Commit 53042eb0 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

debugging expansion

parent 41b267b4
......@@ -2,3 +2,6 @@
\ No newline at end of file
** DisparityProcessor
** Copyright (C) 2017 Elphel, Inc.
** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------**
** is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <>.
** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------**
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
public class DisparityProcessor {
static int [] corn_side_neib = { // of +1 - up (N), +2 - up-right - NE, ... +0x80 - NW
0b00011100, // top left corner
0b01111100, // top middle
0b01110000, // top right
0b00011111, // middle left
0b11111111, // middle
0b11110001, // middle right
0b00000111, // bottom left
0b11000111, // mottom middle
0b11000001}; // bottom right
TileProcessor tp;
// disparity*scale_dz_dx - disparity difference between neighbor tiles to have 45 degree XZ
double scale_dz_dx; // == tile_size* ( 0.001 * this.pixelSize) / this.focalLength
public DisparityProcessor (
TileProcessor tp,
double scale_dz_dx)
{ = tp;
this.scale_dz_dx = scale_dz_dx;
public int [] getNeighbors( // creates neighbors mask from bitmask
boolean [] selected,
int tilesX
int [] neibs = new int [selected.length];
final int [] dirs8 = {-tilesX, -tilesX + 1, 1, tilesX +1, tilesX, tilesX - 1, -1, -tilesX - 1};
for (int nTile = 0; nTile < selected.length; nTile++) {
int tileY = nTile/tilesX;
int tileX = nTile - (tileY * tilesX);
int tileType = 4;
if (tileY == 0){
if (tileX == 0){
tileType = 0;
} else if (tileX == (tilesX - 1)) {
tileType = 2;
} else {
tileType = 1;
} else if (tileX == (tilesX - 1)) {
if (tileX == 0){
tileType = 6;
} else if (tileX == (tilesX - 1)) {
tileType = 8;
} else {
tileType = 7;
} else {
if (tileX == 0){
tileType = 3;
} else if (tileX == (tilesX - 1)) {
tileType = 5;
if (selected[nTile]){
neibs[nTile] = corn_side_neib[tileType];
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
int b = 1 << i;
if (((neibs[nTile] & b) != 0) && !selected [nTile + dirs8[i]]){
neibs[nTile] &= ~b;
else {
neibs[nTile] = 0;
return neibs;
public double [] dbgShowNeighbors(
boolean [] selected,
int [] neighbors,
int tile_size,
double bgnd,
double fgnd)
int tilesX = tp.getTilesX();
int tilesY = tp.getTilesY();
int [][] dirXY8 = {{0,-1},{1,-1},{1,0},{1,1},{0,1},{-1,1},{-1,0},{-1,-1}};
int width = tilesX * tile_size;
int height = tilesY * tile_size;
double [] rslt = new double [width*height];
for (int i = 0; i < rslt.length; i++) rslt[i] = bgnd;
for (int nTile = 0; nTile < neighbors.length; nTile++)if (selected[nTile]) { // if (neighbors[nTile] != 0) {
int tileY = nTile / tilesX;
int tileX = nTile % tilesX;
for (int i = -1; i<= 1; i++){
for (int j = -1; j<= 1; j++){
rslt[(tileY*tile_size + tile_size/2 + i) * width + (tileX*tile_size + tile_size/2 + j)] = fgnd;
for (int ib = 0; ib < dirXY8.length; ib++) if ((neighbors[nTile] & (1 << ib)) != 0){
for (int i = 0; i <= tile_size/2; i++){
int x = tileX*tile_size + tile_size/2 + i * dirXY8[ib][0];
int y = tileY*tile_size + tile_size/2 + i * dirXY8[ib][1];
rslt[y*width+x] = fgnd;
return rslt;
public double [][] dbgShowOverlaps(
// boolean [] selected,
int [][] flaps,
int tile_size,
double bgnd,
double fgnd)
int tilesX = tp.getTilesX();
int tilesY = tp.getTilesY();
int [][] dirXY8 = {{0,-1},{1,-1},{1,0},{1,1},{0,1},{-1,1},{-1,0},{-1,-1}};
int width = tilesX * tile_size;
int height = tilesY * tile_size;
double [][] rslt = new double [8][width*height];
for (int i = 0; i < rslt[0].length; i++) {
for (int l=0; l<rslt.length; l++) rslt[l][i] = bgnd;
for (int nTile = 0; nTile < flaps.length; nTile++) if (flaps[nTile]!=null) {
int tileY = nTile / tilesX;
int tileX = nTile % tilesX;
for (int l = 0; l < 8; l++) {
for (int i = -1; i<= 1; i++){
for (int j = -1; j<= 1; j++){
rslt[l][(tileY*tile_size + tile_size/2 + i) * width + (tileX*tile_size + tile_size/2 + j)] = fgnd;
for (int ibr = 0; ibr < dirXY8.length; ibr++){
if ((flaps[nTile][l] & (1 << ibr)) != 0){
int ib = (ibr + 4) % 8;
for (int i = 0; i <= tile_size/2; i++){
int x = tileX*tile_size + tile_size/2 + i * dirXY8[ib][0];
int y = tileY*tile_size + tile_size/2 + i * dirXY8[ib][1];
rslt[l][y*width+x] = fgnd;
return rslt;
public double [] dbgShowStress(
double [][] stress,
int tile_size)
int tilesX = tp.getTilesX();
int tilesY = tp.getTilesY();
// int [][] dirXY8 = {{0,-1},{1,-1},{1,0},{1,1},{0,1},{-1,1},{-1,0},{-1,-1}};
int width = tilesX * tile_size;
int height = tilesY * tile_size;
double [] rslt = new double [width*height];
for (int nTile = 0; nTile < stress[0].length; nTile++) {
int tileY = nTile / tilesX;
int tileX = nTile % tilesX;
if ((tileY < (tilesY -1)) && (tileX < (tilesX -1))) {
for (int i = 0; i <= tile_size/2; i ++){
int x0 = tileX*tile_size + tile_size/2 + i;
int x1 = (tileX+1)*tile_size + tile_size/2 - i;
int y0 = tileY*tile_size + tile_size/2 + i;
int y1 = (tileY+1)*tile_size + tile_size/2 - i;
for (int j = 0; (j <= i) && (j < 2); j++){
int yy0 = tileY*tile_size + tile_size/2 - j;
int yy1 = tileY*tile_size + tile_size/2 + j;
int xx0 = tileX*tile_size + tile_size/2 - j;
int xx1 = tileX*tile_size + tile_size/2 + j;
rslt[width * yy0 + x0] = stress[0][nTile];
rslt[width * yy1 + x0] = stress[0][nTile];
rslt[width * yy0 + x1] = stress[0][nTile];
rslt[width * yy1 + x1] = stress[0][nTile];
rslt[width * y0 + xx0] = stress[1][nTile];
rslt[width * y0 + xx1] = stress[1][nTile];
rslt[width * y1 + xx0] = stress[1][nTile];
rslt[width * y1 + xx1] = stress[1][nTile];
return rslt;
public double [] dbgRescaleToPixels(
double [] data,
int tile_size)
int tilesX = tp.getTilesX();
int tilesY = tp.getTilesY();
int width = tilesX * tile_size;
int height = tilesY * tile_size;
double [] rslt = new double [width*height];
for (int nTile = 0; nTile < data.length; nTile++) {
int tileY = nTile / tilesX;
int tileX = nTile % tilesX;
for (int y = tileY*tile_size; y < (tileY + 1)*tile_size; y++){
for (int x = tileX*tile_size; x < (tileX + 1)*tile_size; x++){
rslt[width * y + x] = data[nTile];
return rslt;
public void smoothDisparity(
// final double break3, // clt_parameters.tiBreak/0 allow disconnecting from neighbors (fg/bg)
final double dispPull, // clt_parameters.tiDispPull or 0.0
final int mask, // 1 - work on internal elements, 2 - on border elements, 3 - both (internal first);
final int num_passes,
final double maxDiff, // maximal change in any of the disparity values
final int [] neighbors, // +1 - up (N), +2 - up-right - NE, ... +0x80 - NW
final double [] disparity, // current disparity value
final double [] measured_disparity, // measured disparity
final double [] strength,
final double [] hor_disparity, // not yet used
final double [] hor_strength, // not yet used
final boolean [] selected,
final boolean [] border, // may be null
final EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters,
final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch
final int debugLevel)
showDoubleFloatArrays sdfa_instance = null;
if (debugLevel > -1) sdfa_instance = new showDoubleFloatArrays(); // just for debugging?
final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(threadsMax);
final int numThreads = threads.length;
if (debugLevel > -1) System.out.println("smoothDisparity(): using "+numThreads+" threads");
final int len = disparity.length;
int numBorder = 0, numInternal = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++){
if ((border != null) && border[i]) numBorder++;
else if (selected[i]) numInternal++; // only if not border
final int numTiles = (((mask & 1) != 0)? numInternal : 0) + (((mask & 2) != 0)? numBorder : 0);
final int [] indices = new int [numBorder + numInternal]; // internal excludes border
int indx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++){
if ((border != null) && border[i]){
if ((mask & 2) != 0) indices[indx++] = i;
} else if (selected[i]) {
if ((mask & 1) != 0) indices[indx++] = i;
final int [] dirs8 = {-tp.getTilesX(), -tp.getTilesX() + 1, 1, tp.getTilesX() +1, tp.getTilesX(), tp.getTilesX() - 1, -1, -tp.getTilesX() - 1};
final double [] rigid8 = {
final double [] rslt_diffs = new double [numThreads];
final double [] zero_diffs = new double [numThreads]; // all 0;
final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0);
final AtomicInteger ai_numThread = new AtomicInteger(0);
final int tilesX = tp.getTilesX();
final int tilesY = tp.getTilesY();
// final double [][] disp_data = {disparity, new double [len]};
final double [][] disp_data = {disparity, disparity.clone()};
// neighbors
final double [][] dbg_pull = new double [3][len];
for (int pass = 0; (pass < num_passes) || (num_passes ==0); pass++) {
System.arraycopy(zero_diffs, 0, rslt_diffs, 0, numThreads); // set all to 0
for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) {
threads[ithread] = new Thread() {
public void run() {
double diff;
int numThread = ai_numThread.getAndIncrement(); // unique number of thread to write to rslt_diffs[numThread]
for (int iTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); iTile < numTiles; iTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) {
int nTile = indices[iTile];
int tileY = nTile/tilesX;
int tileX = nTile - (tileY * tilesX);
// calculate pull by neighbors - does not depend on strength of disparity
// to access from the debugger
double [] dbg_disp_data = disp_data[0];
boolean [] dbg_selected = selected;
boolean [] dbg_border = border;
double neib_avg = 0.0, neib_weight = 0.0;
// if (tileY == 89){
// System.out.println("smoothDisparity() c: tileY="+tileY+", tileX="+tileX+" nTile="+nTile);
// }
for (int i = 0; i < dirs8.length; i++) if ((neighbors[nTile] & (1 << i)) !=0) {
double w = rigid8[i]; // no strength here strength[nTile + dirs8[i]]
int dbg_dirs8 = nTile + dirs8[i];
double dbg_d = disp_data[0][nTile + dirs8[i]];
neib_weight += w;
neib_avg += w * disp_data[0][nTile + dirs8[i]];
// if (nTile == 28967){// (tileY == 89) { // (nTile == 28964){
// System.out.println("smoothDisparity() c1: i = "+i+" w="+w+" dbg_dirs8="+dbg_dirs8+" dbg_d="+dbg_d);
// }
double new_disp = disp_data[0][nTile];
if (neib_weight > 0.0){
neib_avg/= neib_weight;
// if (nTile == 28967){// (tileY == 89) { // (nTile == 28964){
// System.out.println("smoothDisparity() c2: neib_weight = "+neib_weight+" neib_avg="+neib_avg);
// }
// calculate pull by the measured disparity
double disparity_diff = (measured_disparity[nTile] - disp_data[0][nTile]);
double eff_strength = ((border != null) && border[nTile])? 0.0: (strength[nTile] - clt_parameters.tiStrengthOffset);
if (eff_strength < 0) eff_strength = 0;
double disparity_pull = eff_strength;
// if (tileY == 89){
// System.out.println("smoothDisparity() d: tileY="+tileY+", tileX="+tileX+" nTile="+nTile+" neib_avg="+neib_avg);
// }
if (clt_parameters.tiDispPow > 0.0){
disparity_pull *= Math.abs(disparity_diff)/clt_parameters.tiDispScale;
if (clt_parameters.tiDispPow > 1.0){
disparity_pull = Math.pow(disparity_pull, clt_parameters.tiDispPow);
// disparity_pull *= clt_parameters.tiDispPull;
disparity_pull *= dispPull;
dbg_pull[0][nTile] = neib_avg - disp_data[0][nTile];
dbg_pull[1][nTile] = (measured_disparity[nTile] - disp_data[0][nTile])*disparity_pull;
dbg_pull[2][nTile] = disparity_pull;
new_disp = (neib_avg * neib_weight + measured_disparity[nTile] * disparity_pull) / (neib_weight + disparity_pull);
// System.out.println("neib_avg = "+neib_avg+" disp_data[0]["+nTile+"]="+disp_data[0][nTile]+" new_disp="+new_disp);
disp_data[1][nTile] = new_disp; // update with new value that will be used at new iteration
diff = Math.abs(disp_data[1][nTile] - disp_data[0][nTile]);
if (diff > rslt_diffs[numThread]) rslt_diffs[numThread] = diff;
double [][] dbg_data = {measured_disparity,disp_data[0],disp_data[1],dbg_pull[0],dbg_pull[1],dbg_pull[2],strength};
String [] titles = {"measured","[0]","[1]","avg","meas","pull","strength"};
if ((debugLevel>0) && ((pass ==0) || (pass >= (num_passes-2)))){
sdfa_instance.showArrays(dbg_data,tilesX, tilesY, true, "disp_smoothed",titles);
double [] tmp= disp_data[0]; // swap, new data will be in disp_data[0], disp_data[1] to be written to by threads in next run
disp_data[0] = disp_data[1];
disp_data[1] = tmp;
if (maxDiff > 0){
double diff = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; (i < numThreads) && (diff <= maxDiff) ; i++) if (diff < rslt_diffs[i]) diff = rslt_diffs[i];
if (diff <= maxDiff) {
if (debugLevel > -1) System.out.println("smoothDisparity(): pass = "+pass+", diff = "+diff+" <= "+maxDiff);
// dbgDeriv
System.arraycopy(disp_data[0], 0, disp_data[1], 0, len); // set all to 0 (odd/even, disparity may be now any of 2)
// double [][] dbg_data = {measured_disparity,disp_data[0],disp_data[1],strength, disparity, dbgDeriv[0], dbgDeriv[1]};
// String [] titles = {"measured", "[0]", "[1]", "strength", "disp", "deriv0", "deriv1"};
// sdfa_instance.showArrays(dbg_data,tilesX, tilesY, true, "disp_smoothed", titles);
* Select tiles where measured disparity is closer/farther than currently approximated by a sufficient margin. Return null
* if none are
public boolean [] findNearFar(
boolean findFar,
double threshold, // select tiles with non-zero strength that are far/near
final double [] disparity, // current (approximated) disparity value
final double [] measured_disparity, // measured disparity
final double [] strength, // masked by previously removed tiles as far/near
final boolean [] selected)
int leng = disparity.length;
boolean [] found = new boolean [leng];
int numFound = 0;
for (int i = 0; i<leng; i++)
if ((strength[i] > 0.0) && ((selected == null) || selected[i]) &&
((findFar? (disparity[i] - measured_disparity[i]) : (measured_disparity[i]-disparity[i])) > threshold)){
found[i] = true;
} else {
found[i] = false;
return (numFound > 0)? found : null;
public void breakDisparity( // break using 3-th derivative
final double break3, // clt_parameters.tiBreak/0 allow disconnecting from neighbors (fg/bg). if 0.0 - do not break, just calculate stresses
final int mode, // 0: 3-rd derivative, 1: - third * first (compare positive threshold only), 2: second by abs(first) (compare positive threshold only)
final int [] neighbors, // +1 - up (N), +2 - up-right - NE, ... +0x80 - NW
final double [] disparity, // current disparity value
final boolean [] selected,
final boolean extend_flat, // if the tile is on the hor/vert edge, assume same disparity on the other side
final double k_same,
final double k_turn,
final EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters,
final double [][] dbgDeriv, //double [2][len] or null;
final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch
final int debugLevel)
// showDoubleFloatArrays sdfa_instance = null;
// if (debugLevel > -1) sdfa_instance = new showDoubleFloatArrays(); // just for debugging?
final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(threadsMax);
final int numThreads = threads.length;
if (debugLevel > -1) System.out.println("breakDisparity3(): using "+numThreads+" threads");
final int len = disparity.length;
int numTiles = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++){
if (selected[i]) numTiles++; // only if not border
final int [] indices = new int [numTiles]; // internal excludes border
int indx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++){
if (selected[i]) {
indices[indx++] = i;
final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0);
final int tilesX = tp.getTilesX();
final int tilesY = tp.getTilesY();
final double [][] deriv3HV = new double [2][len]; // 4-th derivative [0] - horizontal, 1 - vertical
// neighbors
// final int [][] neib_data = {neighbors, new int [len]};
// final double [] k4_3 = { 1.0, -3.0, 3.0, -1.0}; // 3-rd
final double [] k4_3 = {-1.0, 3.0, -3.0, 1.0}; // 3-rd
final double [] k4_2 = {-1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0}; // - 2-nd (average for 2 sides)
final double [] k4 = (mode == 2)? k4_2 : k4_3;
for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) {
threads[ithread] = new Thread() {
public void run() {
for (int iTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); iTile < indices.length; iTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) {
int nTile = indices[iTile];
// int tileY = nTile/tilesX;
// int tileX = nTile - (tileY * tilesX);
// double deriv4;
int neib = neighbors[nTile];
// try break horizontally (always - to the right)
int b = (1 << 2); // "E" (right)
int rb = (1 << 6); // "W" (left)
if ((neib & b) != 0){
// double deriv = k_inner * (disparity[nTile + 1]- disparity[nTile]); // 3 - for 3-rd derivative, 1 - for second (won't work with extension)
double deriv = k4[2] * disparity[nTile + 1] +k4[1]* disparity[nTile]; // 3 - for 3-rd derivative, 1 - for second (won't work with extension)
if ((neib & rb) != 0) deriv += k4[0]*disparity[nTile - 1];
else if (extend_flat) deriv += k4[0]*disparity[nTile];
else break hor_label;
if ((neighbors[nTile + 1] & b) != 0) deriv += k4[3]* disparity[nTile + 2];
else if (extend_flat) deriv += k4[3]* disparity[nTile + 1];
else break hor_label;
switch (mode){
case 1:
deriv *= disparity[nTile]- disparity[nTile + 1]; // 3-rd derivative * 1-st (reversed order to get -1)
case 2:
deriv *= Math.abs(disparity[nTile + 1]- disparity[nTile]); // 2-nd derivative * abs(1-st derivative)
default: // do nothing
deriv3HV[0][nTile] = deriv;
b = (1 << 4); // "S" (down)
rb = (1 << 0); // "N" (up)
// try break vertical (always - down)
if ((neib & b) != 0){
// double deriv = k_inner * (disparity[nTile + tilesX]- disparity[nTile]);
double deriv = k4[2] * disparity[nTile + tilesX] +k4[1] * disparity[nTile]; // 3 - for 3-rd derivative, 1 - for second (won't work with extension)
if ((neib & rb) != 0) deriv += k4[0]*disparity[nTile - tilesX];
else if (extend_flat) deriv += k4[0]*disparity[nTile];
else break vert_label;
if ((neighbors[nTile + tilesX] & b) != 0) deriv += k4[3]*disparity[nTile + 2 * tilesX];
else if (extend_flat) deriv += k4[3]*disparity[nTile + tilesX];
else break vert_label;
switch (mode){
case 1:
deriv *= disparity[nTile]- disparity[nTile + tilesX]; // 3-rd derivative * - 1-st (reversed order to get -1)
case 2:
deriv *= Math.abs(disparity[nTile + tilesX]- disparity[nTile]); // 2-nd derivative * abs(1-st derivative)
default: // do nothing
deriv3HV[1][nTile] = deriv; // vertical 4-th derivative
// Amplify same-direction (and turn) stress
if ((k_same != 0.0) || (k_turn != 0.0)){
final double [][] deriv3HVCopy = {deriv3HV[0].clone(),deriv3HV[1].clone()};
for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) {
threads[ithread] = new Thread() {
public void run() {
for (int iTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); iTile < indices.length; iTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) {
int nTile = indices[iTile];
int tileY = nTile/tilesX;
int tileX = nTile - (tileY * tilesX);
if (k_same !=0 ) {
// vertical "gradient" in the same horizontal row
if ((tileX > 0) && selected[nTile - 1]) deriv3HV[1][nTile] += k_same * deriv3HVCopy[1][nTile - 1];
if ((tileX < (tilesX -1)) && selected[nTile + 1]) deriv3HV[1][nTile] += k_same * deriv3HVCopy[1][nTile + 1];
// horizontal "gradient" in the same vertical column
if ((tileY > 0) && selected[nTile - tilesX]) deriv3HV[0][nTile] += k_same * deriv3HVCopy[0][nTile - tilesX];
if ((tileY < (tilesY -1)) && selected[nTile + tilesX]) deriv3HV[0][nTile] += k_same * deriv3HVCopy[0][nTile + tilesX];
if (k_turn !=0 ) {
if ((tileY > 0) && selected[nTile - tilesX]) deriv3HV[0][nTile] += k_turn * deriv3HVCopy[1][nTile - tilesX ];
if ((tileY > 0) && (tileX < (tilesX -1)) && selected[nTile - tilesX + 1]) deriv3HV[0][nTile] += k_turn * deriv3HVCopy[1][nTile - tilesX + 1];
if (true) deriv3HV[0][nTile] += k_turn * deriv3HVCopy[1][nTile];
if ( (tileX < (tilesX -1)) && selected[nTile + 1]) deriv3HV[0][nTile] += k_turn * deriv3HVCopy[1][nTile +1];
if ( (tileX > 0) && selected[nTile - 1]) deriv3HV[1][nTile] += k_turn * deriv3HVCopy[0][nTile - 1];
if ((tileY < (tilesY -1)) && (tileX > 0) && selected[nTile + tilesX - 1]) deriv3HV[1][nTile] += k_turn * deriv3HVCopy[0][nTile + tilesX - 1];
if ((tileY < (tilesY -1)) && selected[nTile + tilesX ]) deriv3HV[1][nTile] += k_turn * deriv3HVCopy[0][nTile + tilesX ];
if (true) deriv3HV[1][nTile] += k_turn * deriv3HVCopy[0][nTile];
// compare to threshold and update neighbors (does twice, but multi-threading compatible)
if (break3 >0.0) {
final int [] neighbors_in = neighbors.clone();
if (mode == 0) {
for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) {
threads[ithread] = new Thread() {
public void run() {
for (int iTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); iTile < indices.length; iTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) {
int nTile = indices[iTile];
int tileY = nTile/tilesX;
int tileX = nTile - (tileY * tilesX);
int neib = neighbors_in[nTile];
if (Math.abs(deriv3HV[0][nTile]) >= break3) neib &= ~0b00001110; // break all right side
if (Math.abs(deriv3HV[1][nTile]) >= break3) neib &= ~0b00111000; // break all down side
if ((tileX > 0) && selected[nTile - 1] && (Math.abs(deriv3HV[0][nTile - 1]) >= break3)) neib &= ~0b11100000; // break all left side
if ((tileY > 0) && selected[nTile - tilesX] && (Math.abs(deriv3HV[1][nTile - tilesX]) >= break3)) neib &= ~0b10000011; // break all up side
// corners
if ((tileY > 0) && (tileX <(tilesX-1)) && selected[nTile - tilesX +1] && (Math.abs(deriv3HV[1][nTile - tilesX + 1]) >= break3)) neib &= ~0b00000010; // break NE
if ((tileY > 0) && selected[nTile - tilesX ] && (Math.abs(deriv3HV[0][nTile - tilesX ]) >= break3)) neib &= ~0b00000010; // break NE
if ( (tileX <(tilesX-1)) && selected[nTile +1] && (Math.abs(deriv3HV[1][nTile + 1]) >= break3)) neib &= ~0b00001000; // break SE
if ((tileY <(tilesY-1)) && selected[nTile+ tilesX ] && (Math.abs(deriv3HV[0][nTile + tilesX ]) >= break3)) neib &= ~0b00001000; // break SE
if ((tileX > 0) && selected[nTile -1] && (Math.abs(deriv3HV[1][nTile - 1]) >= break3)) neib &= ~0b00100000; // break SW
if ((tileX > 0) && (tileY <(tilesY-1)) && selected[nTile + tilesX -1] && (Math.abs(deriv3HV[0][nTile + tilesX - 1]) >= break3)) neib &= ~0b00100000; // break SW
if ((tileX > 0) && (tileY > 0) && selected[nTile - tilesX -1] && (Math.abs(deriv3HV[1][nTile - tilesX - 1]) >= break3)) neib &= ~0b10000000; // break NW
if ((tileX > 0) && (tileY > 0) && selected[nTile - tilesX -1] && (Math.abs(deriv3HV[0][nTile - tilesX - 1]) >= break3)) neib &= ~0b10000000; // break NW
neighbors[nTile] = neib;
} else { // modes 1 & 2 - use positive values comparison, not Math.abs()
for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) {
threads[ithread] = new Thread() {
public void run() {
for (int iTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); iTile < indices.length; iTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) {
int nTile = indices[iTile];
int tileY = nTile/tilesX;
int tileX = nTile - (tileY * tilesX);
int neib = neighbors_in[nTile];
if (deriv3HV[0][nTile] >= break3) neib &= ~0b00001110; // break all right side
if (deriv3HV[1][nTile] >= break3) neib &= ~0b00111000; // break all down side
if ((tileX > 0) && selected[nTile - 1] && (deriv3HV[0][nTile - 1] >= break3)) neib &= ~0b11100000; // break all left side
if ((tileY > 0) && selected[nTile - tilesX] && (deriv3HV[1][nTile - tilesX] >= break3)) neib &= ~0b10000011; // break all up side
// corners
if ((tileY > 0) && (tileX <(tilesX-1)) && selected[nTile - tilesX +1] && (deriv3HV[1][nTile - tilesX + 1] >= break3)) neib &= ~0b00000010; // break NE
if ((tileY > 0) && selected[nTile - tilesX ] && (deriv3HV[0][nTile - tilesX ] >= break3)) neib &= ~0b00000010; // break NE
if ( (tileX <(tilesX-1)) && selected[nTile +1] && (deriv3HV[1][nTile + 1] >= break3)) neib &= ~0b00001000; // break SE
if ((tileY <(tilesY-1)) && selected[nTile+ tilesX ] && (deriv3HV[0][nTile + tilesX ] >= break3)) neib &= ~0b00001000; // break SE
if ((tileX > 0) && selected[nTile -1] && (deriv3HV[1][nTile - 1] >= break3)) neib &= ~0b00100000; // break SW
if ((tileX > 0) && (tileY <(tilesY-1)) && selected[nTile + tilesX -1] && (deriv3HV[0][nTile + tilesX - 1] >= break3)) neib &= ~0b00100000; // break SW
if ((tileX > 0) && (tileY > 0) && selected[nTile - tilesX -1] && (deriv3HV[1][nTile - tilesX - 1] >= break3)) neib &= ~0b10000000; // break NW
if ((tileX > 0) && (tileY > 0) && selected[nTile - tilesX -1] && (deriv3HV[0][nTile - tilesX - 1] >= break3)) neib &= ~0b10000000; // break NW
neighbors[nTile] = neib;
// return derivatives for debug purposes if array is provided (not null)
if (dbgDeriv != null){
dbgDeriv[0] = deriv3HV[0];
dbgDeriv[1] = deriv3HV[1];
public void reconnectDisparity( // connect disconnected tiles if they have close approximated disparity
final double maxDiffOrto,
final double maxDiffDiagonal,
final int [] neighbors, // +1 - up (N), +2 - up-right - NE, ... +0x80 - NW
final double [] disparity, // current disparity value
final boolean [] selected,
final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch
final int debugLevel)
// showDoubleFloatArrays sdfa_instance = null;
// if (debugLevel > -1) sdfa_instance = new showDoubleFloatArrays(); // just for debugging?
final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(threadsMax);
final int numThreads = threads.length;
if (debugLevel > -1) System.out.println("reconnectDisparity(): using "+numThreads+" threads");
final int len = disparity.length;
int numTiles = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++){
if (selected[i]) numTiles++; // only if not border
final int [] indices = new int [numTiles]; // internal excludes border
int indx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++){
if (selected[i]) {
indices[indx++] = i;
final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0);
final int tilesX = tp.getTilesX();
final int tilesY = tp.getTilesY();
for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) {
threads[ithread] = new Thread() {
public void run() {
for (int iTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); iTile < indices.length; iTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) {
int nTile = indices[iTile];
int tileY = nTile/tilesX;
int tileX = nTile - (tileY * tilesX);
int neib = neighbors[nTile];
int b = (1 << 2); // "E" (right)
if (((neib & b) == 0) && (tileX < (tilesX - 1) && selected[nTile + 1])) {
if (Math.abs(disparity[nTile] - disparity[nTile + 1]) < maxDiffOrto){
neib |= b;
b = (1 << 4); // "S" (down)
if (((neib & b) == 0) && (tileY < (tilesY - 1)) && selected[nTile + tilesX]) {
if (Math.abs(disparity[nTile] - disparity[nTile + tilesX]) < maxDiffOrto){
neib |= b;
b = (1 << 6); // "W" (left)
if (((neib & b) == 0) && (tileX > 0) && selected[nTile - 1]) {
if (Math.abs(disparity[nTile] - disparity[nTile - 1]) < maxDiffOrto){
neib |= b;
b = (1 << 0); // "N" (up)
if (((neib & b) == 0) && (tileY > 0) && selected[nTile - tilesX]) { // was not connected
if (Math.abs(disparity[nTile] - disparity[nTile - tilesX]) < maxDiffOrto){
neib |= b;
b = (1 << 1); // "NE"
if (((neib & b) == 0) && (tileX < (tilesX - 1)) && (tileY > 0) && selected[nTile - tilesX + 1]) {
if (Math.abs(disparity[nTile] - disparity[nTile - tilesX + 1]) < maxDiffDiagonal){
neib |= b;
b = (1 << 3); // "SE"
if (((neib & b) == 0) && (tileX < (tilesX - 1)) && (tileY < (tilesY - 1)) && selected[nTile + tilesX + 1]) {
if (Math.abs(disparity[nTile] - disparity[nTile + tilesX + 1]) < maxDiffDiagonal){
neib |= b;
b = (1 << 5); // "SW"
if (((neib & b) == 0) && (tileX > 0) && (tileY < (tilesY - 1)) && selected[nTile + tilesX - 1]) {
if (Math.abs(disparity[nTile] - disparity[nTile + tilesX - 1]) < maxDiffDiagonal){
neib |= b;
b = (1 << 7); // "NW"
if (((neib & b) == 0) && (tileX > 0) && (tileY > 0) && selected[nTile - tilesX - 1]) {
if (Math.abs(disparity[nTile] - disparity[nTile - tilesX - 1]) < maxDiffDiagonal){
neib |= b;
neighbors[nTile] = neib;
reconnectDiagonals( // connect diagonals if 2 sides are connected
neighbors, // +1 - up (N), +2 - up-right - NE, ... +0x80 - NW
threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch
public void reconnectDiagonals( // connect diagonals if 2 sides are connected
final int [] neighbors, // +1 - up (N), +2 - up-right - NE, ... +0x80 - NW
final boolean [] selected,
final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch
final int debugLevel)
final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(threadsMax);
final int numThreads = threads.length;
if (debugLevel > -1) System.out.println("reconnectDiagonals(): using "+numThreads+" threads");
final int len = neighbors.length;
int numTiles = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++){
if (selected[i]) numTiles++; // only if not border
final int [] indices = new int [numTiles]; // internal excludes border
int indx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++){
if (selected[i]) {
indices[indx++] = i;
final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0);
final int tilesX = tp.getTilesX();
for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) {
threads[ithread] = new Thread() {
public void run() {
for (int iTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); iTile < indices.length; iTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) {
int nTile = indices[iTile];
int neib = neighbors[nTile];
if (
((neib & (1 << 0)) != 0) &&
((neighbors[nTile - tilesX] & (1 << 2)) != 0)){
neib |= (1 <<1);
} else if (
((neib & (1 << 2)) != 0) &&
((neighbors[nTile + 1] & (1 << 0)) != 0)){
neib |= (1 <<1);
if (
((neib & (1 << 4)) != 0) &&
((neighbors[nTile + tilesX] & (1 << 2)) != 0)){
neib |= (1 << 3);
} else if (
((neib & (1 << 2)) != 0) &&
((neighbors[nTile + 1] & (1 << 4)) != 0)){
neib |= (1 << 3);
if (
((neib & (1 << 4)) != 0) &&
((neighbors[nTile + tilesX] & (1 << 6)) != 0)){
neib |= (1 << 5);
} else if (
((neib & (1 << 6)) != 0) &&
((neighbors[nTile - 1] & (1 << 4)) != 0)){
neib |= (1 << 5);
if (
((neib & (1 << 0)) != 0) &&
((neighbors[nTile - tilesX] & (1 << 6)) != 0)){
neib |= (1 << 7);
} else if (
((neib & (1 << 6)) != 0) &&
((neighbors[nTile - 1] & (1 << 0)) != 0)){
neib |= (1 << 7);
neighbors[nTile] = neib;
* "Heals" small gaps in connections between the members of the same cluster, if the missing connections
* All start/ end in the same cluster (so no borders with others), if the total length does not exceed the
* threshold.
* @param neighbors array of connections of the current tile with 8 others - should be consistent
* @param maxlen maximal length of the break to heal
* @param selected selected tiles (only used for filling diagonal connections)
* @param threadsMax maximal number of CPU therads to use
* @param debugLevel debug level
* @return number of the new orthogonal connections
public int healSame( // returns number of new ortho connections
int [] neighbors,
int maxlen,
// just to fill in diagonals
final boolean [] selected,
final int threadsMax,
final int debugLevel)
// int leng = neighbors.length;
int NEIB_RIGHT = 4;
int NEIB_LEFT = 64;
int NEIB_UP = 1;
int NEIB_DOWN = 16;
int FLD_PROHIB = -2;
int FLD_CONN = -1;
int FLD_EMPTY = 0;
int FLD_WALKED = 1;
int [][][] TRANSITIONS = {
{// direction was 0 (right, going up
{ 1, -1, 1}, // x += 1; y -= 1; newdir = 1 (down, going right) first (rightmost choice)
{ 0, -1, 0}, // x += 0; y -= 1; newdir = 0 (right, going up) second (straight choice)
{ 0, -1, 3}, // x += 0; y -= 1; newdir = 3 (down, going left) third (left choice)
{ 0, 0, 2}}, // x += 0; y += 0; newdir = 2 (right, going down) last (back choice)
{// direction was 1 (down, going right)
{ 0, 1, 2}, // x += 0; y += 1; newdir = 2 (right, going down)
{ 1, 0, 1}, // x += 1; y += 0; newdir = 1 (down, going right)
{ 0, 0, 0}, // x += 0; y += 0; newdir = 0 (right, going up)
{ 0, 0, 3}}, // x += 0; y += 0; newdir = 3 (down, going left)
{// direction was 2 (right, going down)
{ 0, 0, 3}, // x += 0; y += 0; newdir = 3 (down, going left)
{ 0, 1, 2}, // x += 0; y += 1; newdir = 2 (right, going down)
{ 1, 0, 1}, // x += 1; y += 0; newdir = 1 (down, going right)
{ 0, 0, 0}}, // x += 0; y += 0; newdir = 0 (right, going up)
{// direction was 3 (down, going left)
{ -1, 0, 0}, // x -= 1; y += 0; newdir = 0 (right, going up)
{ -1, 0, 3}, // x -= 1; y += 0; newdir = 3 (down, going left)
{ -1, 1, 2}, // x -= 1; y += 1; newdir = 2 (right, going down)
{ 0, 0, 1}}};// x += 0; y += 0; newdir = 1 (down, going right)
final int tilesX = tp.getTilesX();
final int tilesY = tp.getTilesY();
class XYDir {
int x;
int y;
int dir;
XYDir (int x, int y, int dir){
this.x = x; this.y = y; this.dir = dir;
ArrayList<XYDir> xYDirList = new ArrayList<XYDir>();
// adding top row and left column
int [][][] field = new int [tilesY + 1][tilesX + 1][4]; // right, going up; down, going right; right going down; down, going left;
for (int i = 0; i < tilesY + 1; i++){
for (int j = 0; j < tilesX + 1; j++){
for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++){
field[i][j][k] = FLD_PROHIB;
for (int ty = 0; ty < tilesY; ty++){
for (int tx = 0; tx < tilesX; tx++){
int neib = neighbors[ty * tilesX + tx];
int []cell = field[ty + 1][tx + 1];
if ( neib!= 0) {
cell[0] = ((neib & NEIB_RIGHT) == 0)? FLD_EMPTY:FLD_CONN;
cell[2] = ((neib & NEIB_RIGHT) == 0)? FLD_EMPTY:FLD_CONN;
cell[1] = ((neib & NEIB_DOWN) == 0)? FLD_EMPTY:FLD_CONN;
cell[3] = ((neib & NEIB_DOWN) == 0)? FLD_EMPTY:FLD_CONN;
int updated = 0;
for (int startY = 1; startY < tilesY; startY++){
for (int startX = 1; startX < tilesX; startX++){
for (int startDir = 0; startDir < 2; startDir++){
if (field[startY][startX][startDir] == FLD_EMPTY){
boolean prohib = false; // met at least one prohibited cell
int tx = startX;
int ty = startY;
int tDir = startDir;
int gapLen = 0; // number of cells traversed
// boolean fwd = true; // up for right, right for down
field[ty][tx][tDir] = FLD_WALKED;
xYDirList.add(new XYDir(tx,ty,tDir));
// walk right hand, mark path with FLD_WALKED, look for prohibited. Verify each cell walked twice
// when done, mark with either prohibited (too long or met prohibited, or not twice) or as connected (and update neib)
int dirChoice = -1;
while (true) {
for (dirChoice =0; dirChoice < 4; dirChoice++){
int tx1 = tx + TRANSITIONS[tDir][dirChoice][0];
int ty1 = ty + TRANSITIONS[tDir][dirChoice][1];
int tDir1 = TRANSITIONS[tDir][dirChoice][2];
// Was already here (in the same direction?
if (field[ty1][tx1][tDir1] == FLD_WALKED) {
break walking;
} else if (field[ty1][tx1][tDir1] == FLD_EMPTY) {
tx = tx1;
ty = ty1;
tDir = tDir1;
field[ty][tx][tDir] = FLD_WALKED;
xYDirList.add(new XYDir(tx,ty,tDir));
break; // just for loop
} else if (field[ty1][tx1][tDir1] == FLD_PROHIB) {
prohib = true;
// for loop (dirChoice) ended . Nothing is needed here, just debug if endless loop
// finished walking. Was it good? TODO: more tests are needed - each has forward+back
boolean islands = false; // islands or outer border
for (XYDir xYdir: xYDirList) {
if (field[xYdir.y][xYdir.x][xYdir.dir ^ 2] != FLD_WALKED) { // "^2" - opposite direction
islands = true;
if (!prohib && !islands && (gapLen <= 2 * maxlen)) { // add connections to neighbors
for (XYDir xYdir: xYDirList) {
switch (xYdir.dir){
case 0: // (right, going up)
neighbors[(xYdir.y -1) * tilesX + (xYdir.x -1)] |= NEIB_RIGHT;
// update right neighbor too
neighbors[(xYdir.y -1) * tilesX + (xYdir.x)] |= NEIB_LEFT;
case 1: // (down, going right)
neighbors[(xYdir.y -1) * tilesX + (xYdir.x -1)] |= NEIB_DOWN;
// update down neighbor too
neighbors[(xYdir.y ) * tilesX + (xYdir.x -1)] |= NEIB_UP;
// do nothing for other (back) cases
field[xYdir.y][xYdir.x][xYdir.dir] = FLD_CONN; // mark as connection
// field[xYdir.y][xYdir.x][xYdir.dir] = FLD_PROHIB;
} else { // mark all the path as prohibited
for (XYDir xYdir: xYDirList) {
field[xYdir.y][xYdir.x][xYdir.dir] = FLD_PROHIB;
if (updated > 0) {
reconnectDiagonals( // connect diagonals if 2 sides are connected
neighbors, // +1 - up (N), +2 - up-right - NE, ... +0x80 - NW
threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch
return updated;
* For each selected neighbors tile create array[8] of the shared incoming directions
* each element index is an incoming direction, value is a bitmask of this and other directions sharing the same tile.
* Only non-connected directions from selected tiles are covered (for connected (nighbors[i] +4) % 8 is non-zero)
* Not only selected, but one away from selected (with border)
* 0 - coming in N direction (from S), 1 - coming in NE (from SW), etc.
public int [][] createOverlapGeometry(
final int [] neighbors, // +1 - up (N), +2 - up-right - NE, ... +0x80 - NW
final boolean [] selected, // only inner?
final boolean [] border,
final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch
final int debugLevel)
final int debugTile = 41631;
// showDoubleFloatArrays sdfa_instance = null;
// if (debugLevel > -1) sdfa_instance = new showDoubleFloatArrays(); // just for debugging?
final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(threadsMax);
final int numThreads = threads.length;
if (debugLevel > -1) System.out.println("createOverlapGeometry(): using "+numThreads+" threads");
final int len = selected.length;
int numTiles = 0;
int numTilesAll = 0;
// final boolean [] selectedAll = new boolean[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++){
if (selected[i] || border[i]) {
// selectedAll[i] = true;
if (!border[i]) numTiles++;
final int [] indices = new int [numTiles];
final int [] indicesAll = new int [numTilesAll];
int indx = 0;
int indxAll = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++){
if (selected[i] || border[i]) {
indicesAll[indxAll++] = i;
if (!border[i]) indices[indx++] = i;
final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0);
final int tilesX = tp.getTilesX();
final int tilesY = tp.getTilesY();
final int [][] geom = new int [len][];
for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) {
threads[ithread] = new Thread() {
public void run() {
// int [] b;
for (int iTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); iTile < indicesAll.length; iTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) {
int nTile = indicesAll[iTile];
boolean debug = (debugLevel > -1) && (nTile == debugTile);
if (debug){
System.out.println("createOverlapGeometry(): nTile="+nTile);
geom[nTile] = new int [8];
int [] dbg_geom = geom[nTile];
int [] dbg_neib = {neighbors[nTile - tilesX],neighbors[nTile + 1] , neighbors[nTile + tilesX],neighbors[nTile - 1]};
int neib = neighbors[nTile];
if (neib != 0b11111111){ // do nothing for internal tiles
int tileY = nTile/tilesX;
int tileX = nTile - (tileY * tilesX);
if ((tileY > 0 ) && selected[nTile - tilesX] && ((neib & (1 << 0)) == 0)) geom[nTile][4] = 1 << 4;
if ((tileY > 0 ) && (tileX < (tilesX - 1)) && selected[nTile - tilesX + 1] && ((neib & (1 << 1)) == 0)) geom[nTile][5] = 1 << 5;
if ( (tileX < (tilesX - 1)) && selected[nTile + 1] && ((neib & (1 << 2)) == 0)) geom[nTile][6] = 1 << 6;
if ((tileY < (tilesY - 1)) && (tileX < (tilesX - 1)) && selected[nTile + tilesX + 1] && ((neib & (1 << 3)) == 0)) geom[nTile][7] = 1 << 7;
if ((tileY < (tilesY - 1)) && selected[nTile + tilesX] && ((neib & (1 << 4)) == 0)) geom[nTile][0] = 1 << 0;
if ((tileY < (tilesY - 1)) && (tileX > 0) && selected[nTile + tilesX - 1] && ((neib & (1 << 5)) == 0)) geom[nTile][1] = 1 << 1;
if ( (tileX > 0) && selected[nTile - 1] && ((neib & (1 << 6)) == 0)) geom[nTile][2] = 1 << 2;
if ((tileY > 0) && (tileX > 0) && selected[nTile - tilesX - 1] && ((neib & (1 << 7)) == 0)) geom[nTile][3] = 1 << 3;
if (tileY > 0) {
if (((neighbors[nTile - tilesX] & 4) != 0) && ((neighbors[nTile] & 1) == 0) && ((neighbors[nTile] & 2) == 0)) { // E from N
geom[nTile][4] |= geom[nTile][5];
geom[nTile][5] = geom[nTile][4];
if (((neighbors[nTile - tilesX] & 64) != 0) && ((neighbors[nTile] & 1) == 0) && ((neighbors[nTile] & 128) == 0)) { // W from N
geom[nTile][4] |= geom[nTile][3];
geom[nTile][3] = geom[nTile][4];
if (((neighbors[nTile - tilesX] & 8) != 0) && ((neighbors[nTile] & 4) == 0)) { // SE from N
geom[nTile][4] |= geom[nTile][6];
geom[nTile][6] = geom[nTile][4];
if (tileX < (tilesX-1)) {
if (((neighbors[nTile + 1] & 1) != 0) && ((neighbors[nTile] & 4) == 0) && ((neighbors[nTile] & 2) == 0)) { // N from E
geom[nTile][6] |= geom[nTile][5];
geom[nTile][5] = geom[nTile][6];
if (((neighbors[nTile + 1] & 16) != 0) && ((neighbors[nTile] & 4) == 0) && ((neighbors[nTile] & 8) == 0)){ // S from E
geom[nTile][6] |= geom[nTile][7];
geom[nTile][7] = geom[nTile][6];
if (((neighbors[nTile - tilesX] & 32) != 0) && ((neighbors[nTile] & 16) == 0)) { // SW from E
geom[nTile][6] |= geom[nTile][0];
geom[nTile][0] = geom[nTile][6];
if (tileY < (tilesY-1)) {
if (((neighbors[nTile + tilesX] & 4) != 0) && ((neighbors[nTile] & 16) == 0) && ((neighbors[nTile] & 8) == 0)) { // E from S
geom[nTile][0] |= geom[nTile][7];
geom[nTile][7] = geom[nTile][0];
if (((neighbors[nTile + tilesX] & 64) != 0) && ((neighbors[nTile] & 16) == 0) && ((neighbors[nTile] & 32) == 0)) { // W from S
geom[nTile][0] |= geom[nTile][1];
geom[nTile][1] = geom[nTile][0];
if (((neighbors[nTile - tilesX] & 128) != 0) && ((neighbors[nTile] & 64) == 0)) { // NW from S
geom[nTile][0] |= geom[nTile][2];
geom[nTile][2] = geom[nTile][0];
if (tileX > 0) {
if (((neighbors[nTile - 1] & 16) != 0) && ((neighbors[nTile] & 64) == 0) && ((neighbors[nTile] & 32) == 0)) { // S from W
geom[nTile][2] |= geom[nTile][1];
geom[nTile][1] = geom[nTile][2];
if (((neighbors[nTile - 1] & 1) != 0) && ((neighbors[nTile] & 64) == 0) && ((neighbors[nTile] & 128) == 0)) { // N from W
geom[nTile][2] |= geom[nTile][3];
geom[nTile][3] = geom[nTile][2];
if (((neighbors[nTile - tilesX] & 2) != 0) && ((neighbors[nTile] & 1) == 0)) { // NE from W
geom[nTile][2] |= geom[nTile][4];
geom[nTile][4] = geom[nTile][2];
boolean propagated = false;
while (!propagated){
propagated = true;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++){
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++){
if ((geom[nTile][i] & (1 <<j)) != 0) {
if (geom[nTile][i] != geom[nTile][j]) {
propagated = false;
geom[nTile][i] |= geom[nTile][j];
geom[nTile][j] = geom[nTile][i];
// try break horizontally (always - to the right)
return geom;
* For each cluster returns 3 arrays: indiced of internal cells, indices of fixed border cells (alpha = 0, disparity fixed)
* and floating border cells (alpha = 0, disparity - from neighbors)
* @param diag_en true - 8 directions, false - only 4 orthogonal
* @param neighbors array of per-cell bitmaps - which neighbors curtrent cell is connected to (+1 - to N, +2 - to NE,...+128 = to NW)
* @param selected boolean array of celected (internal) cells
* @param border boolean array of border cells (added for alpha)
* @param threadsMax maximal number of threads for multi-threaded application
* @param debugLevel
* @return array [cluster_number][list_type: 0..2][element index]
public int [][][] extractNonOlerlap(
final boolean diag_en,
final int [] neighbors0, // +1 - up (N), +2 - up-right - NE, ... +0x80 - NW
final boolean [] selected0, // only inner?
final boolean [] border0,
final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch
final int debugLevel)
final int tilesX = tp.getTilesX();
final int tilesY = tp.getTilesY();
int [][] flaps = createOverlapGeometry(
neighbors0, // +1 - up (N), +2 - up-right - NE, ... +0x80 - NW
selected0, // only inner?
threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch
// adding 1-tile frame around to avoid checking for the borders,
final int tilesX2 = tilesX + 2;
final int tilesY2 = tilesY + 2;
int len2 = tilesX2*tilesY2;
int [] dirs4 = {-tilesX2, 1, tilesX2,-1};
int [] dirs8 = {-tilesX2, -tilesX2 + 1, 1, tilesX2 +1, tilesX2, tilesX2 - 1, -1, -tilesX2 - 1};
int [] dirs = diag_en? dirs8 : dirs4;
int [] bits4 = {0, 2, 4, 6};
int [] bits8 = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
int [] neib_bits = diag_en? bits8 : bits4;
boolean [] selected2 = new boolean [len2];
boolean [] border2 = new boolean [len2];
int [] neighbors2 = new int [len2];
int [][] flaps2 = new int [len2][];
// not needed in java, but for porting
int [][] startLenInc = {{0,tilesX2-1, 1},{tilesX2-1, len2, tilesX2},{0, len2, tilesX2},{(tilesY2-1)*tilesX2,len2,1}};
for (int n = 0; n < startLenInc.length; n++) {
for (int i = startLenInc[n][0]; i <startLenInc[n][1]; i+= startLenInc[n][2]){
selected2[i] = false;
border2[i] = false;
neighbors2[i] = 0;
flaps2[i] = null;
for (int i = 0; i < tilesY; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < tilesX; j++) {
int indx_src = i * tilesX + j;
int indx_dst = (i+1)*tilesX2 + j + 1;
selected2[indx_dst] = selected0[indx_src] && !border0[indx_src]; // so selected2 does not include border (it should not)
border2[indx_dst] = border0[indx_src];
neighbors2[indx_dst] = neighbors0[indx_src];
flaps2[indx_dst] = flaps[indx_src];
boolean [] clustersLeft2 = selected2.clone();
class ClusterData{
int [] internal; // normal cell, obey calculated disparity
int [] border_fixed; // border (fade alpha), obey calculated disparity
int [] border_float; // border (fade alpha), reconstruct disparity from neighbors
int indexFromExtended(int ext_index)
int tY = ext_index / tilesX2;
int tX = ext_index % tilesX2;
return (tY-1) * tilesX + (tX-1);
final int INNER_USED = 0; // used fro normal cells (not border
final int UNUSED = -1;
final int FIXED_BORDER = -2;
int [] wave = new int [len2];
// final int dbg_tile2 = 35990; // extended tileX = 130, tileY = 110
// final int dbg_tile2 = 28168; // extended tileX = 132, tileY = 86 (131/85)
// final int dbg_tile2 = 27842; // extended tileX = 132, tileY = 85 (131/84)
// final int dbg_tile2 = 43359; // extended tileX = 132, tileY = 85 (131/84)
// final int dbg_tile2 = 36601; // extended tileX = 132, tileY = 85 (131/84)
// final int dbg_tile2 = 39276; // extended tileX = 156, tileY = 120 (155/119)
// final int dbg_tile2 = 39277; // extended tileX = 157, tileY = 120 (155/119)
final int dbg_tile2 = 39602; // extended tileX = 156, tileY = 121 (155/120)
for (int i = 0; i < len2; i++) wave[i] = UNUSED; // 0 - used normally, >0 (from flaps) - added flaps/border,-2 - already found impossible
ArrayList<ClusterData> clusterList = new ArrayList<ClusterData>();
ArrayList<Integer> waveList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // builds list for clusterList.internal
ArrayList<Integer> borderFloatList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // builds list for clusterList.border_float
ArrayList<Integer> borderFixedList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // builds list for clusterList.border_fixed
for (int start_indx = 0; start_indx < len2; start_indx++) if (clustersLeft2[start_indx]){ // found first pixel of a new cluster
// first internal tile is always OK to use
wave[start_indx] = INNER_USED; // normal cell
waveList.add(new Integer(start_indx));
int frontTail = 0; // advance frontTail, keep list
// grow wave list (not just wave), add to impossibleList when needed
while (frontTail < waveList.size()) {
int indx0 = waveList.get(frontTail++); // just advance pointer, do not remove
if (indx0 == dbg_tile2){
System.out.println("extractNonOlerlap(): indx0 = "+indx0);
// go around and if not yet assigned, add border (should be possible) or new cell (if it is possible), otherwise add it
// as a fixed border
for (int dir0 = 0; dir0 < dirs.length; dir0++){
int indx1 = indx0 + dirs[dir0]; // guaranteed to be inside bounds as indx0 is at least 1 tile away.
if (indx1 == dbg_tile2){
System.out.println("extractNonOlerlap(): indx1 = "+indx1);
if (wave[indx1] == UNUSED){
if ((neighbors2[indx0] & (1 << neib_bits[dir0])) != 0){ // actual cell - check if it is possible
if (!clustersLeft2[indx1]){ // connected but not needed - already encoded, used as fixed border
borderFixedList.add(new Integer(indx1));
wave[indx1] = FIXED_BORDER;
} else {
for (int dir1 = 0; dir1 < dirs.length; dir1++){
int dir1_back = (dir1 +4) % 8;
int indx2 = indx1 + dirs[dir1]; // not guaranteed to be inside bounds, check neighbors and flaps first
if ((neighbors2[indx1] & (1 << neib_bits[dir1])) != 0) { // connected to other in this direction
if (wave[indx2] > 0){
// TODO:add as a fixed border
borderFixedList.add(new Integer(indx1));
wave[indx1] = FIXED_BORDER;
if (indx1 == dbg_tile2){
System.out.println("extractNonOlerlap() A: indx2 = "+indx2);
break possible_label; // impossible
} else if (flaps2[indx1][neib_bits[dir1_back]] != 0){ // that neighbor is not connected, but here can be reached from there
/// if ((wave[indx2] != UNUSED) && (wave[indx2] != flaps2[indx1][neib_bits[dir1]])) {
/// if ((wave[indx2] != UNUSED) && (wave[indx2] != flaps2[indx2][neib_bits[dir1]])) { // there when reached from here
// got here bumping into FIXED_BORDER from previous shell. Should be treated as unused?
if ((wave[indx2] != UNUSED) && (wave[indx2] != FIXED_BORDER) && (wave[indx2] != flaps2[indx2][neib_bits[dir1]])) { // there when reached from here
if (indx1 == dbg_tile2){
System.out.println("extractNonOlerlap() B: indx2 = "+indx2);
// TODO:add as a fixed border ????
borderFixedList.add(new Integer(indx1));
wave[indx1] = FIXED_BORDER;
break possible_label; // impossible
// should be marked here - no, only afer all tested!
// all conditions are met, add this cell and flaps around it
waveList.add(new Integer(indx1));
wave[indx1] = INNER_USED;
// add all flaps around
for (int dir1 = 0; dir1 < dirs.length; dir1++){
int dir1_back = (dir1 +4) % 8;
// not connected, but reachable
if (indx1 == dbg_tile2){
System.out.println("extractNonOlerlap(): indx1 = "+indx1);
System.out.println("extractNonOlerlap(): dir1 = "+dir1);
System.out.println("extractNonOlerlap(): neib_bits[dir1] = "+neib_bits[dir1]);
System.out.println("extractNonOlerlap(): neighbors2[indx1] = "+neighbors2[indx1]);
System.out.println("extractNonOlerlap(): flaps2[indx1][neib_bits["+dir1_back+"]] = "+flaps2[indx1][neib_bits[dir1_back]]);
/// if (((neighbors2[indx1] & (1 << neib_bits[dir1])) == 0) && (flaps2[indx1][neib_bits[dir1]] != 0)) {
// that neighbor is not connected, but here can be reached from there
if (((neighbors2[indx1] & (1 << neib_bits[dir1])) == 0) && (flaps2[indx1][neib_bits[dir1_back]] != 0)) {
int indx2 = indx1 + dirs[dir1]; // not guaranteed to be inside bounds, check neighbors and flaps first
/// if (wave[indx2] == UNUSED){
if ((wave[indx2] == UNUSED) || (wave[indx2] == FIXED_BORDER)){
/// wave[indx2] = flaps2[indx1][neib_bits[dir1]];
wave[indx2] = flaps2[indx2][neib_bits[dir1]];
borderFloatList.add(new Integer(indx2));
/// impossible to add - should it be a fixed border??
// borderFixedList.add(new Integer(indx1));
// wave[indx1] = FIXED_BORDER;
} else { // unused but not connected (only around initial cell - no need to check possibility for flaps
// add flaps, normally the should be added when a new possible cell is added, only for the first one needs here
// got here - not after first. Should it be marked when considering 27842?
// wave[indx1] = flaps2[indx0][neib_bits[dir0]];
if (flaps2[indx1] == null){
// null may be on the border (not reachable tiles even if they have neighbors)
int tileX2 = indx1 % tilesX2;
int tileY2 = indx1 / tilesX2;
if ((tileX2 == 0) || (tileX2 == tilesX2 - 1) || (tileY2 == 0) || (tileY2 == tilesY2 - 1)) {
if (debugLevel >-1){
System.out.println("Unreachable tile on the border, OK: tilesX2="+tileX2+", tilesY2="+tileY2);
} else {
System.out.println("BUG1061!! indx0="+indx0+ ", indx1="+indx1+", tilesX2="+tileX2+", tilesY2="+tileY2);
} else {
wave[indx1] = flaps2[indx1][neib_bits[dir0]];
borderFloatList.add(new Integer(indx1));
// wave died, encode what it got and clean up
ClusterData clusterData = new ClusterData();
clusterData.internal = new int [waveList.size()];
clusterData.border_fixed = new int [borderFixedList.size()];
clusterData.border_float = new int [borderFloatList.size()];
int indx = 0;
for (Integer I : waveList){
clusterData.internal[indx++] = clusterData.indexFromExtended(I);
// cleanup;
clustersLeft2[I] = false; // used in this cluster
wave[I] = UNUSED;
indx = 0;
for (Integer I : borderFixedList){
clusterData.border_fixed[indx++] = clusterData.indexFromExtended(I);
wave[I] = UNUSED; // TODO: handle when encoding around !!
indx = 0;
for (Integer I : borderFloatList){
clusterData.border_float[indx++] = clusterData.indexFromExtended(I);
wave[I] = UNUSED; // TODO: handle when encoding around !!
if (debugLevel > -1){
System.out.println("extractNonOlerlap(): added #"+clusterList.size()+" internal:"+clusterData.internal.length+
" fixed:"+clusterData.border_fixed.length+" float:"+clusterData.border_float.length);
// convert list to array
int [][][] clusters = new int [clusterList.size()][][];
int indx = 0;
for (ClusterData cd : clusterList){
int [][] cda = {cd.internal, cd.border_fixed, cd.border_float};
clusters[indx++] = cda;
return clusters;
/* Create a Thread[] array as large as the number of processors available.
* From Stephan Preibisch's class. See:
static Thread[] newThreadArray(int maxCPUs) {
int n_cpus = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
if (n_cpus>maxCPUs)n_cpus=maxCPUs;
return new Thread[n_cpus];
/* Start all given threads and wait on each of them until all are done.
* From Stephan Preibisch's class. See:
public static void startAndJoin(Thread[] threads)
for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ++ithread)
for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ++ithread)
} catch (InterruptedException ie)
throw new RuntimeException(ie);
......@@ -4698,6 +4698,8 @@ public class QuadCLT {
final boolean updateStatus,
final int debugLevel)
final boolean show_init_refine = true;
final boolean show_expand = true;
String name = (String) imp_quad[0].getProperty("name");
double [][][] image_data = new double [imp_quad.length][][];
......@@ -4754,78 +4756,100 @@ public class QuadCLT {
// refine first measurement
int bg_pass = tp.clt_3d_passes.size() - 1; // 0
int refine_pass = tp.clt_3d_passes.size(); // 1
for (int nnn = 0; nnn < 4; nnn ++){
refine_pass = tp.clt_3d_passes.size(); // 1
tp.refinePassSetup( // prepare tile tasks for the refine pass (re-measure disparities)
// final double [][][] image_data, // first index - number of image in a quad
clt_parameters.stUseRefine, // use supertiles
// disparity range - differences from
clt_parameters.bgnd_range, // double disparity_far,
clt_parameters.grow_disp_max, // other_range, //double disparity_near, //
clt_parameters.bgnd_sure, // double this_sure, // minimal strength to be considered definitely background
clt_parameters.bgnd_maybe, // double this_maybe, // maximal strength to ignore as non-background
clt_parameters.sure_smth, // sure_smth, // if 2-nd worst image difference (noise-normalized) exceeds this - do not propagate bgnd
ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_CM, // index of disparity value in disparity_map == 2 (0,2 or 4)
threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch
int [] numLeftRemoved = tp.makeUnique(
tp.clt_3d_passes, // final ArrayList <CLTPass3d> passes,
0, // final int firstPass,
refine_pass, // - 1, // final int lastPassPlus1,
tp.clt_3d_passes.get(refine_pass), // final CLTPass3d new_scan,
clt_parameters.unique_tolerance, // final double unique_tolerance,
clt_parameters.show_unique); // final boolean show_unique)
if (debugLevel > -1){
System.out.println("cycle makeUnique("+refine_pass+") -> left: "+numLeftRemoved[0]+", removed:" + numLeftRemoved[1]);
CLTMeasure( // perform single pass according to prepared tiles operations and disparity
image_data, // first index - number of image in a quad
threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch
if (debugLevel > -1){
if (clt_parameters.combine_refine){
TileProcessor.CLTPass3d combo_pass = tp.compositeScan(
tp.clt_3d_passes, // final ArrayList <CLTPass3d> passes,
bg_pass, // final int firstPass,
tp.clt_3d_passes.size(), // final int lastPassPlus1,
tp.getTrustedCorrelation(), // final double trustedCorrelation,
0.0, // clt_parameters.bgnd_range, // final double disp_far, // limit results to the disparity range
clt_parameters.grow_disp_max, // final double disp_near,
clt_parameters.combine_min_strength, // final double minStrength,
clt_parameters.combine_min_hor, // final double minStrengthHor,
clt_parameters.combine_min_vert, // final double minStrengthVert,
false, // final boolean use_last, //
// TODO: when useCombo - pay attention to borders (disregard)
false); // final boolean usePoly) // use polynomial method to find max), valid if useCombo == false
combo_pass, // CLTPass3d scan,
// refine_pass = tp.clt_3d_passes.size();
// final boolean show_init_refine = true;
// final boolean show_expand = true;
if (show_init_refine) tp.showScan(
tp.clt_3d_passes.get(bg_pass), // CLTPass3d scan,
for (int nnn = 0; nnn < 2; nnn ++){
refine_pass = tp.clt_3d_passes.size(); // 1
tp.refinePassSetup( // prepare tile tasks for the refine pass (re-measure disparities)
// final double [][][] image_data, // first index - number of image in a quad
clt_parameters.stUseRefine, // use supertiles
// disparity range - differences from
clt_parameters.bgnd_range, // double disparity_far,
clt_parameters.grow_disp_max, // other_range, //double disparity_near, //
clt_parameters.bgnd_sure, // double this_sure, // minimal strength to be considered definitely background
clt_parameters.bgnd_maybe, // double this_maybe, // maximal strength to ignore as non-background
clt_parameters.sure_smth, // sure_smth, // if 2-nd worst image difference (noise-normalized) exceeds this - do not propagate bgnd
ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_CM, // index of disparity value in disparity_map == 2 (0,2 or 4)
threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch
2); // debugLevel);
tp.clt_3d_passes.get(refine_pass), // CLTPass3d scan,
int [] numLeftRemoved = tp.makeUnique(
tp.clt_3d_passes, // final ArrayList <CLTPass3d> passes,
0, // final int firstPass,
refine_pass, // - 1, // final int lastPassPlus1,
tp.clt_3d_passes.get(refine_pass), // final CLTPass3d new_scan,
clt_parameters.unique_tolerance, // final double unique_tolerance,
clt_parameters.show_unique); // final boolean show_unique)
if (debugLevel > -1){
System.out.println("cycle makeUnique("+refine_pass+") -> left: "+numLeftRemoved[0]+", removed:" + numLeftRemoved[1]);
if (show_init_refine) tp.showScan(
tp.clt_3d_passes.get(refine_pass), // CLTPass3d scan,
CLTMeasure( // perform single pass according to prepared tiles operations and disparity
image_data, // first index - number of image in a quad
threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch
if (debugLevel > -1){
if (show_init_refine) tp.showScan(
tp.clt_3d_passes.get(refine_pass), // CLTPass3d scan,
// if (clt_parameters.combine_refine){
TileProcessor.CLTPass3d combo_pass = tp.compositeScan(
tp.clt_3d_passes, // final ArrayList <CLTPass3d> passes,
bg_pass, // final int firstPass,
tp.clt_3d_passes.size(), // final int lastPassPlus1,
tp.getTrustedCorrelation(), // final double trustedCorrelation,
0.0, // clt_parameters.bgnd_range, // final double disp_far, // limit results to the disparity range
clt_parameters.grow_disp_max, // final double disp_near,
clt_parameters.combine_min_strength, // final double minStrength,
clt_parameters.combine_min_hor, // final double minStrengthHor,
clt_parameters.combine_min_vert, // final double minStrengthVert,
false, // final boolean use_last, //
// TODO: when useCombo - pay attention to borders (disregard)
false, // final boolean usePoly) // use polynomial method to find max), valid if useCombo == false
true); // final boolean copyDebug)
if (show_init_refine) tp.showScan(
combo_pass, // CLTPass3d scan,
// refine_pass = tp.clt_3d_passes.size();
// }
if (tp.clt_3d_passes.size() > 0) return null; // just to fool compiler
// above - multiple refinements (reduce, make conditional?)
int num_extended = -1;
int [] numLeftRemoved;
// process once more to try combining of processed
for (int num_expand = 0; (num_expand < 2) && (num_extended != 0); num_expand++) {
// for (int num_expand = 0; (num_expand < 4) && (num_extended != 0); num_expand++) {
for (int num_expand = 0; (num_expand < 1) && (num_extended != 0); num_expand++) {
refine_pass = tp.clt_3d_passes.size(); // 1
tp.refinePassSetup( // prepare tile tasks for the refine pass (re-measure disparities)
// final double [][][] image_data, // first index - number of image in a quad
......@@ -4844,7 +4868,7 @@ public class QuadCLT {
if (show_expand) tp.showScan(
tp.clt_3d_passes.get(refine_pass), // CLTPass3d scan,
......@@ -4865,12 +4889,10 @@ public class QuadCLT {
clt_parameters.combine_min_vert, // final double minStrengthVert,
true, // false, // final boolean use_last, //
// TODO: when useCombo - pay attention to borders (disregard)
false); // final boolean usePoly) // use polynomial method to find max), valid if useCombo == false
false, // final boolean usePoly) // use polynomial method to find max), valid if useCombo == false
true); // final boolean copyDebug)
if (show_expand) tp.showScan(
tp.clt_3d_passes.get(refine_pass), // CLTPass3d scan,
"after_refine-combine-"+(tp.clt_3d_passes.size() - 1));
......@@ -4903,7 +4925,7 @@ public class QuadCLT {
tp.clt_3d_passes.get(refine_pass), // final CLTPass3d new_scan,
clt_parameters.unique_tolerance, // final double unique_tolerance,
clt_parameters.show_unique); // final boolean show_unique)
if (show_expand) tp.showScan(
tp.clt_3d_passes.get(refine_pass), // CLTPass3d scan,
"before_measure-"+refine_pass); //String title)
......@@ -4922,7 +4944,7 @@ public class QuadCLT {
if (show_expand) tp.showScan(
tp.clt_3d_passes.get(refine_pass), // CLTPass3d scan,
"after_measure-"+refine_pass); //String title)
......@@ -4943,16 +4965,23 @@ public class QuadCLT {
clt_parameters.combine_min_vert, // final double minStrengthVert,
false, // final boolean use_last, //
// TODO: when useCombo - pay attention to borders (disregard)
false); // final boolean usePoly) // use polynomial method to find max), valid if useCombo == false
false, // final boolean usePoly) // use polynomial method to find max), valid if useCombo == false
true); // final boolean copyDebug)
// refine_pass = tp.clt_3d_passes.size();
// }
if (show_expand) tp.showScan(
tp.clt_3d_passes.get(refine_pass), // CLTPass3d scan,
"after_combo_pass-"+(tp.clt_3d_passes.size()-1)); //String title)
if (tp.clt_3d_passes.size() > 0) return null; // just to fool compiler
refine_pass = tp.clt_3d_passes.size(); // 1
// Refine after extension
......@@ -5561,6 +5590,10 @@ public class QuadCLT {
scan_rslt.tile_op = tile_op;
scan_rslt.disparity_map = disparity_map;
scan_rslt.texture_tiles = texture_tiles;
scan_rslt.is_measured = true;
scan_rslt.is_combo = false;
return scan_rslt;
......@@ -5646,6 +5679,9 @@ public class QuadCLT {
scan.disparity_map = disparity_map;
scan.texture_tiles = texture_tiles;
scan.is_measured = true;
scan.is_combo = false;
return scan;
......@@ -98,7 +98,8 @@ public class TileProcessor {
public boolean [] selected = null; // which tiles are selected for this layer
public double [][][][] texture_tiles;
public double [][] max_tried_disparity = null; //[ty][tx] used for combined passes, shows maximal disparity wor this tile, regardless of results
public boolean is_combo = false;
public boolean is_combo = false;
public boolean is_measured = false;
public String texture = null; // relative (to x3d) path
public Rectangle bounds;
public int dbg_index;
......@@ -128,13 +129,36 @@ public class TileProcessor {
public boolean isMeasured(){
return (disparity_map != null) && (disparity != null); // disparity == null for composite scans
return is_measured;
// return (disparity_map != null) && (disparity != null); // disparity == null for composite scans
public boolean isCombo(){
return is_combo;
* Called after each measurement
public void resetProcessed(){
calc_disparity = null; // composite disparity, calculated from "disparity", and "disparity_map" fields
calc_disparity_hor = null; // composite disparity, calculated from "disparity", and "disparity_map" fields
calc_disparity_vert = null; // composite disparity, calculated from "disparity", and "disparity_map" fields
calc_disparity_combo = null; // composite disparity, calculated from "disparity", and "disparity_map" fields
strength = null; // composite strength, initially uses a copy of raw 4-sensor correleation strength
strength_hor = null; // updated hor strength, initially uses a copy of raw measured
strength_vert = null; // updated hor strength, initially uses a copy of raw measured
bgTileDisparity = null;
bgTileStrength = null;
border_tiles = null; // these are border tiles, zero out alpha
selected = null; // which tiles are selected for this layer
superTiles = null;
* Get FPGA-calculated per-tile maximal differences between the particular image and the average one.
* @return per-camera sesnor array of line-scan differences
......@@ -158,6 +182,75 @@ public class TileProcessor {
return selected;
public void fixNaNDisparity()
public void fixNaNDisparity(
boolean [] select, // which tiles to correct (null - all)
double [] disparity,
double [] strength)
// depends on direction, but that is OK - just converge faster when smoothing
int [] dirs8 = {-tilesX, -tilesX + 1, 1, tilesX +1, tilesX, tilesX - 1, -1, -tilesX - 1};
for (int ty = 1; ty < (tilesY -1); ty ++) for (int tx = 1; tx < (tilesX -1); tx++){
int nt = ty * tilesX + tx;
if (Double.isNaN(disparity[nt]) && ((select == null) || select[nt])) {
if (strength != null) strength[nt] = 0.0;
double sd = 0.0, sw = 0.0;
for (int dir=0; dir < dirs8.length; dir++){
int nt1 = nt + dirs8[dir];
// if (!Double.isNaN(disparity[nt1]) && ((select == null) || !select[nt1])) {
if (!Double.isNaN(disparity[nt1])) { // for wide borders - use neighbors already defined too
double w = (strength == null) ? 1.0 : strength[nt1];
sd += w * disparity[nt1];
sw += w;
if (sw > 0.0) sd /= sw;
disparity[nt] = sd;
// on top/bottom/right/left rows replace NaN disparity with 0.0;
for (int ty = 0; ty < tilesY; ty ++) {
int nt = ty * tilesX + 0;
if (Double.isNaN(disparity[nt]) && ((select == null) || select[nt])) {
if (strength != null) strength[nt] = 0.0;
disparity[nt] = 0.0;
nt = ty * tilesX + tilesX -1;
if (Double.isNaN(disparity[nt]) && ((select == null) || select[nt])) {
if (strength != null) strength[nt] = 0.0;
disparity[nt] = 0.0;
for (int tx = 0; tx < tilesX; tx ++) {
int nt = 0 * tilesX + tx;
if (Double.isNaN(disparity[nt]) && ((select == null) || select[nt])) {
if (strength != null) strength[nt] = 0.0;
disparity[nt] = 0.0;
nt = (tilesY -1) * tilesX + tx;
if (Double.isNaN(disparity[nt]) && ((select == null) || select[nt])) {
if (strength != null) strength[nt] = 0.0;
disparity[nt] = 0.0;
public double [] combineHorVertStrength(
boolean combineHor,
boolean combineVert)
......@@ -1533,6 +1626,7 @@ public class TileProcessor {
* @param minStrengthVert vertical (for horizontal features) correlation strength to consider data to be reliable
* @param use_last use last scan data if nothing strong enough (false - use the strongest)
* @param usePoly use polynomial method to find max for full correlation, false - use center of mass
* @param copyDebug copy data tyhat is only needed for debug purposes
* @return new composite scan pass (not added to the list
public CLTPass3d compositeScan(
......@@ -1548,7 +1642,8 @@ public class TileProcessor {
final double minStrengthVert,
final boolean use_last, //
// TODO: when useCombo - pay attention to borders (disregard)
final boolean usePoly) // use polynomial method to find max), valid if useCombo == false
final boolean usePoly, // use polynomial method to find max), valid if useCombo == false
final boolean copyDebug)
int dbg_tile = -1; // 27669;
CLTPass3d combo_pass = new CLTPass3d();
......@@ -1557,6 +1652,16 @@ public class TileProcessor {
combo_pass.tile_op = new int [tilesY][tilesX]; // for just non-zero
combo_pass.disparity_map = new double [ImageDtt.DISPARITY_TITLES.length][];
for (int i = 0; i< ImageDtt.QUAD; i++) combo_pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.IMG_DIFF0_INDEX + i] = new double[tlen];
if (copyDebug){
combo_pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_CM] = new double[tlen];
combo_pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_STRENGTH_INDEX] = new double[tlen];
combo_pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_HOR] = new double[tlen];
combo_pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_HOR_STRENGTH] = new double[tlen];
combo_pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_VERT] = new double[tlen];
combo_pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_VERT_STRENGTH] = new double[tlen];
// for now - will copy from the best full correlation measurement
combo_pass.texture_tiles = new double [tilesY][tilesX][][];
combo_pass.max_tried_disparity = new double [tilesY][tilesX];
......@@ -1683,9 +1788,17 @@ public class TileProcessor {
combo_pass.calc_disparity[nt] = pass.disparity_map[disparity_index][nt]/corr_magic_scale + pass.disparity[ty][tx];
combo_pass.strength[nt] = pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_STRENGTH_INDEX][nt];
for (int i = 0; i< ImageDtt.QUAD; i++) combo_pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.IMG_DIFF0_INDEX + i][nt] = pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.IMG_DIFF0_INDEX + i][nt];
if (copyDebug){
combo_pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_CM][nt] = pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_CM][nt];
combo_pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_STRENGTH_INDEX][nt] = pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_STRENGTH_INDEX][nt];
} else {
combo_pass.calc_disparity[nt] = Double.NaN;
combo_pass.strength[nt] = 0.0;
if (copyDebug){
combo_pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_CM][nt] = Double.NaN;
combo_pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_STRENGTH_INDEX][nt] = 0.0;
......@@ -1694,9 +1807,18 @@ public class TileProcessor {
combo_pass.tile_op[ty][tx] = pass.tile_op[ty][tx]; // just non-zero
combo_pass.calc_disparity_hor[nt] = pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_HOR][nt]/corr_magic_scale + pass.disparity[ty][tx];
combo_pass.strength_hor[nt] = pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_HOR_STRENGTH][nt];
if (copyDebug){
combo_pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_HOR][nt] = pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_HOR][nt];
combo_pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_HOR_STRENGTH][nt] = pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_HOR_STRENGTH][nt];
} else {
combo_pass.calc_disparity_hor[nt] = Double.NaN;
combo_pass.strength_hor[nt] = 0.0;
if (copyDebug){
combo_pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_HOR][nt] = Double.NaN;
combo_pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_HOR_STRENGTH][nt] = 0.0;
if (best_index_vert >= 0){
......@@ -1704,13 +1826,21 @@ public class TileProcessor {
combo_pass.tile_op[ty][tx] = pass.tile_op[ty][tx]; // just non-zero
combo_pass.calc_disparity_vert[nt] = pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_VERT][nt]/corr_magic_scale + pass.disparity[ty][tx];
combo_pass.strength_vert[nt] = pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_VERT_STRENGTH][nt];
if (copyDebug){
combo_pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_VERT][nt] = pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_VERT][nt];
combo_pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_VERT_STRENGTH][nt] = pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_VERT_STRENGTH][nt];
} else {
combo_pass.calc_disparity_vert[nt] = Double.NaN;
combo_pass.strength_vert[nt] = 0.0;
if (copyDebug){
combo_pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_VERT][nt] = Double.NaN;
combo_pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_VERT_STRENGTH][nt] = 0.0;
combo_pass.fixNaNDisparity(); // mostly for debug, measured disparity should be already fixed from NaN
return combo_pass;
......@@ -1853,7 +1983,13 @@ public class TileProcessor {
null); // boolean [] prohibit)
boolean [] border = grown.clone();
for (int i = 0; i < border.length; i++) border[i] &= !known_tiles[i];
// double [] dbg_before = scan.getDisparity().clone();
border, // boolean [] select, // which tiles to correct (null - all)
scan.getDisparity(), // double [] disparity,
scan.getStrength()); // double [] strength)
// double [] dbg_after = scan.getDisparity().clone();
int [] neighbors = dp.getNeighbors( // creates neighbors mask from bitmask
grown, // these_tiles, // grown, // these_tiles, // boolean [] selected,
......@@ -1997,6 +2133,7 @@ public class TileProcessor {
dbg_img[7][i] = dbg_no_border[i]?1:0;
dbg_img[8][i] = tried_before[i]?1:0;
sdfa_instance = new showDoubleFloatArrays(); // just for debugging?
sdfa_instance.showArrays(dbg_img, tilesX, tilesY, true, "extend_disparity",dbg_titles);
......@@ -2015,21 +2152,42 @@ public class TileProcessor {
showDoubleFloatArrays sdfa_instance = null;
sdfa_instance = new showDoubleFloatArrays(); // just for debugging?
String [] titles = {"tile_op","disparity","disp_cm","strength","selection", "border_tiles","max_tried"};
String [] titles = {
"tile_op", // 0
"disparity", // 1
"disp_cm", // 2
"disp_hor", // 3
"disp_vert", // 4
"strength", // 5
"strength_hor", // 6
"strength_vert", // 7
"selection", // 8
"border_tiles", // 9
"max_tried"}; // 10
int tlen = tilesX*tilesY;
double [][] dbg_img = new double[titles.length][tlen];
for (int ty = 0; ty < tilesY; ty++) for (int tx = 0; tx < tilesX; tx++){
int nt = ty*tilesX + tx;
dbg_img[0][nt] = scan.tile_op[ty][tx];
if (scan.tile_op != null) dbg_img[0][nt] = scan.tile_op[ty][tx];
if (scan.disparity != null) dbg_img[1][nt] = scan.disparity[ty][tx];
if ((scan.disparity_map != null) && (scan.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_CM] != null)) dbg_img[2][nt] = scan.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_CM][nt];
if ((scan.disparity_map != null) && (scan.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_STRENGTH_INDEX] != null)) dbg_img[3][nt] = scan.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_STRENGTH_INDEX][nt];
if (scan.selected != null) dbg_img[4][nt] = scan.selected[nt]? 1.0:0.0;
if (scan.border_tiles != null) dbg_img[5][nt] = scan.border_tiles[nt]? 1.0:0.0;
if (scan.selected != null) dbg_img[8][nt] = scan.selected[nt]? 1.0:0.0;
if (scan.border_tiles != null) dbg_img[9][nt] = scan.border_tiles[nt]? 1.0:0.0;
if (scan.max_tried_disparity != null) {
dbg_img[6][nt] = scan.max_tried_disparity[ty][tx];
dbg_img[10][nt] = scan.max_tried_disparity[ty][tx];
if (scan.disparity_map != null){
if (scan.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_CM] != null) dbg_img[2][nt] = scan.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_CM][nt];
if (scan.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_HOR] != null) dbg_img[3][nt] = scan.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_HOR][nt];
if (scan.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_VERT] != null) dbg_img[4][nt] = scan.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_VERT][nt];
if (scan.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_STRENGTH_INDEX] != null) dbg_img[5][nt] = scan.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_STRENGTH_INDEX][nt];
if (scan.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_HOR_STRENGTH] != null) dbg_img[6][nt] = scan.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_HOR_STRENGTH][nt];
if (scan.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_VERT_STRENGTH] != null) dbg_img[7][nt] = scan.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_VERT_STRENGTH][nt];
title += "-";
if (scan.isMeasured()) title += "M";
if (scan.isProcessed()) title += "P";
if (scan.isCombo()) title += "C";
sdfa_instance.showArrays(dbg_img, tilesX, tilesY, true, title,titles);
System.out.println("showScan("+title+"): isMeasured()="+scan.isMeasured()+", isProcessed()="+scan.isProcessed()+", isCombo()="+scan.isCombo());
......@@ -3065,7 +3223,7 @@ public class TileProcessor {
double [] this_strength = scan.getStrength(); // cloned, can be modified/ read back
double [][] these_diffs = scan.getDiffs();
double [] orig_strength = scan.getOriginalStrength(); // to compare clusters
// double [] orig_strength = scan.getOriginalStrength(); // to compare clusters
boolean [] these_tiles = new boolean [tlen];
boolean [] near_tiles = new boolean [tlen];
......@@ -3807,11 +3965,18 @@ public class TileProcessor {
grown, // boolean [] tiles,
null); // boolean [] prohibit)
boolean [] border = grown.clone();
for (int i = 0; i < border.length; i++) border[i] &= !these_tiles[i];
for (int i = 0; i < border.length; i++) border[i] &= !these_tiles[i];
double [] dbg_before = scan_prev.getDisparity().clone();
border, // boolean [] select, // which tiles to correct (null - all)
scan_prev.getDisparity(), // double [] disparity,
scan_prev.getStrength()); // double [] strength)
double [] dbg_after = scan_prev.getDisparity().clone();
int [] neighbors = dp.getNeighbors( // creates neighbors mask from bitmask
grown, // these_tiles, // grown, // these_tiles, // boolean [] selected,
double [] dbg_after1 = scan_prev.getDisparity().clone();
if (clt_parameters.show_neighbors) {
double [] dbg_neib = dp.dbgShowNeighbors(
grown, // these_tiles, // grown, // these_tiles,
......@@ -3821,7 +3986,10 @@ public class TileProcessor {
1.0); // double fgnd)
sdfa_instance.showArrays(dbg_neib,tilesX*clt_parameters.transform_size, tilesY*clt_parameters.transform_size,"XXneighbors");
double [] dbg_after2 = scan_prev.getDisparity().clone();
clt_parameters.tiDispPull, // final double dispPull, // clt_parameters.tiDispPull or 0.0
2, // 2, // 3, // final int mask, // 1 - work on internal elements, 2 - on border elements, 3 - both (internal first);
......@@ -3838,6 +4006,8 @@ public class TileProcessor {
threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch
double [] dbg_after3 = scan_prev.getDisparity().clone();
double [] measured_disparity = dp.dbgRescaleToPixels(
......@@ -3871,7 +4041,7 @@ public class TileProcessor {
if (show_super){
String [] dbg_disp_tiltes={"masked", "filtered", "disp_combo", "disparity","st_disparity", "strength",
double [][] dbg_disp = new double [dbg_disp_tiltes.length][];
dbg_disp[0] = masked_filtered; // +
dbg_disp[1] = scan_prev.getDisparity(); // +
......@@ -3889,6 +4059,12 @@ public class TileProcessor {
dbg_disp[9][i] = border[i]? 1.0: 0.0;
dbg_disp[10][i] = borderTiles[i]? 1.0: 0.0;
dbg_disp[11] = dbg_before;
dbg_disp[12] = dbg_after;
dbg_disp[13] = dbg_after1;
dbg_disp[14] = dbg_after2;
dbg_disp[15] = dbg_after3;
sdfa_instance.showArrays(dbg_disp, tilesX, tilesY, true, "refine_disparity_supertiles"+clt_3d_passes.size(),dbg_disp_tiltes);
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