Commit 73b9d03b authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

redesigning shell extraction

parent c5a866f4
......@@ -2155,6 +2155,13 @@ public class EyesisCorrectionParameters {
public boolean plPreferDisparity = false;// Always start with disparity-most axis (false - lowest eigenvalue)
public double plDispNorm = 3.0; // Normalize disparities to the average if above (now only for eigenvalue comparison)
public double plBlurBinVert = 1.2; // Blur disparity histograms for constant disparity clusters by this sigma (in bins)
public double plBlurBinHor = 0.8; // Blur disparity histograms for horizontal clusters by this sigma (in bins)
public double plMaxDiffVert = 0.4; // Maximal normalized disparity difference when initially assigning to vertical plane
public double plMaxDiffHor = 0.2; // Maximal normalized disparity difference when initially assigning to horizontal plane
public int plInitPasses = 3; // Number of initial passes to assign tiles to vert (const disparity) and hor planes
public int plMinPoints = 5; // Minimal number of points for plane detection
public double plTargetEigen = 0.1; // Remove outliers until main axis eigenvalue (possibly scaled by plDispNorm) gets below
public double plFractOutliers = 0.3; // Maximal fraction of outliers to remove
......@@ -2453,6 +2460,13 @@ public class EyesisCorrectionParameters {
properties.setProperty(prefix+"plDispNorm", this.plDispNorm +"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"plBlurBinVert", this.plBlurBinVert +"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"plBlurBinHor", this.plBlurBinHor +"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"plMaxDiffVert", this.plMaxDiffVert +"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"plMaxDiffHor", this.plMaxDiffHor +"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"plInitPasses", this.plInitPasses+"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"plMinPoints", this.plMinPoints+"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"plTargetEigen", this.plTargetEigen +"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"plFractOutliers", this.plFractOutliers +"");
......@@ -2463,10 +2477,8 @@ public class EyesisCorrectionParameters {
properties.setProperty(prefix+"plWorstWorsening", this.plWorstWorsening +"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"plWeakWorsening", this.plWeakWorsening +"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"plMutualOnly", this.plMutualOnly+"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"plFillSquares", this.plFillSquares+"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"plCutCorners", this.plCutCorners+"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"plPull", this.plPull +"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"plNormPow", this.plNormPow +"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"plIterations", this.plIterations+"");
......@@ -2738,6 +2750,13 @@ public class EyesisCorrectionParameters {
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"plPreferDisparity")!=null) this.plPreferDisparity=Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix+"plPreferDisparity"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"plDispNorm")!=null) this.plDispNorm=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"plDispNorm"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"plBlurBinVert")!=null) this.plBlurBinVert=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"plBlurBinVert"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"plBlurBinHor")!=null) this.plBlurBinHor=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"plBlurBinHor"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"plMaxDiffVert")!=null) this.plMaxDiffVert=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"plMaxDiffVert"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"plMaxDiffHor")!=null) this.plMaxDiffHor=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"plMaxDiffHor"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"plInitPasses")!=null) this.plInitPasses=Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix+"plInitPasses"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"plMinPoints")!=null) this.plMinPoints=Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix+"plMinPoints"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"plTargetEigen")!=null) this.plTargetEigen=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"plTargetEigen"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"plFractOutliers")!=null) this.plFractOutliers=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"plFractOutliers"));
......@@ -3047,6 +3066,13 @@ public class EyesisCorrectionParameters {
gd.addMessage ("--- Planes detection ---");
gd.addCheckbox ("Always start with disparity-most axis (false - lowest eigenvalue)", this.plPreferDisparity);
gd.addNumericField("Normalize disparities to the average if above", this.plDispNorm, 6);
gd.addNumericField("Blur disparity histograms for constant disparity clusters by this sigma (in bins)", this.plBlurBinVert, 6);
gd.addNumericField("Blur disparity histograms for horizontal clusters by this sigma (in bins)", this.plBlurBinHor, 6);
gd.addNumericField("Maximal normalized disparity difference when initially assigning to vertical plane", this.plMaxDiffVert, 6);
gd.addNumericField("Maximal normalized disparity difference when initially assigning to horizontal plane",this.plMaxDiffHor, 6);
gd.addNumericField("Number of initial passes to assign tiles to vert (const disparity) and hor planes", this.plInitPasses, 0);
gd.addNumericField("Minimal number of points for plane detection", this.plMinPoints, 0);
gd.addNumericField("Remove outliers until main axis eigenvalue (possibly scaled by plDispNorm) gets below", this.plTargetEigen, 6);
gd.addNumericField("Maximal fraction of outliers to remove", this.plFractOutliers, 6);
......@@ -3340,6 +3366,13 @@ public class EyesisCorrectionParameters {
this.plPreferDisparity= gd.getNextBoolean();
this.plDispNorm= gd.getNextNumber();
this.plBlurBinVert= gd.getNextNumber();
this.plBlurBinHor= gd.getNextNumber();
this.plMaxDiffVert= gd.getNextNumber();
this.plMaxDiffHor= gd.getNextNumber();
this.plInitPasses= (int) gd.getNextNumber();
this.plMinPoints= (int) gd.getNextNumber();
this.plTargetEigen= gd.getNextNumber();
this.plFractOutliers= gd.getNextNumber();
......@@ -124,7 +124,8 @@ public class SuperTiles{
for (bin = 0; bin < numBins; bin ++){
bin_centers[bin] = binToDisparity(bin);
initFuseCoeff(0.5, false); // true);
initFuseCoeff(0.5, true); // true);
// initFuseCoeff(0.5, false); // true);
// Set up MeasuredLayers
measuredLayers = new MeasuredLayers(
......@@ -348,11 +349,18 @@ public class SuperTiles{
System.out.println("getLapWeights: sum = "+s);
return lapWeight;
public void resetDisparityHistograms()
this.disparityHistograms = null;
public void setBlurSigma(double blurSigma) // resets histograms, as it needs re-calculating
this.stBlurSigma = blurSigma;
this.disparityHistograms = null;
public double [][] getDisparityHistograms(
final double [][][][] disparity_strength, // pre-calculated disparity/strength [per super-tile][per-measurement layer][2][tiles] or null
final boolean [][] tile_sel, // null or per-measurement layer, per-tile selection. For each layer null - do not use, {} - use all
......@@ -1482,15 +1490,30 @@ public class SuperTiles{
return trans_rel;
public String [] showSupertileSeparationTitles(
double [][][] disp_strength,
boolean [][][] selections)
return showSupertileSeparationTitles(disp_strength, selections, null);
public double [][] showSupertileSeparation(
double [][][] disp_strength,
boolean [][][] selections)
return showSupertileSeparation(disp_strength, selections, null);
public String [] showSupertileSeparationTitles(
double [][][] disp_strength,
boolean [][][] selections,
TilePlanes.PlaneData [] planes)
int num_ml = disp_strength.length;
int num_p = (selections == null) ? 0: selections.length;
int num_pm = num_ml * num_p;
String [] titles = new String [num_pm + 3 * num_ml];
int num_pd = (planes != null) ? (planes.length - LOWEST_PLANE(planes.length)) : 0;
String [] titles = new String [num_pm + 3 * num_ml + 4 * num_pd];
for (int np = 0; np < num_p; np++){
for (int ml = 0; ml < num_ml; ml++){
titles [np * num_ml + ml] = "p"+np+"_l"+ml;
......@@ -1501,19 +1524,29 @@ public class SuperTiles{
titles [num_pm + 1 * num_ml + ml] = "strn_"+ml;
titles [num_pm + 2 * num_ml + ml] = "sel_"+ml;
for (int npd = 0; npd < num_pd; npd++){
titles [num_pm + 3 * num_ml + 0 * num_pd + npd] = "pd_"+npd;
titles [num_pm + 3 * num_ml + 1 * num_pd + npd] = "pdm_"+npd;
titles [num_pm + 3 * num_ml + 2 * num_pd + npd] = "pdd_"+npd;
titles [num_pm + 3 * num_ml + 3 * num_pd + npd] = "pds_"+npd;
// TilePlanes.PlaneData
return titles;
public double [][] showSUpertileSeparation(
public double [][] showSupertileSeparation(
double [][][] disp_strength,
boolean [][][] selections)
boolean [][][] selections,
TilePlanes.PlaneData [] planes
int superTileSize = tileProcessor.getSuperTileSize();
int num_ml = disp_strength.length;
int num_p = (selections == null) ? 0: selections.length;
int num_pm = num_ml * num_p;
double [][] data = new double [num_pm + 3 * num_ml][]; // 4* superTileSize*superTileSize];
int num_pd = (planes != null) ? (planes.length - LOWEST_PLANE(planes.length)) : 0;
double [][] data = new double [num_pm + 3 * num_ml + 4 * num_pd ][]; // 4* superTileSize*superTileSize];
for (int np = 0; np < num_p; np++) if (selections [np] != null){
for (int ml = 0; ml < num_ml; ml++) if ((disp_strength[ml]!=null) && (selections[np][ml] != null)){
int nd = np * num_ml + ml;
......@@ -1541,6 +1574,30 @@ public class SuperTiles{
data [num_pm + 0 * num_ml + ml] = disp_strength[ml][0];
data [num_pm + 1 * num_ml + ml] = disp_strength[ml][1];
for (int npd = 0; npd < num_pd; npd++) if (planes[npd +LOWEST_PLANE(planes.length)] != null){
double [][] ellipsoids = planes[npd +LOWEST_PLANE(planes.length)].getDoublePlaneDisparityStrength(
null, // double [] window,
true, // boolean use_sel,
1.5, // double scale_projection,
1); // int debugLevel)
data [num_pm + 3 * num_ml + 0 * num_pd + npd] = planes[npd +LOWEST_PLANE(planes.length)].getDoublePlaneDisparity(false);
boolean [][] msel = planes[npd +LOWEST_PLANE(planes.length)].getMeasSelection();
int ntiles = data [num_pm + 3 * num_ml + 0 * num_pd + npd].length;
data [num_pm + 3 * num_ml + 1 * num_pd + npd] = new double [ntiles];
for (int i = 0; i < ntiles; i++) {
data [num_pm + 3 * num_ml + 1 * num_pd + npd][i] = Double.NaN;
for (int ml = 0; ml < num_ml; ml++) if ((disp_strength[ml]!=null) && (msel[ml] != null)){
if (msel[ml][i] && (disp_strength[ml][1][i] > 0.0)){
data [num_pm + 3 * num_ml + 1 * num_pd + npd][i] = data [num_pm + 3 * num_ml + 0 * num_pd + npd][i];
data [num_pm + 3 * num_ml + 2 * num_pd + npd] = ellipsoids[0];
data [num_pm + 3 * num_ml + 3 * num_pd + npd] = ellipsoids[1];
// public boolean [] getMeasSelection(int nl){
return data;
......@@ -1648,7 +1705,7 @@ public class SuperTiles{
1); // int debugLevel);
if (dl>1) {
String [] dbg_titles = showSupertileSeparationTitles( plane_disp_strength[nsTile], null);
double [][] dbg_img = showSUpertileSeparation(plane_disp_strength[nsTile], null); // plane_sels);
double [][] dbg_img = showSupertileSeparation(plane_disp_strength[nsTile], null); // plane_sels);
showDoubleFloatArrays sdfa_instance = new showDoubleFloatArrays();
sdfa_instance.showArrays(dbg_img, 2 * superTileSize, 2* superTileSize, true, "plane_separation"+nsTile,dbg_titles);
......@@ -1698,6 +1755,7 @@ public class SuperTiles{
threads[ithread] = new Thread() {
public void run() {
for (int nsTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); nsTile < nStiles; nsTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) {
if (disparity_strengths[nsTile] != null){
if (nsTile == debug_stile){
System.out.println("dispClusterize(): nsTile="+nsTile);
......@@ -1755,6 +1813,16 @@ public class SuperTiles{
// compare closest to be able to use tilted planes later
for (int ml = 0; ml < num_ml; ml++) if (tile_en[ml] != null) {
if ( dl >1) {
System.out.println("dispClusterize(), nsTile="+nsTile+", tile_en["+ml+"] + iter = "+iter);
for (int i = 0; i < 2 * superTileSize; i ++){
for (int j = 0; j < 2 * superTileSize; j ++){
int indx = 2 * superTileSize * i + j;
System.out.print(tile_en[ml][indx]?" +":" .");
for (int indx = 0; indx < num_tiles; indx++) if (tile_en[ml][indx]){
int best_plane = -1;
double best_d2 = Double.NaN;
......@@ -1773,6 +1841,27 @@ public class SuperTiles{
if ( dl >1) {
System.out.println("dispClusterize(), nsTile="+nsTile+", plane_sels[?]["+ml+"] ,iter = "+iter);
for (int i = 0; i < 2 * superTileSize; i ++){
for (int j = 0; j < 2 * superTileSize; j ++){
int indx = 2 * superTileSize * i + j;
label1: {
for (int np = 0; np < num_p; np++) {
if (plane_sels[np][ml][indx]) {
System.out.print(" " +np);
break label1;
System.out.print(" .");
// recalculate average disparities for each plane and show number of tiles in each in debug mode
for (int np = 0; np < num_p; np++) {
......@@ -1823,7 +1912,7 @@ public class SuperTiles{
int remove_indx = -1;
for (int i = 1; i < num_p; i++) if (num_sel[i] < num_sel[windx]) windx = i;
if (num_sel[windx] < plMinPoints) {
if (debugLevel > 0){
if ((debugLevel > 2) || (dl > 0)){
System.out.println ("dispClusterize(): stileX = "+stileX+" stileY="+stileY+
": removing plane "+windx+" with "+num_sel[windx]+" tiles ( <"+plMinPoints+")");
......@@ -1839,7 +1928,7 @@ public class SuperTiles{
if (windx >=0 ) {
if (debugLevel > 0){
if ((debugLevel > 2) || (dl > 0)) {
System.out.println ("dispClusterize(): stileX = "+stileX+" stileY="+stileY+
": merging plane "+windx+" with " + (windx + 1)+": "+
num_sel[windx] + " and "+num_sel[windx+1]+" tiles, "+
......@@ -1865,7 +1954,7 @@ public class SuperTiles{
// Show other candidates for merge
if (debugLevel > 0){
if ((debugLevel > 2) || (dl > 0)){
double max_sep = 0.2;
if (iter > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < (num_p-1); i++){
......@@ -1884,13 +1973,14 @@ public class SuperTiles{
if (dl > 2) {
String [] dbg_titles = showSupertileSeparationTitles( disp_strength, plane_sels);
double [][] dbg_img = showSUpertileSeparation(disp_strength, plane_sels);
double [][] dbg_img = showSupertileSeparation(disp_strength, plane_sels);
showDoubleFloatArrays sdfa_instance = new showDoubleFloatArrays();
sdfa_instance.showArrays(dbg_img, 2 * superTileSize, 2* superTileSize, true, "disp_clusterize"+nsTile,dbg_titles);
sdfa_instance.showArrays(dbg_img, 2 * superTileSize, 2* superTileSize, true, "disp_clusterize"+nsTile+"-"+debugLevel,dbg_titles);
plane_selections[nsTile] = plane_sels;
......@@ -1905,7 +1995,6 @@ public class SuperTiles{
// Sort plane data by center (plane or supertile) disparity
public boolean [][][][] initialDiscriminateTiles(
final int max_tries, // on last run - assign all rfemaining pixels to some cluster (disregard max_diff)
final int stMeasSel, // = 1; // Select measurements for supertiles : +1 - combo, +2 - quad +4 - hor +8 - vert
final double plDispNorm,
final int plMinPoints, // = 5; // Minimal number of points for plane detection
......@@ -1918,10 +2007,15 @@ public class SuperTiles{
final int smplNum, // = 3; // Number after removing worst
final double smplRms, // = 0.1; // Maximal RMS of the remaining tiles in a sample
final double max_diff, // maximal disparity difference (to assign to a cluster (of Double.NaN) at first run
final double bin_blur_hor, // Blur disparity histograms for horizontal clusters by this sigma (in bins)
final double bin_blur_vert, // Blur disparity histograms for constant disparity clusters by this sigma (in bins)
final double max_diff_hor, // maximal disparity difference (to assign to a cluster (of Double.NaN) at first run for horizontal planes
final double max_diff_vert, // maximal disparity difference (to assign to a cluster (of Double.NaN) at first run for vertical plane
final int max_tries, // on last run - assign all rfemaining pixels to some cluster (disregard max_diff)
final double smallDiff, // = 0.4; // Consider merging initial planes if disparity difference below
final double highMix, //stHighMix = 0.4; // Consider merging initial planes if jumps between ratio above
final double [] vertical_xyz, // real world up unit vector in camera CS (x - right, y - up, z - to camera};
final double [] world_hor, // horizontal plane normal (default [0.0, 1.0, 0.0])
final int debugLevel,
final int dbg_X,
final int dbg_Y)
......@@ -1929,7 +2023,7 @@ public class SuperTiles{
final int tilesX = tileProcessor.getTilesX();
final int tilesY = tileProcessor.getTilesY();
final int superTileSize = tileProcessor.getSuperTileSize();
final int tileSize = tileProcessor.getTileSize();
// final int tileSize = tileProcessor.getTileSize();
final int stilesX = (tilesX + superTileSize -1)/superTileSize;
final int stilesY = (tilesY + superTileSize -1)/superTileSize;
......@@ -1939,7 +2033,7 @@ public class SuperTiles{
this.planes = new TilePlanes.PlaneData[nStiles][];
final int debug_stile = (debugLevel > -1)? (dbg_Y * stilesX + dbg_X):-1;
// TODO: Remove when promoting PlaneData
final TilePlanes tpl = new TilePlanes(tileSize,superTileSize, geometryCorrection);
// final TilePlanes tpl = new TilePlanes(tileSize,superTileSize, geometryCorrection);
final int num_layers = measuredLayers.getNumLayers();
final int num_tiles = 4 * superTileSize * superTileSize;
......@@ -1961,7 +2055,7 @@ public class SuperTiles{
sdfa_instance.showArrays(dbg_img, tileProcessor.getTilesX(), tileProcessor.getTilesY(), true, "measuredLayers",titles);
double [] world_hor = {0.0, 1.0, 0.0};
// double [] world_hor = {0.0, 1.0, 0.0};
final double [][][][] hor_disp_strength = getPlaneDispStrengths(
world_hor, // final double [] world_plane_norm, // real world normal vector to a suggested plane family (0,1,0) for horizontal planes
......@@ -1998,9 +2092,10 @@ public class SuperTiles{
final boolean [][][] used = new boolean [nStiles][num_layers][]; // num_tiles
final boolean [][][][] planes_selections = new boolean [nStiles][][][]; // num_tiles
for (int pass = 0; pass < max_tries; pass ++) {
final int fpass = pass;
// final int fpass = pass;
// get both horizontal planes and constant disparity planes histograms,
// resetDisparityHistograms();
final double [][][] mmm_hor = getMaxMinMax(
hor_disp_strength, // final double [][][][] disparity_strength, // pre-calculated disparity/strength [per super-tile][per-measurement layer][2][tiles] or null
null); // final boolean [][] tile_sel // null or per-measurement layer, per-tile selection. For each layer null - do not use, {} - use all
......@@ -2008,22 +2103,26 @@ public class SuperTiles{
dbg_hist[1] = showDisparityHistogram();
dbg_hist[3] = showMaxMinMax();
// resetDisparityHistograms();
final double [][][] mmm_vert = getMaxMinMax(
vert_disp_strength, // final double [][][][] disparity_strength, // pre-calculated disparity/strength [per super-tile][per-measurement layer][2][tiles] or null
null); // final boolean [][] tile_sel // null or per-measurement layer, per-tile selection. For each layer null - do not use, {} - use all
if (debugLevel > -1) {
if (debugLevel > 0) {
dbg_hist[0] = showDisparityHistogram();
dbg_hist[2] = showMaxMinMax();
if (debugLevel > -1) {
if (debugLevel > 0) {
int hist_width0 = showDisparityHistogramWidth();
int hist_height0 = dbg_hist[0].length/hist_width0;
showDoubleFloatArrays sdfa_instance = new showDoubleFloatArrays(); // just for debugging?
sdfa_instance.showArrays(dbg_hist, hist_width0, hist_height0, true, "vert_hor_histograms_"+pass,dbg_hist_titles);
// try to independently (same selections) clusterize both ways
if (debugLevel > -1){
System.out.println("initialDiscriminateTiles(): before new_planes_hor, pass =" + (pass + 1) + " ( of "+max_tries+" )");
final boolean [][][][] new_planes_hor = dispClusterize(
hor_disp_strength, // final double [][][][] disparity_strengths, // either normal or tilted disparity/strengths
......@@ -2031,35 +2130,40 @@ public class SuperTiles{
null, // final boolean [][][] selected, // tiles OK to be assigned [supertile][measurement layer] [tile index] or null (or null or per-measurement layer)
used, // final boolean [][][] prohibited, // already assigned tiles [supertile][measurement layer] [tile index] or null
stMeasSel, // final int stMeasSel, // = 1; // Select measurements for supertiles : +1 - combo, +2 - quad +4 - hor +8 - vert
((pass < (max_tries - 1)) ? max_diff : Double.NaN), // final double max_diff, // maximal disparity difference (to assign to a cluster (of Double.NaN)
((pass < (max_tries - 1)) ? max_diff_hor : Double.NaN), // final double max_diff, // maximal disparity difference (to assign to a cluster (of Double.NaN)
plMinPoints, // final int plMinPoints, // = 5; // Minimal number of points for plane detection
smallDiff, // final double smallDiff, // = 0.4; // Consider merging initial planes if disparity difference below
highMix, // final double highMix, //stHighMix = 0.4; // Consider merging initial planes if jumps between ratio above
1, // debugLevel,
if (debugLevel > -1){
System.out.println("initialDiscriminateTiles(): before new_planes_vert, pass =" + (pass + 1) + " ( of "+max_tries+" )");
final boolean [][][][] new_planes_vert = dispClusterize(
vert_disp_strength, // final double [][][][] disparity_strengths, // either normal or tilted disparity/strengths
mmm_vert, // final double [][][] hist_max_min_max, // histogram data: per tile array of odd number of disparity/strengths pairs, starting with first maximum
null, // final boolean [][][] selected, // tiles OK to be assigned [supertile][measurement layer] [tile index] or null (or null or per-measurement layer)
used, // final boolean [][][] prohibited, // already assigned tiles [supertile][measurement layer] [tile index] or null
stMeasSel, // final int stMeasSel, // = 1; // Select measurements for supertiles : +1 - combo, +2 - quad +4 - hor +8 - vert
((pass < (max_tries - 1)) ? max_diff : Double.NaN), // final double max_diff, // maximal disparity difference (to assign to a cluster (of Double.NaN)
((pass < (max_tries - 1)) ? max_diff_vert : Double.NaN), // final double max_diff, // maximal disparity difference (to assign to a cluster (of Double.NaN)
plMinPoints, // final int plMinPoints, // = 5; // Minimal number of points for plane detection
smallDiff, // final double smallDiff, // = 0.4; // Consider merging initial planes if disparity difference below
highMix, // final double highMix, //stHighMix = 0.4; // Consider merging initial planes if jumps between ratio above
2, // debugLevel,
// compare which vert or hor provide stronger clusters, add them to selections, recalculate "used"
for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) {
threads[ithread] = new Thread() {
public void run() {
for (int nsTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); nsTile < nStiles; nsTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) {
if (nsTile == debug_stile){
System.out.println("processPlanes5(): nsTile="+nsTile);
int dl = ((debugLevel > -1) && (nsTile == debug_stile)) ? 3 : 0;
if (dl > 0){
System.out.println("initialDiscriminateTiles() selecting: nsTile="+nsTile);
int stileY = nsTile / stilesX;
int stileX = nsTile % stilesX;
......@@ -2076,14 +2180,10 @@ public class SuperTiles{
this.strength = strength;
// double [][] strengths = new double [2][];
ArrayList<SelStrength> selStrengthList = new ArrayList <SelStrength>();
// int [] best_planes = {-1,-1};
for (int pType = 0; pType < sels_all.length; pType++){
if (sels_all[pType] == null) sels_all[pType] = new boolean[0][][];
// strengths[pType] = new double [sels_all[pType].length]; // number of planes
// calculate strength of each selection;
for (int np = 0; np < sels_all[pType].length; np ++) {
double sw = 0.0;
for (int ml = 0; ml < num_layers; ml++) if ((sels_all[pType][np] != null) && (sels_all[pType][np][ml] != null)){
......@@ -2096,6 +2196,14 @@ public class SuperTiles{
selStrengthList.add(new SelStrength(pType, np, sw));
if (dl > 0){
System.out.println("initialDiscriminateTiles() got list of clusters for "+nsTile);
for (int i = 0; i < selStrengthList.size(); i++){
System.out.println(i+": type = "+selStrengthList.get(i).type+
" index = "+selStrengthList.get(i).indx +
" strength = "+selStrengthList.get(i).strength);
if (selStrengthList.size() > 0) {
Collections.sort(selStrengthList, new Comparator<SelStrength>() {
......@@ -2104,6 +2212,15 @@ public class SuperTiles{
return (lhs.strength > rhs.strength) ? -1 : (lhs.strength < rhs.strength ) ? 1 : 0;
if (dl > 0){
System.out.println("initialDiscriminateTiles() sorted list of clusters for "+nsTile);
for (int i = 0; i < selStrengthList.size(); i++){
System.out.println(i+": type = "+selStrengthList.get(i).type+
" index = "+selStrengthList.get(i).indx +
" strength = "+selStrengthList.get(i).strength);
int best_type = selStrengthList.get(0).type;
int num_planes = 0;
for (; num_planes < selStrengthList.size(); num_planes++) {
......@@ -2112,12 +2229,16 @@ public class SuperTiles{
int num_old_planes = (planes_selections[nsTile] == null) ? 0: planes_selections[nsTile].length;
if (dl > 0){
System.out.println("initialDiscriminateTiles() num_old_planes= "+num_old_planes);
boolean [][][] new_planes_selections = new boolean [num_old_planes + num_planes][][];
int np = 0;
for (; np < num_old_planes; np++){
new_planes_selections[np] = planes_selections[nsTile][np];
for (SelStrength ss:selStrengthList){
for (int nnp = 0; nnp < num_planes; nnp++) { // SelStrength ss:selStrengthList){
SelStrength ss = selStrengthList.get(nnp);
new_planes_selections[np++] = sels_all[ss.type][ss.indx];
for (int ml = 0; ml < num_layers; ml++) if (sels_all[ss.type][ss.indx][ml] != null){
if (used[nsTile][ml] == null){
......@@ -2128,6 +2249,10 @@ public class SuperTiles{
planes_selections[nsTile] = new_planes_selections;
if (dl > 0){
System.out.println("initialDiscriminateTiles() new_planes_selections.length= "+new_planes_selections.length);
......@@ -2138,9 +2263,275 @@ public class SuperTiles{
return planes_selections;
public TilePlanes.PlaneData [][] createPlanesFromSelections(
final boolean [][][][] plane_selections, // = new boolean [nStiles][][][]; // num_tiles
final double [][][][] disp_strength,
final double plDispNorm,
final int plMinPoints, // = 5; // Minimal number of points for plane detection
final double plTargetEigen, // = 0.1; // Remove outliers until main axis eigenvalue (possibly scaled by plDispNorm) gets below
final double plFractOutliers, // = 0.3; // Maximal fraction of outliers to remove
final int plMaxOutliers, // = 20; // Maximal number of outliers to remove
final boolean plPreferDisparity, // Always start with disparity-most axis (false - lowest eigenvalue)
final GeometryCorrection geometryCorrection,
final boolean correct_distortions,
final boolean smplMode, // = true; // Use sample mode (false - regular tile mode)
final int smplSide, // = 2; // Sample size (side of a square)
final int smplNum, // = 3; // Number after removing worst
final double smplRms, // = 0.1; // Maximal RMS of the remaining tiles in a sample
final int debugLevel,
final int dbg_X,
final int dbg_Y)
final int tilesX = tileProcessor.getTilesX();
final int tilesY = tileProcessor.getTilesY();
final int superTileSize = tileProcessor.getSuperTileSize();
final int tileSize = tileProcessor.getTileSize();
final int stilesX = (tilesX + superTileSize -1)/superTileSize;
final int stilesY = (tilesY + superTileSize -1)/superTileSize;
final int nStiles = stilesX * stilesY;
final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(tileProcessor.threadsMax);
final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0);
final TilePlanes.PlaneData [][] result_planes = new TilePlanes.PlaneData[nStiles][];
// this.planes = new TilePlanes.PlaneData[nStiles][];
final int debug_stile = (debugLevel > -1)? (dbg_Y * stilesX + dbg_X):-1;
// TODO: Remove when promoting PlaneData
final TilePlanes tpl = new TilePlanes(tileSize,superTileSize, geometryCorrection);
for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) {
threads[ithread] = new Thread() {
public void run() {
for (int nsTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); nsTile < nStiles; nsTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) {
if (nsTile == debug_stile){
System.out.println("createPlanesFromSelections(): nsTile="+nsTile);
if (plane_selections[nsTile] != null) {
int stileY = nsTile / stilesX;
int stileX = nsTile % stilesX;
int [] sTiles = {stileX, stileY};
int dl = (nsTile == debug_stile) ? 3 : 0;
result_planes[nsTile] = null;
// first make a plane from all tiles
ArrayList<TilePlanes.PlaneData> st_planes = new ArrayList<TilePlanes.PlaneData>();
TilePlanes.PlaneData pd0 = PlaneData (
sTiles, // int [] sTileXY,
tileSize, // int tileSize,
geometryCorrection, // GeometryCorrection geometryCorrection,
measuredLayers, // MeasuredLayers measuredLayers,
plPreferDisparity); // boolean preferDisparity)
// iterate through all plane selections
for (int ps = 0; ps < plane_selections[nsTile].length; ps++) {
TilePlanes.PlaneData pd = pd0.clone();
boolean OK = (pd.getPlaneFromMeas(
plane_selections[nsTile][ps], // tile_sel, // boolean [][] tile_sel, // null - do not use, {} use all (will be modified)
Double.NaN, // double disp_far, // minimal disparity to select (or NaN)
Double.NaN, // double disp_near, // maximal disparity to select (or NaN)
plDispNorm, // 0.0, // plDispNorm, // double dispNorm, // Normalize disparities to the average if above
0.0, // double min_weight,
plMinPoints, // int min_tiles,
strength_floor, //
strength_pow, // double strength_pow,
// update !
dl) != null); // int debugLevel)
if (OK) {
if (dl > 0) {
if (pd.getWeight() > 1.0) {
System.out.println("Processing subplane["+nsTile+"]["+ps+"]"+
", stileX="+stileX+
", stileY="+stileY+
", numPoints="+ pd.getNumPoints()+
", swc = "+pd.getWeight()+
", center=["+pd.getZxy()[0]+","+pd.getZxy()[1]+","+pd.getZxy()[2]+"]"+
", eig_val = {"+pd.getValues()[0]+","+pd.getValues()[1]+","+pd.getValues()[2]+"}"+
", eig_vect[0] = {"+pd.getVector()[0]+","+pd.getVector()[1]+","+pd.getVector()[2]+"}");
// now try to remove outliers
int max_outliers = (int) Math.round(pd.getNumPoints() * plFractOutliers);
if (max_outliers > plMaxOutliers) max_outliers = plMaxOutliers;
double targetV = plTargetEigen;
double z0 = pd.getZxy()[0];
if ((plDispNorm > 0.0) && (z0 > plDispNorm)) {
double dd = (plDispNorm + z0)/ plDispNorm; // > 1
targetV *= dd * dd; // > original
if (pd.getValues()[0] > targetV) {
OK = pd.removeOutliers( // getPlaneFromMeas should already have run
targetV, // double targetEigen, // target eigenvalue for primary axis (is disparity-dependent, so is non-constant)
max_outliers, // int maxRemoved, // maximal number of tiles to remove (not a constant)
dl); // int debugLevel)
if (!OK) {
if (dl > 0) {
if (pd.getWeight() > 1.0) {
System.out.println("Removed outliers["+nsTile+"]["+ps+"]"+
", stileX="+stileX+
", stileY="+stileY+
", numPoints="+ pd.getNumPoints()+
", swc = "+pd.getWeight()+
", center=["+pd.getZxy()[0]+","+pd.getZxy()[1]+","+pd.getZxy()[2]+"]"+
", eig_val = {"+pd.getValues()[0]+","+pd.getValues()[1]+","+pd.getValues()[2]+"}"+
", eig_vect[0] = {"+pd.getVector()[0]+","+pd.getVector()[1]+","+pd.getVector()[2]+"}");
double [] norm_xyz = pd.getWorldXYZ(
if (dl > 0) {
System.out.println("World normal["+nsTile+"]["+ps+"] = {"+
norm_xyz[0]+", "+norm_xyz[1]+", "+norm_xyz[2]+"}");
if (st_planes.size() > 0){
// sort planes by increasing disparity (tile center or plane center ? ) Using plane center
Collections.sort(st_planes, new Comparator<TilePlanes.PlaneData>() {
public int compare(TilePlanes.PlaneData lhs, TilePlanes.PlaneData rhs) {
// -1 - less than, 1 - greater than, 0 - equal
return (rhs.getZxy()[0] > lhs.getZxy()[0]) ? -1 : (rhs.getZxy()[0] < lhs.getZxy()[0] ) ? 1 : 0;
if (LOWEST_PLANE(2) > 0) st_planes.add(0, st_planes.get(0)); // insert dummy at pos 0;
result_planes[nsTile] = st_planes.toArray(new TilePlanes.PlaneData[0] );
if (LOWEST_PLANE(2) > 0) result_planes[nsTile][0] = null; // remove dummy
if (dl >0){
System.out.println("createPlanesFromSelections(): nsTile="+nsTile);
if (dl > 2) {
String [] dbg_titles = showSupertileSeparationTitles( disp_strength[nsTile], plane_selections[nsTile], result_planes[nsTile]);
double [][] dbg_img = showSupertileSeparation(disp_strength[nsTile], plane_selections[nsTile], result_planes[nsTile]);
showDoubleFloatArrays sdfa_instance = new showDoubleFloatArrays();
sdfa_instance.showArrays(dbg_img, 2 * superTileSize, 2* superTileSize, true, "create_planes-"+nsTile+"-"+debugLevel,dbg_titles);
return result_planes;
public void processPlanes5(
final int stMeasSel, // = 1; // Select measurements for supertiles : +1 - combo, +2 - quad +4 - hor +8 - vert
final double plDispNorm,
final int plMinPoints, // = 5; // Minimal number of points for plane detection
final double plTargetEigen, // = 0.1; // Remove outliers until main axis eigenvalue (possibly scaled by plDispNorm) gets below
final double plFractOutliers, // = 0.3; // Maximal fraction of outliers to remove
final int plMaxOutliers, // = 20; // Maximal number of outliers to remove
final boolean plPreferDisparity, // Always start with disparity-most axis (false - lowest eigenvalue)
final GeometryCorrection geometryCorrection,
final boolean correct_distortions,
final boolean smplMode, // = true; // Use sample mode (false - regular tile mode)
final int smplSide, // = 2; // Sample size (side of a square)
final int smplNum, // = 3; // Number after removing worst
final double smplRms, // = 0.1; // Maximal RMS of the remaining tiles in a sample
final double bin_blur_hor, // Blur disparity histograms for horizontal clusters by this sigma (in bins)
final double bin_blur_vert, // Blur disparity histograms for constant disparity clusters by this sigma (in bins)
final double max_diff_hor, // maximal disparity difference (to assign to a cluster (of Double.NaN) at first run for horizontal planes
final double max_diff_vert, // maximal disparity difference (to assign to a cluster (of Double.NaN) at first run for vertical plane
final int max_tries, // on last run - assign all rfemaining pixels to some cluster (disregard max_diff)
final double smallDiff, // = 0.4; // Consider merging initial planes if disparity difference below
final double highMix, //stHighMix = 0.4; // Consider merging initial planes if jumps between ratio above
final double [] world_hor, // horizontal plane normal (default [0.0, 1.0, 0.0])
final int debugLevel,
final int dbg_X,
final int dbg_Y)
// use both horizontal and const disparity tiles to create tile clusters
// Add max_diff (maximal disparity difference while extracting initial tile selection) and max_tries (2..3) parameters
// Add separate method to create + remove outliers from all planes (2 different ones)?
// TODO later re-assign pixels according to existing plane parameters
// Sort plane data by center (plane or supertile) disparity
boolean [][][][] plane_selections = initialDiscriminateTiles(
stMeasSel, // final int stMeasSel, // = 1; // Select measurements for supertiles : +1 - combo, +2 - quad +4 - hor +8 - vert
plDispNorm, // final double plDispNorm,
plMinPoints, // final int plMinPoints, // = 5; // Minimal number of points for plane detection
plPreferDisparity, // final boolean plPreferDisparity, // Always start with disparity-most axis (false - lowest eigenvalue)
geometryCorrection, // final GeometryCorrection geometryCorrection,
correct_distortions, // final boolean correct_distortions,
smplMode, // final boolean smplMode, // = true; // Use sample mode (false - regular tile mode)
smplSide, // final int smplSide, // = 2; // Sample size (side of a square)
smplNum, // final int smplNum, // = 3; // Number after removing worst
smplRms, // final double smplRms, // = 0.1; // Maximal RMS of the remaining tiles in a sample
bin_blur_hor, // final double bin_blur_hor, // Blur disparity histograms for horizontal clusters by this sigma (in bins)
bin_blur_vert, // final double bin_blur_vert, // Blur disparity histograms for constant disparity clusters by this sigma (in bins)
max_diff_hor, // final double max_diff_hor, // maximal disparity difference (to assign to a cluster (of Double.NaN) at first run for horizontal planes
max_diff_vert, // final double max_diff_vert, // maximal disparity difference (to assign to a cluster (of Double.NaN) at first run for vertical plane
max_tries, //final int max_tries, // on last run - assign all rfemaining pixels to some cluster (disregard max_diff)
smallDiff, // final double smallDiff, // = 0.4; // Consider merging initial planes if disparity difference below
highMix, //final double highMix, // stHighMix = 0.4; // Consider merging initial planes if jumps between ratio above
world_hor, // final double [] world_hor, // horizontal plane normal (default [0.0, 1.0, 0.0])
debugLevel, // final int debugLevel,
dbg_X, // final int dbg_X,
dbg_Y); // final int dbg_Y)
// get per-tile disparity strength again (may consider using non-filtered data here)
double [][][][] disp_strength = getPlaneDispStrengths(
null, // final double [] world_plane_norm, // real world normal vector to a suggested plane family (0,1,0) for horizontal planes
stMeasSel, // final int stMeasSel, // = 1; // Select measurements for supertiles : +1 - combo, +2 - quad +4 - hor +8 - vert
plPreferDisparity, // final boolean plPreferDisparity, // Always start with disparity-most axis (false - lowest eigenvalue)
geometryCorrection, // final GeometryCorrection geometryCorrection,
correct_distortions, // final boolean correct_distortions,
smplMode, // final boolean smplMode, // = true; // Use sample mode (false - regular tile mode)
smplSide, // final int smplSide, // = 2; // Sample size (side of a square)
smplNum, // final int smplNum, // = 3; // Number after removing worst
smplRms, // final double smplRms, // = 0.1; // Maximal RMS of the remaining tiles in a sample
debugLevel, // final int debugLevel,
dbg_X, // final int dbg_X,
dbg_Y); // final int dbg_Y)
// Create plane data (ellipsoids) from the disparity/strength data and tile selections,
// remove outliers, order each supertile result in ascending disparity (from far to near)
// TODO: consider 1) assigning of the non-assigned tiles to clusters and 2) re-assigning all clusters one by one to the "best" plane
TilePlanes.PlaneData [][] new_planes = createPlanesFromSelections(
plane_selections, // final boolean [][][][] plane_selections, // = new boolean [nStiles][][][]; // num_tiles
disp_strength, // final double [][][][] disp_strength,
plDispNorm, // final double plDispNorm,
plMinPoints, // final int plMinPoints, // = 5; // Minimal number of points for plane detection
plTargetEigen, // final double plTargetEigen, // = 0.1; // Remove outliers until main axis eigenvalue (possibly scaled by plDispNorm) gets below
plFractOutliers, // final double plFractOutliers, // = 0.3; // Maximal fraction of outliers to remove
plMaxOutliers, // final int plMaxOutliers, // = 20; // Maximal number of outliers to remove
plPreferDisparity, // final boolean plPreferDisparity, // Always start with disparity-most axis (false - lowest eigenvalue)
geometryCorrection, // final GeometryCorrection geometryCorrection,
correct_distortions, // final boolean correct_distortions,
smplMode, // final boolean smplMode, // = true; // Use sample mode (false - regular tile mode)
smplSide, // final int smplSide, // = 2; // Sample size (side of a square)
smplNum, // final int smplNum, // = 3; // Number after removing worst
smplRms, // final double smplRms, // = 0.1; // Maximal RMS of the remaining tiles in a sample
debugLevel, // final int debugLevel,
dbg_X, // final int dbg_X,
dbg_Y); // final int dbg_Y)
this.planes = new_planes; // save as "measured" (as opposed to "smoothed" by neighbors) planes
public void processPlanes4(
......@@ -2161,9 +2552,12 @@ public class SuperTiles{
final int smplNum, // = 3; // Number after removing worst
final double smplRms, // = 0.1; // Maximal RMS of the remaining tiles in a sample
final double bin_blur_hor, // Blur disparity histograms for horizontal clusters by this sigma (in bins)
final double bin_blur_vert, // Blur disparity histograms for constant disparity clusters by this sigma (in bins)
final double smallDiff, // = 0.4; // Consider merging initial planes if disparity difference below
final double highMix, //stHighMix = 0.4; // Consider merging initial planes if jumps between ratio above
final double [] vertical_xyz, // real world up unit vector in camera CS (x - right, y - up, z - to camera};
// final double [] vertical_xyz, // real world up unit vector in camera CS (x - right, y - up, z - to camera};
final int debugLevel,
final int dbg_X,
final int dbg_Y)
......@@ -2241,7 +2635,9 @@ public class SuperTiles{
double [][] dbg_hist = new double [dbg_hist_titles.length][];
System.out.println("Calculating histograms for hoirizontal planes");
// resetDisparityHistograms();
final double [][][] mmm_hor = getMaxMinMax(
plane_disp_strength, // final double [][][][] disparity_strength, // pre-calculated disparity/strength [per super-tile][per-measurement layer][2][tiles] or null
null); // final boolean [][] tile_sel // null or per-measurement layer, per-tile selection. For each layer null - do not use, {} - use all
......@@ -2250,7 +2646,8 @@ public class SuperTiles{
dbg_hist[1] = showDisparityHistogram().clone();
dbg_hist[3] = showMaxMinMax().clone();
// resetDisparityHistograms();
final double [][][] mmm_all = getMaxMinMax(
null, // final double [][][][] disparity_strength, // pre-calculated disparity/strength [per super-tile][per-measurement layer][2][tiles] or null
null); // final boolean [][] tile_sel // null or per-measurement layer, per-tile selection. For each layer null - do not use, {} - use all
......@@ -2297,7 +2694,7 @@ public class SuperTiles{
// plane_disp_strength
if (dl > 2) {
String [] dbg_titles = showSupertileSeparationTitles(plane_disp_strength[nsTile], null);
double [][] dbg_img = showSUpertileSeparation(plane_disp_strength[nsTile], null);
double [][] dbg_img = showSupertileSeparation(plane_disp_strength[nsTile], null);
showDoubleFloatArrays sdfa_instance = new showDoubleFloatArrays();
sdfa_instance.showArrays(dbg_img, 2 * superTileSize, 2* superTileSize, true, "HOR_SEP_"+nsTile,dbg_titles);
......@@ -2491,7 +2888,7 @@ public class SuperTiles{
if (dl > 2) {
String [] dbg_titles = showSupertileSeparationTitles( disp_strength, plane_sels);
double [][] dbg_img = showSUpertileSeparation(disp_strength, plane_sels);
double [][] dbg_img = showSupertileSeparation(disp_strength, plane_sels);
showDoubleFloatArrays sdfa_instance = new showDoubleFloatArrays();
sdfa_instance.showArrays(dbg_img, 2 * superTileSize, 2* superTileSize, true, "initial_separation"+nsTile,dbg_titles);
......@@ -2512,7 +2909,7 @@ public class SuperTiles{
disp_strength, // double [][][] disp_str, // calculate just once if null
1); // int debugLevel);
String [] dbg_titles = showSupertileSeparationTitles( hor_disp_strength, plane_sels);
double [][] dbg_img = showSUpertileSeparation(hor_disp_strength, plane_sels);
double [][] dbg_img = showSupertileSeparation(hor_disp_strength, plane_sels);
showDoubleFloatArrays sdfa_instance = new showDoubleFloatArrays();
sdfa_instance.showArrays(dbg_img, 2 * superTileSize, 2* superTileSize, true, "hor_separation"+nsTile,dbg_titles);
......@@ -2609,6 +3006,11 @@ public class SuperTiles{
public int [] getShowPlanesWidthHeight()
final int tilesX = tileProcessor.getTilesX();
......@@ -2774,6 +3176,7 @@ public class SuperTiles{
public void matchPlanes(
final boolean preferDisparity, // Always start with disparity-most axis (false - lowest eigenvalue)
final int debugLevel,
final int dbg_X,
final int dbg_Y)
......@@ -2800,7 +3203,7 @@ public class SuperTiles{
for (int nsTile0 = ai.getAndIncrement(); nsTile0 < nStiles; nsTile0 = ai.getAndIncrement()) {
int sty0 = nsTile0 / stilesX;
int stx0 = nsTile0 % stilesX;
int dl = (nsTile0 == debug_stile) ? 1:0;
int dl = ((debugLevel > -1) && (nsTile0 == debug_stile)) ? 1:0;
if ( planes[nsTile0] != null) {
if (dl > 0){
System.out.println("matchPlanes(): nsTile0 ="+nsTile0);
......@@ -2870,7 +3273,7 @@ public class SuperTiles{
for (int nsTile0 = ai.getAndIncrement(); nsTile0 < nStiles; nsTile0 = ai.getAndIncrement()) {
int sty0 = nsTile0 / stilesX;
int stx0 = nsTile0 % stilesX;
int dl = (nsTile0 == debug_stile) ? 1:0;
int dl = ((debugLevel > -1) && (nsTile0 == debug_stile)) ? 1:0;
if (dl>0) {
System.out.println("matchPlanes() nsTile0="+nsTile0);
......@@ -3330,10 +3733,16 @@ public class SuperTiles{
if (debugLevel > 0){
if ((merge_ev[np] < 0.4) && (w1 > 1.0) && (w2 > 1.0) ){
System.out.println("nsTile0="+nsTile0+":"+np0+", nsTile="+nsTile+":"+np+", this_rq="+this_rq+
", this_rq*(w1+w2)="+(this_rq * (w1 + w2))+
" w1="+w1+" w2="+w2+
" L1="+planes[nsTile0][np0].getValue()+" L2="+planes[nsTile][np].getValue()+" L="+merge_ev[np]);
if (dl >0) {
System.out.println("nsTile0="+nsTile0+":"+np0+", nsTile="+nsTile+":"+np+", this_rq="+this_rq+
" w1="+w1+" w2="+w2+
" L1="+planes[nsTile0][np0].getValue()+" L2="+planes[nsTile][np].getValue()+" L="+merge_ev[np]);
......@@ -3359,6 +3768,18 @@ public class SuperTiles{
planes[nsTile][np].setNeibBest(dir + 4,-1);
if (dl >0) {
for (int np = 0; np < this_matched.length; np++) if (planes[nsTile0][np] != null){
int [] bn = planes[nsTile0][np].getNeibBest();
System.out.println("nsTile0="+nsTile0+":"+np+" : ["+
for (int np = 0; np < other_matched.length; np++) if (planes[nsTile][np] != null){
int [] bn = planes[nsTile][np].getNeibBest();
System.out.println("nsTile="+nsTile+":"+np+" : ["+
......@@ -3491,6 +3912,7 @@ public class SuperTiles{
public double [][] getShowShells(
int nlayer, // over multi-layer - do not render more than nlayer on top of each other
TilePlanes.PlaneData [][] planes,
int [][] shells,
int max_shells,
......@@ -3563,8 +3985,10 @@ public class SuperTiles{
System.out.println("getShowShells():"+((planes[nsTile] != null)? planes[nsTile].length : "null"));
if (planes[nsTile] != null) {
int num_rendered = 0;
for (int np = 0; np < planes[nsTile].length; np++){
if (shells[nsTile][np] == (nShell + 1)) {
if ((shells[nsTile][np] == (nShell + 1)) && ((nlayer == 0) || (num_rendered < nlayer)) ) {
num_rendered ++;
plane = planes[nsTile][np].getPlaneDisparity(use_NaN);
int [] neib_best = planes[nsTile][np].getNeibBest();
if (fuse && (neib_best != null)){
......@@ -3653,6 +4077,173 @@ public class SuperTiles{
public double [][][] getOverlappingShells(
int nlayer, // over multi-layer - do not render more than nlayer on top of each other
TilePlanes.PlaneData [][] planes,
int [][] shells,
int max_shells,
boolean fuse,
boolean show_connections,
boolean use_NaN,
double arrow_dark,
double arrow_white)
final int tilesX = tileProcessor.getTilesX();
final int tilesY = tileProcessor.getTilesY();
final int superTileSize = tileProcessor.getSuperTileSize();
// final int tileSize = tileProcessor.getTileSize();
final int stilesX = (tilesX + superTileSize -1)/superTileSize;
final int stilesY = (tilesY + superTileSize -1)/superTileSize;
final int width = stilesX * superTileSize; // * tileSize;
final int height = stilesY * superTileSize; // * tileSize;
final double [] nan_plane = new double [superTileSize*superTileSize];
for (int i = 0; i < nan_plane.length; i++) nan_plane[i] = Double.NaN;
final int centerIndex = (superTileSize+1) * superTileSize / 2;
final int [] dirs = {-superTileSize,
-superTileSize + 1,
superTileSize + 1,
superTileSize - 1,
-superTileSize - 1};
final int [] neib_offsets={
-stilesX + 1,
stilesX + 1,
stilesX - 1,
-stilesX - 1};
// final int debug_stile = 17 * stilesX + 27;
final int debug_stile = -1; // 18 * stilesX + 30;
int num_shells = 0;
for (int nsTile = 0; nsTile < shells.length; nsTile++) if (shells[nsTile] != null){
for (int np = 0; np < shells[nsTile].length; np++){
if (shells[nsTile][np] > num_shells) {
num_shells = shells[nsTile][np]; // starts with 1, not 0
if (num_shells > max_shells){
num_shells = max_shells;
double [][] data = new double [num_shells][width*height];
for (int nShell = 0; nShell < num_shells; nShell++) {
for (int sty = 0; sty < stilesY; sty++){
for (int stx = 0; stx < stilesX; stx++){
int nsTile = sty * stilesX + stx;
boolean debug = (nsTile == debug_stile) ; // (sty == 18) && (stx == 28);
String [] dbg_titles = {"Center","N","NE","E","SE","S","SW","W","NW"};
double [][] dbg_img3 = null;
double [][] dbg_img = null;
double [][] dbg_this = null;
double [][] dbg_other = null;
if (debug) {
System.out.println("getShowShells():2, tile = "+nsTile);
double [] plane = nan_plane;
int indx = (sty * superTileSize) * width + (stx * superTileSize);
if (debug) {
System.out.println("getShowShells():"+((planes[nsTile] != null)? planes[nsTile].length : "null"));
if (planes[nsTile] != null) {
int num_rendered = 0;
for (int np = 0; np < planes[nsTile].length; np++){
if ((shells[nsTile][np] == (nShell + 1)) && ((nlayer == 0) || (num_rendered < nlayer)) ) {
num_rendered ++;
plane = planes[nsTile][np].getPlaneDisparity(use_NaN);
int [] neib_best = planes[nsTile][np].getNeibBest();
if (fuse && (neib_best != null)){
if (debug) {
dbg_img3 = new double [dbg_titles.length][];
dbg_img = new double [dbg_titles.length][];
dbg_this = new double [dbg_titles.length][];
dbg_other = new double [dbg_titles.length][];
dbg_img3[0] = planes[nsTile][np].getTriplePlaneDisparity();
dbg_img[0] = planes[nsTile][np].getPlaneDisparity(false);
double [] weight_this = new double [superTileSize*superTileSize];
double [] weight_other = new double [superTileSize*superTileSize];
double [] plane_combo = new double [superTileSize*superTileSize];
for (int dir = 0; dir < 8; dir++){
if (neib_best[dir] >=0){
int nsTileOther = nsTile + neib_offsets[dir];
int npOther = neib_best[dir];
int dirOther = (dir + 4) % 8;
double [] plane_other = planes[nsTileOther][npOther].getTriplePlaneDisparity(dirOther);
double [] fuse_this = getFuseThis(dir);
double [] fuse_other = getFuseOther(dir);
if (debug) {
dbg_img3[dir + 1] = planes[nsTileOther][npOther].getTriplePlaneDisparity();
dbg_img[dir + 1] = planes[nsTileOther][npOther].getTriplePlaneDisparity(dirOther);
dbg_this[dir + 1] = fuse_this.clone();
dbg_other[dir + 1] = fuse_other.clone();
for (int i = 0; i < weight_this.length; i++){
weight_this[i] += fuse_this[i];
weight_other[i] += fuse_other[i];
plane_combo[i] += fuse_other[i] * plane_other[i];
if (debug) {
showDoubleFloatArrays sdfa_instance = new showDoubleFloatArrays(); // just for debugging?
sdfa_instance.showArrays(dbg_img, superTileSize, superTileSize, true, "plane_"+nsTile,dbg_titles);
sdfa_instance.showArrays(dbg_img3, 3*superTileSize, 3*superTileSize, true, "plane3_"+nsTile,dbg_titles);
sdfa_instance.showArrays(dbg_this, superTileSize, superTileSize, true, "weights_this_"+nsTile,dbg_titles);
sdfa_instance.showArrays(dbg_other, superTileSize, superTileSize, true, "weights_other_"+nsTile,dbg_titles);
double [] plane_other = planes[nsTile][np].getPlaneDisparity(false);
for (int i = 0; i < weight_this.length; i++){
plane_combo[i] += weight_this[i] * plane_other[i];
double w = weight_this[i] + weight_other[i];
if (w > 0){
plane_combo[i] /= w;
} else {
plane_combo[i] = plane_other[i];
if (use_NaN){
for (int i = 0; i < plane_combo.length; i++){
if (Double.isNaN(plane[i])){
plane_combo[i] = Double.NaN;
plane = plane_combo;
if (show_connections) {
if (neib_best != null){
for (int dir = 0; dir < neib_best.length; dir ++) if (neib_best[dir] >= 0){
// draw a line
//int center_index = indx + centerIndex;
for (int i = 0; i < (superTileSize / 2); i++){
plane[centerIndex + i * dirs[dir]] = ((i & 1) == 0) ? arrow_dark : arrow_white;
for (int y = 0; y < superTileSize; y++) {
System.arraycopy(plane, superTileSize * y, data[nShell], indx + width * y, superTileSize);
return null; // data;
public TilePlanes.PlaneData[][] copyPlanes(
TilePlanes.PlaneData[][] src_planes)
......@@ -4725,7 +5316,9 @@ public class SuperTiles{
boolean keep_orphans, // single-cell shells
double orphan_strength, // minimal strength no keep orphans (single-tile planes)
final TilePlanes.PlaneData [][] planes,
int debugLevel)
final int debugLevel,
final int dbg_X,
final int dbg_Y)
class TPW {
int t;
......@@ -166,6 +166,10 @@ public class TilePlanes {
return this.measuredSelection[nl];
public boolean [][] getMeasSelection(){
return this.measuredSelection;
public MeasuredLayers getMeasuredLayers()
......@@ -1006,10 +1010,8 @@ public class TilePlanes {
debugLevel = 20;
// if (eig.getD().get(0, 0) == 0.0){
// debugLevel = 10;
// }
if (debugLevel > 0){
if (debugLevel > 3){
// if (debugLevel > 0){
System.out.println("getCovar(): sw = "+sw +", swz = "+swz +", swx = "+swx +", swy = "+swy +", covar.det() = "+covar.det());
System.out.println("getCovar(): covarianvce matrix, number of used points:"+num_tiles);
covar.print(10, 6); // w,d
......@@ -1022,15 +1024,6 @@ public class TilePlanes {
return null; // testing with zero eigenvalue
// Problem with zero eigenvalue is with derivatives and coordinate conversion
double [][][] rslt = {
{swz, swx, swy}}};
return rslt;
double [][] eig_val = eig.getD().getArray(); // rslt[0];
double [][] eig_vect = eig.getV().getArray(); // rslt[1];
......@@ -1390,10 +1383,76 @@ public class TilePlanes {
return plane;
* Get disparity values for the tiles of this overlapping supertile as [2*superTileSize * 2*superTileSize] array
* and weights combined from provided window function, optional selection and using ellipsoid projection on the
* px, py plane (constant disparity
* @param window null or window function as [2*superTileSize * 2*superTileSize] array
* @param use_sel use plane selection (this.sel_mask) to select only some part of the plane
* @param scale_projection use plane ellipsoid projection for weight: 0 - do not use, > 0 linearly scale ellipsoid
* @return a pair of ar5rays {disparity, strength}, each [2*superTileSize * 2*superTileSize]
public double[][] getDoublePlaneDisparityStrength(
double [] window,
boolean use_sel,
double scale_projection,
int debugLevel)
double [][] disp_strength = new double[2][4*superTileSize*superTileSize];
int indx = 0;
double [] normal = getVector();
double [] zxy = getZxy(); // {disparity, x center in pixels, y center in pixels (relative to a supertile center)
double weight = getWeight();
double k_gauss = 0;
Matrix val2d = null, vect2d = null;
if (scale_projection > 0.0){
double [] vals3d = getValues();
double [][] vectors3d = getVectors();
double [][] acovar = new double [2][2];
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++){
for (int j = i; j < 2; j++){
acovar[i][j] = 0.0;
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++){
acovar[i][j] += vals3d[k] * vectors3d[k][i+1] * vectors3d[k][j+1]; // 0 - z, disparity == 0
if (i != j) {
acovar[j][i] =acovar[i][j];
Matrix covar = new Matrix(acovar); // 2d, x y only
EigenvalueDecomposition eig = covar.eig();
val2d = eig.getD();
vect2d = eig.getV().transpose();
k_gauss = 0.5/(scale_projection*scale_projection);
// double px = tileSize*(superTileSize * sTileXY[0] + superTileSize/2) + zxy[1]; // [3] - plane point {disparity, x, y), x=0, y=0 is a 4,4 point of an 8x8 supertile
// double py = tileSize*(superTileSize * sTileXY[1] + superTileSize/2) + zxy[2];
for (int sy = -superTileSize; sy < superTileSize; sy++){
// adding half-tile and half-pixel to match the center of the pixel. Supertile center is between
// pixel 31 and pixel 32 (counting from 0) in both directions
double y = tileSize * (sy + 0.5) + 0.5 - zxy[2];
for (int sx = -superTileSize; sx < superTileSize; sx++){
double x = tileSize * (sx + 0.5) + 0.5 - zxy[1];
disp_strength[0][indx] = zxy[0] - (normal[1] * x + normal[2] * y)/normal[0];
double w = weight;
if (window != null) w *= window[indx];
if (use_sel && (sel_mask != null) && !(sel_mask[indx])) w = 0.0;
if ((w > 0.0) && (scale_projection > 0.0)){
double [] xy = {x,y};
Matrix vxy = vect2d.times(new Matrix(xy,2)); // verify if it is correct
double r2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <2; i++){
double d = vxy.get(i,0);
r2 += d * d / val2d.get(i, i);
w *= Math.exp(-k_gauss*r2); // verify it is correct size - maybe it should be -0.5*r2 ?
disp_strength[1][indx] = w;
return disp_strength;
......@@ -1510,8 +1569,8 @@ public class TilePlanes {
// extract new eigenvalues, eigenvectors
EigenvalueDecomposition eig = covar.eig(); // verify NaN - it gets stuck
// eig.getD().getArray(),
// eig.getV().getArray(),
// eig.getD().getArray(),
// eig.getV().getArray(),
if (debugLevel > 0) {
eig.getV().print(8, 6);
......@@ -1524,14 +1583,14 @@ public class TilePlanes {
double [][] eig_vect = eig.getV().getArray();
double [][] eig_val = eig.getD().getArray();
// make towards camera, left coordinate system
int oindx = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <3; i++){
if (Math.abs(eig_vect[0][i]) > Math.abs(eig_vect[0][oindx])){
oindx = i;
int oindx = 0;
if (preferDisparity) {
for (int i = 1; i <3; i++){
......@@ -1956,11 +2015,7 @@ public class TilePlanes {
System.out.println("getCovar(): Double.isNaN(eig.getV().get(0, 0))");
debugLevel = 20;
// if (eig.getD().get(0, 0) == 0.0){
// debugLevel = 10;
// }
if (debugLevel > 0){
if (debugLevel > 3){
System.out.println("getCovar(): sw = "+sw +", swz = "+swz +", swx = "+swx +", swy = "+swy +", covar.det() = "+covar.det());
System.out.println("getCovar(): covarianvce matrix, number of used points:"+numPoints);
covar.print(10, 6); // w,d
......@@ -3042,9 +3042,38 @@ public class TileProcessor {
// moved here
if (clt_parameters.dbg_migrate) {
// separate each supertile data into clusters, trying both horizontal and perpendicular to view planes
double [] world_hor = {0.0, 1.0, 0.0};
clt_parameters.stMeasSel, // = 1 //Select measurements for supertiles : +1 - combo, +2 - quad +4 - hor +8 - vert
clt_parameters.plDispNorm, // = 2.0; // Normalize disparities to the average if above
clt_parameters.plMinPoints, // = 5; // Minimal number of points for plane detection
clt_parameters.plTargetEigen, // = 0.1; // Remove outliers until main axis eigenvalue (possibly scaled by plDispNorm) gets below
clt_parameters.plFractOutliers, // = 0.3; // Maximal fraction of outliers to remove
clt_parameters.plMaxOutliers, // = 20; // Maximal number of outliers to remove\
clt_parameters.stSmplMode , // final boolean smplMode, // = true; // Use sample mode (false - regular tile mode)
clt_parameters.stSmplSide , // final int smplSide, // = 2; // Sample size (side of a square)
clt_parameters.stSmplNum , // final int smplNum, // = 3; // Number after removing worst
clt_parameters.stSmplRms , // final double smplRms, // = 0.1; // Maximal RMS of the remaining tiles in a sample
clt_parameters.plBlurBinHor, // final double bin_blur_hor, // Blur disparity histograms for horizontal clusters by this sigma (in bins)
clt_parameters.plBlurBinVert, // final double bin_blur_vert, // Blur disparity histograms for constant disparity clusters by this sigma (in bins)
clt_parameters.plMaxDiffHor, // final double max_diff_hor, // maximal disparity difference (to assign to a cluster (of Double.NaN) at first run for horizontal planes
clt_parameters.plMaxDiffVert, // final double max_diff_vert, // maximal disparity difference (to assign to a cluster (of Double.NaN) at first run for vertical plane
clt_parameters.plInitPasses, // final int max_tries, // on last run - assign all rfemaining pixels to some cluster (disregard max_diff)
clt_parameters.stSmallDiff, // = 0.4; // Consider merging initial planes if disparity difference below
clt_parameters.stHighMix, // stHighMix = 0.4; // Consider merging initial planes if jumps between ratio above
world_hor, // final double [] world_hor, // horizontal plane normal (default [0.0, 1.0, 0.0])
0, // -1, // debugLevel, // final int debugLevel)
} else {
// null, // final boolean [] selected, // or null
// 0.3, // final double min_disp,
clt_parameters.stMeasSel, // = 1 //Select measurements for supertiles : +1 - combo, +2 - quad +4 - hor +8 - vert
clt_parameters.plDispNorm, // = 2.0; // Normalize disparities to the average if above
clt_parameters.plMinPoints, // = 5; // Minimal number of points for plane detection
......@@ -3058,13 +3087,17 @@ public class TileProcessor {
clt_parameters.stSmplSide , // final int smplSide, // = 2; // Sample size (side of a square)
clt_parameters.stSmplNum , // final int smplNum, // = 3; // Number after removing worst
clt_parameters.stSmplRms , // final double smplRms, // = 0.1; // Maximal RMS of the remaining tiles in a sample
clt_parameters.plBlurBinHor, // final double bin_blur_hor, // Blur disparity histograms for horizontal clusters by this sigma (in bins)
clt_parameters.plBlurBinVert, // final double bin_blur_vert, // Blur disparity histograms for constant disparity clusters by this sigma (in bins)
clt_parameters.stSmallDiff, // = 0.4; // Consider merging initial planes if disparity difference below
clt_parameters.stHighMix, //stHighMix = 0.4; // Consider merging initial planes if jumps between ratio above
// clt_parameters.vertical_xyz,
0, // -1, // debugLevel, // final int debugLevel)
} else {
null, // final boolean [] selected, // or null
0.3, // final double min_disp,
......@@ -3086,6 +3119,7 @@ public class TileProcessor {
0, // -1, // debugLevel, // final int debugLevel)
showDoubleFloatArrays sdfa_instance = null;
......@@ -3093,6 +3127,7 @@ public class TileProcessor {
0, // debugLevel
......@@ -3172,6 +3207,7 @@ public class TileProcessor {
// now re-create connections and best neighbors
0, // debugLevel
......@@ -3220,6 +3256,8 @@ public class TileProcessor {
0, // final int debugLevel)
} else {
st.planes_mod = st.planes; // just use the measured ones
// filter out weak planes, create boolean array [per-supertile][per disparity plane]
boolean [][] selected_planes = st.selectPlanes(
......@@ -3235,11 +3273,14 @@ public class TileProcessor {
clt_parameters.plKeepOrphans, // true, // boolean keep_orphans, // single-cell shells
clt_parameters.plMinOrphan, // orphan_strength // add separate parameter
st.getPlanesMod(), // TilePlanes.PlaneData [][] planes,
1); // int debugLevel)
1, // final int debugLevel)
// save shell indices with SuperTiles instance
st.setShellMap(shells); // persistent
// Create array [per shell][per tile] of shell disparities. tiles of unused supertiles are Double.NaN
double [][] surfaces = st.getShowShells(
0, // int nlayer, // over multi-layer - do not render more than nlayer on top of each other
st.getPlanesMod(), // TilePlanes.PlaneData [][] planes,
st.getShellMap(), // shells, // int [][] shells,
1000, // int max_shells,
......@@ -3313,6 +3354,7 @@ public class TileProcessor {
sdfa_instance.showArrays(plane_data, wh[0], wh[1], true, "plane_data");
plane_data = st.getShowShells(
0, // int nlayer, // over multi-layer - do not render more than nlayer on top of each other
st.getPlanesMod(), // TilePlanes.PlaneData [][] planes,
st.getShellMap(), // shells, // int [][] shells,
100, // int max_shells,
......@@ -3325,6 +3367,20 @@ public class TileProcessor {
sdfa_instance.showArrays(plane_data, wh[0], wh[1], true, "shells_all");
plane_data = st.getShowShells(
1, // int nlayer, // over multi-layer - do not render more than nlayer on top of each other
st.getPlanesMod(), // TilePlanes.PlaneData [][] planes,
st.getShellMap(), // shells, // int [][] shells,
100, // int max_shells,
clt_parameters.plFuse,// boolean fuse,
false, // boolean show_connections,
false, // boolean use_NaN,
10.0, // double arrow_dark,
10.0); // double arrow_white)
sdfa_instance.showArrays(plane_data, wh[0], wh[1], true, "shells2_all");
plane_data = st.getShowShells(
0, // int nlayer, // over multi-layer - do not render more than nlayer on top of each other
st.getPlanesMod(), // TilePlanes.PlaneData [][] planes,
st.getShellMap(), // shells, // int [][] shells,
100, // int max_shells,
......@@ -3335,8 +3391,21 @@ public class TileProcessor {
10.0); // double arrow_white)
sdfa_instance.showArrays(plane_data, wh[0], wh[1], true, "shells_all_arrows");
plane_data = st.getShowShells(
1, // int nlayer, // over multi-layer - do not render more than nlayer on top of each other
st.getPlanesMod(), // TilePlanes.PlaneData [][] planes,
st.getShellMap(), // shells, // int [][] shells,
100, // int max_shells,
clt_parameters.plFuse,// boolean fuse,
true, // boolean show_connections,
false, // boolean use_NaN,
10.0, // double arrow_dark,
10.0); // double arrow_white)
sdfa_instance.showArrays(plane_data, wh[0], wh[1], true, "shells2_all_arrows");
plane_data = st.getShowShells(
0, // int nlayer, // over multi-layer - do not render more than nlayer on top of each other
st.getPlanesMod(), // TilePlanes.PlaneData [][] planes,
st.getShellMap(), // shells, // int [][] shells,
100, // int max_shells,
......@@ -3346,6 +3415,18 @@ public class TileProcessor {
10.0, // double arrow_dark,
10.0); // double arrow_white)
sdfa_instance.showArrays(plane_data, wh[0], wh[1], true, "shells");
plane_data = st.getShowShells(
1, // int nlayer, // over multi-layer - do not render more than nlayer on top of each other
st.getPlanesMod(), // TilePlanes.PlaneData [][] planes,
st.getShellMap(), // shells, // int [][] shells,
100, // int max_shells,
clt_parameters.plFuse,// boolean fuse,
false, // boolean show_connections,
true, // boolean use_NaN,
10.0, // double arrow_dark,
10.0); // double arrow_white)
sdfa_instance.showArrays(plane_data, wh[0], wh[1], true, "shells2");
// also test snap here
int [] snap_surf = st.snapSort(
st.cltPass3d.getDisparity(), // final double [] disparity,
** TileSurface - hadle tile surfaces
** Copyright (C) 2017 Elphel, Inc.
** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------**
** is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <>.
** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------**
public class TileSurface {
// public
private int tileSize;
private int stSize;
private int tilesX;
private int tilesY;
private int [] st_dirs8;
// private int nsTilesstSize = 0; // 8;
GeometryCorrection geometryCorrection = null;
public TileSurface(
int tileSize,
int stSize,
int tilesX,
int tilesY,
GeometryCorrection geometryCorrection){
this.tileSize = tileSize;
this.stSize = stSize;
this.geometryCorrection =geometryCorrection;
this.tilesX = tilesX;
this.tilesY = tilesY;
int [] dirs = {-tilesX, -tilesX + 1, 1, tilesX + 1, tilesX, tilesX - 1, -1, -tilesX - 1};
this.st_dirs8 = dirs;
public class TileData{
double disparity;
double strength;
double enable;
int [] neighbors = null;
* Get tile surface number from supertile number, direction (-1 same) and the supertile plane index
* @param nsTile number of the supertile
* @param dir direction -1 - same supertile, 0 - N (up), 1 - NE, .. 7 - NW
* @param np number of the supertile plane
* @param planes array of the per-supertile, per plane plane data (each level can be null)
* @return unique tile plane index
public int getTileSurfaceNumber (
int nsTile,
int dir, // direction, or -1 (same)
int np,
TilePlanes.PlaneData [][] planes
if ((planes[nsTile] == null) || (planes[nsTile][np] == null)){
return -1; // empty supertile or supertile plane
if (dir < 0) {
return np;
int tsn = planes[nsTile].length;
for (int d = 0; d < dir; d ++){
int nsTile1 = nsTile + st_dirs8[d];
if (planes[nsTile1] != null){
tsn += planes[nsTile1].length;
return tsn + np;
* Get supertile direction and the plane number that contributeted to a specific tile surface
* @param nsTile supertile index
* @param tp tile surface index (generated by getTileSurfaceNumber)
* @param planes array of the per-supertile, per plane plane data (each level can be null)
* @return a pair of {dir, plane index}. dir is -1 for the plane in the same supertile, 0..7 for neighbors
public int [] getSuperTileDirPlane (
int nsTile,
int tp,
TilePlanes.PlaneData [][] planes
int num_planes = (planes[nsTile] == null)? 0: planes[nsTile].length;
int [] rslt = {-1, tp};
if (tp < num_planes) return rslt;
tp -= num_planes;
for (int d = 0; d < st_dirs8.length; d ++){
int nsTile1 = nsTile + st_dirs8[d];
num_planes = (planes[nsTile1] == null)? 0: planes[nsTile1].length;
if (tp < num_planes){
rslt[0] = d;
rslt[1] = tp;
return rslt;
tp -= num_planes;
return null; // error - invalid input
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