dct_parameters.nonlin_y,// final double nonlin_y, // = 0.01; // amount of nonlinear line/edge emphasis for Y component
dct_parameters.nonlin_c,// final double nonlin_c, // = 0.01; // amount of nonlinear line/edge emphasis for C component
dct_parameters.nonlin_corn,// final double nonlin_corn, // = 0.5; // relative weight for nonlinear corner elements
(dct_parameters.denoise?dct_parameters.denoise_y:0.0),// final double denoise_y, // = 1.0; // maximal total smoothing of the Y post-kernel (will compete with edge emphasis)
(dct_parameters.denoise?dct_parameters.denoise_c:0.0),// final double denoise_c, // = 1.0; // maximal total smoothing of the color differences post-kernel (will compete with edge emphasis)
dct_parameters.denoise_y_corn,// final double denoise_y_corn, // = 0.5; // weight of the 4 corner pixels during denoise y (relative to 4 straight)
dct_parameters.denoise_c_corn,// final double denoise_c_corn, // = 0.5; // weight of the 4 corner pixels during denoise y (relative to 4 straight)
threadsMax,// final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch