixel coordinate Y in this camera view
......@@ -294,27 +190,53 @@ public class OpticalFlow {
scene_xyz, // double [] camera_xyz, // camera center in world coordinates
scene_atr, // double [] camera_atr, // camera orientation relative to world frame
LINE_ERR); // double LINE_ERR) // threshold error in scan lines (1.0)
pXpYD[iTile][0] += flowXY[iMTile][0];
pXpYD[iTile][1] += flowXY[iMTile][1];
if (xyd != null) {
tXtYD[iTile] = new double [] {
((xyd[0] + flowXY[iMTile][0])/transform_size),
((xyd[1] + flowXY[iMTile][0])/transform_size),
} else {
tXtYD[iTile] = null;
} else {
pXpYD[iTile] = null;
tXtYD[iTile] = null;
if ((debug_level>1) && (iMTile == dbg_mtile)) {
String [] dbg_titles= {"tX","tY","disp"};
String dbg_title= "tXtYD-MX"+mtileX+"_MY"+mtileY;
double [][] dbg_img = new double [3][fullTileLen];
for (int nt =0; nt < fullTileLen; nt++) {
if(tXtYD[nt] != null) {
for (int i=0; i < dbg_img.length; i++) dbg_img[i][nt] = tXtYD[nt][i];
} else {
for (int i=0; i < dbg_img.length; i++) dbg_img[i][nt] = Double.NaN;
(new ShowDoubleFloatArrays()).showArrays(
// Find best fractional pixel offset
double [] hist_fx = new double [hist_len];
double [] hist_fy = new double [hist_len];
for (int iY = 0; iY < fullTileSize; iY++) {
for (int iX = 0; iX < fullTileSize; iX++) {
for (int iY = 0; iY < fullTileSize; iY++) if (hist_weights[iY] > 0.0){
for (int iX = 0; iX < fullTileSize; iX++) if (hist_weights[iX] > 0.0){
int iTile = iX + iY * fullTileSize;
if (pXpYD[iTile] != null) {
int hidx = (int) Math.floor((pXpYD[iTile][0] - Math.floor(pXpYD[iTile][0])) * hist_len);
if (tXtYD[iTile] != null) {
int hidx = (int) Math.floor((tXtYD[iTile][0] - Math.floor(tXtYD[iTile][0])) * hist_len);
if (hidx < 0) hidx = 0;
else if (hidx >= hist_len) hidx = hist_len - 1;
hist_fx[hidx] += hist_weights[iX];
int hidy = (int) Math.floor((pXpYD[iTile][1] - Math.floor(pXpYD[iTile][1])) * hist_len);
int hidy = (int) Math.floor((tXtYD[iTile][1] - Math.floor(tXtYD[iTile][1])) * hist_len);
if (hidy < 0) hidy = 0;
else if (hidy >= hist_len) hidy = hist_len - 1;
hist_fy[hidy] += hist_weights[iY];
......@@ -333,13 +255,13 @@ public class OpticalFlow {
for (int iY = 0; iY < fullTileSize; iY++) {
for (int iX = 0; iX < fullTileSize; iX++) {
int iTile = iX + iY * fullTileSize;
if (pXpYD[iTile] != null) {
if (tXtYD[iTile] != null) {
double wx = hist_weights[iX];
double wy = hist_weights[iX];
double dx = pXpYD[iTile][0] - offsX;
double dy = pXpYD[iTile][1] - offsY;
double dx = tXtYD[iTile][0] - offsX;
double dy = tXtYD[iTile][1] - offsY;
dx = dx - Math.round(dx);
dy = dx - Math.round(dy);
dy = dy - Math.round(dy);
swx += wx;
swy += wy;
sx += wx * dx;
......@@ -349,32 +271,34 @@ public class OpticalFlow {
offsX += sx/swx;
offsY += sy/swy;
// use offsX, offsY as fractional shift and for data interpolation
// use offsX, offsY as fractional shift and for data interpolation
if (offsX >= .5) offsX -= 1.0;
if (offsY >= .5) offsY -= 1.0;
flowXY_frac[iMTile] = new double [] {offsX, offsY};
double min_pX = Double.NaN, max_pX = Double.NaN, min_pY = Double.NaN, max_pY = Double.NaN;
double min_tX = Double.NaN, max_tX = Double.NaN, min_tY = Double.NaN, max_tY = Double.NaN;
for (int iY = 0; iY < fullTileSize; iY++) {
for (int iX = 0; iX < fullTileSize; iX++) {
int iTile = iX + iY * fullTileSize;
if (pXpYD[iTile] != null) {
if (Double.isNaN(min_pX)) {
min_pX =pXpYD[iTile][0];
min_pY =pXpYD[iTile][1];
max_pX = min_pX;
max_pY = min_pY;
if (tXtYD[iTile] != null) {
if (Double.isNaN(min_tX)) {
min_tX =tXtYD[iTile][0];
min_tY =tXtYD[iTile][1];
max_tX = min_tX;
max_tY = min_tY;
if (min_pX > pXpYD[iTile][0]) min_pX = pXpYD[iTile][0];
if (min_pY > pXpYD[iTile][1]) min_pY = pXpYD[iTile][1];
if (max_pX < pXpYD[iTile][0]) max_pX = pXpYD[iTile][0];
if (max_pY < pXpYD[iTile][1]) max_pY = pXpYD[iTile][1];
if (min_tX > tXtYD[iTile][0]) min_tX = tXtYD[iTile][0];
if (min_tY > tXtYD[iTile][1]) min_tY = tXtYD[iTile][1];
if (max_tX < tXtYD[iTile][0]) max_tX = tXtYD[iTile][0];
if (max_tY < tXtYD[iTile][1]) max_tY = tXtYD[iTile][1];
int imin_tX = (int) Math.floor(min_pX / transform_size);
int imin_tY = (int) Math.floor(min_pY / transform_size);
int imax_tX = (int) Math.ceil (max_pX / transform_size);
int imax_tY = (int) Math.ceil (max_pY / transform_size);
int imin_tX = (int) Math.floor(min_tX);
int imin_tY = (int) Math.floor(min_tY);
int imax_tX = (int) Math.ceil (max_tX);
int imax_tY = (int) Math.ceil (max_tY);
// See if at least some of fits into the frame
if ((imin_tX >= tilesX) || (imin_tY >= tilesY) || (imax_tX < 0) || (imax_tX < 0)) {
continue; // no overlap at all
......@@ -389,7 +313,7 @@ public class OpticalFlow {
int tX = imin_tX + iX;
if ((tX >= 0) && (tX < tilesX)) {
int iTile = iX + iY * iwidth;
int tile = (imin_tX + iX) + 0;
int tile = tX + tilesX * tY;
if (dsrbg_scene[QuadCLT.DSRBG_STRENGTH][tile] > 0.0) {
double d = dsrbg_scene[QuadCLT.DSRBG_DISPARITY][tile];
scene_slices[QuadCLT.DSRBG_DISPARITY][iTile] = d;
......@@ -401,16 +325,29 @@ public class OpticalFlow {
if ((debug_level>1) && (iMTile == dbg_mtile)) {
String [] dbg_titles= {"d","s","r","b","g"};
String dbg_title= "before_disparity-MX"+mtileX+"_MY"+mtileY;
(new ShowDoubleFloatArrays()).showArrays(
// filter by disparity - 1 tile around rounded
final TileNeibs tn = new TileNeibs(iwidth, iheight);
for (int iY = 0; iY < fullTileSize; iY++) {
for (int iX = 0; iX < fullTileSize; iX++) {
int iTile = iX + iY * fullTileSize;
if (pXpYD[iTile] != null) {
double disp_tolerance = tolerance_absolute + pXpYD[iTile][2] * tolerance_relative;
double disp_min = pXpYD[iTile][2] - disp_tolerance;
double disp_max = pXpYD[iTile][2] + disp_tolerance;
int nt = tn.getIndex((int) Math.round(pXpYD[iTile][0]), (int) Math.round(pXpYD[iTile][1]));
if (tXtYD[iTile] != null) {
double disp_tolerance = tolerance_absolute + tXtYD[iTile][2] * tolerance_relative;
double disp_min = tXtYD[iTile][2] - disp_tolerance;
double disp_max = tXtYD[iTile][2] + disp_tolerance;
int nt = tn.getIndex(
(int) Math.round(tXtYD[iTile][0]) - imin_tX,
(int) Math.round(tXtYD[iTile][1]) - imin_tY);
if (nt >= 0) { // should always be
for (int dir = 0; dir <9; dir++) {
int nt1 = tn.getNeibIndex(nt, dir);
......@@ -425,6 +362,18 @@ public class OpticalFlow {
if ((debug_level>1) && (iMTile == dbg_mtile)) {
String [] dbg_titles= {"d","s","r","b","g"};
String dbg_title= "after_disparity-MX"+mtileX+"_MY"+mtileY;
(new ShowDoubleFloatArrays()).showArrays(
// copy rest of the data (all but strength) where strength > 0
for (int iY = 0; iY < iheight; iY++) {
int tY = imin_tY + iY;
......@@ -433,7 +382,7 @@ public class OpticalFlow {
int tX = imin_tX + iX;
if ((tX >= 0) && (tX < tilesX)) {
int iTile = iX + iY * iwidth;
int tile = (imin_tX + iX) + 0;
int tile = tX + tilesX * tY;
if (scene_slices[QuadCLT.DSRBG_STRENGTH][iTile] > 0.0) {
for (int i = 0; i < scene_slices.length; i++) if (i != QuadCLT.DSRBG_STRENGTH) {
scene_slices[i][iTile] = dsrbg_scene[i][tile];
......@@ -443,9 +392,21 @@ public class OpticalFlow {
if ((debug_level>1) && (iMTile == dbg_mtile)) {
String [] dbg_titles= {"d","s","r","b","g"};
String dbg_title= "scene1-MX"+mtileX+"_MY"+mtileY;
(new ShowDoubleFloatArrays()).showArrays(
// set NAN everywhere where strength is 0 (including border tiles
int num_dead = 0;
for (int iTile = 0; iTile < dsrbg_scene[0].length; iTile++) {
for (int iTile = 0; iTile < scene_slices[0].length; iTile++) {
if (scene_slices[QuadCLT.DSRBG_STRENGTH][iTile] <=0.0) {
for (int i = 0; i < scene_slices.length; i++) {
scene_slices[i][iTile] = Double.NaN;
......@@ -453,8 +414,22 @@ public class OpticalFlow {
if ((debug_level>1) && (iMTile == dbg_mtile)) {
System.out.println("scene2-MX"+mtileX+"_MY"+mtileY+" num_dead="+num_dead);
String [] dbg_titles= {"d","s","r","b","g"};
String dbg_title= "scene2-MX"+mtileX+"_MY"+mtileY;
(new ShowDoubleFloatArrays()).showArrays(
//center_occupancy -> all occupancy
double fract_active = 1.0*(dsrbg_scene[0].length - num_dead)/dsrbg_scene[0].length; // all tiles, not center
double fract_active = 1.0*(scene_slices[0].length - num_dead)/scene_slices[0].length; // all tiles, not center
if (fract_active < occupancy) {
flowXY_frac[iMTile] = null;
......@@ -462,27 +437,130 @@ public class OpticalFlow {
// Here need to fill NaNs, then
neibw, // final double [] neibw,
neibw, // final double [] neibw,
scene_slices, // final double [][] slices,
num_passes, // final int num_passes,
max_change, // final double max_change,
fullTileSize); // final int width
num_passes, // final int num_passes,
max_change, // final double max_change,
iwidth); // final int width
if ((debug_level>1) && (iMTile == dbg_mtile)) {
String [] dbg_titles= {"d","s","r","b","g"};
String dbg_title= "scene3NaN-MX"+mtileX+"_MY"+mtileY;
(new ShowDoubleFloatArrays()).showArrays(
// bi-linear interpolate
double [][] scene_mapped = new double [dsrbg_scene.length][fullTileLen];
boolean need_nan_filter = false;;
for (int iY = 0; iY < fullTileSize; iY++) {
for (int iX = 0; iX < fullTileSize; iX++) {
int iTile = iX + iY * fullTileSize;
if (tXtYD[iTile] != null) {
int itX = (int) Math.floor(tXtYD[iTile][0]);
int itY = (int) Math.floor(tXtYD[iTile][1]);
double kX = tXtYD[iTile][0]-itX;
double kY = tXtYD[iTile][1]-itY;
itX -= imin_tX; // relative to scene_slices = new double [dsrbg_scene.length][iwidth*iheight];
itY -= imin_tY; // relative to scene_slices = new double [dsrbg_scene.length][iwidth*iheight];
int indx = itX + itY * iwidth;
for (int i = 0; i < scene_mapped.length; i++) {
scene_mapped[i][iTile] =
(1.0 - kY) * ((1.0-kX) * scene_slices[i][indx] + kX * scene_slices[i][indx + 1])+
( kY) * ((1.0-kX) * scene_slices[i][indx + iwidth] + kX * scene_slices[i][indx + iwidth + 1]);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < scene_mapped.length; i++) {
scene_mapped[i][iTile] = Double.NaN; // will need to filter?
if ((debug_level>1) && (iMTile == dbg_mtile)) {
String [] dbg_titles= {"d","s","r","b","g"};
String dbg_title= "mapped-MX"+mtileX+"_MY"+mtileY;
(new ShowDoubleFloatArrays()).showArrays(
if (need_nan_filter) {
neibw, // final double [] neibw,
scene_mapped, // final double [][] slices,
num_passes, // final int num_passes,
max_change, // final double max_change,
fullTileSize); // final int width
if ((debug_level>1) && (iMTile == dbg_mtile)) {
String [] dbg_titles= {"d","s","r","b","g"};
String dbg_title= "mappedNaN-MX"+mtileX+"_MY"+mtileY;
(new ShowDoubleFloatArrays()).showArrays(
scene_tiles[iMTile] = scene_mapped;
return null;
if (debug_level > 0) {
// show debug image
String title = scene_QuadClt.getImageName()+"-scene_tiles";
title, // String title,
scene_tiles, // double [][][] source_tiles,
scene_QuadClt, // final QuadCLT qthis,
margin); // final int margin); // extra margins over 16x16 tiles to accommodate distorted destination tiles
String [] dbg_titles= {"dX","dY"};
String dbg_title= "flowXY_frac";
double [][] dbg_img = new double [2][macroTilesX*macroTilesY];
for (int nt =0; nt < flowXY_frac.length; nt++) {
if(flowXY_frac[nt] != null) {
for (int i=0; i < dbg_img.length; i++) dbg_img[i][nt] = flowXY_frac[nt][i];
} else {
for (int i=0; i < dbg_img.length; i++) dbg_img[i][nt] = Double.NaN;
if (debug_level > 1) {
(new ShowDoubleFloatArrays()).showArrays(
System.out.println("fillTilesNans() DONE.");
return scene_tiles;
// helper to be called from thread
private void tilesFillNaN(
final double [] neibw,
......@@ -874,8 +952,8 @@ public class OpticalFlow {
double [] wxyz_delta = new double[3];
double [] watr_delta = new double[3];
for (int i = 0; i <3; i++) {
wxyz_delta[i] = - corr_scale * dt * (k_prev * wxyz_center_dt_prev[i] + (1.0-k_prev) * ersCorrection.ers_wxyz_center_dt[i]);
watr_delta[i] = - corr_scale * dt * (k_prev * watr_center_dt_prev[i] + (1.0-k_prev) * ersCorrection.ers_watr_center_dt[i]);
wxyz_delta[i] = corr_scale * dt * (k_prev * wxyz_center_dt_prev[i] + (1.0-k_prev) * ersCorrection.ers_wxyz_center_dt[i]);
watr_delta[i] = corr_scale * dt * (k_prev * watr_center_dt_prev[i] + (1.0-k_prev) * ersCorrection.ers_watr_center_dt[i]);
camera_xyz0 = wxyz_delta;
camera_atr0 = watr_delta;
......@@ -885,8 +963,8 @@ public class OpticalFlow {
int tilesY = tp.getTilesY();
String [] dsrbg_titles = {"d", "s", "r", "b", "g"};
double [][] dsrbg = transformCameraVew(
double [][] dsrbg = transformCameraVew( // shifts previous image correctly (right)
qthis, // reference
qprev, // QuadCLT camera_QuadClt,
camera_xyz0, // double [] camera_xyz, // camera center in world coordinates
camera_atr0, //double [] camera_atr, // camera orientation relative to world frame
......@@ -911,7 +989,52 @@ public class OpticalFlow {
/* */
double tolerance_absolute = 0.25; // absolute disparity half-range in each tile
double tolerance_relative = 0.2; // relative disparity half-range in each tile
double center_occupancy = 0.25; // fraction of remaining tiles in the center 8x8 area (<1.0)
int num_passes = 100;
double max_change = 0.005 ;
double tolerance_absolute_inter = 0.25; // absolute disparity half-range in each tile
double tolerance_relative_inter = 0.2; // relative disparity half-range in each tile
double occupancy_inter = 0.25; // fraction of remaining tiles in the center 8x8 area (<1.0)
double [][][] reference_tiles = prepareReferenceTiles(
qthis, // final QuadCLT qthis,
tolerance_absolute, // final double tolerance_absolute, // absolute disparity half-range in each tile
tolerance_relative, // final double tolerance_relative, // relative disparity half-range in each tile
center_occupancy, // final double center_occupancy, // fraction of remaining tiles in the center 8x8 area (<1.0)
2); // final int debug_level)
reference_tiles, // final double [][][] nan_tiles,
qthis, // final QuadCLT qthis,
num_passes, // final int num_passes,
max_change, // final double max_change,
2); // final int debug_level)
double [][] flowXY = new double [reference_tiles.length][2]; // zero pre-shifts
double [][] flowXY_frac = new double [reference_tiles.length][]; // Will contain fractional X/Y shift for CLT
double [][][] scene_tiles = prepareSceneTiles(// to match to reference
// null for {scene,reference}{xyz,atr} uses instances globals
camera_xyz0, // final double [] scene_xyz, // camera center in world coordinates
camera_atr0, // final double [] scene_atr, // camera orientation relative to world frame
qprev, // final QuadCLT scene_QuadClt,
qthis, // final QuadCLT reference_QuadClt,
reference_tiles, // final double [][][] reference_tiles, // prepared with prepareReferenceTiles() + fillTilesNans();
flowXY, // final double [][] flowXY, // per macro tile {mismatch in image pixels in X and Y directions
flowXY_frac, // final double [][] flowXY_frac, // should be initialized as [number of macro tiles][] - returns fractional shifts [-0.5, 0.5)
tolerance_absolute_inter, // final double tolerance_absolute, // absolute disparity half-range in each tile
tolerance_relative_inter, // final double tolerance_relative, // relative disparity half-range in each tile
occupancy_inter, // final double occupancy, // fraction of remaining tiles (<1.0)
num_passes, // final int num_passes,
max_change, // final double max_change,
2); // final int debug_level)
/* */
return pair;
......@@ -939,7 +1062,8 @@ public class OpticalFlow {
int stiles = stilesX*stilesY;
double sigma = 0.5 * iscale;
double scale = 1.0 * iscale/transform_size;
double [][] dsrbg_camera = camera_QuadClt.getDSRBG();
double [][] dsrbg_camera = camera_QuadClt.getDSRBG();
double [][] dsrbg_reference = reference_QuadClt.getDSRBG();
double [][] ds = new double [dsrbg_camera.length][stiles];
for (int i = 0; i <ds.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j <ds[i].length; j++) {
......@@ -947,8 +1071,8 @@ public class OpticalFlow {
ErsCorrection ersCorrection = reference_QuadClt.getErsCorrection();
ersCorrection.setupERS(); // just in case - setUP using instance paRAMETERS
ErsCorrection ersReferenceCorrection = reference_QuadClt.getErsCorrection();
ersReferenceCorrection.setupERS(); // just in case - setUP using instance paRAMETERS
double [] zbuffer = new double [tiles];
for (int tileY = 0; tileY < tilesY; tileY++) {
// int stileY = iscale * tileY + iscale/2;
......@@ -958,16 +1082,33 @@ public class OpticalFlow {
double centerX = tileX * transform_size + transform_size/2; // - shiftX;
double centerY = tileY * transform_size + transform_size/2; // - shiftY;
double disparity = dsrbg_camera[QuadCLT.DSRBG_DISPARITY][nTile];
// double disparity = dsrbg_reference[QuadCLT.DSRBG_DISPARITY][nTile];
if (disparity < 0) {
disparity = 0.0;
// found that there are tiles with strength == 0.0, while disparity is not NaN
if (!Double.isNaN(disparity) && (dsrbg_camera[QuadCLT.DSRBG_STRENGTH][nTile] > 0.0)) {
double [] pXpYD = ersCorrection.getImageCoordinatesERS(
// if (!Double.isNaN(disparity) && (dsrbg_reference[QuadCLT.DSRBG_STRENGTH][nTile] > 0.0)) {
double [] pXpYD = ersReferenceCorrection.getImageCoordinatesERS( // ersCorrection - reference
camera_QuadClt, // QuadCLT cameraQuadCLT, // camera station that got image to be to be matched
centerX, // double px, // pixel coordinate X in the reference view
centerY, // double py, // pixel coordinate Y in the reference view
disparity, // double disparity, // reference disparity
true, // boolean distortedView, // This camera view is distorted (diff.rect), false - rectilinear
ZERO3, // double [] reference_xyz, // this view position in world coordinates (typically ZERO3)
ZERO3, // double [] reference_atr, // this view orientation relative to world frame (typically ZERO3)
true, // boolean distortedCamera, // camera view is distorted (false - rectilinear)
camera_xyz, // double [] camera_xyz, // camera center in world coordinates
camera_atr, // double [] camera_atr, // camera orientation relative to world frame
LINE_ERR); // double line_err) // threshold error in scan lines (1.0)
double [] pXpYD = ersReferenceCorrection.getImageCoordinatesReferenceERS( // ersCorrection - reference
camera_QuadClt, // QuadCLT cameraQuadCLT, // camera station that got image to be to be matched
centerX, // double px, // pixel coordinate X in this camera view
centerY, //double py, // pixel coordinate Y in this camera view
disparity, // double disparity, // this view disparity
centerX, // double px, // pixel coordinate X in the reference view
centerY, // double py, // pixel coordinate Y in the reference view
disparity, // double disparity, // reference disparity
true, // boolean distortedView, // This camera view is distorted (diff.rect), false - rectilinear
ZERO3, // double [] reference_xyz, // this view position in world coordinates (typically ZERO3)
ZERO3, // double [] reference_atr, // this view orientation relative to world frame (typically ZERO3)
......@@ -8262,17 +8262,20 @@ if (debugLevel > -100) return true; // temporarily !
OpticalFlow opticalFlow = new OpticalFlow(
threadsMax, // int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch
updateStatus); // boolean updateStatus);
int margin = 4; // extra margins over 16x16 tiles to accommodate distorted destination tiles
// int margin = 4; // extra margins over 16x16 tiles to accommodate distorted destination tiles
double tolerance_absolute = 0.25; // absolute disparity half-range in each tile
double tolerance_relative = 0.2; // relative disparity half-range in each tile
double center_occupancy = 0.25; // fraction of remaining tiles in the center 8x8 area (<1.0)
int num_passes = 100;
double max_change = 0.005 ;
for (int i = 1; i < quadCLTs.length; i++) {
QuadCLT qPrev = (i > 0) ? quadCLTs[i - 1] : null;
double [][][] source_tiles = opticalFlow.prepareReferenceTiles(
quadCLTs[i], // final QuadCLT qthis,
// margin, // final int margin, // extra margins over 16x16 tiles to accommodate distorted destination tiles
......@@ -8289,7 +8292,7 @@ if (debugLevel > -100) return true; // temporarily !
num_passes, // final int num_passes,
max_change, // final double max_change,
2); // final int debug_level)
double [][][] pair_sets =
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