quad_signs[quad][0]*acol*scale05+xcs,// x * scale, // double x, // x coordinate on the common scale (corresponding to the largest baseline), along the disparity axis
quad_signs[quad][1]*arow*scale05,// y * scale, // double y, // y coordinate (0 - disparity axis)
v,// double v, // correlation value at that point
w,// double w,
group_scale_ind[ig],// int si, // baseline scale index
ig);// int gi);
}else{// ortho
doublewy=window_y[arow]*groups_pairs[0][0];// number of pair averaged
doublewxy=window_x[acol]*wy;// full weight before value as weight
quad_signs[quad][0]*acol*scale05+xcs,// x * scale, // double x, // x coordinate on the common scale (corresponding to the largest baseline), along the disparity axis
quad_signs[quad][1]*arow*scale05,// y * scale, // double y, // y coordinate (0 - disparity axis)
v,// double v, // correlation value at that point
w,// double w,
group_scale_ind[ig],// int si, // baseline scale index