Commit 75c570c2 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

Tested LMA equalization, some bug fixes

parent f7f4a8dd
......@@ -159,6 +159,8 @@ public class ComboMatch {
boolean create_overlaps = false;
boolean equalize_overlaps = false;
boolean create_map = false;
boolean create_equalize = false;
// boolean show_combo_mask = false; // generate image mas (where it is defined)_
// boolean use_alt = false;
// boolean show_centers = true;
......@@ -194,7 +196,7 @@ public class ComboMatch {
GenericJTabbedDialog gd = new GenericJTabbedDialog("Set image pair",1200,700);
GenericJTabbedDialog gd = new GenericJTabbedDialog("Set image pair",1200,800);
gd.addChoice ("Files list/data path (w/o extension):", files_lists_paths, files_lists_paths[default_list_choice]);
gd.addCheckbox ("Use saved maps collection", use_saved_collection, "If false - use files list.");
gd.addCheckbox ("Save maps collection", save_collection, "Save maps collection to be able to restore.");
......@@ -235,6 +237,7 @@ public class ComboMatch {
gd.addCheckbox ("Create overlap pairs", create_overlaps, "Create scene pairs overlaps.");
gd.addCheckbox ("Equalize overlap pairs", equalize_overlaps, "Equalize intensities in overlaps.");
gd.addCheckbox ("Create map", create_map, "Create combined map from pairwise matches.");
gd.addCheckbox ("Equalize intensities", create_equalize, "Create map intensities equalization from pairwise matches.");
// gd.addCheckbox ("Show combo image mask", show_combo_mask, "Display combo binary image.");
// gd.addCheckbox ("Show altitude combo image", use_alt, "Load and process altitude maps.");
gd.addNumericField("Remove fraction of worst matches", frac_remove, 3,7,"", "When fitting scenes remove this fraction of worst match.");
......@@ -263,6 +266,7 @@ public class ComboMatch {
String orthoMapsCollection_path =files_lists_paths[choice_index]+".data";
use_saved_collection = gd.getNextBoolean();
save_collection = gd.getNextBoolean();
String orthoMapsCollection_savepath = save_collection?orthoMapsCollection_path:null;
process_correlation= gd.getNextBoolean();
num_tries_fit = (int) gd.getNextNumber();
update_match= gd.getNextBoolean();
......@@ -292,6 +296,7 @@ public class ComboMatch {
create_overlaps = gd.getNextBoolean();
equalize_overlaps = gd.getNextBoolean();
create_map = gd.getNextBoolean();
create_equalize = gd.getNextBoolean();
frac_remove = gd.getNextNumber();
metric_error= gd.getNextNumber();
if (use_marked_image ) { // will only be used if found and asked
......@@ -778,20 +783,28 @@ public class ComboMatch {
clt_parameters, // CLTParameters clt_parameters,
maps_collection, // OrthoMapsCollection maps_collection
orthoMapsCollection_path); // String orthoMapsCollection_path
orthoMapsCollection_savepath); // String orthoMapsCollection_path
return true;
if (create_equalize) {
clt_parameters, // CLTParameters clt_parameters,
maps_collection, // OrthoMapsCollection maps_collection
orthoMapsCollection_savepath); // String orthoMapsCollection_path
return true;
if (create_overlaps) {
boolean ok =maps_collection.getIntersectedPairs(
clt_parameters, // CLTParameters clt_parameters,
orthoMapsCollection_path); // String orthoMapsCollection_path);
orthoMapsCollection_savepath); // String orthoMapsCollection_path);
return ok; // Just exit, do not try other commands. if (!ok) return false;
if (equalize_overlaps) {
boolean ok =maps_collection.equalizeIntersectedPairs(
clt_parameters, // CLTParameters clt_parameters,
orthoMapsCollection_path); // String orthoMapsCollection_path);
orthoMapsCollection_savepath); // String orthoMapsCollection_path);
return ok; // Just exit, do not try other commands. if (!ok) return false;
** OrthoEqualizeLMA - Fit multiple scenes pixel values (temperature)
** linear transformations using already calculated pairwise
** transformations
** Copyright (C) 2024 Elphel, Inc.
** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------**
** is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <>.
** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------**
package com.elphel.imagej.orthomosaic;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit;
import java.time.temporal.TemporalUnit;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import com.elphel.imagej.cameras.CLTParameters;
import com.elphel.imagej.tileprocessor.ImageDtt;
import Jama.Matrix;
public class OrthoEqualizeLMA {
private double [] last_rms = null; // {rms, rms_pure}, matching this.vector
private double [] good_or_bad_rms = null; // just for diagnostics, to read last (failed) rms
private double [] initial_rms = null; // {rms, rms_pure}, first-calcualted rms
private double [] parameters_vector = null;
private double [] y_vector = null;
private double pure_weight; // weight of samples only as a fraction of total weight
private double [] weights; // normalized so sum is 1.0 for all - samples and extra regularization
private double [] last_ymfx = null;
private double [][] last_jt = null;
private PairwiseOrthoMatch [][] matches = null;
private int [][] pairs = null;
private int [][] pairs_ni = null; // non-intersecting pairs for multi-threaded processing
private int [] indices = null;
// private double [][] offsets = null; // scene offsets (rd)
private int num_scenes = 0;
private int num_pairs = 0;
public static int buildEqualize(
CLTParameters clt_parameters,
OrthoMapsCollection maps_collection,
String orthoMapsCollection_path
) {
int debugLevel = 2;
boolean use_inv = false;
double scale_weight = 500; // relative weight of scale differences compared to offset differences
double pull_weight = 0.001; // relative weight of offsets and scales differences from 1.0 to pairs mismatch
double half_weight_sec = 300.0; // - time difference to reduce weight twice
double min_weight_sec = 0.01; // weight of pairs at very different time
double overlap_pow = 2.0; // match weight as overlap fraction to this power
double rms_diff = 0.000001;
int num_iter = 100; // 50;
double lambda = 0.1;
double lambda_scale_good = 0.5;
double lambda_scale_bad = 8.0;
double lambda_max = 100;
boolean last_run = false;
boolean ignore_equalization=false; // ignore previous equalization
int [] indices = maps_collection.getScenesSelection(
null, // boolean select_all,
" to build a map"); // String purpose)
OrthoEqualizeLMA oel = new OrthoEqualizeLMA();
oel.prepareLMA (
clt_parameters, // CLTParameters clt_parameters,
maps_collection, // OrthoMapsCollection maps_collection,
indices, // int [] indices,
ignore_equalization, // boolean ignore_equalization, // ignore previous equalization
// scale_weights applies both to pairs mismatch and per-scene values difference from neutral {1.0, 0.0}
scale_weight, // double scale_weight, // relative weight of scale differences compared to offset differences
pull_weight, // double pull_weight, // relative weight of offsets and scales differences from 1.0 to pairs mismatch
half_weight_sec, // double half_weight_sec, // 300 - time difference to reduce weight twice
min_weight_sec, // double min_weight_sec, // 0.01 weight of pairs at very different time
use_inv, // boolean use_inv, // use inverse pairs
overlap_pow, // double overlap_pow, // match weight as overlap fraction to this power
debugLevel); // int debugLevel);
int lma_rslt = oel.runLma( // <0 - failed, >=0 iteration number (1 - immediately)
lambda, // double lambda, // 0.1
lambda_scale_good, // double lambda_scale_good,// 0.5
lambda_scale_bad, // double lambda_scale_bad, // 8.0
lambda_max, // double lambda_max, // 100
rms_diff, // double rms_diff, // 0.001
num_iter, // int num_iter, // 20
last_run, // boolean last_run,
null, // dbg_lma_prefix, // String dbg_prefix,
debugLevel); // int debug_level)
double [] rms = oel.getRms();
double [] initial_rms = oel.getInitialRms();
if (debugLevel > 0) {
System.out.println("LMA: full RMS="+rms[0]+" ("+initial_rms[0]+"), pure RMS="+rms[1]+" ("+initial_rms[1]+")");
//Get and apply affines
double [][] equalize = oel.getEqualize();
double [] fx = oel.getFx();
if (orthoMapsCollection_path != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
System.out.println("Saved data to "+ orthoMapsCollection_path);
return 0;
public double [] getParameters() {
return parameters_vector;
public double [] getFx() {
return getFxDerivs(
parameters_vector, // double [] vector,
null, // final double [][] jt, // should be null or initialized with [vector.length][]
0); // final int debug_level)
public int prepareLMA (
CLTParameters clt_parameters,
OrthoMapsCollection maps_collection,
int [] indices,
// scale_weights applies both to pairs mismatch and per-scene values difference from neutral {1.0, 0.0}
boolean ignore_equalization, // ignore previous equalization
double scale_weight, // relative weight of scale differences compared to offset differences
double pull_weight, // relative weight of offsets and scales differences from 1.0 to pairs mismatch
double half_weight_sec, // 300 - time difference to reduce weight twice
double min_weight_sec, // 0.01 weight of pairs at very different time
boolean use_inv, // use inverse pairs
double overlap_pow, // match weight as overlap fraction to this power
int debugLevel) {
this.indices = indices;
num_scenes = indices.length;
matches = new PairwiseOrthoMatch[indices.length][indices.length];
ArrayList<Point> pairs_list = new ArrayList<Point>();
for (int i = 0; i < num_scenes-1; i++) {
int scene0 = indices[i];
for (int j = i+1; j < num_scenes; j++){
int scene1 = indices[j];
PairwiseOrthoMatch match = maps_collection.ortho_maps[scene0].getMatch(maps_collection.ortho_maps[scene1].getName());
PairwiseOrthoMatch inv_match = use_inv?
if ((match != null) || (inv_match != null)){
if (match == null) {
double [] enuOffset = maps_collection.ortho_maps[scene0].enuOffsetTo(maps_collection.ortho_maps[scene1]);
double [] rd = {enuOffset[0], -enuOffset[1]}; // {right,down} of the image
match = inv_match.getInverse(rd);
if (inv_match == null) {
double [] enuOffset = maps_collection.ortho_maps[scene1].enuOffsetTo(maps_collection.ortho_maps[scene0]);
double [] rd = {enuOffset[0], -enuOffset[1]}; // {right,down} of the image
inv_match = match.getInverse(rd);
if ((match != null) && match.isSetEqualize2to1()) {
matches[i][j] = match;
matches[j][i] = inv_match;
pairs_list.add(new Point(i,j)); // only once?
num_pairs = pairs_list.size();
pairs = new int[num_pairs][2];
for (int np = 0; np < num_pairs; np++) {
Point pair = pairs_list.get(np);
pairs[np] = new int[] {pair.x, pair.y};
pairs_ni = OrthoMultiLMA.createNonIntersectingPairs(pairs);
y_vector = new double [2*num_pairs + 2*num_scenes];
weights = new double [2*num_pairs + 2*num_scenes];
parameters_vector = new double [2*num_scenes];
int sec_24hrs = 60*60*24;
double sw = 0;
// pairwise matches
for (int npair = 0; npair < num_pairs; npair++) {
Point p = pairs_list.get(npair);
PairwiseOrthoMatch match = matches[p.x][p.y];
y_vector[2*npair + 0] = match.equalize1to0[0];
y_vector[2*npair + 1] = match.equalize1to0[1];
double diff_seconds = Math.abs((int) ChronoUnit.SECONDS.between(
)) % sec_24hrs;
if (diff_seconds > (sec_24hrs/2)) {
diff_seconds = sec_24hrs-diff_seconds;
// weight reduction because of different capture time
double weight_dt = Math.max(Math.pow(0.5, diff_seconds/half_weight_sec),min_weight_sec);
// weight reduction because of partial overlap
double weight_overlap = Math.pow(match.getOverlap(), overlap_pow);
// scale_weight
double w = weight_dt * weight_overlap;
weights[2*npair + 0] = w * scale_weight;
weights[2*npair + 1] = w;
sw += w *(1 + scale_weight);
double swp = sw;
// individual scene pulls to {1.0,0} for regularization
for (int nscene = 0; nscene < num_scenes; nscene++) {
double [] equalize = ignore_equalization?
(new double[] {1.0,0.0}):
int np = 2 * nscene;
int indx = 2 * num_pairs + np;
parameters_vector[np + 0] = equalize[0];
parameters_vector[np + 1] = equalize[1];
y_vector[indx + 0] = 1.0;
y_vector[indx + 1] = 0.0;
weights [indx + 0] = scale_weight * pull_weight;
weights [indx + 1] = pull_weight;
sw+= pull_weight * (1 + scale_weight);
pure_weight = swp/sw;
double s = 1.0/sw;
for (int i = 0; i <weights.length;i++) {
weights[i] *=s;
last_jt = new double [parameters_vector.length][];
return weights.length;
public int runLma( // <0 - failed, >=0 iteration number (1 - immediately)
double lambda, // 0.1
double lambda_scale_good,// 0.5
double lambda_scale_bad, // 8.0
double lambda_max, // 100
double rms_diff, // 0.001
int num_iter, // 20
boolean last_run,
String dbg_prefix,
int debug_level)
boolean [] rslt = {false,false};
this.last_rms = null; // remove?
int iter = 0;
if (dbg_prefix != null) {
// debugStateImage(dbg_prefix+"-initial");
for (iter = 0; iter < num_iter; iter++) {
rslt = lmaStep(
if (dbg_prefix != null) {
// debugStateImage(dbg_prefix+"-step_"+iter);
if (rslt == null) {
return -1; // false; // need to check
if (debug_level > 1) {
System.out.println("LMA step "+iter+": {"+rslt[0]+","+rslt[1]+"} full RMS= "+good_or_bad_rms[0]+
" ("+initial_rms[0]+"), pure RMS="+good_or_bad_rms[1]+" ("+initial_rms[1]+") + lambda="+lambda);
if (rslt[1]) {
if (rslt[0]) { // good
lambda *= lambda_scale_good;
} else {
lambda *= lambda_scale_bad;
if (lambda > lambda_max) {
break; // not used in lwir
if (rslt[0]) { // better
if (iter >= num_iter) { // better, but num tries exceeded
if (debug_level > 1) System.out.println("Step "+iter+": Improved, but number of steps exceeded maximal");
} else {
if (debug_level > 1) System.out.println("Step "+iter+": LMA: Success");
} else { // improved over initial ?
if (last_rms[0] < initial_rms[0]) { // NaN
rslt[0] = true;
if (debug_level > 1) System.out.println("Step "+iter+": Failed to converge, but result improved over initial");
} else {
if (debug_level > 1) System.out.println("Step "+iter+": Failed to converge");
boolean show_intermediate = true;
if (show_intermediate && (debug_level > 0)) {
System.out.println("LMA: full RMS="+last_rms[0]+" ("+initial_rms[0]+"), pure RMS="+last_rms[1]+" ("+initial_rms[1]+") + lambda="+lambda);
if (debug_level > 2){
if (debug_level > 0) {
if ((debug_level > 1) || last_run) { // (iter == 1) || last_run) {
if (!show_intermediate) {
System.out.println("LMA: iter="+iter+", full RMS="+last_rms[0]+" ("+initial_rms[0]+"), pure RMS="+last_rms[1]+" ("+initial_rms[1]+") + lambda="+lambda);
if ((debug_level > -2) && !rslt[0]) { // failed
if ((debug_level > 1) || (iter == 1) || last_run) {
System.out.println("LMA failed on iteration = "+iter);
return rslt[0]? iter : -1;
private boolean [] lmaStep(
double lambda,
double rms_diff,
int debug_level) {
boolean [] rslt = {false,false};
// maybe the following if() branch is not needed - already done in prepareLMA !
if (this.last_rms == null) { //first time, need to calculate all (vector is valid)
last_rms = new double[2];
if (debug_level > 1) {
System.out.println("lmaStep(): first step");
double [] fx = getFxDerivs(
parameters_vector, // double [] vector,
last_jt, // final double [][] jt, // should be null or initialized with [vector.length][]
debug_level); // final int debug_level)
last_ymfx = getYminusFxWeighted(
fx, // final double [] fx,
last_rms); // final double [] rms_fp // null or [2]
this.initial_rms = this.last_rms.clone();
this.good_or_bad_rms = this.last_rms.clone();
if (debug_level > -1) { // temporary
if (last_ymfx == null) {
return null; // need to re-init/restart LMA
// TODO: Restore/implement
if (debug_level > 3) {
corr_vector, // GeometryCorrection.CorrVector corr_vector,
1E-5, // double delta,
true); //boolean graphic)
Matrix y_minus_fx_weighted = new Matrix(this.last_ymfx, this.last_ymfx.length);
Matrix wjtjlambda = new Matrix(getWJtJlambda(
lambda, // *10, // temporary
this.last_jt)); // double [][] jt)
if (debug_level>2) {
System.out.println("JtJ + lambda*diag(JtJ");
wjtjlambda.print(18, 6);
Matrix jtjl_inv = null;
try {
jtjl_inv = wjtjlambda.inverse(); // check for errors
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
rslt[1] = true;
if (debug_level > 0) {
System.out.println("Singular Matrix!");
return rslt;
if (debug_level>2) {
System.out.println("(JtJ + lambda*diag(JtJ).inv()");
jtjl_inv.print(18, 6);
//last_jt has NaNs
Matrix jty = (new Matrix(this.last_jt)).times(y_minus_fx_weighted);
if (debug_level>2) {
System.out.println("Jt * (y-fx)");
jty.print(18, 6);
Matrix mdelta = jtjl_inv.times(jty);
if (debug_level>2) {
mdelta.print(18, 6);
double scale = 1.0;
double [] delta = mdelta.getColumnPackedCopy();
double [] new_vector = parameters_vector.clone();
for (int i = 0; i < parameters_vector.length; i++) {
new_vector[i] += scale * delta[i];
double [] fx = getFxDerivs(
new_vector, // double [] vector,
last_jt, // final double [][] jt, // should be null or initialized with [vector.length][]
debug_level); // final int debug_level)
double [] rms = new double[2];
last_ymfx = getYminusFxWeighted(
// vector_XYS, // final double [][] vector_XYS,
fx, // final double [] fx,
rms); // final double [] rms_fp // null or [2]
if (debug_level > 2) {
dbgYminusFx(this.last_ymfx, "next y-fX");
dbgXY(new_vector, "XY-correction");
if (last_ymfx == null) {
return null; // need to re-init/restart LMA
this.good_or_bad_rms = rms.clone();
if (rms[0] < this.last_rms[0]) { // improved
rslt[0] = true;
rslt[1] = rms[0] >=(this.last_rms[0] * (1.0 - rms_diff));
this.last_rms = rms.clone();
this.parameters_vector = new_vector.clone();
if (debug_level > 2) {
// print vectors in some format
System.out.print("delta: "+corr_delta.toString()+"\n");
System.out.print("New vector: "+new_vector.toString()+"\n");
} else { // worsened
rslt[0] = false;
rslt[1] = false; // do not know, caller will decide
// restore state
fx = getFxDerivs(
parameters_vector, // double [] vector,
last_jt, // final double [][] jt, // should be null or initialized with [vector.length][]
debug_level); // final int debug_level)
last_ymfx = getYminusFxWeighted(
fx, // final double [] fx,
this.last_rms); // final double [] rms_fp // null or [2]
if (last_ymfx == null) {
return null; // need to re-init/restart LMA
if (debug_level > 2) {
corr_vector, // GeometryCorrection.CorrVector corr_vector,
1E-5, // double delta,
true); //boolean graphic)
return rslt;
private double [][] getWJtJlambda(
final double lambda,
final double [][] jt)
final int num_pars = jt.length;
final int num_pars2 = num_pars * num_pars;
final int nup_points = jt[0].length;
final double [][] wjtjl = new double [num_pars][num_pars];
final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray();
final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0);
for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) {
threads[ithread] = new Thread() {
public void run() {
for (int indx = ai.getAndIncrement(); indx < num_pars2; indx = ai.getAndIncrement()) {
int i = indx / num_pars;
int j = indx % num_pars;
if (j >= i) {
double d = 0.0;
for (int k = 0; k < nup_points; k++) {
if (jt[i][k] != 0) {
d += weights[k]*jt[i][k]*jt[j][k];
wjtjl[i][j] = d;
if (i == j) {
wjtjl[i][j] += d * lambda;
} else {
wjtjl[j][i] = d;
return wjtjl;
private double [] getYminusFxWeighted(
final double [] fx,
final double [] rms_fp // null or [2]
) {
final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray();
final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0);
final double [] wymfw = new double [fx.length];
double [] swd2 = new double[num_pairs];
for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) {
threads[ithread] = new Thread() {
public void run() {
for (int nPair = ai.getAndIncrement(); nPair < num_pairs; nPair = ai.getAndIncrement()) {
int np2 = 2*nPair;
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < 2; i1++) {
int i = np2+i1;
double d = y_vector[i] - fx[i];
double wd = d * weights[i];
wymfw[i] = wd;
swd2[nPair] += d * wd;
double s_rms = 0;
for (int nPair = 0; nPair < num_pairs; nPair++) {
s_rms += swd2[nPair];
double s_rms_pure = s_rms/pure_weight;
// num_scenes is not that large; sum w/o threads
for (int nScene = 0; nScene < num_scenes; nScene++) {
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < 2; i1++) {
int i = 2*num_pairs + 2*nScene + i1;
double d = y_vector[i] - fx[i];
double wd = d * weights[i];
wymfw[i] = wd;
s_rms += d * wd;
if (rms_fp != null) {
rms_fp[0] = Math.sqrt(s_rms);
if (rms_fp.length > 1) {
rms_fp[1] = Math.sqrt(s_rms_pure);
return wymfw;
public double [] getRms() {
return last_rms;
public double [] getInitialRms() {
return initial_rms;
public void updateEqualize(OrthoMapsCollection maps_collection) {
for (int nscene = 0; nscene < num_scenes; nscene++) {
double [] equalize = maps_collection.ortho_maps[indices[nscene]].getEqualize();
equalize[0] = parameters_vector[2*nscene + 0];
equalize[1] = parameters_vector[2*nscene + 1];
public double [][] getEqualize(){
double [][] equalize = new double [num_scenes][];
for (int nscene = 0; nscene < num_scenes; nscene++) {
equalize[nscene] = new double [] {parameters_vector[2*nscene+0],parameters_vector[2*nscene+1]};
return equalize;
private double [] getFxDerivs(
final double [] vector,
final double [][] jt, // should be null or initialized with [vector.length][]
final int debug_level)
final double [] fx = new double [weights.length]; // weights.length]; : weights.length :
if (jt != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < jt.length; i++) {
jt[i] = new double [weights.length]; // weights.length];
final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray();
final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0);
for (int pair_group = 0; pair_group<pairs_ni.length; pair_group++) {
final int fpair_group = pair_group;
for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) {
threads[ithread] = new Thread() {
public void run() {
for (int iPair = ai.getAndIncrement(); iPair < pairs_ni[fpair_group].length; iPair = ai.getAndIncrement()) {
int nPair = pairs_ni[fpair_group][iPair]; // index in pairs[][]
int [] pair = pairs[nPair];
double a0= vector[2*pair[0]+0], a1=vector[2*pair[1]+0];
double b0= vector[2*pair[0]+1], b1=vector[2*pair[1]+1];
double a = a1/a0;
double b = (b1-b0)/a0;
fx[2*nPair+0] = a;
fx[2*nPair+1] = b;
if (jt != null) {
jt[2*pair[0] + 0][2*nPair + 0] += -a1/a0/a0; // da/da0
jt[2*pair[0] + 0][2*nPair + 1] += -(b1-b0)/a0/a0; // db/da0
jt[2*pair[1] + 0][2*nPair + 0] += 1/a0; // da/da1
/// jt[2*pair[1] + 0][2*nPair + 1] += 0; // db/da1
/// jt[2*pair[0] + 1][2*nPair + 0] += 0; // da/db0
jt[2*pair[0] + 1][2*nPair + 1] += -1/a0; // db/db0
/// jt[2*pair[1] + 1][2*nPair + 0] += 0; // da/db1
jt[2*pair[1] + 1][2*nPair + 1] += 1/a0; // db/db1
for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) {
threads[ithread] = new Thread() {
public void run() {
for (int nScene = ai.getAndIncrement(); nScene < num_scenes; nScene = ai.getAndIncrement()){
int npar = 2 * nScene;
int ny = 2 * num_pairs + 2 * nScene;
double a = vector[npar + 0];
double b = vector[npar + 1];
fx[ny + 0] = a;
fx[ny + 1] = b/a;
if (jt != null) {
jt[npar + 0][ny + 0] = 1;
jt[npar + 0][ny + 1] = -b/a/a;
/// jt[npar + 1][ny + 0] = 0;
jt[npar + 1][ny + 1] = 1/a;
return fx;
......@@ -117,6 +117,9 @@ public class OrthoMap implements Comparable <OrthoMap>, Serializable{
public transient double sfm_gain = Double.NaN; // maximal SfM gain of this map
public transient double [] equalize = {1,0}; // rectified value = equalize[0]*source_value+equalize[1]
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream oos) throws IOException {
// temporary fix:
// double [][] affine_clone = {affine[0].clone(), affine[1].clone()};
// affine = affine_clone;
// oos.writeObject(scenes_path);
......@@ -511,7 +514,7 @@ public class OrthoMap implements Comparable <OrthoMap>, Serializable{
public void setAffine(double [][] affine) {
this.affine = affine;
this.affine = new double[][] {affine[0].clone(),affine[1].clone()};
public double [][] getAffine(){
return affine;
......@@ -4893,7 +4893,7 @@ public class OrthoMapsCollection implements Serializable{
int debugLevel) {
int [] indices = getScenesSelection(
null, // boolean select_all,
" to process"); // String purpose)
" to process/display"); // String purpose)
if (indices == null) {
return false;
......@@ -4907,7 +4907,7 @@ public class OrthoMapsCollection implements Serializable{
int [] indices,
int debugLevel) {
boolean show_map_stats = false;
boolean show_combo_map = false; // true;
boolean show_combo_map = true; // false; // true;
boolean show_alt_map = false;
boolean show_combo_mask = false; // generate image mas (where it is defined)
boolean show_frames = false;
......@@ -4920,6 +4920,8 @@ public class OrthoMapsCollection implements Serializable{
boolean show_centers = true;
boolean bounds_to_indices = true;
boolean merge_layers = false; // instead of individuals
boolean ignore_affines = false;
boolean ignore_equalize = false;
String save_top_dir = "/media/elphel/NVME/lwir16-proc/ortho_videos/debug/sept12-13/pattern_match/";
String sub_dir = "combo_maps";
......@@ -4942,10 +4944,15 @@ public class OrthoMapsCollection implements Serializable{
gd.addNumericField("Margins", margins, 0,4,"",
"Add margins around images");
gd.addCheckbox ("Show transformation centers", show_centers, "Mark verticals from the UAS on the ground.");
gd.addCheckbox ("Bounds to selected images", bounds_to_indices, "Set combo image bounds to selected images only. False - all images.");
gd.addCheckbox ("Merge layers", merge_layers, "Generate composite binary image.");
gd.addCheckbox ("Show transformation centers",show_centers, "Mark verticals from the UAS on the ground.");
gd.addCheckbox ("Bounds to selected images", bounds_to_indices, "Set combo image bounds to selected images only. False - all images.");
gd.addCheckbox ("Merge layers", merge_layers, "Generate composite binary image.");
gd.addCheckbox ("Ignore affines", ignore_affines, "Ignore available affines, use unity.");
gd.addCheckbox ("Ignore equalization", ignore_equalize, "Ignore available intensity equalization, use unity.");
gd.addStringField ("Pattern match save directory", save_top_dir, 120, "Top directory to save combo maps");
gd.addStringField ("Save subdirectory", sub_dir, 80, "Subdirectory for versions of the same scene/pair of scenes");
gd.addCheckbox ("Show generated images", show_images, "Display generated images.");
......@@ -4968,7 +4975,8 @@ public class OrthoMapsCollection implements Serializable{
show_centers = gd.getNextBoolean();
bounds_to_indices = gd.getNextBoolean();
merge_layers = gd.getNextBoolean();
ignore_affines = gd.getNextBoolean();
ignore_equalize = gd.getNextBoolean();
save_top_dir= gd.getNextString();
sub_dir= gd.getNextString();
show_images= gd.getNextBoolean();
......@@ -5015,13 +5023,22 @@ public class OrthoMapsCollection implements Serializable{
int [] wh = new int[2];
int [] origin = new int[2];
double [][] centers = show_centers? (new double [indices.length][]): null;
double [][][] affines = null;
if (ignore_affines) {
affines = new double [indices.length][2][3];
for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) {
affines[i][0][0] = 1;
affines[i][1][1] = 1;
double [][] dmulti = renderMultiDouble (
null, // double [][] ground_planes, // null - images, non-null altitudes. use new double[2][3] for old way alt
indices, // int [] indices, // null or which indices to use (normally just 2 for pairwise comparison)
bounds_to_indices, // boolean bounds_to_indices,
null, // affines, // double [][][] affines, // null or [indices.length][2][3]
affines, // null, // affines, // double [][][] affines, // null or [indices.length][2][3]
null, // double [][] equalize,
true, // boolean ignore_equalize,
ignore_equalize, // true, // boolean ignore_equalize,
null, // warp, // FineXYCorr warp,,
zoom_lev, // int zoom_level,
wh, // int [] wh,
** OrthoMultiLMA - Fit multiple scenes orthographic using pair-wise affine
** tr4ansform matrices already calculated.
** transform matrices already calculated.
** Copyright (C) 2024 Elphel, Inc.
......@@ -48,8 +48,6 @@ public class OrthoMultiLMA {
private double [] parameters_vector = null;
// private double [] x_vector = null; // not used. Save total weight
private double [] y_vector = null;
private double [][] tile_centers = null;
private double weight = 0; // total weight
private double pure_weight; // weight of samples only as a fraction of total weight
private double [] weights; // normalized so sum is 1.0 for all - samples and extra regularization
// private double pure_weight; // weight of samples only
......@@ -219,17 +217,18 @@ public class OrthoMultiLMA {
OrthoMapsCollection maps_collection,
String orthoMapsCollection_path
) {
int debugLevel = 1;
boolean move_only = false;
double [] val_coord = null; // 1 - valid, 0 - invalid, minimize coordinates errors
boolean use_inv = false;
double overlap_pow = 2.0; // match weight as overlap fraction to this power
double skew_pull = 1.0;
double tilt_pull = 1.0;
double scale_pull = 0.1; // .0;
double position_pull = 0.0001;
int debugLevel = 2;
boolean move_only = false;
double [] val_coord = null; // 1 - valid, 0 - invalid, minimize coordinates errors
boolean ignore_affines = false;
boolean use_inv = false;
double overlap_pow = 2.0; // match weight as overlap fraction to this power
double skew_pull = 1.0;
double tilt_pull = 1.0;
double scale_pull = 0.1; // .0;
double position_pull = 0.0001;
boolean corr_avg= (skew_pull > 0) || (tilt_pull > 0) || (scale_pull > 0);
boolean show_result_image = false;
int [] indices = maps_collection.getScenesSelection(
null, // boolean select_all,
" to build a map"); // String purpose)
......@@ -247,6 +246,7 @@ public class OrthoMultiLMA {
clt_parameters, // CLTParameters clt_parameters,
maps_collection, // OrthoMapsCollection maps_collection,
indices, // int [] indices,
ignore_affines, // boolean ignore_affines,
val_coord, // double [] val_coord, // 1 - valid, 0 - invalid, minimize coordinates errors
position_pull, // double position_pull,
skew_pull, // double skew_pull,
......@@ -273,77 +273,48 @@ public class OrthoMultiLMA {
//Get and apply affines
double [][][] affines = oml.getAffines();
double [] fx = oml.getFx();
// test
PairwiseOrthoMatch match = maps_collection.ortho_maps[indices[0]].getMatch(maps_collection.ortho_maps[indices[1]].getName());
double [][] match_affine = match.getAffine();
double [] enuOffset = maps_collection.ortho_maps[indices[1]].enuOffsetTo(maps_collection.ortho_maps[indices[0]]);
double [] rd = {enuOffset[0], -enuOffset[1]}; // {right,down} of the image
double [][] affine1a = PairwiseOrthoMatch.combineAffines(
affines[0], // double [][] affine0,
match_affine, //double [][] affine, // differential
rd); // double [] rd);
PairwiseOrthoMatch test_match = new PairwiseOrthoMatch (
affines[0], // double [][] affine0,
affines[1], // double [][] affine1,
rd); // double [] rd);
int zoom_level = -2;
int [] wh = new int[2];
int [] origin = new int[2];
double [][] centers = new double [indices.length][];
double [][] dmulti = maps_collection.renderMultiDouble (
null, // double [][] ground_planes, // null - images, non-null altitudes. use new double[2][3] for old way alt
indices, // int [] indices, // null or which indices to use (normally just 2 for pairwise comparison)
true, // boolean bounds_to_indices,
affines, // null, // affines, // double [][][] affines, // null or [indices.length][2][3]
null, // double [][] equalize,
true, // boolean ignore_equalize,
null, // warp, // FineXYCorr warp,,
zoom_level, // int zoom_level,
wh, // int [] wh,
origin, // int [] origin){ // maps[0] as a reference
centers); // double [][] centers)
String [] titles = new String [dmulti.length];
for (int i = 0; i < dmulti.length; i++) {
titles[i] = indices[i]+"-"+maps_collection.ortho_maps[indices[i]].getName();
ImagePlus imp_multi = ShowDoubleFloatArrays.makeArrays(
titles); // test_titles,
PointRoi roi = new PointRoi();
for (int i = 0; i < centers.length; i++) {
roi.addPoint(centers[i][0],centers[i][1], 1+i);
double [][] affine = getAffineAndDerivatives(
move_only, //boolean move_only,
affines[0], // double [][] affine00,
affines[1], // double [][] affine10,
oml.offsets[0], // double [] rd,
null); // double [][][] derivs)
PairwiseOrthoMatch pom = new PairwiseOrthoMatch (
if (orthoMapsCollection_path != null) {
if (show_result_image) {
double [][][] affines = oml.getAffines();
double [] fx = oml.getFx();
int zoom_level = -2;
int [] wh = new int[2];
int [] origin = new int[2];
double [][] centers = new double [indices.length][];
double [][] dmulti = maps_collection.renderMultiDouble (
null, // double [][] ground_planes, // null - images, non-null altitudes. use new double[2][3] for old way alt
indices, // int [] indices, // null or which indices to use (normally just 2 for pairwise comparison)
true, // boolean bounds_to_indices,
affines, // null, // affines, // double [][][] affines, // null or [indices.length][2][3]
null, // double [][] equalize,
true, // boolean ignore_equalize,
null, // warp, // FineXYCorr warp,,
zoom_level, // int zoom_level,
wh, // int [] wh,
origin, // int [] origin){ // maps[0] as a reference
centers); // double [][] centers)
String [] titles = new String [dmulti.length];
for (int i = 0; i < dmulti.length; i++) {
titles[i] = indices[i]+"-"+maps_collection.ortho_maps[indices[i]].getName();
ImagePlus imp_multi = ShowDoubleFloatArrays.makeArrays(
titles); // test_titles,
PointRoi roi = new PointRoi();
for (int i = 0; i < centers.length; i++) {
roi.addPoint(centers[i][0],centers[i][1], 1+i);
if (orthoMapsCollection_path != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
......@@ -353,8 +324,7 @@ public class OrthoMultiLMA {
if (debugLevel > -4) {
System.out.println("Saved data to "+ orthoMapsCollection_path);
return 0;
......@@ -373,6 +343,7 @@ public class OrthoMultiLMA {
CLTParameters clt_parameters,
OrthoMapsCollection maps_collection,
int [] indices,
boolean ignore_affines,
double [] val_coord, // 1 - valid, 0 - invalid, minimize coordinates errors
double position_pull,
double skew_pull,
......@@ -434,7 +405,7 @@ public class OrthoMultiLMA {
weights = new double [n62*num_pairs + 2 * num_scenes + (corr_avg ? 3:0)];
parameters_vector = new double [n62*num_scenes]; // maybe will need move-only mode?
for (int n = 0; n < num_scenes; n++) {
double [][] affine = maps_collection.ortho_maps[indices[n]].getAffine();
double [][] affine = ignore_affines? (new double[][] {{1,0,0},{0,1,0}}):maps_collection.ortho_maps[indices[n]].getAffine();
System.arraycopy(affine[0], 0, parameters_vector, n62*n, n13);
System.arraycopy(affine[1], 0, parameters_vector, n62*n + n13, n13);
y_vector[n62*num_pairs+2*n + 0] = affine[0][2];
......@@ -760,7 +731,7 @@ public class OrthoMultiLMA {
return affine; // _alt;
private static int [][] createNonIntersectingPairs(int [][] pairs) {
public static int [][] createNonIntersectingPairs(int [][] pairs) {
ArrayList<Integer> pairs_list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
......@@ -835,7 +806,7 @@ public class OrthoMultiLMA {
System.out.println("LMA step "+iter+": {"+rslt[0]+","+rslt[1]+"} full RMS= "+good_or_bad_rms[0]+
" ("+initial_rms[0]+"), pure RMS="+good_or_bad_rms[1]+" ("+initial_rms[1]+") + lambda="+lambda);
if (rslt[1]) {
if (rslt[1]) {// the place to put a breakpoint
if (rslt[0]) { // good
......@@ -1034,7 +1005,6 @@ public class OrthoMultiLMA {
return rslt;
private double [][] getWJtJlambda(
final double lambda,
......@@ -1129,11 +1099,11 @@ public class OrthoMultiLMA {
return last_rms;
public double [] getInitialRms() {
return initial_rms;
private double [] getFxDerivs(
final double [] vector,
final double [][] jt, // should be null or initialized with [vector.length][]
......@@ -19,6 +19,9 @@ public class PairwiseOrthoMatch implements Serializable {
public PairwiseOrthoMatch() {
public double getOverlap() {
return overlap;
public PairwiseOrthoMatch(
double [][] affine,
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