System.out.println("Vignetting data for channel "+srcChannel+" has "+eyesisCorrections.channelVignettingCorrection[srcChannel].length+" pixels, image "+sourceFiles[nFile]+" has "+pixels.length);
processCLTSetImage(// returns ImagePlus, but it already should be saved/shown
imp_srcs[srcChannel],// should have properties "name"(base for saving results), "channel","path"
convolveFFTSize,// 128 - fft size, kernel size should be size/2
threadsMax,// maximal number of threads to launch
// warp result (add support for different color modes)
if(equirectangularParameters.clearFullMap)eyesisCorrections.pixelMapping.deleteEquirectangularMapFull(srcChannel);// save memory? //removeUnusedSensorData - no, use equirectangular specific settings
if(equirectangularParameters.clearAllMaps)eyesisCorrections.pixelMapping.deleteEquirectangularMapAll(srcChannel);// save memory? //removeUnusedSensorData - no, use equirectangular specific settings
if(debugLevel>-1)System.out.println("Processing image "+(iImage+1)+" (of "+fileIndices.length+") finished at "+
(tilesX + 1) * dct_parameters.dct_size, // final int width,
dct_parameters.dct_size, // final int step, //(does not need to be this) // just for multi-threading efficiency?
dct_parameters.nonlin_max_y, // final double nonlin_max_y = 1.0; // maximal amount of nonlinear line/edge emphasis for Y component
dct_parameters.nonlin_max_c, // final double nonlin_max_c = 1.0; // maximal amount of nonlinear line/edge emphasis for C component
dct_parameters.nonlin_y, // final double nonlin_y, // = 0.01; // amount of nonlinear line/edge emphasis for Y component
dct_parameters.nonlin_c, // final double nonlin_c, // = 0.01; // amount of nonlinear line/edge emphasis for C component
dct_parameters.nonlin_corn, // final double nonlin_corn, // = 0.5; // relative weight for nonlinear corner elements
(dct_parameters.denoise? dct_parameters.denoise_y:0.0), // final double denoise_y, // = 1.0; // maximal total smoothing of the Y post-kernel (will compete with edge emphasis)
(dct_parameters.denoise? dct_parameters.denoise_c:0.0), // final double denoise_c, // = 1.0; // maximal total smoothing of the color differences post-kernel (will compete with edge emphasis)
dct_parameters.denoise_y_corn, // final double denoise_y_corn, // = 0.5; // weight of the 4 corner pixels during denoise y (relative to 4 straight)
dct_parameters.denoise_c_corn, // final double denoise_c_corn, // = 0.5; // weight of the 4 corner pixels during denoise y (relative to 4 straight)
dct_parameters.dct_size, //, // final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch
// imp.setProperty("distortion_formula", "(normalized by distortionRadius in mm) Rdist/R=A8*R^7+A7*R^6+A6*R^5+A5*R^4+A*R^3+B*R^2+C*R+(1-A6-A7-A6-A5-A-B-C)");
double[]forward,// null - keep all, NaN - keep individual
double[]right,// null - keep all, NaN - keep individual
double[]roll,// null - keep all, NaN - keep individual
double[][]pXY0){// null - keep all, [] null - keep individual
// imp.setProperty("distortion_formula", "(normalized by distortionRadius in mm) Rdist/R=A8*R^7+A7*R^6+A6*R^5+A5*R^4+A*R^3+B*R^2+C*R+(1-A6-A7-A6-A5-A-B-C)");