Commit 7426e618 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

working on supertiles

parent 6368816c
......@@ -222,11 +222,50 @@ public class TileProcessor {
return this.superTiles.showDisparityHistogram();
public double [] showDisparityHistogram(double [][] dispHist)
if (this.superTiles == null){
return null;
return this.superTiles.showDisparityHistogram(dispHist);
public int showDisparityHistogramWidth()
return this.superTiles.showDisparityHistogramWidth();
public double [][][] getMaxMinMax(){
if (this.superTiles == null){
return null;
return superTiles.getMaxMinMax();
public double [] showMaxMinMax(){
if (this.superTiles == null){
return null;
return this.superTiles.showMaxMinMax();
public int getNumBins(){
if (this.superTiles == null){
return 0;
return superTiles.numBins;
public double[] getSuperTileStrength()
if (this.superTiles == null){
return null;
return superTiles.stStrength;
class SuperTiles{
double step_disparity;
double min_disparity;
......@@ -234,7 +273,10 @@ public class TileProcessor {
double strength_floor;
double strength_pow;
double stBlurSigma;
int numBins;
double [][] disparityHistograms = null;
double [] stStrength = null; // per super-tile correlation strength
double [][][] maxMinMax = null;
public SuperTiles(
double step_disparity,
double min_disparity,
......@@ -249,6 +291,7 @@ public class TileProcessor {
this.strength_floor = strength_floor;
this.strength_pow = strength_pow;
this.stBlurSigma = stBlurSigma;
this.numBins = (int) ((max_disparity - min_disparity)/step_disparity) + 1;
getDisparityHistograms(); // claculate and blur supertileas
......@@ -271,10 +314,12 @@ public class TileProcessor {
final int stilesX = (tilesX + superTileSize -1)/superTileSize;
final int stilesY = (tilesY + superTileSize -1)/superTileSize;
final int nStiles = stilesX * stilesY;
final int numBins = (int) ((max_disparity - min_disparity)/step_disparity) + 1;
// final int numBins = (int) ((max_disparity - min_disparity)/step_disparity) + 1;
final double dMin = min_disparity - step_disparity/2;
final double dMax = dMin + numBins * step_disparity;
final double [][] dispHist = new double [nStiles][numBins+1];
// final double [][] dispHist = new double [nStiles][numBins];
final double [][] dispHist = new double [nStiles][]; // now it will be sparse
final double [] strengthHist = new double [nStiles];
final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(threadsMax);
final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0);
final int st_start = - superTileSize/2;
......@@ -289,6 +334,7 @@ public class TileProcessor {
int styleY = nsTile / stilesX;
int styleX = nsTile % stilesX;
double sw = 0.0; // sum weights
double [] hist = new double [numBins];
for (int tileY = styleY * superTileSize + st_start; tileY < styleY * superTileSize + st_end; tileY++){
if ((tileY >= 0) && (tileY < tilesY)) {
for (int tileX = styleX * superTileSize + st_start; tileX < styleX * superTileSize + st_end; tileX++){
......@@ -301,7 +347,7 @@ public class TileProcessor {
if (strength_pow != 1.0) w = Math.pow(w, strength_pow);
int bin = (int) ((d-dMin)/step_disparity);
if ((bin >= 0) && (bin < numBins)){ // maybe collect below min and above max somewhere?
dispHist[nsTile][bin+1] += w;
hist[bin] += w; // +1]
sw +=w;
......@@ -310,11 +356,14 @@ public class TileProcessor {
dispHist[nsTile][0] = sw;
strengthHist[nsTile] = sw / superTileSize / superTileSize; // average strength per tile in the super-tile
if (sw > 0){
for (int i = 0; i<numBins; i++){
hist[i] /= sw;
dispHist[nsTile] = hist;
} else {
dispHist[nsTile] = null;
......@@ -322,46 +371,165 @@ public class TileProcessor {
this.disparityHistograms = dispHist;
this.stStrength = strengthHist;
if (this.stBlurSigma > 0.0) {
this.disparityHistograms = blurDisparityHistogram(debugLevel);
return this.disparityHistograms; // dispHist;
public double [][] blurDisparityHistogram(
public void blurDisparityHistogram( // in-place
final int debugLevel)
final double [][] dispHist = this.disparityHistograms;
final double sigma = this.stBlurSigma;
final int sTiles = dispHist.length;
// final int sTilesY = sTiles / sTilesX;
final int numBins = dispHist[0].length - 1; // [0] - weight
final double [][] bluredHistogram = new double [dispHist.length][dispHist[0].length];
// final int numBins = dispHist[0].length;
final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(threadsMax);
final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0);
for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) {
threads[ithread] = new Thread() {
public void run() {
double [] data = new double [numBins];
DoubleGaussianBlur gb=new DoubleGaussianBlur();
for (int nsTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); nsTile < sTiles; nsTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) {
System.arraycopy(dispHist[nsTile], 1, data, 0, numBins);
gb.blur1Direction(data, numBins, 1, sigma, 0.01,true);
System.arraycopy(data, 0, bluredHistogram[nsTile], 1, numBins);
bluredHistogram[nsTile][0] = dispHist[nsTile][0]; // strength
if (dispHist[nsTile] != null) {
gb.blur1Direction(dispHist[nsTile], numBins, 1, sigma, 0.01,true);
// returns odd-length array of max/min (x, strength) pairs
public double [][][] getMaxMinMax(){
// first find all integer maximums, and if the top is flat - use the middle. If not flat - use 2-nd degree polynomial
if (disparityHistograms == null) getDisparityHistograms();
// final double [][][]
maxMinMax = new double [disparityHistograms.length][][];
final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(threadsMax);
final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0);
for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) {
threads[ithread] = new Thread() {
public void run() {
DoubleGaussianBlur gb=new DoubleGaussianBlur();
for (int nsTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); nsTile < maxMinMax.length; nsTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) {
if (disparityHistograms[nsTile] != null) {
double [] dh = disparityHistograms[nsTile];
double [][] mmm = new double [numBins][2]; // will definitely be shorter
int numMax = 0;
int lo = 0;
int hi = 1;
if ((globalDebugLevel > -1 ) && (nsTile == 359)) {
while (hi < numBins) {
// looking for next max
while ((hi < numBins) && (dh[hi] >= dh[hi - 1])) hi++; // flat or higher - continue
if (hi == numBins){ // last
if (dh[hi - 1] == dh[lo]) break; // no maximums till the very end
if (dh[hi - 1] > dh[hi-2]) {// and is higher than previus
mmm[numMax * 2][0] = hi - 1;
} else { // flat top, but higher than [lo]
int i = hi - 3;
while (dh[i] == dh[hi - 1]) i --;
mmm[numMax * 2][0] = 0.5 * (hi + i); // middle
mmm[numMax * 2][1] = dh[hi - 1];
} else { // d[hi] < d[hi-1] // can be 2-nd after higher first, has sharp max at hi-1, have flat max (including from start)
if ((dh[hi - 1] == dh[lo]) || (dh[hi - 1] == dh[hi-2])){ // just a second with higher 1-st, or a flat initial top
// flat top
while (dh[lo] < dh[hi - 1]) lo++;
mmm[numMax * 2][0] = 0.5 *(hi - 1 + lo);
mmm[numMax * 2][1] = dh[hi - 1];
} else { // normal max, use parabola for approximation and max
double a = 0.5*(dh[hi] -2*dh[hi-1] + dh[hi-2]);
double b = 0.5*(dh[hi] - dh[hi-2]);
double dx = - b/(2*a);
// protect agains very low a,b
if (dx > 1.0){
dx = 1.0;
mmm[numMax * 2][1] = dh[hi];
System.out.println("Max: insufficient precision, dx = "+dx+" > 1.0");
} else if (dx < -1.0){
dx = -1.0;
mmm[numMax * 2][1] = dh[hi - 2];
System.out.println("Max: insufficient precision, dx = "+dx+" < -1.0");
} else {
mmm[numMax * 2][1] = dh[hi-1] - b*b / (4*a);
mmm[numMax * 2][0] = (hi -1) + dx;
lo = hi-1;
// look for next minimum after maximum
while ((hi < numBins) && (dh[hi] <= dh[hi - 1])) hi++; // flat or lower - continue
if (hi == numBins){ // last
break;// do not need to register minimum after maximum
} else if (dh[hi - 1] == dh[hi-2]) { // flat top
while (dh[lo] > dh[hi - 1]) lo++;
mmm[numMax * 2 - 1][0] = 0.5 *(hi - 1 + lo);
mmm[numMax * 2 - 1][1] = dh[hi - 1];
} else { // normal min - use parabola
double a = 0.5*(dh[hi] -2*dh[hi-1] + dh[hi-2]);
double b = 0.5*(dh[hi] - dh[hi-2]);
double dx = - b/(2*a);
// protect agains very low a,b
if (dx > 1.0){
dx = 1.0;
mmm[numMax * 2 - 1][1] = dh[hi];
System.out.println("Min: insufficient precision, dx = "+dx+" > 1.0");
} else if (dx < -1.0){
dx = -1.0;
mmm[numMax * 2 - 1][1] = dh[hi - 2];
System.out.println("Min: insufficient precision, dx = "+dx+" < -1.0");
} else {
mmm[numMax * 2 -1][1] = dh[hi-1] - b*b / (4*a);
mmm[numMax * 2 - 1][0] = (hi -1) + dx;
lo = hi -1;
if (numMax > 0) {
maxMinMax[nsTile] = new double[numMax * 2 - 1][2];
for (int i = 0; i < maxMinMax[nsTile].length; i++){
maxMinMax[nsTile][i][0] = mmm[i][0];
maxMinMax[nsTile][i][1] = mmm[i][1] * stStrength[nsTile];
if (globalDebugLevel > -1 ) {
System.out.println(nsTile+": "+dh[0]+" "+dh[1]+" "+dh[2]+" "+dh[3]+" "+dh[4]+" "+
dh[5]+" "+dh[6]+" "+dh[7]+" "+dh[8]+" "+dh[9]+ " "+dh[10]+" "+dh[11]+" "+dh[12]+" "+dh[13]+" "+dh[14]+" "+
dh[15]+" "+dh[16]+" "+dh[17]+" "+dh[18]+" "+dh[19]+ " "+dh[20]);
String dbg_str = ""+nsTile+": ";
for (int i = 0; i < maxMinMax[nsTile].length; i++){
dbg_str += " "+maxMinMax[nsTile][i][0]+":"+maxMinMax[nsTile][i][1];
} else {
maxMinMax[nsTile] = null;
} else {
maxMinMax[nsTile] = null;
return bluredHistogram;
return maxMinMax;
public int showDisparityHistogramWidth()
int sTilesX = (getTilesX() + superTileSize -1)/superTileSize;
return sTilesX * ((disparityHistograms[0].length - 1) + 1) + 1;
return sTilesX * (numBins + 1) + 1;
public double [] showDisparityHistogram()
......@@ -369,13 +537,18 @@ public class TileProcessor {
if (disparityHistograms == null){
getDisparityHistograms(); // calculate and blur with the current settings, specified at instantiation
return showDisparityHistogram(disparityHistograms);
public double [] showDisparityHistogram(final double [][] dispHist){
int sTileHeight0 = 0; // vertical pixels for each histogram (excluding borders). if <= 0 make square cells
final double [][] dispHist = disparityHistograms;
final double [] strengthHist = stStrength;
final int sTilesX = (getTilesX() + superTileSize -1)/superTileSize;
final int sTiles = dispHist.length;
final int sTilesY = sTiles / sTilesX;
final int numBins = dispHist[0].length - 1; // [0] - weight
// final int numBins = dispHist[0].length; // [0] - weight
final int sTileHeight = (sTileHeight0 > 0)? sTileHeight0 : numBins;
final double [] maxHist = new double [sTiles];
......@@ -384,9 +557,11 @@ public class TileProcessor {
double [] rslt = new double [width*height];
double maxW = 0.0; // use for borders between cells
for (int i = 0; i < sTiles; i++){
if (maxW < dispHist[i][0]) maxW = dispHist[i][0];
for (int j = 1; j< (numBins + 1); j++){
if (maxHist[i] < dispHist[i][j]) maxHist[i] = dispHist[i][j];
if (maxW < strengthHist[i]) maxW = strengthHist[i];
if (dispHist[i] != null) {
for (int j = 0; j< numBins; j++){
if (!Double.isNaN( dispHist[i][j]) && (maxHist[i] < dispHist[i][j])) maxHist[i] = dispHist[i][j];
for (int nsTile = 0; nsTile < sTiles; nsTile++){
......@@ -407,18 +582,101 @@ public class TileProcessor {
rslt [indx0 + (numBins + 1)+ j * width] = maxW;
// draw normalized histograms, using overall weight as intensity
if (dispHist[nsTile] != null) {
for (int bin = 0; bin <numBins; bin ++){
int h = (int) (sTileHeight * dispHist[nsTile][bin+1] / maxHist[nsTile]);
int h = (int) (sTileHeight * dispHist[nsTile][bin] / maxHist[nsTile]);
int x = bin + 1;
for (int j = 0; j <= h; j++) {
int y = sTileHeight + 1 - j;
rslt [indx0 + y * width + x] = dispHist[nsTile][0];
rslt [indx0 + y * width + x] = strengthHist[nsTile];
return rslt;
public double [] showMaxMinMax(){
if (maxMinMax == null){
getMaxMinMax(); // calculate and blur with the current settings, specified at instantiation
int sTileHeight0 = 0; // vertical pixels for each histogram (excluding borders). if <= 0 make square cells
final double [] strengthHist = stStrength;
final int sTilesX = (getTilesX() + superTileSize -1)/superTileSize;
// final int sTiles = disparityHistograms.length;
final int sTiles = maxMinMax.length;
final int sTilesY = sTiles / sTilesX;
// final int numBins = dispHist[0].length; // [0] - weight
final int sTileHeight = (sTileHeight0 > 0)? sTileHeight0 : numBins;
final double [] maxHist = new double [sTiles];
final int width = sTilesX * (numBins + 1) + 1;
final int height = sTilesY * (sTileHeight + 1) +1;
final boolean [] isMax = new boolean [numBins];
final boolean [] isMin = new boolean [numBins];
double [] rslt = new double [width*height];
double maxW = 0.0; // use for borders between cells
for (int i = 0; i < sTiles; i++){
if (maxW < strengthHist[i]) maxW = strengthHist[i];
if (disparityHistograms[i] != null) {
for (int j = 0; j< numBins; j++){
if (!Double.isNaN( disparityHistograms[i][j]) && (maxHist[i] < disparityHistograms[i][j])) maxHist[i] = disparityHistograms[i][j];
for (int nsTile = 0; nsTile < sTiles; nsTile++){
int styleY = nsTile / sTilesX;
int styleX = nsTile % sTilesX;
int x0 = styleX * (numBins + 1);
int y0 = styleY * (numBins + 1);
int indx0 = x0 + y0*width;
// draw rectangular frame - horisontal dotted lines
for (int j = 0; j < numBins + 2; j+=2) {
rslt [indx0 + j] = maxW;
rslt [indx0 + (sTileHeight + 1) * width+ j] = maxW;
// vertical dotted lines
for (int j = 0; j < sTileHeight + 2; j+=2) {
rslt [indx0 + j * width] = maxW;
rslt [indx0 + (numBins + 1)+ j * width] = maxW;
// draw normalized histograms, using overall weight as intensity
if ((disparityHistograms[nsTile] != null) && (maxMinMax[nsTile] != null)) {
for (int bin = 0; bin <numBins; bin ++){
isMax[bin] = false;
isMin[bin] = false;
for (int i = 0; i <maxMinMax[nsTile].length; i++){
int imm = (int) Math.round(maxMinMax[nsTile][i][0]);
if (imm <0 ) imm = 0;
else if (imm >= numBins) imm = numBins - 1;
if ((i & 1) == 0) isMax[imm] = true;
else isMin[imm] = true;
for (int bin = 0; bin <numBins; bin ++){
int h = (int) (sTileHeight * disparityHistograms[nsTile][bin] / maxHist[nsTile]);
int x = bin + 1;
int jMin = isMin[bin] ? h : 0;
int jMax = isMax[bin] ? h : sTileHeight;
if (isMax[bin] || isMin[bin]) {
for (int j = jMin; j <= jMax; j++) {
int y = sTileHeight + 1 - j;
rslt [indx0 + y * width + x] = strengthHist[nsTile];
return rslt;
} // end of class CLTPass3d
......@@ -1673,7 +1931,7 @@ public class TileProcessor {
if (clt_parameters.stShow){
// try renovated supertiles. Do twice to show both original and blured histograms
String [] dbg_st_titles = {"raw", "blurred"+clt_parameters.stSigma};
String [] dbg_st_titles = {"raw", "blurred"+clt_parameters.stSigma,"max-min-max"};
double [][] dbg_hist = new double[dbg_st_titles.length][];
......@@ -1693,10 +1951,12 @@ public class TileProcessor {
clt_parameters.stPow, // double strength_pow,
clt_parameters.stSigma); // with blur double stBlurSigma)
dbg_hist[1] = scan_prev.showDisparityHistogram();
dbg_hist[2] = scan_prev.showMaxMinMax();
int hist_width0 = scan_prev.showDisparityHistogramWidth();
int hist_height0 = dbg_hist[0].length/hist_width0;
sdfa_instance.showArrays(dbg_hist, hist_width0, hist_height0, true, "disparity_supertiles_histograms",dbg_st_titles);
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