Commit 4c45ca5b authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

initial Tile Processor code

parent 5ca93ffd
** TileProcessor.cuh
** Copyright (C) 2018 Elphel, Inc.
** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------**
** TileProcessor.cuh is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <>.
** Additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7
** If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or
** combining it with NVIDIA Corporation's CUDA libraries from the
** NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit (or a modified version of those libraries),
** containing parts covered by the terms of NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit
** EULA, the licensors of this Program grant you additional
** permission to convey the resulting work.
** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------**
* \file TileProcessor.cuh
* \brief Top level of the Tile Processor for frequency domain
#pragma once
#include "dtt8x8.cuh"
// Using 1 tile per block with 32 threads per tile.
// some subtasks use 8 threads per 2d DTT
//#define TILES_PER_BLOCK 1
#define IMG_WIDTH 2592
#define IMG_HEIGHT 1936
#define NUM_CAMS 4
#define NUM_COLORS 3
//#define KERNELS_STEP 16
#define KERNELS_HOR 164
#define KERNELS_VERT 123
#define IMAGE_TILE_SIDE 18
//#define KERNEL_OFFSETS 8
// increase row length by 1 so vertical passes will use different ports
#define DTT_SIZE1 (DTT_SIZE + 1)
#define DBG_TILE (174*324 +118)
#define DEBUG1 1
// struct tp_task
//#define TASK_SIZE 12
struct tp_task {
long task;
short ty;
short tx;
float xy[NUM_CAMS][2];
struct CltExtra{
float data_x; // kernel data is relative to this displacement X (0.5 pixel increments)
float data_y; // kernel data is relative to this displacement Y (0.5 pixel increments)
float center_x; // actual center X (use to find derivatives)
float center_y; // actual center X (use to find derivatives)
float dxc_dx; // add this to data_x per each pixel X-shift relative to the kernel center location
float dxc_dy; // same per each Y-shift pixel
float dyc_dx;
float dyc_dy;
Python code to generate constant coefficients:
def setup_hwindow(n=8, l=4):
hwindow = [math.sin(math.pi*((1.0+2*i)/(4*n))) for i in range(2*n)]
print("__constant__ float HWINDOW[] = {", end="") #
for i in range (n):
print("%ff"%(hwindow[i]), end ="")
if i == (2*n-1):
elif ((i + 1) % l) == 0:
print(" ", end ="")
print(", ",end="")
def get_fold_rindices(n=8):
n1 = n>>1;
rind = [0] * (2 * n) # reverse indices
rcs = [0] * (2 * n) # reverse signs for cosine term
rss = [0] * (2 * n) # reverse signs for sine term
for x in range (n1):
ri0 = n + n1 - x - 1
ri1 = n + n1 + x
ri2 = x
ri3 = n - x - 1
rind[ri0] = x
rind[ri1] = x
rind[ri2] = x + n1
rind[ri3] = x + n1
rcs[ri0] = -1
rss[ri0] = 1
rcs[ri1] = -1
rss[ri1] = -1
rcs[ri2] = 1
rss[ri2] = 1
rcs[ri3] = -1
rss[ri3] = 1
rind0 = []
rind1 = []
# generate start indices for the first 2 bayer rows
for a in rind:
#column increments for odd/even bayer rows
inc_even = []
inc_odd = []
for i in range (n-1):
inc_odd.append (rind[2*i+3]-rind[2*i+1])
# combine increments into int data
inc_e = 0
inc_o = 0
for d in inc_even:
inc_e = ((inc_e) << 4) | (d & 0xf)
for d in inc_odd:
inc_o = ((inc_o) << 4) | (d & 0xf)
print("__constant__ int fold_indx2[2][%d] = {{"%(2*n), end="") #
for d in rind0[:-1]:
print('0x%2x,'%(d), end="")
print(" {", end="") #
for d in rind1[:-1]:
print('0x%2x,'%(d), end="")
print("__constant__ int fold_inc[]= {0x%08x, 0x%08x};"%(inc_e, inc_o))
//#define DTT_SIZE 8
int OffsThreadInRow = threadIdx.y * DTT_SIZE + threadIdx.x;
int OffsThreadInCol = threadIdx.z * DTT_SIZE;
src += ((blockIdx.y * DTTTEST_BLOCK_HEIGHT + OffsThreadInCol) * src_stride) + blockIdx.x * DTTTEST_BLOCK_WIDTH + OffsThreadInRow;
dst += ((blockIdx.y * DTTTEST_BLOCK_HEIGHT + OffsThreadInCol) * src_stride) + blockIdx.x * DTTTEST_BLOCK_WIDTH + OffsThreadInRow;
float *bl_ptr = block + OffsThreadInCol * DTTTEST_BLK_STRIDE + OffsThreadInRow;
// GPU memory pointers
float * gpu_kernels [NUM_CAMS];
float * gpu_kernel_offsets [NUM_CAMS];
float * gpu_images [NUM_CAMS];
float * gpu_tasks;
size_t dstride;
__constant__ float HWINDOW[] = {0.098017f, 0.290285f, 0.471397f, 0.634393f,
0.773010f, 0.881921f, 0.956940f, 0.995185f};
// Offsets in 8x8 DCT_CC/DST_SC tile for the first 2 lines of the 16x16 bayer image
__constant__ int fold_indx2[2][16] = {{0x24,0x25,0x26,0x27,0x27,0x26,0x25,0x24,0x23,0x22,0x21,0x20,0x20,0x21,0x22,0x23},
// increments of the offsets in 8x8 tile when going down, jumping two lines (same Bayer). Each 4 bits have to be <<3,
// addd to the current index and result should be AND-ed with 0x3f. inc_e is for even rows (0,2, ...) while inc_o - for odd ones (1,3,)
__constant__ int fold_inc[]= {0x02feee12, 0x021eeef2};
// index table for convolutions
__constant__ int zi[4][4] = {{ 0, -1, -2, 3},
{ 1, 0, -3, -2},
{ 2, -3, 0, -1},
{ 3, 2, 1, 0}};
#define BAYER_RED 0
#define BAYER_BLUE 1
#define BAYER_GREEN 2
// assuming GR/BG as now
#define BAYER_RED_ROW 0
#define BAYER_RED_COL 1
__device__ void convertCorrectTile(
struct CltExtra * gpu_kernel_offsets,
float * gpu_kernels,
float * gpu_images,
// struct tp_task * tt,
float centerX,
float centerY,
size_t dstride, // in floats (pixels)
float clt_tile [NUM_COLORS][4][DTT_SIZE][DTT_SIZE1], // +1 to alternate column ports
float clt_kernels [NUM_COLORS][4][DTT_SIZE][DTT_SIZE1], // +1 to alternate column ports
// float bayer_tiles [IMAGE_TILE_SIDE][IMAGE_TILE_SIDE],
int int_topleft [NUM_COLORS][2],
float residual_shift [NUM_COLORS][2]);
// Fractional pixel shift (phase rotation), horizontal. In-place.
__device__ void shiftTileHor(
float clt_tile [4][DTT_SIZE][DTT_SIZE1], // +1 to alternate column ports
float residual_shift );
// Fractional pixel shift (phase rotation), vertical. In-place.
__device__ void shiftTileVert(
float clt_tile [4][DTT_SIZE][DTT_SIZE1], // +1 to alternate column ports
float residual_shift );
__device__ void convolveTiles(
float clt_tile [4][DTT_SIZE][DTT_SIZE1], // 4 quadrants of the clt data, rows extended to optimize shared ports
float kernel [4][DTT_SIZE][DTT_SIZE1]); // 4 quadrants of the CLT kernel (DTT3 converted)
extern "C"
__global__ void tileProcessor(
struct CltExtra ** gpu_kernel_offsets, // [NUM_CAMS],
float ** gpu_kernels, // [NUM_CAMS],
float ** gpu_images, // [NUM_CAMS],
struct tp_task * gpu_tasks,
size_t dstride, // // in floats (pixels)
int num_tiles) // number of tiles in task
// struct CltExtra * dbg_ce_h0= &gpu_kernel_offsets[0][14328];
// struct CltExtra * dbg_ce_h1= &gpu_kernel_offsets[0][14328 + (164*123)];
// struct CltExtra * dbg_ce_h2= &gpu_kernel_offsets[0][14328 + 2* (164*123)];
int task_num = blockIdx.x; // * TILES_PER_BLOCK + threadIdx.y;
if (task_num >= num_tiles) return; // nothing to do
struct tp_task * gpu_task = &gpu_tasks[task_num];
if (!gpu_task->task) return; // NOP tile
__shared__ struct tp_task tt; // [TILES_PER_BLOCK];
// Copy task data to shared memory
int nc = (threadIdx.x >> 1) + (threadIdx.y << 2) - 1;
if (nc < 0) {
tt.task = gpu_task -> task;
tt.tx = gpu_task -> tx;
tt.ty = gpu_task -> ty;
} else {
if (nc < NUM_CAMS) {
tt.xy[nc][0] = gpu_task -> xy[nc][0];
tt.xy[nc][1] = gpu_task -> xy[nc][1];
if (NUM_CAMS > 31){ // unlikely
nc += 32;
while (nc < NUM_CAMS){
tt.xy[nc][0] = gpu_task -> xy[nc][0];
tt.xy[nc][1] = gpu_task -> xy[nc][1];
nc += 32;
// set memory for CLT result (per tile, per camera, per color, per clt, per row, per column
// clt_tile[][0] - before rotation, [][0][0] - R:DCT/DCT, [][0][1] - B:DCT/DCT, [][0][2] - G:DCT/DCT, [][0][3] - G:DST/DCT,
// clt_tile[][1], clt_tile[][2], and clt_tile[][3] - after rotation, 4 quadrants each
// changed, above is wrong now
__shared__ float clt_tile [NUM_CAMS][NUM_COLORS][4][DTT_SIZE][DTT_SIZE1];
// sharing for cameras as they are corrected one after another
__shared__ float clt_kernels [NUM_COLORS][4][DTT_SIZE][DTT_SIZE1]; // +1 to alternate column ports
__shared__ int int_topleft [NUM_COLORS][2];
__shared__ float residual_shift [NUM_COLORS][2];
// __shared__ float window_hor_cos [NUM_COLORS][2*DTT_SIZE];
// __shared__ float window_hor_sin [NUM_COLORS][2*DTT_SIZE];
// __shared__ float window_vert_cos [NUM_COLORS][2*DTT_SIZE];
// process each camera in series
for (int ncam = 0; ncam < NUM_CAMS; ncam++){
gpu_kernel_offsets[ncam], // float * gpu_kernel_offsets,
gpu_kernels[ncam], // float * gpu_kernels,
gpu_images[ncam], // float * gpu_images,
// &tt[threadIdx.y], // struct tp_task * tt,
tt.xy[ncam][0], // float centerX,
tt.xy[ncam][1], // float centerY,
dstride, // size_t dstride, // in floats (pixels)
clt_tile [ncam], // float clt_tile [TILES_PER_BLOCK][NUM_CAMS][NUM_COLORS][4][DTT_SIZE][DTT_SIZE])
clt_kernels, // float clt_tile [NUM_COLORS][4][DTT_SIZE][DTT_SIZE],
int_topleft, // int int_topleft [NUM_COLORS][2],
residual_shift); // float frac_topleft [NUM_COLORS][2],
// Fractional pixel shift (phase rotation), horizontal. In-place. uses 8 threads (.x)
__device__ void shiftTileHor(
float clt_tile [4][DTT_SIZE][DTT_SIZE1], // +1 to alternate column ports
float residual_shift )
int j = threadIdx.x;
float x = residual_shift * ((j << 1 ) +1) * (0.5f/ DTT_SIZE);
float ch = cospif(x);
float sh = sinpif(x);
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 0; i < DTT_SIZE; i++) {
float t = clt_tile[0][i][j] * ch - clt_tile[1][i][j] * sh;
clt_tile[1][i][j] = clt_tile[0][i][j] * sh + clt_tile[1][i][j] * ch;
clt_tile[0][i][j] = t;
t = clt_tile[2][i][j] * ch - clt_tile[3][i][j] * sh;
clt_tile[3][i][j] = clt_tile[2][i][j] * sh + clt_tile[3][i][j] * ch;
clt_tile[2][i][j] = t;
// Fractional pixel shift (phase rotation), vertical. In-place.
__device__ void shiftTileVert(
float clt_tile [4][DTT_SIZE][DTT_SIZE1], // +1 to alternate column ports
float residual_shift)
int j = threadIdx.x;
float x = residual_shift * ((j << 1 ) +1) * (0.5f/ DTT_SIZE);
float ch = cospif(x);
float sh = sinpif(x);
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 0; i < DTT_SIZE; i++) {
float t = clt_tile[0][j][i] * ch - clt_tile[1][j][i] * sh;
clt_tile[1][j][i] = clt_tile[0][j][i] * sh + clt_tile[1][j][i] * ch;
clt_tile[0][j][i] = t;
t = clt_tile[2][j][i] * ch - clt_tile[3][j][i] * sh;
clt_tile[3][j][i] = clt_tile[2][j][i] * sh + clt_tile[3][j][i] * ch;
clt_tile[2][j][i] = t;
// Fractional pixel shift (phase rotation), vertical. In-place.
__device__ void convolveTiles(
float clt_tile [4][DTT_SIZE][DTT_SIZE1], // 4 quadrants of the clt data, rows extended to optimize shared ports
float kernel [4][DTT_SIZE][DTT_SIZE1]) // 4 quadrants of the CLT kernel (DTT3 converted)
int j = threadIdx.x;
for (int i = 0; i < DTT_SIZE; i++){
float r0 = 0;
float r1 = 0;
float r2 = 0;
float r3 = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++){
if (zi[0][k] < 0) r0 -= clt_tile[-zi[0][k]][j][i] * kernel[k][j][i];
else r0 += clt_tile[-zi[0][k]][j][i] * kernel[k][j][i];
if (zi[1][k] < 0) r0 -= clt_tile[-zi[1][k]][j][i] * kernel[k][j][i];
else r0 += clt_tile[-zi[1][k]][j][i] * kernel[k][j][i];
if (zi[2][k] < 0) r0 -= clt_tile[-zi[2][k]][j][i] * kernel[k][j][i];
else r0 += clt_tile[-zi[2][k]][j][i] * kernel[k][j][i];
if (zi[3][k] < 0) r0 -= clt_tile[-zi[3][k]][j][i] * kernel[k][j][i];
else r0 += clt_tile[-zi[3][k]][j][i] * kernel[k][j][i];
clt_tile[0][j][i]= r0;
clt_tile[1][j][i]= r1;
clt_tile[2][j][i]= r2;
clt_tile[3][j][i]= r3;
__device__ void debug_print_clt(
float clt_tile [NUM_COLORS][4][DTT_SIZE][DTT_SIZE1], // +1 to alternate column ports)
int mask)
for (int dbg_color = 0; dbg_color < NUM_COLORS; dbg_color++){
printf("----------- Color = %d -----------\n",dbg_color);
for (int dbg_quadrant = 0; dbg_quadrant < 4; dbg_quadrant++){
printf("----------- Quadrant (c(h)-c(v), s-c, c-s, s-s) = %d -----------\n",dbg_quadrant);
if ((mask >> (dbg_color * 4 + dbg_quadrant)) & 1) {
for (int dbg_row = 0; dbg_row < DTT_SIZE; dbg_row++){
for (int dbg_col = 0; dbg_col < DTT_SIZE; dbg_col++){
printf ("%10.5f ", clt_tile[dbg_color][dbg_quadrant][dbg_row][dbg_col]);
// Uses 32 threads
__device__ void convertCorrectTile(
struct CltExtra * gpu_kernel_offsets,
float * gpu_kernels,
float * gpu_images,
// struct tp_task * tt,
float centerX,
float centerY,
size_t dstride, // in floats (pixels)
// clt_tile[0] - before rotation, [0][0] - R:DCT/DCT, [0][1] - B:DCT/DCT, [0][2] - G:DCT/DCT, [0][3] - G:DST/DCT,
// clt_tile[1], clt_tile[2], and clt_tile[3] - after rotation, 4 quadrants each
// changed, above is wrong now
float clt_tile [NUM_COLORS][4][DTT_SIZE][DTT_SIZE1], // +1 to alternate column ports
float clt_kernels [NUM_COLORS][4][DTT_SIZE][DTT_SIZE1], // +1 to alternate column ports
int int_topleft [NUM_COLORS][2],
float residual_shift [NUM_COLORS][2])
// struct CltExtra * dbg_ce0= &gpu_kernel_offsets[14328];
// struct CltExtra * dbg_ce1= &gpu_kernel_offsets[14328 + (164*123)];
// struct CltExtra * dbg_ce2= &gpu_kernel_offsets[14328 + 2* (164*123)];
__shared__ float window_hor_cos [NUM_COLORS][2*DTT_SIZE];
__shared__ float window_hor_sin [NUM_COLORS][2*DTT_SIZE];
__shared__ float window_vert_cos [NUM_COLORS][2*DTT_SIZE];
// __shared__ float rot_hvcs [NUM_COLORS][4][DTT_SIZE1]; // rotation cosine/sines: CH,SH,CV,SV for each color
// get correct kernel tile, then use 2 threads per kernel and image
int ktileX, ktileY;
int kernel_index; // common for all coors
float kdx, kdy;
switch (threadIdx.x){
case 0:
ktileX = min(KERNELS_HOR-1, max(0, (((int) lrintf(centerX))+ (1<< (KERNELS_LSTEP-1)) >> KERNELS_LSTEP)+1));
// kdx = centerX - (ktileX -1 +0.5) * KERNELS_STEP; // difference in pixel
kdx = centerX - (ktileX << KERNELS_LSTEP) + (1 << (KERNELS_LSTEP -1)); // difference in pixel
case 1:
ktileY = min(KERNELS_HOR-1, max(0, (((int) lrintf(centerY))+ (1<< (KERNELS_LSTEP-1)) >> KERNELS_LSTEP)+1));
kdy = centerY - (ktileY << KERNELS_LSTEP) + (1 << (KERNELS_LSTEP -1)); // difference in pixel
// thread0 gets ktileY from thread 1
ktileY = __shfl_sync(
0x00000001, // unsigned mask,
ktileY, // T var,
1, // int srcLane,
THREADS_PER_TILE); // int width=warpSize);
switch (threadIdx.x){
case 0:
kernel_index = ktileX + ktileY * KERNELS_HOR;
// broadcast kernel_index
kernel_index = __shfl_sync(
0xffffffff, // unsigned mask,
kernel_index, // T var,
0, // int srcLane,
THREADS_PER_TILE); // int width=warpSize);
__syncthreads(); // is it needed?
kdx = __shfl_sync(
0xffffffff, // unsigned mask,
kdx, // T var,
0, // int srcLane,
THREADS_PER_TILE); // int width=warpSize);
__syncthreads(); // is it needed?
kdy = __shfl_sync(
0xffffffff, // unsigned mask,
kdy, // T var,
1, // int srcLane,
THREADS_PER_TILE); // int width=warpSize);
__syncthreads(); // is it needed?
int color = threadIdx.y;
float px, py;
// int dbg_y = threadIdx.y;
// int dbg_x = threadIdx.x;
if (color < 3){ // 3*8 threads cooperating on this
// kernel_index += color * (KERNELS_HOR * KERNELS_VERT);
// float * kernel_src = &gpu_kernels[ kernel_index * (DTT_SIZE * DTT_SIZE * 4)];
float * kernel_src = &gpu_kernels[ (kernel_index + color * (KERNELS_HOR * KERNELS_VERT))* (DTT_SIZE * DTT_SIZE * 4)];
float * kernelp = (float *) clt_kernels[color];
kernel_src += threadIdx.x; // lsb;
kernelp += threadIdx.x; // lsb;
for (int j = 0; j < DTT_SIZE * 4; j++){ // all 4 components, 8 rows
// shared memory kernels use DTT_SIZE1 (same as image data)
*kernelp = *kernel_src; kernelp+=DTT_SIZE1; kernel_src+=THREADSX;
*kernelp = *kernel_src; kernelp+=DTT_SIZE1; kernel_src+=THREADSX;
*kernelp = *kernel_src; kernelp+=DTT_SIZE1; kernel_src+=THREADSX;
*kernelp = *kernel_src; kernelp+=DTT_SIZE1; kernel_src+=THREADSX;
} else { // if (color < 3){ calculate offsets and copy bayer image (with individual shifts)
// calculate offsets and prepare windows
int bayer_color = min((NUM_COLORS-1),threadIdx.x >> 1);
int bayer_g2 = threadIdx.x >= (NUM_COLORS << 1); // second pass of green
int lsb = threadIdx.x & 1;
int kernel_full_index = kernel_index + bayer_color*(KERNELS_HOR * KERNELS_VERT);
// struct CltExtra * clt_extra = &gpu_kernel_offsets[kernel_index + bayer_color*(KERNELS_HOR * KERNELS_VERT)];
struct CltExtra * clt_extra = &gpu_kernel_offsets[kernel_full_index];
// both threads will calculate same x,y components - dont'y know how to sync just them not with other copying kernels
if (bayer_g2){ // threads 30,31
if (lsb){
px = centerX - DTT_SIZE - (clt_extra->data_x + clt_extra->dxc_dx * kdx + clt_extra->dxc_dy * kdy) ; // fractional left corner Warp Illegal Address
int itlx = (int) floorf(px +0.5f);
int_topleft [bayer_color][0] = itlx;
float shift_hor = px - itlx;
residual_shift[bayer_color][0] = shift_hor;
float x = shift_hor *(1.0f/16);
float ahc = cospif(x);
float ahs = sinpif(x);
int i1 = DTT_SIZE;
int i = 0;
// embedd sign for cosine and sine branches into window coefficients
for (; i < (DTT_SIZE/2); i++ ){
int ri = (DTT_SIZE-1) - i;
window_hor_sin[bayer_color][i] = HWINDOW[i ]*ahc + HWINDOW[ri]*ahs; // bayer_color== 2
window_hor_sin[bayer_color][i1] = HWINDOW[ri]*ahc - HWINDOW[ i]*ahs;
// embedd sign for cosine and sine branches into window coefficients
for (; i < DTT_SIZE; i++ ){
int ri = (DTT_SIZE-1) - i;
window_hor_sin[bayer_color][i] = HWINDOW[i ]*ahc + HWINDOW[ri]*ahs;
window_hor_sin[bayer_color][i1] = HWINDOW[ i]*ahs - HWINDOW[ri]*ahc;
} else { //if (bayer_g2){ // threads 24..29
if (lsb){
px = centerX - DTT_SIZE - (clt_extra->data_x + clt_extra->dxc_dx * kdx + clt_extra->dxc_dy * kdy) ; // fractional left corner
int itlx = (int) floorf(px +0.5f);
int_topleft [bayer_color][0] = itlx;
float shift_hor = px - itlx;
residual_shift[bayer_color][0] = shift_hor;
float x = shift_hor *(1.0f/16);
float ahc = cospif(x);
float ahs = sinpif(x);
int i1 = DTT_SIZE;
int i = 0;
// embedd sign for cosine and sine branches into window coefficients
for (; i < (DTT_SIZE/2); i++ ){
int ri = (DTT_SIZE-1) - i;
window_hor_cos[bayer_color][i] = HWINDOW[i ]*ahc + HWINDOW[ri]*ahs;
window_hor_cos[bayer_color][i1] = HWINDOW[ i]*ahs - HWINDOW[ri]*ahc;
// embedd sign for cosine and sine branches into window coefficients
for (; i < DTT_SIZE; i++ ){
int ri = (DTT_SIZE-1) - i;
window_hor_cos[bayer_color][i] = -HWINDOW[i ]*ahc - HWINDOW[ri]*ahs;
window_hor_cos[bayer_color][i1] = HWINDOW[ i]*ahs - HWINDOW[ri]*ahc;
} else { //if (lsb){
py = centerY - DTT_SIZE - (clt_extra->data_y + clt_extra->dyc_dx * kdx + clt_extra->dyc_dy * kdy) ; // fractional top corner
int itly = (int) floorf(py +0.5f);
int_topleft[bayer_color][1] = itly;
float shift_vert = py - itly;
residual_shift[bayer_color][1] = shift_vert;
float x = shift_vert *(1.0f/16);
float avc = cospif(x);
float avs = sinpif(x);
int i1 = DTT_SIZE;
// embedd sign for cosine branch only into window coefficients (for R,B only CC is needed, for G - CC and SC
int i = 0;
for (; i < DTT_SIZE/2; i++ ){
int ri = (DTT_SIZE-1) - i;
window_vert_cos[bayer_color][i] = HWINDOW[i ]*avc + HWINDOW[ri]*avs;
window_vert_cos[bayer_color][i1++] = HWINDOW[ i]*avs - HWINDOW[ri]*avc;
for (; i < DTT_SIZE; i++ ){
int ri = (DTT_SIZE-1) - i;
window_vert_cos[bayer_color][i] = -(HWINDOW[i ]*avc + HWINDOW[ri]*avs);
window_vert_cos[bayer_color][i1++] = HWINDOW[ i]*avs - HWINDOW[ri]*avc;
} // if (color < 3) else
// threads 0..23 loaded 3 color kernels, threads 24-27 - prepared hor and vert windows for R and B, threads 28..31 - for G
// prepare, fold and write data to DTT buffers
int dstride2 = dstride <<1; // in floats (pixels)
int bayer_color = min((NUM_COLORS-1),threadIdx.y);
if (bayer_color < BAYER_GREEN){ // process R and B (2 * 8 threads) threads 0..15
// Find correct column and start row for each of the 8 participating threads
int col_tl = int_topleft[bayer_color][0]; // + (threadIdx.x << 1);
int row_tl = int_topleft[bayer_color][1];
int local_col = ((col_tl & 1) ^ BAYER_RED_COL ^ bayer_color) + (threadIdx.x << 1);
int local_row = ((row_tl & 1) ^ BAYER_RED_ROW ^ bayer_color);
float *image_p = gpu_images + dstride * (row_tl + local_row)+ col_tl + local_col;
float hwind_cos = window_hor_cos[bayer_color][local_col];
int dtt_offset = fold_indx2[local_row][local_col];
int dtt_offset_inc = fold_inc[local_row];
float *dtt_buf = (float *) clt_tile[bayer_color][0];
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
// dtt_buf[dtt_offset] = (*image_p) * hwind_cos * window_vert_cos[bayer_color][local_row];
int dtt_offset1 = dtt_offset + (dtt_offset >> 3); // converting for 9-long rows (DTT_SIZE1)
float dbg_pix = (*image_p);
dtt_buf[dtt_offset1] = (*image_p) * hwind_cos * window_vert_cos[bayer_color][local_row];
dtt_offset = ( dtt_offset + ((dtt_offset_inc & 0xf) << 3)) & 0x3f;
dtt_offset_inc >>= 4;
local_row += 2;
image_p += dstride2;
} else { // process green color threads 16..31
// no need to sync here
// process green color - temporarily use two buffers instead of one, then - reduce
int ipass = threadIdx.y & 1;
// Find correct column and start row for each of the 8 participating threads
int col_tl = int_topleft[BAYER_GREEN][0]; // + (threadIdx.x << 1);
int row_tl = int_topleft[BAYER_GREEN][1];
int local_col = ((col_tl & 1) ^ (BAYER_RED_COL ^ 1) ^ ipass) + (threadIdx.x << 1); // green red row: invert column from red
int local_row = ((row_tl & 1) ^ BAYER_RED_ROW ^ ipass); // use red row
int dbg_image_offset = dstride * (row_tl + local_row)+ col_tl + local_col;
float *image_p = gpu_images + dstride * (row_tl + local_row)+ col_tl + local_col;
float dbg_pix1 = gpu_images[dbg_image_offset];
float *dbg_pix2_p = gpu_images + dbg_image_offset;
float dbg_pix2 = *dbg_pix2_p;
float hwind_cos = window_hor_cos[BAYER_GREEN][local_col];
float hwind_sin = window_hor_sin[BAYER_GREEN][local_col];
int dtt_offset = fold_indx2[local_row][local_col];
int dtt_offset_inc = fold_inc[local_row];
float *dct_buf = (float *) clt_tile[BAYER_GREEN][ ipass << 1]; // use 2 buffers, second - borrowing from rotated DTT
float *dst_buf = (float *) clt_tile[BAYER_GREEN][(ipass << 1) + 1];
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
float d = (*image_p) * window_vert_cos[BAYER_GREEN][local_row];
float dbg_pix = (*image_p);
int dtt_offset1 = dtt_offset + (dtt_offset >> 3); // converting for 9-long rows
dct_buf[dtt_offset1] += d * hwind_cos;
dst_buf[dtt_offset1] += d * hwind_sin;
dtt_offset = ( dtt_offset + ((dtt_offset_inc & 0xf) << 3)) & 0x3f;
dtt_offset_inc >>= 4;
local_row += 2;
image_p += dstride2;
// reduce 4 green DTT buffers into 2 (so free future rotated green that were borrowed)
// Uses all 32 threads.
float *dtt_buf = ((float *) clt_tile[BAYER_GREEN][0][threadIdx.y]) + threadIdx.x;
float *dtt_buf1 = ((float *) clt_tile[BAYER_GREEN][2][threadIdx.y]) + threadIdx.x;
(*dtt_buf) += (*dtt_buf1); dtt_buf += (4 * DTT_SIZE1); dtt_buf1 += (4 * DTT_SIZE1);
(*dtt_buf) += (*dtt_buf1);
dtt_buf = ((float *) clt_tile[BAYER_GREEN][1][threadIdx.y]) + threadIdx.x;
dtt_buf1 = ((float *) clt_tile[BAYER_GREEN][3][threadIdx.y]) + threadIdx.x;
(*dtt_buf) += (*dtt_buf1); dtt_buf += (4 * DTT_SIZE1); dtt_buf1 += (4 * DTT_SIZE1);
(*dtt_buf) += (*dtt_buf1);
#ifdef DEBUG1
if ((threadIdx.x + threadIdx.y) == 0){
printf("\nFOLDED DTT Tiles");
debug_print_clt(clt_tile, 0x311); // only 1 quadrant for R,B and 2 - for G
// Run DCT-IV/DCT-IV for all colors, DST-IV/DCT-IV for green only
if (threadIdx.y < NUM_COLORS) { // run DCTIV for all colors
// horizontal pass
clt_tile[0][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x], // pointer to start of row
1, // int inc,
0); // int dst_not_dct)
// vertical pass
} else { // if (threadIdx.y < NUM_COLORS) { // run DSTIV for green only
clt_tile[0][NUM_COLORS][threadIdx.x], // pointer to start of row
1, // int inc,
1); // int dst_not_dct)
#ifdef DEBUG1
if ((threadIdx.x + threadIdx.y) == 0){
printf("\nDTT Tiles after horizontal pass");
debug_print_clt(clt_tile, 0x311); // only 1 quadrant for R,B and 2 - for G
// vertical pass // common for all 4 (DCT/DCT of RGB, and DST/DCT of G)
&clt_tile[0][threadIdx.y][0][threadIdx.x], // pointer to start of column
DTT_SIZE1, // int inc,
0); // int dst_not_dct)
#ifdef DEBUG1
if ((threadIdx.x + threadIdx.y) == 0){
printf("\nDTT Tiles after vertical pass");
debug_print_clt(clt_tile, 0x311); // only 1 quadrant for R,B and 2 - for G
// Replicate DTT, so non-bayer can still use same in-place rotation code
float *src, *dst;
int negate, dst_inc;
switch (threadIdx.y) {
case 0:// Red CC -> SC
negate = (int_topleft[BAYER_RED][0] & 1) ^ BAYER_RED_COL; // 1 - invert
src = &clt_tile[BAYER_RED][0][0][threadIdx.x ];
dst = &clt_tile[BAYER_RED][1][0][threadIdx.x ^ 7];
dst_inc = DTT_SIZE1;
case 1:// Blue CC -> SC
negate = (int_topleft[BAYER_BLUE][0] & 1) ^ (BAYER_RED_COL ^ 1); // 1 - invert
src = &clt_tile[BAYER_BLUE][0][0][threadIdx.x ];
dst = &clt_tile[BAYER_BLUE][1][0][threadIdx.x ^ 7];
dst_inc = DTT_SIZE1;
case 2:// Green CC -> SS
negate = (int_topleft[BAYER_GREEN][0] & 1) ^ (int_topleft[2][1] & 1) ^ (BAYER_RED_COL ^ BAYER_RED_ROW); // 1 - invert
src = &clt_tile[BAYER_GREEN][0][0][threadIdx.x ];
dst = &clt_tile[BAYER_GREEN][3][7][threadIdx.x ^ 7];
dst_inc = -DTT_SIZE1;
case 3:// Green SC -> CS
negate = (int_topleft[BAYER_GREEN][0] & 1) ^ (int_topleft[2][1] & 1) ^ (BAYER_RED_COL ^ BAYER_RED_ROW); // 1 - invert
src = &clt_tile[BAYER_GREEN][1][0][threadIdx.x ];
dst = &clt_tile[BAYER_GREEN][2][7][threadIdx.x ^ 7];
dst_inc = -DTT_SIZE1;
if (negate){
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 0; i < DTT_SIZE; i++){
*src = -(*dst);
src += DTT_SIZE1;
dst += dst_inc;
} else {
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 0; i < DTT_SIZE; i++){
*src = (*dst);
src += DTT_SIZE1;
dst += dst_inc;
#ifdef DEBUG1
if ((threadIdx.x + threadIdx.y) == 0){
printf("\nDTT Tiles after first replicating");
debug_print_clt(clt_tile, 0xf33); // only 1 quadrant for R,B and 2 - for G
switch (threadIdx.y) {
case 0:// Red CC -> CS
negate = (int_topleft[BAYER_RED][1] & 1) ^ BAYER_RED_ROW; // 1 - invert
src = &clt_tile[BAYER_RED][0][0][threadIdx.x ];
dst = &clt_tile[BAYER_RED][2][7][threadIdx.x ^ 7];
dst_inc = -DTT_SIZE1;
case 1:// Red SC -> SS
negate = (int_topleft[BAYER_RED][1] & 1) ^ BAYER_RED_ROW; // 1 - invert
src = &clt_tile[BAYER_RED][1][0][threadIdx.x ];
dst = &clt_tile[BAYER_RED][3][7][threadIdx.x ^ 7];
dst_inc = -DTT_SIZE1;
case 2:// Blue CC -> CS
negate = (int_topleft[BAYER_BLUE][1] & 1) ^ (BAYER_RED_ROW ^ 1); // 1 - invert
src = &clt_tile[BAYER_BLUE][0][0][threadIdx.x ];
dst = &clt_tile[BAYER_BLUE][2][7][threadIdx.x ^ 7];
dst_inc = -DTT_SIZE1;
case 3:// Blue SC -> SS
negate = (int_topleft[BAYER_BLUE][1] & 1) ^ (BAYER_RED_ROW ^ 1); // 1 - invert
src = &clt_tile[BAYER_BLUE][1][0][threadIdx.x ];
dst = &clt_tile[BAYER_BLUE][3][7][threadIdx.x ^ 7];
dst_inc = -DTT_SIZE1;
if (negate){
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 0; i < DTT_SIZE; i++){
*src = -(*dst);
src += DTT_SIZE1;
dst += dst_inc;
} else {
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 0; i < DTT_SIZE; i++){
*src = (*dst);
src += DTT_SIZE1;
dst += dst_inc;
#ifdef DEBUG1
if ((threadIdx.x + threadIdx.y) == 0){
printf("\nDTT Tiles after second replicating");
debug_print_clt(clt_tile, 0xfff); // only 1 quadrant for R,B and 2 - for G
if (threadIdx.y < NUM_COLORS) {
// convolve first, then rotate to match Java and make it easier to verify
clt_tile[threadIdx.y], // float clt_tile [4][DTT_SIZE][DTT_SIZE1], // 4 quadrants of the clt data, rows extended to optimize shared ports
clt_kernels[threadIdx.y]); // float kernel [4][DTT_SIZE][DTT_SIZE1]); // 4 quadrants of the CLT kernel (DTT3 converted)
#ifdef DEBUG1
if ((threadIdx.x + threadIdx.y) == 0){
printf("\nDTT Tiles after convolution");
debug_print_clt(clt_tile, 0xfff); // only 1 quadrant for R,B and 2 - for G
if (threadIdx.y < NUM_COLORS) {
// rotate phases: first horizontal, then vertical
clt_tile[threadIdx.y], // float clt_tile [4][DTT_SIZE][DTT_SIZE1], // +1 to alternate column ports
residual_shift[threadIdx.y][0]); // float residual_shift);
#ifdef DEBUG1
if ((threadIdx.x + threadIdx.y) == 0){
printf("\nDTT Tiles after horizontal shift");
debug_print_clt(clt_tile, 0xfff); // only 1 quadrant for R,B and 2 - for G
if (threadIdx.y < NUM_COLORS) {
clt_tile[threadIdx.y], // float clt_tile [4][DTT_SIZE][DTT_SIZE1], // +1 to alternate column ports
residual_shift[threadIdx.y][1]); // float residual_shift);
#ifdef DEBUG1
if ((threadIdx.x + threadIdx.y) == 0){
printf("\nDTT Tiles after vertical shift");
debug_print_clt(clt_tile, 0xfff); // only 1 quadrant for R,B and 2 - for G
printf("\nDTT All done");
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