Commit 76bf54e4 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

fixed selecting multiple images for the non-goniometer cameras (no motors data)

parent dfc47feb
......@@ -993,7 +993,16 @@ import org.apache.commons.configuration.XMLConfiguration;
if (this.gIP[i].enabled &!this.gIP[i].flatFieldAvailable) numNoVignetting++;
this.gIP[i].enabled &= this.gIP[i].flatFieldAvailable;
if (this.gIP[i].motors==null) this.gIP[i].enabled=false; // got some no-motor images made without scanning
if (this.gIP[i].motors==null) { // only disable if any other set has motors
boolean hasMotors=false;
for (int j=0;j<this.gIP.length;j++){
if (this.gIP[j].motors != null) {
if (hasMotors) this.gIP[i].enabled=false; // got some no-motor images made without scanning
/* Disable no-pointer, new, number of points less than required */
if (this.gIP[i].enabled && !wasEnabled && (this.gIP[i].matchedPointers==0) && (this.gIP[i].pixelsXY.length<minGridNodes)){
......@@ -1394,8 +1403,83 @@ import org.apache.commons.configuration.XMLConfiguration;
// find the closest one (by motors)
if (this.gIS[i].motors==null) {
if (this.debugLevel>0) System.out.println("getImagesetTiltAxial("+timeStamp+"): No motor data");
if (this.debugLevel>0) System.out.println("Looking for closest timestamps in the same station, image set = "+i);
int early_set=-1;
int late_set=-1;
for (int j=0; j<this.gIS.length;j++) {
if (Double.isNaN(this.gIS[j].goniometerTilt) || Double.isNaN(this.gIS[j].goniometerAxial) || Double.isNaN(this.gIS[j].interAxisAngle)) continue;
if (this.gIS[j].timeStamp > timeStamp){
if ((late_set<0) || (this.gIS[j].timeStamp < this.gIS[late_set].timeStamp)) late_set = j;
} else {
if ((early_set<0) || (this.gIS[j].timeStamp >this.gIS[early_set].timeStamp)) early_set = j;
if ((late_set <0) && (early_set<0)) {
if (this.debugLevel>0) System.out.println("Failed to find any known orientation");
return null;
if (late_set <0) iBest= early_set;
else if (early_set <0) iBest= late_set;
else {
// interpolate
double axialEarly=this.gIS[early_set].goniometerAxial;
double axialLate= this.gIS[late_set].goniometerAxial;
axialEarly-=360.0*Math.floor((axialEarly+180.0)/360.0); // convert to range +/-180
axialLate-= 360.0*Math.floor((axialLate+ 180.0)/360.0);
double axialCenter= 0.5*(axialEarly+axialLate);
if (Math.abs(axialEarly-axialLate)>180) {
if (axialCenter>0) axialCenter-=180.0;
else axialCenter+=180.0;
double interEarly=this.gIS[early_set].interAxisAngle;
double interLate= this.gIS[late_set].interAxisAngle;
interLate-= 360.0*Math.floor((interLate+ 180.0)/360.0);
double interCenter= 0.5*(interEarly+interLate);
if (Math.abs(interEarly-interLate)>180) {
if (interCenter>0) interCenter-=180.0;
else interCenter+=180.0;
double tiltEarly=this.gIS[early_set].goniometerTilt;
double tiltLate= this.gIS[late_set].goniometerTilt;
tiltLate-= 360.0*Math.floor((tiltLate+ 180.0)/360.0);
double tiltCenter= 0.5*(tiltEarly+tiltLate);
if (Math.abs(tiltEarly-tiltLate)>180) {
if (tiltCenter>0) tiltCenter-=180.0;
else tiltCenter+=180.0;
this.gIS[i].goniometerTilt= tiltCenter;
if (this.debugLevel>2) System.out.println("getImagesetTiltAxial("+timeStamp+"):"+
" axialEarly - "+ axialEarly+
" axialLate - "+ axialLate+
" axialCenter - "+axialCenter+
" tiltEarly - "+ tiltEarly+
" tiltLate - "+ tiltLate+
" tiltCenter - "+ tiltCenter+
" interEarly - "+ interEarly+
" interLate - "+ interLate+
" interCenter - "+interCenter);
if (iBest!=i) {
// use closest
this.gIS[i].goniometerTilt= this.gIS[iBest].goniometerTilt;
double [] result = {
return result;
// Maybe later use both motors, for now - just the axial. It seems to have <0.5 degree error (but accumulates gradually as there are friction rollers involved).
int thisMotorHorizontal=this.gIS[i].motors[mHorizontal];
int thisMotorAxial= this.gIS[i].motors[mAxial];
......@@ -1488,6 +1572,11 @@ import org.apache.commons.configuration.XMLConfiguration;
// 06/06/2015 Andrey: Was missing setting estimated orientation. Was it a bug?
if (this.debugLevel>0) System.out.println("Orientation for set # "+i+" timestamp "+IJ.d2s(this.gIS[i].timeStamp,6)+
") is not defined, using interpolated between sets # "+indexClosest+" (timestamp "+IJ.d2s(this.gIS[indexClosest].timeStamp,6)+") "+
"and # "+indexSecond+" (timestamp "+IJ.d2s(this.gIS[indexSecond].timeStamp,6)+")");
} else { // old way
double d2Min=-1;
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