Commit 5075dfa3 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

compositeScan() with multi-plane (FG/BG) results

parent 28f7044c
......@@ -5335,7 +5335,7 @@ private Panel panel1,
if(ds_list.get(nt).isEmpty()) continue;
Collections.sort(ds_list.get(nt), new Comparator<DS>() {
public int compare(DS lhs, DS rhs) {
public int compare(DS lhs, DS rhs) { // ascending
return rhs.disparity > lhs.disparity ? -1 : (rhs.disparity < lhs.disparity ) ? 1 : 0;
......@@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ public class CLTPass3d{
* Get Get combine per-tile disparity values from correlation combined with pre-programmed initial disparity shift.
* Combine per-tile disparity values from correlation combined with pre-programmed initial disparity shift.
* @return line-scan array of per-tile disparity by reference (not a copy), so it can be modified
......@@ -5973,8 +5973,41 @@ public class QuadCLT {
threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch
// Add here composite scans and show FG and BG images
// adjust extrinsics here
ArrayList<CLTPass3d> combo_pass_list = tp.compositeScan(
2, // just FG and BG
tp.clt_3d_passes, // final ArrayList <CLTPass3d> passes,
0, // bg_pass, // final int firstPass,
tp.clt_3d_passes.size(), // final int lastPassPlus1,
tp.getTrustedCorrelation(), // final double trustedCorrelation,
tp.getMaxOverexposure(), // final double max_overexposure,
0.0, // clt_parameters.bgnd_range, // final double disp_far, // limit results to the disparity range
clt_parameters.grow_disp_max, // final double disp_near,
clt_parameters.combine_min_strength, // final double minStrength,
clt_parameters.combine_min_hor, // final double minStrengthHor,
clt_parameters.combine_min_vert, // final double minStrengthVert,
false, // final boolean no_weak,
false, // final boolean use_last, //
// TODO: when useCombo - pay attention to borders (disregard)
false, // final boolean usePoly) // use polynomial method to find max), valid if useCombo == false
true, // final boolean copyDebug)
combo_pass_list, // ArrayList<CLTPass3d> scans, // list of composite scans
this.image_name+"-SFB"); // String title);
if (show_init_refine) tp.showScan(
combo_pass, // CLTPass3d scan,
if (adjust_extrinsics) {
if (use_rig) {
......@@ -6010,6 +6043,30 @@ public class QuadCLT {
ArrayList<CLTPass3d> combo_pass_list = tp.compositeScan(
2, // just FG and BG
tp.clt_3d_passes, // final ArrayList <CLTPass3d> passes,
0, // bg_pass, // final int firstPass,
tp.clt_3d_passes.size(), // final int lastPassPlus1,
tp.getTrustedCorrelation(), // final double trustedCorrelation,
tp.getMaxOverexposure(), // final double max_overexposure,
0.0, // clt_parameters.bgnd_range, // final double disp_far, // limit results to the disparity range
clt_parameters.grow_disp_max, // final double disp_near,
clt_parameters.combine_min_strength, // final double minStrength,
clt_parameters.combine_min_hor, // final double minStrengthHor,
clt_parameters.combine_min_vert, // final double minStrengthVert,
false, // final boolean no_weak,
false, // final boolean use_last, //
// TODO: when useCombo - pay attention to borders (disregard)
false, // final boolean usePoly) // use polynomial method to find max), valid if useCombo == false
true, // final boolean copyDebug)
combo_pass_list, // ArrayList<CLTPass3d> scans, // list of composite scans
this.image_name+"-SFB"); // String title);
// if (debugLevel >-1) System.out.println("Processing set "+(nSet+1)+" (of "+setNames.size()+") finished at "+
......@@ -6457,14 +6514,11 @@ public class QuadCLT {
if (show_init_refine) tp.showScan(
tp.clt_3d_passes.get(refine_pass), // CLTPass3d scan,
// if (nnn < (num_macro_refine-1)) {
// if (clt_parameters.combine_refine){
CLTPass3d combo_pass = tp.compositeScan(
tp.clt_3d_passes, // final ArrayList <CLTPass3d> passes,
bg_pass, // final int firstPass,
tp.clt_3d_passes.size(), // final int lastPassPlus1,
// tp.clt_3d_passes.get(bg_pass).getSelected(), // selected , // final boolean [] bg_tiles, // get from selected in clt_3d_passes.get(0);
// clt_parameters.ex_min_over,// final double ex_min_over, // when expanding over previously detected (by error) background, disregard far tiles
tp.getTrustedCorrelation(), // final double trustedCorrelation,
tp.getMaxOverexposure(), // final double max_overexposure,
0.0, // clt_parameters.bgnd_range, // final double disp_far, // limit results to the disparity range
......@@ -65,6 +65,11 @@ public class TileProcessor {
public static String [] SCAN_TITLES_DS = {
public ArrayList <CLTPass3d> clt_3d_passes = null;
public double [][] rig_disparity_strength = null; // Disparity and strength created by a two-camera rig, with disparity scale and distortions of the main camera
......@@ -910,7 +915,6 @@ public class TileProcessor {
return fund_per;
* Calculates calc_disparity, calc_disparity_hor, calc_disparity_vert, strength, strength_hor, strength_vert,
* max_tried_disparity from the subset of a list of measurement passes (skipping non-measured)
......@@ -918,6 +922,7 @@ public class TileProcessor {
* tile_op is set to 0/non-0 to show which tiles contain valid data
* disparity (target disparity) array is set to null as it can not be made valid (different values for disparity,
* disparity_hor and disparity_vert.
* Single-plane version, compatible with the older code
* @param passes list of scan passes to take data from
* @param firstPass index of the first pass to use
* @param lastPassPlus1 index plus 1 of the last pass to use
......@@ -932,7 +937,7 @@ public class TileProcessor {
* @param use_last use last scan data if nothing strong enough (false - use the strongest)
* @param usePoly use polynomial method to find max for full correlation, false - use center of mass
* @param copyDebug copy data that is only needed for debug purposes
* @return new composite scan pass (not added to the list
* @return new composite scan pass (not added to the list)
public CLTPass3d compositeScan(
final ArrayList <CLTPass3d> passes,
......@@ -951,6 +956,466 @@ public class TileProcessor {
final boolean usePoly, // use polynomial method to find max), valid if useCombo == false
final boolean copyDebug,
final int debugLevel)
return compositeScan(
1, // final int num_planes,
disp_far, // limit results to the disparity range
use_last, //
// TODO: when useCombo - pay attention to borders (disregard)
usePoly, // use polynomial method to find max), valid if useCombo == false
class DSD{
int indx;
double disparity;
double strength;
double adiff;
DSD (int indx){ // only index
this.indx = indx;
DSD (int indx, double disparity, double strength, double adiff){
this.indx = indx;
this.disparity = disparity;
this.strength = strength;
this.adiff = adiff;
private ArrayList<DSD> filterDsdList(
ArrayList<DSD> src_list,
double disp_tolerance,
int max_len,
boolean descending){ // false: disparity from far to near, true - near to far
if (disp_tolerance < 0.0) {
disp_tolerance = 0.0;
ArrayList<DSD> filtered_list = new ArrayList<DSD>();
ArrayList<DSD> list_in = src_list;
while (!list_in.isEmpty()) {
int best_indx = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < list_in.size(); i++) {
if (list_in.get(i).adiff < list_in.get(best_indx).adiff) {
best_indx = i;
DSD best_dsd = list_in.get(best_indx);
ArrayList<DSD> list_remain = new ArrayList<DSD>();
for (DSD dsd: list_in) {
if (Math.abs(best_dsd.disparity - dsd.disparity) > disp_tolerance) {
list_in = list_remain;
// Trim if too long
if (filtered_list.size() > max_len) {
// sort by strength
Collections.sort(filtered_list, new Comparator<DSD>() { // descending (switched rhs, lhs)
public int compare(DSD rhs, DSD lhs) {
return rhs.strength > lhs.strength ? -1 : (rhs.strength < lhs.strength ) ? 1 : 0;
while (filtered_list.size() > max_len) {
filtered_list.remove(filtered_list.size() - 1);
// sort by disparity
if (descending) {
Collections.sort(filtered_list, new Comparator<DSD>() { // descending (switched rhs, lhs)
public int compare(DSD rhs, DSD lhs) {
return rhs.disparity > lhs.disparity ? -1 : (rhs.disparity < lhs.disparity ) ? 1 : 0;
} else {
Collections.sort(filtered_list, new Comparator<DSD>() {
public int compare(DSD lhs, DSD rhs) { // ascending
return rhs.disparity > lhs.disparity ? -1 : (rhs.disparity < lhs.disparity ) ? 1 : 0;
return filtered_list;
* Calculates calc_disparity, calc_disparity_hor, calc_disparity_vert, strength, strength_hor, strength_vert,
* max_tried_disparity from the subset of a list of measurement passes (skipping non-measured)
* disparity, strength, *_hor and vert may come from the different scans.
* tile_op is set to 0/non-0 to show which tiles contain valid data
* disparity (target disparity) array is set to null as it can not be made valid (different values for disparity,
* disparity_hor and disparity_vert.
* Update 2019 - generates multiple composite scan passes to represent foreground/background or more disparity
* values for the same tile
* @param num_planes Number of foreground/background planes to generate
* @param passes list of scan passes to take data from
* @param firstPass index of the first pass to use
* @param lastPassPlus1 index plus 1 of the last pass to use
* @param trustedCorrelation maximal absolute value of measured correlation (no scaling) to trust (may use global trustedCorrelation)
* @param max_overexposure maximal fraction of (near) overexposed pixels in a tile to discard it
* @param disp_far lowest disparity value to consider (does not apply to max_tried_disparity)
* @param disp_near highest disparity value to consider (does not apply to max_tried_disparity)
* @param minStrength full correlation strength to consider data to be reliable
* @param minStrengthHor horizontal (for vertical features) correlation strength to consider data to be reliable. NaN - do not use
* @param minStrengthVert vertical (for horizontal features) correlation strength to consider data to be reliable. NaN - do not use
* @param no_weak Do not use weak at all
* @param use_last use last scan data if nothing strong enough (false - use the strongest)
* @param usePoly use polynomial method to find max for full correlation, false - use center of mass
* @param copyDebug copy data that is only needed for debug purposes
* @return list of the new composite scan passes (not added to the list
public ArrayList<CLTPass3d> compositeScan(
final int num_planes,
final ArrayList <CLTPass3d> passes,
final int firstPass,
final int lastPassPlus1,
final double trustedCorrelation,
final double max_overexposure,
final double disp_far, // limit results to the disparity range
final double disp_near,
final double minStrength,
final double minStrengthHor,
final double minStrengthVert,
final boolean no_weak,
final boolean use_last, //
// TODO: when useCombo - pay attention to borders (disregard)
final boolean usePoly, // use polynomial method to find max), valid if useCombo == false
final boolean copyDebug,
final int debugLevel)
// CLTPass3d combo_pass =new CLTPass3d(this);
final boolean descending = false; // disparity order in the result list
final double disparity_tolerance = 0.5; // minimal disparity to separate FG/BG
final int tlen = tilesX * tilesY;
final int disparity_index = usePoly ? ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_POLY : ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_CM;
final ArrayList<CLTPass3d> combo_pass_list = new ArrayList<CLTPass3d>();
final int dbg_tile = (debugLevel > 0)? 35114: -1; // x = 122, y= 108; -1; // 27669;
for (int np = 0; np < num_planes; np++) {
combo_pass_list.add(new CLTPass3d(this));
for (CLTPass3d combo_pass : combo_pass_list) {
combo_pass.tile_op = new int [tilesY][tilesX]; // for just non-zero
combo_pass.disparity_map = new double [ImageDtt.DISPARITY_TITLES.length][];
for (int i = 0; i< ImageDtt.QUAD; i++) combo_pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.IMG_DIFF0_INDEX + i] = new double[tlen];
if (copyDebug){
combo_pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_CM] = new double[tlen];
combo_pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_STRENGTH_INDEX] = new double[tlen];
combo_pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_HOR] = new double[tlen];
combo_pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_HOR_STRENGTH] = new double[tlen];
combo_pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_VERT] = new double[tlen];
combo_pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_VERT_STRENGTH] = new double[tlen];
// for now - will copy from the best full correlation measurement
combo_pass.texture_tiles = new double [tilesY][tilesX][][];
combo_pass.max_tried_disparity = new double [tilesY][tilesX];
combo_pass.is_combo = true;
combo_pass.calc_disparity = new double [tlen];
combo_pass.calc_disparity_hor = new double [tlen];
combo_pass.calc_disparity_vert = new double [tlen];
combo_pass.strength = new double [tlen];
combo_pass.strength_hor = new double [tlen];
combo_pass.strength_vert = new double [tlen];
for (int ty = 0; ty < tilesY; ty ++) for (int tx = 0; tx < tilesX; tx ++) combo_pass.texture_tiles[ty][tx] = null;
// * Calculates calc_disparity, calc_disparity_hor, calc_disparity_vert, strength, strength_hor, strength_vert,
// temporary:
CLTPass3d combo_pass0 = combo_pass_list.get(0);
for (int ty = 0; ty < tilesY; ty ++) {
for (int tx = 0; tx < tilesX; tx ++){
int nt = ty * tilesX + tx;
int best_index = -1;
int best_index_hor = -1;
int best_index_vert = -1;
int best_weak_index = -1;
int best_weak_index_hor = -1;
int best_weak_index_vert = -1;
// for "strong" result (above minStrength) the best fit is with smallest residual disparity
// for weak ones - the strongest.
// TODO: handle ortho (if requested so)
// after refine - use last, after extend - use strongest of all
double adiff_best = Double.NaN;
double adiff_best_hor = Double.NaN;
double adiff_best_vert = Double.NaN;
double strongest_weak = 0.0;
double strongest_weak_hor = 0.0;
double strongest_weak_vert = 0.0;
combo_pass0.max_tried_disparity[ty][tx] = Double.NaN;
if (nt == dbg_tile) {
System.out.println("compositeScan(): nt = "+nt);
ArrayList<DSD> quad_list = new ArrayList<DSD>();
ArrayList<DSD> hor_list = new ArrayList<DSD>();
ArrayList<DSD> vert_list = new ArrayList<DSD>();
for (int ipass = firstPass; ipass <lastPassPlus1; ipass++ ){
CLTPass3d pass = passes.get(ipass);
if (nt == dbg_tile) {
System.out.println("compositeScan(): ipass = "+ipass+" nt = "+nt+" pass.tile_op["+ty+"]["+tx+"]="+pass.tile_op[ty][tx]+
" pass.isCombo()="+(pass.isCombo())+" pass.isProcessed()="+(pass.isProcessed()));
if ( pass.isMeasured() && (pass.tile_op[ty][tx] != 0 )) { // current tile has valid data
if ( (Double.isNaN(combo_pass0.max_tried_disparity[ty][tx]) ||
(pass.disparity[ty][tx] > combo_pass0.max_tried_disparity[ty][tx]))){
combo_pass0.max_tried_disparity[ty][tx] = pass.disparity[ty][tx];
boolean last = (ipass == (lastPassPlus1-1)) && use_last;
double mdisp = pass.disparity_map[disparity_index][nt];
double mdisp_hor = pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_HOR][nt];
double mdisp_vert = pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_VERT][nt];
double strength = pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_STRENGTH_INDEX][nt];
double strength_hor = pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_HOR_STRENGTH][nt];
double strength_vert = pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_VERT_STRENGTH][nt];
boolean overexposed = (max_overexposure > 0.0) &&
(pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.OVEREXPOSED] != null) &&
(pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.OVEREXPOSED][nt] > max_overexposure);
if (!overexposed) {
double adiff = Math.abs(mdisp);
double adiff_hor = Math.abs(mdisp_hor);
double adiff_vert = Math.abs(mdisp_vert);
if (adiff <= trustedCorrelation){
double disp = mdisp/corr_magic_scale + pass.disparity[ty][tx];
// do not consider tiles over background if they are far and initially identified as background
// if ((bg_tiles == null) || !bg_tiles[nt] || (disp >= ex_min_over)) {
if ((disp >= disp_far) && (disp <= disp_near) && !Double.isNaN(adiff)){
if (strength >= minStrength) {
if (!(adiff >= adiff_best)){ // adiff_best == Double.NaN works too
adiff_best = adiff;
best_index = ipass;
quad_list.add(new DSD(ipass, disp, strength, adiff));
} else {
if ((last && (strength > 0.0)) || (!no_weak && (strength > strongest_weak))){
strongest_weak = strength;
best_weak_index = ipass;
// }
if (!Double.isNaN(minStrengthHor) && (adiff_hor <= trustedCorrelation)){
double disp_hor = mdisp_hor/corr_magic_scale + pass.disparity[ty][tx];
if ((disp_hor >= disp_far) && (disp_hor <= disp_near) && !Double.isNaN(adiff_hor)){
if (strength_hor >= minStrengthHor) {
if (!(adiff_hor >= adiff_best_hor)){ // adiff_best == Double.NaN works too
adiff_best_hor = adiff_hor;
best_index_hor = ipass;
hor_list.add(new DSD(ipass, disp_hor, strength_hor, adiff_hor));
} else {
if ((last && (strength_hor > 0.0)) || (!no_weak && (strength_hor > strongest_weak_hor))){
strongest_weak_hor = strength_hor;
best_weak_index_hor = ipass;
if (!Double.isNaN(minStrengthVert) && (adiff_vert <= trustedCorrelation)){
double disp_vert = mdisp_vert/corr_magic_scale + pass.disparity[ty][tx];
if ((disp_vert >= disp_far) && (disp_vert <= disp_near) && !Double.isNaN(adiff_vert)){
if (strength_vert >= minStrengthVert) {
if (!(adiff_vert >= adiff_best_vert)){ // adiff_best == Double.NaN works too
adiff_best_vert = adiff_vert;
best_index_vert = ipass;
vert_list.add(new DSD(ipass, disp_vert, strength_vert, adiff_vert));
} else {
if ((last && (strength_vert > 0.0)) || (!no_weak && (strength_vert > strongest_weak_vert))){
strongest_weak_vert = strength_vert;
best_weak_index_vert = ipass;
if (best_index < 0) best_index = best_weak_index;
if (best_index_hor < 0) best_index_hor = best_weak_index_hor;
if (best_index_vert < 0) best_index_vert = best_weak_index_vert;
private ArrayList<DSD> filterDsdList(
ArrayList<DSD> src_list,
double disp_tolerance,
int max_len,
boolean descending){ // false: disparity from far to near, true - near to far
final boolean descending = false; // disparity order in the result list
final double disparity_tolerance = 0.5; // minimal disparity to separate FG/BG
if (quad_list.isEmpty()) {
if (best_index >= 0) {
quad_list.add(new DSD(best_index)); // only index, disparity and strength
// now quad_list contains 0, 1 for weak, 1.. num_planes for enough strong ones
quad_list = filterDsdList(
quad_list, // ArrayList<DSD> src_list,
disparity_tolerance, // double disp_tolerance,
num_planes, // int max_len,
descending); // boolean descending)
for (int np = 0; np< quad_list.size(); np++) {
CLTPass3d pass = passes.get(quad_list.get(np).indx);
CLTPass3d combo_pass = combo_pass_list.get(np);
combo_pass.tile_op[ty][tx] = pass.tile_op[ty][tx];
if (pass.texture_tiles != null) {
combo_pass.texture_tiles[ty][tx] = pass.texture_tiles[ty][tx];
combo_pass.calc_disparity[nt] = pass.disparity_map[disparity_index][nt]/corr_magic_scale + pass.disparity[ty][tx];
combo_pass.strength[nt] = pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_STRENGTH_INDEX][nt];
// Only copy for full disparity
for (int i = 0; i< ImageDtt.QUAD; i++) combo_pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.IMG_DIFF0_INDEX + i][nt] = pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.IMG_DIFF0_INDEX + i][nt];
if (copyDebug){
combo_pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_CM][nt] = pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_CM][nt];
combo_pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_STRENGTH_INDEX][nt] = pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_STRENGTH_INDEX][nt];
// fill empty planes (if any). May be all if there were no even weak tiles (old best_index<0)
for (int np = quad_list.size(); np < num_planes; np++) {
CLTPass3d combo_pass = combo_pass_list.get(np);
combo_pass.tile_op[ty][tx] = 0;
combo_pass.texture_tiles[ty][tx] = null;
combo_pass.calc_disparity[nt] = Double.NaN;
combo_pass.strength[nt] = 0.0;
// Only copy for full disparity
for (int i = 0; i< ImageDtt.QUAD; i++) combo_pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.IMG_DIFF0_INDEX + i][nt] = Double.NaN;
if (copyDebug){
combo_pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_CM][nt] = Double.NaN;
combo_pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_STRENGTH_INDEX][nt] = Double.NaN;
// TODO: For now hor/vert are added independently and are not synchronized to full-quad correlations
if (hor_list.isEmpty()) {
if (best_index_hor >= 0) {
hor_list.add(new DSD(best_index_hor)); // only index, disparity and strength
// now quad_list contains 0, 1 for weak, 1.. num_planes for enough strong ones
hor_list = filterDsdList(
hor_list, // ArrayList<DSD> src_list,
disparity_tolerance, // double disp_tolerance,
num_planes, // int max_len,
descending); // boolean descending)
for (int np = 0; np< hor_list.size(); np++) {
CLTPass3d pass = passes.get(hor_list.get(np).indx);
CLTPass3d combo_pass = combo_pass_list.get(np);
combo_pass.tile_op[ty][tx] = pass.tile_op[ty][tx]; // just non-zero
combo_pass.calc_disparity_hor[nt] = pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_HOR][nt]/corr_magic_scale + pass.disparity[ty][tx];
combo_pass.strength_hor[nt] = pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_HOR_STRENGTH][nt];
if (copyDebug){
combo_pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_HOR][nt] = pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_HOR][nt];
combo_pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_HOR_STRENGTH][nt] = pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_HOR_STRENGTH][nt];
// fill empty planes (if any). May be all if there were no even weak tiles (old best_index<0)
for (int np = hor_list.size(); np < num_planes; np++) {
CLTPass3d combo_pass = combo_pass_list.get(np);
combo_pass.calc_disparity_hor[nt] = Double.NaN;
combo_pass.strength_hor[nt] = 0.0;
// Only copy for full disparity
for (int i = 0; i< ImageDtt.QUAD; i++) combo_pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.IMG_DIFF0_INDEX + i][nt] = Double.NaN;
if (copyDebug){
combo_pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_HOR][nt] = Double.NaN;
combo_pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_HOR_STRENGTH][nt] = 0.0;
if (vert_list.isEmpty()) {
if (best_index_vert >= 0) {
hor_list.add(new DSD(best_index_vert)); // only index, disparity and strength
vert_list = filterDsdList(
vert_list, // ArrayList<DSD> src_list,
disparity_tolerance, // double disp_tolerance,
num_planes, // int max_len,
descending); // boolean descending)
for (int np = 0; np< vert_list.size(); np++) {
CLTPass3d pass = passes.get(vert_list.get(np).indx);
CLTPass3d combo_pass = combo_pass_list.get(np);
combo_pass.tile_op[ty][tx] = pass.tile_op[ty][tx]; // just non-zero
combo_pass.calc_disparity_vert[nt] = pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_VERT][nt]/corr_magic_scale + pass.disparity[ty][tx];
combo_pass.strength_vert[nt] = pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_VERT_STRENGTH][nt];
if (copyDebug){
combo_pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_VERT][nt] = pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_VERT][nt];
combo_pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_VERT_STRENGTH][nt] = pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_VERT_STRENGTH][nt];
// fill empty planes (if any). May be all if there were no even weak tiles (old best_index<0)
for (int np = vert_list.size(); np < num_planes; np++) {
CLTPass3d combo_pass = combo_pass_list.get(np);
combo_pass.calc_disparity_vert[nt] = Double.NaN;
combo_pass.strength_vert[nt] = 0.0;
// Only copy for full disparity
for (int i = 0; i< ImageDtt.QUAD; i++) combo_pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.IMG_DIFF0_INDEX + i][nt] = Double.NaN;
if (copyDebug){
combo_pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_VERT][nt] = Double.NaN;
combo_pass.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_VERT_STRENGTH][nt] = 0.0;
// Duplicate some values from the combo_pass0 to all other passes (if any)
for (int np = 1; np < combo_pass_list.size(); np++) {
CLTPass3d combo_pass = combo_pass_list.get(np);
combo_pass.max_tried_disparity[ty][tx] = combo_pass0.max_tried_disparity[ty][tx];
for (CLTPass3d combo_pass : combo_pass_list) {
// getDisparity(): calc_disparity_combo = calc_disparity.clone();
combo_pass.getDisparity(); // See if it does not break anything - triggers calculation if not done yet
combo_pass.fixNaNDisparity(); // mostly for debug, measured disparity should be already fixed from NaN
return combo_pass_list;
public CLTPass3d compositeScanOld(
final ArrayList <CLTPass3d> passes,
final int firstPass,
final int lastPassPlus1,
final double trustedCorrelation,
final double max_overexposure,
final double disp_far, // limit results to the disparity range
final double disp_near,
final double minStrength,
final double minStrengthHor,
final double minStrengthVert,
final boolean no_weak,
final boolean use_last, //
// TODO: when useCombo - pay attention to borders (disregard)
final boolean usePoly, // use polynomial method to find max), valid if useCombo == false
final boolean copyDebug,
final int debugLevel)
final int dbg_tile = (debugLevel > 0)? 35114: -1; // x = 122, y= 108; -1; // 27669;
CLTPass3d combo_pass =new CLTPass3d(this);
......@@ -1165,6 +1630,7 @@ public class TileProcessor {
return combo_pass;
* Create a minimal composite scan from provided data (dual-quad rig. So no Hor/Vert
* @param disparity target disparity from the rig
......@@ -2684,6 +3150,12 @@ public class TileProcessor {
public String [] getScanTitles() {
public String [] getScanTitles(boolean ds_only) {
return ds_only ? SCAN_TITLES_DS : SCAN_TITLES;
public void showScan(
CLTPass3d scan,
String in_title)
......@@ -2700,6 +3172,123 @@ public class TileProcessor {
System.out.println("showScan("+title+"): isMeasured()="+scan.isMeasured()+", isProcessed()="+scan.isProcessed()+", isCombo()="+scan.isCombo());
public void ShowScansSFB(
ArrayList<CLTPass3d> scans, // list of composite scans
String title) {
String [] titles = getScanDHVTitles();
double [][] slices = getScanDHV(scans);
(new ShowDoubleFloatArrays()).showArrays(slices, tilesX, tilesY, true, title,titles);
public String [] getScanDHVTitles(){
String [] titles_slices = {"disparity", "strength", "hor-disp", "hor-strength", "vert-disp", "vert-strength"};
String [] titles_planes = {"strong", "fg", "bg"};
String [] titles = new String [titles_slices.length * titles_planes.length];
for (int p = 0; p < titles_planes.length; p++) {
for (int i = 0; i < titles_slices.length; i++) {
int n = p * titles_slices.length + i;
titles[n] = titles_slices[i] + "-" + titles_planes [p];
return titles;
public double [][] getScanDHV(
ArrayList<CLTPass3d> scans) // list of composite scans
int [] planes = {0, 1, -1};
double [][][] ds = new double [planes.length][][];
for (int p = 0; p < planes.length; p++) {
ds[p] = getScanDHV(scans, planes[p]);
double [][] slices = new double [ds[0].length * planes.length][];
for (int p = 0; p < planes.length; p++) {
ds[p] = getScanDHV(scans, planes[p]);
for (int i = 0; i < ds[p].length; i++) {
int n = p * ds[p].length + i;
slices[n] = ds[p][i];
return slices;
public double [][] getScanDHV(
CLTPass3d scan){
double [][] dhv = new double [6][];
dhv[0] = scan.calc_disparity;
dhv[1] = scan.strength;
dhv[2] = scan.calc_disparity_hor;
dhv[3] = scan.strength_hor;
dhv[4] = scan.calc_disparity_vert;
dhv[5] = scan.strength_vert;
return dhv;
public double [][] getScanDHV(
ArrayList<CLTPass3d> scans, // list of composite scans
int plane){ // 0 - maximal strength, 1 - foreground, 2 under FG,..., -1 - BG, -2 - over BG
double [][][] ds = new double [scans.size()][6][];
for (int i = 0; i < ds.length; i++) {
CLTPass3d scan = scans.get(i);
ds[i][0] = scan.calc_disparity;
ds[i][1] = scan.strength;
ds[i][2] = scan.calc_disparity_hor;
ds[i][3] = scan.strength_hor;
ds[i][4] = scan.calc_disparity_vert;
ds[i][5] = scan.strength_vert;
double [][] dhv = new double [6][ds[0][0].length];
int nm = 3; // number of modes - quad, hor, vert
for (int m = 0; m < nm; m++) {
int id = 2* m;
int is = id+1;
for (int t = 0; t < dhv[id].length; t++) {
dhv[id][t] = Double.NaN;
dhv[is][t] = 0.0;
if (plane == 0) { //find maximal strength
for (int i = 0; i < ds.length; i++) {
if (ds[i][is][t] > dhv[is][t]) {
dhv[is][t] = ds[i][is][t];
dhv[id][t] = ds[i][id][t];
} else if ( plane > 0) {
int n = 0;
for (int i = ds.length -1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (ds[i][is][t] > 0) {
dhv[is][t] = ds[i][is][t];
dhv[id][t] = ds[i][id][t];
if ( n >= plane) break;
} else {
int n = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ds.length; i++) {
if (ds[i][is][t] > 0) {
dhv[is][t] = ds[i][is][t];
dhv[id][t] = ds[i][id][t];
if ( n >= (-plane)) break;
return dhv;
public double [][] getShowDS(
CLTPass3d scan,
boolean force_final)
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