System.out.println("No files to process (of "+sourceFiles.length+")");
double[]referenceExposures_main=quadCLT_main.eyesisCorrections.calcReferenceExposures(debugLevel);// multiply each image by this and divide by individual (if not NaN)
double[]referenceExposures_aux=quadCLT_aux.eyesisCorrections.calcReferenceExposures(debugLevel);// multiply each image by this and divide by individual (if not NaN)
thrownewException("Set names for cameras do not match: main camera: '"+set_channels_main[nSet].name()+"', aux. camera: '"+set_channels_main[nSet].name()+"'");
scaleExposures_main,// double [] scaleExposures_main, // probably not needed here - restores brightness of the final image
scaleExposures_aux,// double [] scaleExposures_aux, // probably not needed here - restores brightness of the final image
false,// final boolean notch_mode, // use notch filter for inter-camera correlation to detect poles
// averages measurements
clt_parameters.rig.lt_avg_radius,// final int lt_rad, // low texture mode - inter-correlation is averaged between the neighbors before argmax-ing, using
// final boolean apply_corr, // calculate and apply additional fine geometry correction
// final boolean infinity_corr, // calculate and apply geometry correction at infinity
threadsMax,// final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch
updateStatus,// final boolean updateStatus,
debugLevel);// final int debugLevel);
if(debugLevel>-1)System.out.println("Processing set "+(nSet+1)+" (of "+set_channels_aux.length+") finished at "+