Commit 47fe5f08 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

Done with poorly textured areas

parent 27498290
......@@ -35,25 +35,46 @@ public class BiCamDSI {
double [] disparity,
double [] strength,
boolean [] trusted,
boolean [] disabled) {
boolean [] disabled,
int scan_type) {
if (biScans == null) biScans = new ArrayList<BiScan>();
biScans.add(new BiScan(this, biScans.size(), disparity, strength, trusted, disabled));
biScans.add(new BiScan(this, biScans.size(), disparity, strength, trusted, disabled, scan_type));
return biScans.size()-1;
public int addBiScan(
double [][] disparity_bimap) {
double [][] disparity_bimap,
int scan_type
) {
return addBiScan(
disparity_bimap[ImageDtt.BI_TARGET_INDEX], // double [] disparity,
disparity_bimap[ImageDtt.BI_STR_CROSS_INDEX], // double [] strength,
null, // boolean [] trusted,
null); // boolean [] disabled)
null, // boolean [] disabled)
public BiScan getLastBiScan() {
return getBiScan(-1);
* Get last BiScan of specific type
* @param scan_type -1 - any (returns last scan), >=0 must match type. If none of the type exists, returns null
* @return
public BiScan getLastBiScan( int scan_type) {
if (scan_type < 0) return getBiScan(-1);
if (biScans.isEmpty()) return null;
int last_index = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < biScans.size(); i++) {
if (biScans.get(i).scan_type == scan_type) {
last_index = i;
if (last_index >= 0) {
return biScans.get(last_index);
} else {
return null;
public BiScan getBiScan(int indx) {
if (biScans.isEmpty()) return null;
......@@ -128,6 +128,9 @@ public class BiQuadParameters {
public double pf_boost_low_density = 0.8; // Strength assigned to fake tiles from neighbors (the lower - the higher)
// Apply when filling gaps, not when growing
// 9, // clt_parameters.rig.pf_smpl_radius, // smpl_radius, // int smpl_radius,
public int pf_fourq_radius = 9; // How far to look for a plane for the final pass with 4-corners support
public int pf_fourq_min = 1; // Each of the 4 corners should have at least this number of tiles.
public int pf_fourq_gap = 1; // Symmetrical vertical and horizontal center areas that do not belong to any corner
......@@ -165,6 +168,25 @@ public class BiQuadParameters {
public int ltavg_max_iter = 20; //
public double ltavg_min_change = 0.01; //
public int ltavg_ref_smpl_radius = 11; // final int smpl_radius,
public int ltavg_ref_smpl_num = 40; // final int smpl_num_narrow, // = 3; // Number after removing worst (should be >1)
public double ltavg_ref_max_adiff = 0.15; // final double max_adiff, // Maximal absolute difference between the center tile and friends
public double ltavg_ref_max_rdiff = 0.04; // final double max_rdiff, // Maximal relative difference between the center tile and friends
public double ltavg_ref_smpl_arms = 0.1; // final double smpl_arms, // = 0.1; // Maximal RMS of the remaining tiles in a sample
public double ltavg_ref_smpl_rrms = 0.01; // final double smpl_rrms, // = 0.005; // Maximal RMS/disparity in addition to smplRms
public int ltavg_num_lt_refine = 20; // Maximal number of iterations with averaged low textures
public double ltavg_strong_tol = 0.3; // When combining normal measurements with low texture/correlation averaging use strong normal if they are close to averaged
public double ltavg_weak_tol = 0.1; // When combining normal measurements with low texture/correlation averaging use weak normal if they are close to averaged
// expand lt horizontally if it ends with the same or nearer
public boolean ltavg_expand_lt = true;
public int ltavg_expand_dist = 4;
public double ltavg_expand_tol = 0.15; // expand LT right and left if it ends with same or nearer tile
public double ltavg_expand_floor = 0.5; // multiply single-tile strength floor for correlation-average
public int ltavg_expand_sample_num = 5; // minimal number of samples in expansion mode
// Rig ltfar - recovering far objects that could not be resolved with just a single quad camera
public boolean ltfar_en = true; // Enable recovering far objects over infinity area
public boolean ltfar_auto_floor = true; // Automatically detect strength floor (false - use (lt_trusted_strength*lt_strength_rfloor)
......@@ -410,6 +432,8 @@ public class BiQuadParameters {
gd.addNumericField("Strength assigned to fake tiles from neighbors (the lower - the higher)", this.pf_boost_low_density, 4,6,"pix",
"Returned strength assigned to the tiles increases with this value - seems to be a bug");
gd.addNumericField("How far to look for a plane for the final pass with 4-corners support", this.pf_fourq_radius, 0,3,"",
"Plane fitting half-width during filling gaps with tiles required in four corners (to avoid extending areas, only fill inside)");
gd.addNumericField("Each of the 4 corners should have at least this number of tiles", this.pf_fourq_min, 0,3,"",
"Apply (>0) only for filling gaps, not during expansion. It requires that every of the 4 corners of the sample square has this number of tiles for a plane");
......@@ -476,6 +500,38 @@ public class BiQuadParameters {
"Safety limit for smoothing iterations ");
gd.addNumericField("Minimal disparity change to continue smoothing", this.ltavg_min_change, 4,6,"pix","");
gd.addNumericField("How far to extend around a tile when refining averaging correlation measuremnts by planes ", this.ltavg_ref_smpl_radius, 0,3,"tiles",
"Process a aquare centered at the current tile withthe side of twice this value plus 1 (2*pf_smpl_radius + 1)");
gd.addNumericField("Number after remaining in the sample square after removing worst fitting tiles", this.ltavg_ref_smpl_num, 0,3,"",
"When fitting planes the outliers are removed until the number of remaining tiles equals this value");
gd.addNumericField("Maximal absolute disparity difference between the plane and tiles that fit", this.ltavg_ref_max_adiff, 4,6,"pix",
"Maximal absolute disparity difference for fitting. Combined with the next one (relative) ");
gd.addNumericField("Maximal relative (to center disparity) difference between the plane and tiles that fit",this.ltavg_ref_max_rdiff, 4,6,"pix/pix",
"This value is multipled by the tile disparity and added to the maximal absolute difference");
gd.addNumericField("Maximal absolute RMS of the remaining tiles in a sample", this.ltavg_ref_smpl_arms, 4,6,"pix",
"After removing outliers RMS of the remaining tiles must be less than this value");
gd.addNumericField("Maximal relative (to center disparity) RMS of the remaining tiles in a sample", this.ltavg_ref_smpl_rrms, 4,6,"pix/pix",
"Relative RMS times disparity is added to the absolute one");
gd.addNumericField("Maximal number of low texture/averaging correlation passes", this.ltavg_num_lt_refine, 0,3,"",
"Will also exit when maximal tile disparity change falls below ltavg_min_change (..continue smoothing above)");
gd.addNumericField("Strong tile difference to averaged to be accepted", this.ltavg_strong_tol, 4,6,"pix",
"When combining normal measurements with low texture/correlation averaging use strong normal if they are close to averaged");
gd.addNumericField("Weak trusted tile difference to averaged to be accepted", this.ltavg_weak_tol, 4,6,"pix",
"When combining normal measurements with low texture/correlation averaging use weak normal if they are close to averaged");
gd.addCheckbox ("Try to expand low-texture areas right and left if it borders with same or nearer", this.ltavg_expand_lt,
"Slightly expand (mostly pavement) if there is FG object near");
gd.addNumericField("How far to extend LT area", this.ltavg_expand_dist, 0,3,"",
"Consider empty tiles within this distance from the LT processed area");
gd.addNumericField("The limit tiles should not be farther then extended by more than this value", this.ltavg_expand_tol, 4,6,"pix",
"Expand LT area horizonatally until it meets non-empty tile if that tile is closer or at the same (to this tolerance) distance");
gd.addNumericField("Fraction of single-tile correlation strength floor for averaged correlation", this.ltavg_expand_floor, 4,6,"",
"Strength floor for averaging corre;ation relative to the single-tile correlation");
gd.addNumericField("Number after remaining in the sample during final expansion of LT area", this.ltavg_expand_sample_num, 0,3,"",
"Small absoute number is OK here (may overlap with just a quater of teh sample square. This nuber will be combined with fraction of all defined tiles in a sample square");
gd.addTab("Rig Far","Parameters related to the ML files generation for the dual-quad camera rig");
gd.addCheckbox ("Enable recovering far objects over infinity area", this.ltfar_en,
"Try to use tiles that were treated as infinity by a single quad camera");
......@@ -654,6 +710,7 @@ public class BiQuadParameters {
this.pf_use_alt= gd.getNextBoolean();
this.pf_goal_fraction_rms= gd.getNextNumber();
this.pf_boost_low_density= gd.getNextNumber();
this.pf_fourq_radius= (int) gd.getNextNumber();
this.pf_fourq_min= (int) gd.getNextNumber();
this.pf_fourq_gap= (int) gd.getNextNumber();
......@@ -689,6 +746,23 @@ public class BiQuadParameters {
this.ltavg_max_iter= (int) gd.getNextNumber();
this.ltavg_min_change= gd.getNextNumber();
this.ltavg_ref_smpl_radius= (int) gd.getNextNumber();
this.ltavg_ref_smpl_num= (int) gd.getNextNumber();
this.ltavg_ref_max_adiff= gd.getNextNumber();
this.ltavg_ref_max_rdiff= gd.getNextNumber();
this.ltavg_ref_smpl_arms= gd.getNextNumber();
this.ltavg_ref_smpl_rrms= gd.getNextNumber();
this.ltavg_num_lt_refine= (int) gd.getNextNumber();
this.ltavg_strong_tol= gd.getNextNumber();
this.ltavg_weak_tol= gd.getNextNumber();
this.ltavg_expand_lt= gd.getNextBoolean();
this.ltavg_expand_dist= (int) gd.getNextNumber();
this.ltavg_expand_tol= gd.getNextNumber();
this.ltavg_expand_floor= gd.getNextNumber();
this.ltavg_expand_sample_num= (int) gd.getNextNumber();
this.ltfar_en= gd.getNextBoolean();
this.ltfar_auto_floor= gd.getNextBoolean();
this.ltfar_min_disparity= gd.getNextNumber();
......@@ -824,6 +898,8 @@ public class BiQuadParameters {
properties.setProperty(prefix+"pf_goal_fraction_rms", this.pf_goal_fraction_rms+"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"pf_boost_low_density", this.pf_boost_low_density+"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"pf_fourq_radius", this.pf_fourq_radius+"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"pf_fourq_min", this.pf_fourq_min+"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"pf_fourq_gap", this.pf_fourq_gap+"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"pf_en_trim_fg", this.pf_en_trim_fg+"");
......@@ -859,6 +935,24 @@ public class BiQuadParameters {
properties.setProperty(prefix+"ltavg_max_iter", this.ltavg_max_iter+"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"ltavg_min_change", this.ltavg_min_change+"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"ltavg_ref_smpl_radius", this.ltavg_ref_smpl_radius+"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"ltavg_ref_smpl_num", this.ltavg_ref_smpl_num+"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"ltavg_ref_max_adiff", this.ltavg_ref_max_adiff+"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"ltavg_ref_max_rdiff", this.ltavg_ref_max_rdiff+"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"ltavg_ref_smpl_arms", this.ltavg_ref_smpl_arms+"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"ltavg_ref_smpl_rrms", this.ltavg_ref_smpl_rrms+"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"ltavg_num_lt_refine", this.ltavg_num_lt_refine+"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"ltavg_strong_tol", this.ltavg_strong_tol+"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"ltavg_weak_tol", this.ltavg_weak_tol+"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"ltavg_expand_lt", this.ltavg_expand_lt+"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"ltavg_expand_dist", this.ltavg_expand_dist+"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"ltavg_expand_tol", this.ltavg_expand_tol+"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"ltavg_expand_floor", this.ltavg_expand_floor+"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"ltavg_expand_sample_num", this.ltavg_expand_sample_num+"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"ltfar_en", this.ltfar_en+"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"ltfar_auto_floor", this.ltfar_auto_floor+"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"ltfar_min_disparity", this.ltfar_min_disparity+"");
......@@ -991,6 +1085,7 @@ public class BiQuadParameters {
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"pf_goal_fraction_rms")!=null) this.pf_goal_fraction_rms=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"pf_goal_fraction_rms"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"pf_boost_low_density")!=null) this.pf_boost_low_density=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"pf_boost_low_density"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"pf_fourq_radius")!=null) this.pf_fourq_radius=Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix+"pf_fourq_radius"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"pf_fourq_min")!=null) this.pf_fourq_min=Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix+"pf_fourq_min"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"pf_fourq_gap")!=null) this.pf_fourq_gap=Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix+"pf_fourq_gap"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"pf_en_trim_fg")!=null) this.pf_en_trim_fg=Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix+"pf_en_trim_fg"));
......@@ -1030,6 +1125,23 @@ public class BiQuadParameters {
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"ltavg_max_iter")!=null) this.ltavg_max_iter=Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix+"ltavg_max_iter"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"ltavg_min_change")!=null) this.ltavg_min_change=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"ltavg_min_change"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"ltavg_ref_smpl_radius")!=null) this.ltavg_ref_smpl_radius=Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix+"ltavg_ref_smpl_radius"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"ltavg_ref_smpl_num")!=null) this.ltavg_ref_smpl_num=Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix+"ltavg_ref_smpl_num"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"ltavg_ref_max_adiff")!=null) this.ltavg_ref_max_adiff=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"ltavg_ref_max_adiff"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"ltavg_ref_max_rdiff")!=null) this.ltavg_ref_max_rdiff=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"ltavg_ref_max_rdiff"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"ltavg_ref_smpl_arms")!=null) this.ltavg_ref_smpl_arms=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"ltavg_ref_smpl_arms"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"ltavg_ref_smpl_rrms")!=null) this.ltavg_ref_smpl_rrms=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"ltavg_ref_smpl_rrms"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"ltavg_num_lt_refine")!=null) this.ltavg_num_lt_refine=Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix+"ltavg_num_lt_refine"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"ltavg_strong_tol")!=null) this.ltavg_strong_tol=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"ltavg_strong_tol"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"ltavg_weak_tol")!=null) this.ltavg_weak_tol=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"ltavg_weak_tol"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"ltavg_expand_lt")!=null) this.ltavg_expand_lt=Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix+"ltavg_expand_lt"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"ltavg_expand_dist")!=null) this.ltavg_expand_dist=Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix+"ltavg_expand_dist"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"ltavg_expand_tol")!=null) this.ltavg_expand_tol=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"ltavg_expand_tol"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"ltavg_expand_floor")!=null) this.ltavg_expand_floor=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"ltavg_expand_floor"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"ltavg_expand_sample_num")!=null) this.ltavg_expand_sample_num=Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix+"ltavg_expand_sample_num"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"ltfar_en")!=null) this.ltfar_en=Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix+"ltfar_en"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"ltfar_auto_floor")!=null) this.ltfar_auto_floor=Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix+"ltfar_auto_floor"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"ltfar_min_disparity")!=null) this.ltfar_min_disparity=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"ltfar_min_disparity"));
......@@ -1100,6 +1212,8 @@ public class BiQuadParameters {
bqp.refine_tolerance= this.refine_tolerance;
bqp.rig_disp_range= this.rig_disp_range;
bqp.rig_num_disp_steps= this.rig_num_disp_steps;
bqp.pf_fourq_radius= this.pf_fourq_radius;
bqp.rig_adjust_full_cycles= this.rig_adjust_full_cycles;
bqp.rig_adjust_short_cycles= this.rig_adjust_short_cycles;
bqp.rig_adjust_short_threshold= this.rig_adjust_short_threshold;
......@@ -1164,6 +1278,7 @@ public class BiQuadParameters {
bqp.pf_goal_fraction_rms = this.pf_goal_fraction_rms;
bqp.pf_boost_low_density= this.pf_boost_low_density;
bqp.pf_fourq_min= this.pf_fourq_min;
bqp.pf_fourq_gap= this.pf_fourq_gap;
......@@ -1198,6 +1313,23 @@ public class BiQuadParameters {
bqp.ltavg_max_iter= this.ltavg_max_iter;
bqp.ltavg_min_change= this.ltavg_min_change;
bqp.ltavg_ref_smpl_radius= this.ltavg_ref_smpl_radius;
bqp.ltavg_ref_smpl_num= this.ltavg_ref_smpl_num;
bqp.ltavg_ref_max_adiff= this.ltavg_ref_max_adiff;
bqp.ltavg_ref_max_rdiff= this.ltavg_ref_max_rdiff;
bqp.ltavg_ref_smpl_arms= this.ltavg_ref_smpl_arms;
bqp.ltavg_ref_smpl_rrms= this.ltavg_ref_smpl_rrms;
bqp.ltavg_num_lt_refine= this.ltavg_num_lt_refine;
bqp.ltavg_strong_tol= this.ltavg_strong_tol;
bqp.ltavg_weak_tol= this.ltavg_weak_tol;
bqp.ltavg_expand_lt= this.ltavg_expand_lt;
bqp.ltavg_expand_dist= this.ltavg_expand_dist;
bqp.ltavg_expand_tol= this.ltavg_expand_tol;
bqp.ltavg_expand_floor= this.ltavg_expand_floor;
bqp.ltavg_expand_sample_num= this.ltavg_expand_sample_num;
bqp.ltfar_en= this.ltfar_en;
bqp.ltfar_auto_floor= this.ltfar_auto_floor;
bqp.ltfar_min_disparity= this.ltfar_min_disparity;
......@@ -25,6 +25,10 @@ import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
public class BiScan {
final static double THRESHOLD_LIN = 1.0E-20; // threshold ratio of matrix determinant to norm for linear approximation (det too low - fail)
final static double THRESHOLD_QUAD = 1.0E-30; // threshold ratio of matrix determinant to norm for quadratic approximation (det too low - fail)
final static int BISCAN_ANY = -1;
final static int BISCAN_SINGLECORR = 0;
final static int BISCAN_AVGCORR = 1; // combined with low-texture averaging correlation
final static int BISCAN_POLE = 2; // combined with low-texture averaging correlation
double [] disparity_measured;
double [] target_disparity;
......@@ -35,6 +39,7 @@ public class BiScan {
boolean [] disabled_measurement; // should disable source also
int [] src_index; // index of the source scan which measured data is used here (applies to disparity_measured, strength_measured, disabled_measurement
int list_index = -1;
int scan_type = -1;
BiCamDSI biCamDSI;
// public BiScan(BiCamDSI biCamDSI) {
// this.biCamDSI = biCamDSI;
......@@ -49,9 +54,11 @@ public class BiScan {
double [] disparity,
double [] strength,
boolean [] trusted,
boolean [] disabled) {
boolean [] disabled,
int scan_type) {
this.biCamDSI = biCamDSI;
this.list_index = indx;
this.scan_type = scan_type;
int num_tiles = biCamDSI.tnImage.getSizeX()*biCamDSI.tnImage.getSizeY();
if (disparity == null) {
disparity= new double[num_tiles];
......@@ -1572,7 +1579,7 @@ public class BiScan {
if (debugLevel > -2) {
......@@ -2030,9 +2037,10 @@ public class BiScan {
final int debugLevel) {
final double [] weights = {1.0, 0.7}; // {ortho, corners},
final boolean adjust_all = (neib_pull > 0.0);
final double fneib_pull = adjust_all ? neib_pull: 1.0;
// final double fneib_pull = adjust_all ? neib_pull: 1.0;
final TileNeibs tnImage = biCamDSI.tnImage;
final int dbg_tile = (debugLevel > -2)? (dbg_y * tnImage.sizeX + dbg_x):-1;
// final int dbg_tile = (debugLevel > -2)? (dbg_y * tnImage.sizeX + dbg_x):-1;
final int dbg_tile = (debugLevel > 0)? (dbg_y * tnImage.sizeX + dbg_x):-1;
final int num_tiles = src_disparity.length;
final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(biCamDSI.threadsMax);
// max_changes may have Double.NaN value (here meaning larger than any)
......@@ -2123,7 +2131,7 @@ public class BiScan {
if (debugLevel > -2) {
if (debugLevel > 0) {
System.out.println("fillAndSmooth(): iteration "+fnum_iter+" change="+change+" (min_change="+min_change+")+ tiles updated="+ai_count.get());
if (change <= min_change) { // change may be NaN
......@@ -2134,6 +2142,66 @@ public class BiScan {
return ds;
public double [][] getLTExpanded(
final double tolerance,
final double [][] ds_lt,
final double [] d_single,
final boolean [] lt_sel, // lt_sel and exp_sel do not intersect
final boolean [] exp_sel,
final boolean [] trusted)
// final int dbg_tile = (debugLevel>-2)?(dbg_x + tnImage.sizeX*dbg_y):-1;
final int num_tiles = exp_sel.length;
final double [][] ds = new double [2][num_tiles];
for (int i = 0; i < num_tiles; i++) ds[0][i] = Double.NaN;
final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(biCamDSI.threadsMax);
final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0);
final TileNeibs tnImage = biCamDSI.tnImage;
for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) {
threads[ithread] = new Thread() {
public void run() {
// max_changes[numThread]
for (int nTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); nTile < num_tiles; nTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) if (lt_sel[nTile]) {
// is low texture = - just copy
ds[0][nTile] = ds_lt[0][nTile];
ds[1][nTile] = ds_lt[1][nTile];
} else if (exp_sel[nTile]) {
int dbg_tileX = nTile%tnImage.sizeX;
int dbg_tileY = nTile/tnImage.sizeX;
if ((dbg_tileY == 156) || (dbg_tileY == 157)) {
System.out.println("getLTExpanded(): tileX="+dbg_tileX+", tileY="+dbg_tileY);
System.out.println("getLTExpanded(): tileX="+dbg_tileX+", tileY="+dbg_tileY);
int nTile0= tnImage.getNeibIndex(nTile,-1,0);
if ((nTile0 < 0) || !exp_sel[nTile0]){
boolean OK0 = (nTile0 < 0) || lt_sel[nTile0] || (trusted[nTile0] && (d_single[nTile0] >= (ds_lt[0][nTile] - tolerance)));
if (OK0) {
int nTile1= tnImage.getNeibIndex(nTile,1,0);
int l = 1;
while ((nTile1 >= 0) && exp_sel[nTile1]) {
nTile1= tnImage.getNeibIndex(nTile1,1,0);
boolean OK1 = (nTile1 < 0) || lt_sel[nTile1] || (trusted[nTile1] && (d_single[nTile1] >= (ds_lt[0][nTile1-1] - tolerance)));
if (OK1) {
for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) {
int nt = nTile+ i;
ds[0][nt] = ds_lt[0][nt];
ds[1][nt] = ds_lt[1][nt];
return ds;
......@@ -2027,9 +2027,9 @@ if (debugLevel > -100) return true; // temporarily !
return null;
biCamDSI.addBiScan(disparity_bimap, BiScan.BISCAN_SINGLECORR);
if (clt_parameters.show_map && (debugLevel > 0) && clt_parameters.rig.rig_mode_debug){
int [][] dxy = {{0, -1},{0,1},{-1,0},{1,0}};
......@@ -2037,7 +2037,7 @@ if (debugLevel > -100) return true; // temporarily !
// Grow tiles, cross gaps (do not trim yet
for (int num_cycle = 0; num_cycle < num_cross_gaps_cycles; num_cycle++) {
BiScan last_scan = biCamDSI.getLastBiScan();
BiScan last_scan = biCamDSI.getLastBiScan(BiScan.BISCAN_SINGLECORR);
int [] trusted_stats = last_scan.calcTrusted( // finds strong trusted and validates week ones if they fit planes
clt_parameters.rig.pf_trusted_strength, // final double trusted_strength, // trusted correlation strength
clt_parameters.rig.pf_strength_rfloor, // final double strength_rfloor, // strength floor - relative to trusted
......@@ -2058,7 +2058,7 @@ if (debugLevel > -100) return true; // temporarily !
clt_parameters.tileY, // final int dbg_y,
debugLevel); // final int debugLevel);
if (clt_parameters.show_map && (debugLevel > 0) && clt_parameters.rig.rig_mode_debug){
......@@ -2141,7 +2141,7 @@ if (debugLevel > -100) return true; // temporarily !
boolean last_cycle = (num_added_tiles < min_cross_gaps_new) || (num_cycle >= (num_cross_gaps_cycles-1));
if (clt_parameters.show_map && (debugLevel > -2) && clt_parameters.rig.rig_mode_debug){
if (last_cycle) // || (num_cycle < 2 * dxy.length))
......@@ -2193,7 +2193,7 @@ if (debugLevel > -100) return true; // temporarily !
System.out.println("groundTruthByRigPlanes(): full cycle="+num_fcycle+" num_trimmed= "+num_trimmed+" tiles");
if (clt_parameters.show_map && (debugLevel > 0) && clt_parameters.rig.rig_mode_debug){
......@@ -2237,7 +2237,7 @@ if (debugLevel > -100) return true; // temporarily !
" suggestNewScan() -> "+num_added_tiles_trimmed+"( after trimming)");
if (clt_parameters.show_map && (debugLevel > -2) && clt_parameters.rig.rig_mode_debug){
......@@ -2360,16 +2360,16 @@ if (debugLevel > -100) return true; // temporarily !
// add refined data
biCamDSI.addBiScan(disparity_bimap, BiScan.BISCAN_SINGLECORR);
// find strongest
clt_parameters.rig.pf_last_priority); // final boolean last_priority)
double afloor = clt_parameters.rig.pf_trusted_strength * clt_parameters.rig.pf_strength_rfloor;
// replace strongest by fittest
for (int nfit = 0; nfit < num_tries_strongest_by_fittest; nfit++) {
int num_replaced = biCamDSI.getLastBiScan().copyFittestEnabled(
int num_replaced = biCamDSI.getLastBiScan(BiScan.BISCAN_SINGLECORR).copyFittestEnabled(
afloor, // final double str_floor, // absolute strength floor
clt_parameters.rig.pf_disp_afloor, // final double pf_disp_afloor, // = 0.1; // When selecting the best fit from the alternative disparities, divide by difference increased by this
clt_parameters.rig.pf_disp_rfloor); // final double pf_disp_rfloor) // = 0.02; // Increase pf_disp_afloor for large disparities
......@@ -2382,7 +2382,7 @@ if (debugLevel > -100) return true; // temporarily !
if (clt_parameters.show_map && (debugLevel > 0) && clt_parameters.rig.rig_mode_debug){
if (last_cycle) { // last cycle
......@@ -2396,12 +2396,37 @@ if (debugLevel > -100) return true; // temporarily !
}// for (int num_fcycle = 0; num_fcycle < num_full_cycles; num_fcycle++) {
double [][] rig_disparity_strength = biCamDSI.getLastBiScan().getDisparityStrength(
false, // boolean only_strong,
false, // boolean only_trusted,
true); // boolean only_enabled,
// Fill in low-textured areas using averaged correlation
double [][] rig_disparity_strength = null;
biCamDSI_persistent = biCamDSI; // save for pole detection
if (clt_parameters.rig.ltavg_en) {
if (debugLevel > -2) {
System.out.println("groundTruthByRigPlanes(): Pprocessing low-textured areas with multi-tile correlation averaging");
// next method adds to the list of BiScans
// double [][] ds_avg =
//requires biCamDSI_persistent
quadCLT_main, // QuadCLT quadCLT_main, // tiles should be set
quadCLT_aux, // QuadCLT quadCLT_aux, // tiles should be set
clt_parameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters,
threadsMax, // final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch
updateStatus, // final boolean updateStatus,
debugLevel); // final int debugLevel) //
// get last that was just added
rig_disparity_strength = biCamDSI.getLastBiScan(BiScan.BISCAN_ANY).getDisparityStrength(
false, // boolean only_strong,
false, // boolean only_trusted,
true); // boolean only_enabled,
} else {
// ignore any added low-texture areas
rig_disparity_strength = biCamDSI.getLastBiScan(BiScan.BISCAN_SINGLECORR).getDisparityStrength(
false, // boolean only_strong,
false, // boolean only_trusted,
true); // boolean only_enabled,
return rig_disparity_strength;
......@@ -2435,7 +2460,7 @@ if (debugLevel > -100) return true; // temporarily !
double cond_rtrusted = clt_parameters.rig.pf_cond_rtrusted;
double strength_rfloor = clt_parameters.rig.pf_strength_rfloor;
double strength_pow = clt_parameters.rig.pf_strength_pow;
int smpl_radius = 9; // clt_parameters.rig.pf_smpl_radius;
int smpl_radius = clt_parameters.rig.pf_fourq_radius; // clt_parameters.rig.pf_smpl_radius;
int smpl_num = clt_parameters.rig.pf_smpl_num;
int smpl_num_narrow = clt_parameters.rig.pf_smpl_num_narrow;
double smpl_fract = clt_parameters.rig.pf_smpl_fract;
......@@ -2475,14 +2500,15 @@ if (debugLevel > -100) return true; // temporarily !
double min_change = clt_parameters.rig.ltavg_min_change; //
int ref_smpl_radius = 11; // final int smpl_radius,
int ref_smpl_num = 50; // final int smpl_num_narrow, // = 3; // Number after removing worst (should be >1)
double ref_max_adiff = 0.15; // final double max_adiff, // Maximal absolute difference between the center tile and friends
double ref_max_rdiff = 0.04; // final double max_rdiff, // Maximal relative difference between the center tile and friends
double ref_smpl_arms = 0.1; // final double smpl_arms, // = 0.1; // Maximal RMS of the remaining tiles in a sample
double ref_smpl_rrms = 0.01; // final double smpl_rrms, // = 0.005; // Maximal RMS/disparity in addition to smplRms
int ref_smpl_radius = clt_parameters.rig.ltavg_ref_smpl_radius; // 11; // final int smpl_radius,
int ref_smpl_num = clt_parameters.rig.ltavg_ref_smpl_num; // 40; // final int smpl_num_narrow, // = 3; // Number after removing worst (should be >1)
double ref_max_adiff = clt_parameters.rig.ltavg_ref_max_adiff; //0.15; // final double max_adiff, // Maximal absolute difference between the center tile and friends
double ref_max_rdiff = clt_parameters.rig.ltavg_ref_max_rdiff; //0.04; // final double max_rdiff, // Maximal relative difference between the center tile and friends
double ref_smpl_arms = clt_parameters.rig.ltavg_ref_smpl_arms; //0.1; // final double smpl_arms, // = 0.1; // Maximal RMS of the remaining tiles in a sample
double ref_smpl_rrms = clt_parameters.rig.ltavg_ref_smpl_rrms; //0.01; // final double smpl_rrms, // = 0.005; // Maximal RMS/disparity in addition to smplRms
int num_lt_refine = clt_parameters.rig.ltavg_num_lt_refine; // 20; // make a parameter
double strong_tol = clt_parameters.rig.ltavg_strong_tol ; //
double weak_tol = clt_parameters.rig.ltavg_weak_tol ; //
GenericJTabbedDialog gd = new GenericJTabbedDialog("Set CLT parameters",900,1100);
gd.addTab("Genearl","Select bi-scan to show and process");
......@@ -2587,6 +2613,12 @@ if (debugLevel > -100) return true; // temporarily !
"Relative RMS times disparity is added to the absolute one");
gd.addNumericField("Maximal number of low texture/averaging correlation passes", num_lt_refine, 0,3,"",
"Will also exit when maximal tile disparity change falls below ltavg_min_change (..continue smoothing above)");
gd.addNumericField("Strong tile difference to averaged to be accepted", strong_tol, 4,6,"pix",
"When combining normal measurements with low texture/correlation averaging use strong normal if they are close to averaged");
gd.addNumericField("Weak trusted tile difference to averaged to be accepted", weak_tol, 4,6,"pix",
"When combining normal measurements with low texture/correlation averaging use weak normal if they are close to averaged");
......@@ -2655,399 +2687,728 @@ if (debugLevel > -100) return true; // temporarily !
ref_smpl_arms= gd.getNextNumber();
ref_smpl_rrms= gd.getNextNumber();
System.out.println(" === showBiScan( parameters : =====");
System.out.println(" scan_index= "+scan_index);
System.out.println(" show_smooth= "+show_smooth);
System.out.println(" keep_unreliable= "+keep_unreliable);
System.out.println(" keep_weak= "+keep_weak);
System.out.println(" keep_strong= "+keep_strong);
System.out.println(" center_weight= "+center_weight);
System.out.println(" trusted_strength= "+trusted_strength);
System.out.println(" cond_rtrusted= "+cond_rtrusted);
System.out.println(" strength_rfloor= "+strength_rfloor);
System.out.println(" strength_pow= "+strength_pow);
System.out.println(" smpl_radius= "+smpl_radius);
System.out.println(" smpl_num= "+smpl_num);
System.out.println(" smpl_num_narrow= "+smpl_num_narrow);
System.out.println(" smpl_fract= "+smpl_fract);
System.out.println(" max_adiff= "+max_adiff);
System.out.println(" max_rdiff= "+max_rdiff);
System.out.println(" max_atilt= "+max_atilt);
System.out.println(" max_rtilt= "+max_rtilt);
System.out.println(" smpl_arms= "+smpl_arms);
System.out.println(" smpl_rrms= "+smpl_rrms);
System.out.println(" damp_tilt= "+damp_tilt);
System.out.println(" rwsigma= "+rwsigma);
System.out.println(" rwsigma_narrow= "+rwsigma_narrow);
System.out.println(" use_alt= "+use_alt);
System.out.println("goal_fraction_rms= "+goal_fraction_rms);
System.out.println("boost_low_density= "+boost_low_density);
System.out.println(" fourq_min= "+fourq_min);
System.out.println(" fourq_gap= "+fourq_gap);
System.out.println(" run_avg= "+run_avg);
System.out.println(" lt_radius= "+lt_radius);
System.out.println(" strong_only= "+strong_only);
System.out.println(" need_tiles= "+need_tiles);
System.out.println(" max_radius= "+max_radius);
System.out.println(" min_disparity= "+min_disparity);
System.out.println(" max_density= "+max_density);
System.out.println(" gap_hwidth= "+gap_hwidth);
System.out.println(" extra_grow= "+extra_grow);
System.out.println(" clust_hwidth= "+clust_hwidth);
System.out.println(" smooth_strength= "+smooth_strength);
System.out.println(" neib_pull= "+neib_pull);
System.out.println(" max_iter= "+max_iter);
System.out.println(" min_change= "+min_change);
System.out.println(" ref_smpl_radius= "+ref_smpl_radius);
System.out.println(" ref_smpl_num= "+ref_smpl_num);
System.out.println(" ref_max_adiff= "+ref_max_adiff);
System.out.println(" ref_max_rdiff= "+ref_max_rdiff);
System.out.println(" ref_smpl_arms= "+ref_smpl_arms);
System.out.println(" ref_smpl_rrms= "+ref_smpl_rrms);
num_lt_refine= (int) gd.getNextNumber();
strong_tol= gd.getNextNumber();
weak_tol= gd.getNextNumber();
BiScan biScan = biCamDSI_persistent.biScans.get(scan_index);
double [][] ds = null;
if (show_smooth) {
// find strongest
clt_parameters.rig.pf_last_priority); // final boolean last_priority)
double afloor = trusted_strength * strength_rfloor;
int num_tries_strongest_by_fittest = 5;
// replace strongest by fittest
for (int nfit = 0; nfit < num_tries_strongest_by_fittest; nfit++) {
int num_replaced = biCamDSI_persistent.getLastBiScan().copyFittestEnabled(
afloor, // final double str_floor, // absolute strength floor
clt_parameters.rig.pf_disp_afloor, // final double pf_disp_afloor, // = 0.1; // When selecting the best fit from the alternative disparities, divide by difference increased by this
clt_parameters.rig.pf_disp_rfloor); // final double pf_disp_rfloor) // = 0.02; // Increase pf_disp_afloor for large disparities
if ((debugLevel > -2) && clt_parameters.rig.rig_mode_debug){
System.out.println("groundTruthByRigPlanes(): Replacing strongest by fittest: ntry = "+nfit+", replaced "+num_replaced+" tiles");
if (num_replaced == 0) {
double [][] final_ds= measureLowTextureAreas(
quadCLT_main, // QuadCLT quadCLT_main, // tiles should be set
quadCLT_aux, // QuadCLT quadCLT_aux, // tiles should be set
clt_parameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters,
// from clt_parameters.rig
trusted_strength, // double trusted_strength,
cond_rtrusted, // double cond_rtrusted,
strength_rfloor, // double strength_rfloor,
strength_pow, // double strength_pow,
smpl_radius, // int smpl_radius,
smpl_num, // int smpl_num,
smpl_num_narrow, // int smpl_num_narrow,
smpl_fract, // double smpl_fract,
max_adiff, // double max_adiff,
max_rdiff, // double max_rdiff,
max_atilt, // double max_atilt,
max_rtilt, // double max_rtilt,
smpl_arms, // double smpl_arms,
smpl_rrms, // double smpl_rrms,
damp_tilt, // double damp_tilt,
rwsigma, // double rwsigma,
rwsigma_narrow, // double rwsigma_narrow,
use_alt, // boolean use_alt,
goal_fraction_rms, // double goal_fraction_rms,
boost_low_density, // double boost_low_density,
fourq_min, // int fourq_min,
fourq_gap, // int fourq_gap,
lt_radius, // int lt_radius,
strong_only, // boolean strong_only,
need_tiles, // int need_tiles,
max_radius, // int max_radius,
min_disparity, // double min_disparity,
max_density, // double max_density,
gap_hwidth, // int gap_hwidth,
clust_hwidth, // int clust_hwidth,
extra_grow, // int extra_grow,
// smoothing parameters
smooth_strength, // boolean smooth_strength,
neib_pull, // double neib_pull,
max_iter, // int max_iter,
min_change, // double min_change,
ref_smpl_radius, // int ref_smpl_radius,
ref_smpl_num, // int ref_smpl_num,
ref_max_adiff, // double ref_max_adiff,
ref_max_rdiff, // double ref_max_rdiff,
ref_smpl_arms, // double ref_smpl_arms,
ref_smpl_rrms, // double ref_smpl_rrms,
num_lt_refine, // int num_lt_refine,
strong_tol, // double strong_tol,
weak_tol, // double weak_tol,
clt_parameters.rig.ltavg_expand_lt, // boolean expand_lt, // = true;
clt_parameters.rig.ltavg_expand_dist, // int expand_dist, // = 4;
clt_parameters.rig.ltavg_expand_tol, // double expand_tol, // = 0.15; // expand LT right and left if it ends with same or nearer tile
clt_parameters.rig.ltavg_expand_floor, // double expand_floor, // = 0.5; // multiply single-tile strength floor for correlation-average
clt_parameters.rig.ltavg_expand_sample_num,// int expand_sample_num, // = 5; // minimal number of samples in expansion mode
threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch
} else {
return true;
public double [][] measureLowTextureAreas(
QuadCLT quadCLT_main, // tiles should be set
QuadCLT quadCLT_aux, // tiles should be set
EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters,
final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch
final boolean updateStatus,
final int debugLevel) // throws Exception
return measureLowTextureAreas(
quadCLT_main, // QuadCLT quadCLT_main, // tiles should be set
quadCLT_aux, // QuadCLT quadCLT_aux, // tiles should be set
clt_parameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters,
// from clt_parameters.rig
clt_parameters.rig.pf_trusted_strength, // double trusted_strength,
clt_parameters.rig.pf_cond_rtrusted, // double cond_rtrusted,
clt_parameters.rig.pf_strength_rfloor, // double strength_rfloor,
clt_parameters.rig.pf_strength_pow, // double strength_pow,
clt_parameters.rig.pf_fourq_radius, // clt_parameters.rig.pf_smpl_radius, // smpl_radius, // int smpl_radius,
clt_parameters.rig.pf_smpl_num, // int smpl_num,
clt_parameters.rig.pf_smpl_num_narrow, // int smpl_num_narrow,
clt_parameters.rig.pf_smpl_fract, // double smpl_fract,
clt_parameters.rig.pf_max_adiff, // double max_adiff,
clt_parameters.rig.pf_max_rdiff, // double max_rdiff,
clt_parameters.rig.pf_max_atilt, // double max_atilt,
clt_parameters.rig.pf_max_rtilt, // double max_rtilt,
clt_parameters.rig.pf_smpl_arms, // double smpl_arms,
clt_parameters.rig.pf_smpl_rrms, // double smpl_rrms,
clt_parameters.rig.pf_damp_tilt, // double damp_tilt,
clt_parameters.rig.pf_rwsigma, // double rwsigma,
clt_parameters.rig.pf_rwsigma_narrow, // double rwsigma_narrow,
clt_parameters.rig.pf_use_alt, // boolean use_alt,
clt_parameters.rig.pf_goal_fraction_rms, // double goal_fraction_rms, // Try to make rms to be this fraction of maximal acceptable by removing outliers
clt_parameters.rig.pf_boost_low_density, // double boost_low_density,// Strength assigned to fake tiles from neighbors (the lower - the higher)
clt_parameters.rig.pf_fourq_min, // int fourq_min,
clt_parameters.rig.pf_fourq_gap, // int fourq_gap,
clt_parameters.rig.ltavg_radius, // int lt_radius,
clt_parameters.rig.ltavg_dens_strong, // boolean strong_only,
clt_parameters.rig.ltavg_dens_tiles, // int need_tiles,
clt_parameters.rig.ltavg_dens_radius, // int max_radius,
clt_parameters.rig.ltavg_min_disparity, // double min_disparity,
clt_parameters.rig.ltavg_max_density, // double max_density,
clt_parameters.rig.ltavg_gap_hwidth, // int gap_hwidth,
clt_parameters.rig.ltavg_clust_hwidth, // int clust_hwidth,
clt_parameters.rig.ltavg_extra_grow, // int extra_grow,
// smoothing parameters
clt_parameters.rig.ltavg_smooth_strength,// boolean smooth_strength,
clt_parameters.rig.ltavg_neib_pull, // double neib_pull,
clt_parameters.rig.ltavg_max_iter, // int max_iter,
clt_parameters.rig.ltavg_min_change, // double min_change,
clt_parameters.rig.ltavg_ref_smpl_radius,// int ref_smpl_radius,
clt_parameters.rig.ltavg_ref_smpl_num, // int ref_smpl_num,
clt_parameters.rig.ltavg_ref_max_adiff, // double ref_max_adiff,
clt_parameters.rig.ltavg_ref_max_rdiff, // double ref_max_rdiff,
clt_parameters.rig.ltavg_ref_smpl_arms, // double ref_smpl_arms,
clt_parameters.rig.ltavg_ref_smpl_rrms, // double ref_smpl_rrms,
clt_parameters.rig.ltavg_num_lt_refine, // int num_lt_refine,
clt_parameters.rig.ltavg_strong_tol, // double strong_tol,
clt_parameters.rig.ltavg_weak_tol, // double weak_tol,
clt_parameters.rig.ltavg_expand_lt, // boolean expand_lt, // = true;
clt_parameters.rig.ltavg_expand_dist, // int expand_dist, // = 4;
clt_parameters.rig.ltavg_expand_tol, // double expand_tol, // = 0.15; // expand LT right and left if it ends with same or nearer tile
clt_parameters.rig.ltavg_expand_floor, // double expand_floor, // = 0.5; // multiply single-tile strength floor for correlation-average
clt_parameters.rig.ltavg_expand_sample_num,// int expand_sample_num, // = 5; // minimal number of samples in expansion mode
threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch
public double [][] measureLowTextureAreas(
QuadCLT quadCLT_main, // tiles should be set
QuadCLT quadCLT_aux, // tiles should be set
EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters,
// from clt_parameters.rig
double trusted_strength,
double cond_rtrusted,
double strength_rfloor,
double strength_pow,
int smpl_radius,
int smpl_num,
int smpl_num_narrow,
double smpl_fract,
double max_adiff,
double max_rdiff,
double max_atilt,
double max_rtilt,
double smpl_arms,
double smpl_rrms,
double damp_tilt,
double rwsigma,
double rwsigma_narrow,
boolean use_alt,
double goal_fraction_rms,
double boost_low_density,
int fourq_min,
int fourq_gap,
// boolean run_avg,
int lt_radius,
boolean strong_only,
int need_tiles,
int max_radius,
double min_disparity,
double max_density,
int gap_hwidth,
int clust_hwidth,
int extra_grow,
// smoothing parameters
boolean smooth_strength,
double neib_pull,
int max_iter,
double min_change,
int ref_smpl_radius,
int ref_smpl_num,
double ref_max_adiff,
double ref_max_rdiff,
double ref_smpl_arms,
double ref_smpl_rrms,
int num_lt_refine,
double strong_tol,
double weak_tol,
boolean expand_lt, // = true;
int expand_dist, // = 4;
double expand_tol, // = 0.15; // expand LT right and left if it ends with same or nearer tile
double expand_floor, // = 0.5; // multiply single-tile strength floor for correlation-average
int expand_sample_num, // = 5; // minimal number of samples in expansion mode
final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch
final boolean updateStatus,
final int debugLevel) // throws Exception
boolean show_smooth = true;
boolean keep_unreliable = false;
boolean keep_weak = false;
boolean keep_strong = false;
double center_weight = 1.0;
if (debugLevel > -2){
System.out.println(" === showBiScan( parameters : =====");
// System.out.println(" scan_index= "+scan_index);
System.out.println(" show_smooth= "+show_smooth);
System.out.println(" keep_unreliable= "+keep_unreliable);
System.out.println(" keep_weak= "+keep_weak);
System.out.println(" keep_strong= "+keep_strong);
System.out.println(" center_weight= "+center_weight);
System.out.println(" trusted_strength= "+trusted_strength);
System.out.println(" cond_rtrusted= "+cond_rtrusted);
System.out.println(" strength_rfloor= "+strength_rfloor);
System.out.println(" strength_pow= "+strength_pow);
System.out.println(" smpl_radius= "+smpl_radius);
System.out.println(" smpl_num= "+smpl_num);
System.out.println(" smpl_num_narrow= "+smpl_num_narrow);
System.out.println(" smpl_fract= "+smpl_fract);
System.out.println(" max_adiff= "+max_adiff);
System.out.println(" max_rdiff= "+max_rdiff);
System.out.println(" max_atilt= "+max_atilt);
System.out.println(" max_rtilt= "+max_rtilt);
System.out.println(" smpl_arms= "+smpl_arms);
System.out.println(" smpl_rrms= "+smpl_rrms);
System.out.println(" damp_tilt= "+damp_tilt);
System.out.println(" rwsigma= "+rwsigma);
System.out.println(" rwsigma_narrow= "+rwsigma_narrow);
System.out.println(" use_alt= "+use_alt);
System.out.println("goal_fraction_rms= "+goal_fraction_rms);
System.out.println("boost_low_density= "+boost_low_density);
System.out.println(" fourq_min= "+fourq_min);
System.out.println(" fourq_gap= "+fourq_gap);
// System.out.println(" run_avg= "+run_avg);
System.out.println(" lt_radius= "+lt_radius);
System.out.println(" strong_only= "+strong_only);
System.out.println(" need_tiles= "+need_tiles);
System.out.println(" max_radius= "+max_radius);
System.out.println(" min_disparity= "+min_disparity);
System.out.println(" max_density= "+max_density);
System.out.println(" gap_hwidth= "+gap_hwidth);
System.out.println(" extra_grow= "+extra_grow);
System.out.println(" clust_hwidth= "+clust_hwidth);
System.out.println(" smooth_strength= "+smooth_strength);
System.out.println(" neib_pull= "+neib_pull);
System.out.println(" max_iter= "+max_iter);
System.out.println(" min_change= "+min_change);
System.out.println(" ref_smpl_radius= "+ref_smpl_radius);
System.out.println(" ref_smpl_num= "+ref_smpl_num);
System.out.println(" ref_max_adiff= "+ref_max_adiff);
System.out.println(" ref_max_rdiff= "+ref_max_rdiff);
System.out.println(" ref_smpl_arms= "+ref_smpl_arms);
System.out.println(" ref_smpl_rrms= "+ref_smpl_rrms);
System.out.println(" num_lt_refine= "+num_lt_refine);
System.out.println(" strong_tol= "+strong_tol);
System.out.println(" weak_tol= "+weak_tol);
System.out.println(" expand_lt= "+expand_lt);
System.out.println(" expand_dist= "+expand_dist);
System.out.println(" expand_tol= "+expand_tol);
System.out.println(" expand_floor= "+expand_floor);
System.out.println("expand_sample_num= "+expand_sample_num);
BiScan biScan = biCamDSI_persistent.getLastBiScan(BiScan.BISCAN_SINGLECORR); // biScans.get(scan_index);
clt_parameters.rig.pf_last_priority); // final boolean last_priority)
double afloor = trusted_strength * strength_rfloor;
int num_tries_strongest_by_fittest = 5;
// replace strongest by fittest
for (int nfit = 0; nfit < num_tries_strongest_by_fittest; nfit++) {
int num_replaced = biCamDSI_persistent.getLastBiScan(BiScan.BISCAN_SINGLECORR).copyFittestEnabled(
afloor, // final double str_floor, // absolute strength floor
clt_parameters.rig.pf_disp_afloor, // final double pf_disp_afloor, // = 0.1; // When selecting the best fit from the alternative disparities, divide by difference increased by this
clt_parameters.rig.pf_disp_rfloor); // final double pf_disp_rfloor) // = 0.02; // Increase pf_disp_afloor for large disparities
if ((debugLevel > -2) && clt_parameters.rig.rig_mode_debug){
System.out.println("groundTruthByRigPlanes(): Replacing strongest by fittest: ntry = "+nfit+", replaced "+num_replaced+" tiles");
if (num_replaced == 0) {
biScan.calcTrusted( // finds strong trusted and validates week ones if they fit planes
trusted_strength, // final double trusted_strength, // trusted correlation strength
strength_rfloor, // final double strength_rfloor, // strength floor - relative to trusted
cond_rtrusted, // final double cond_rtrusted, // minimal strength to consider - fraction of trusted
strength_pow, // final double strength_pow, // raise strength-floor to this power
smpl_radius, // final int smpl_radius,
smpl_num, // final int smpl_num, // = 3; // Number after removing worst (should be >1)
smpl_fract, // final double smpl_fract, // Number of friends among all neighbors
max_adiff, // final double max_adiff, // Maximal absolute difference betweenthe center tile and friends
max_rdiff, // final double max_rdiff, // Maximal relative difference between the center tile and friends
max_atilt, // final double max_atilt, // = 2.0; // pix per tile
max_rtilt, // final double max_rtilt, // = 0.2; // (pix / disparity) per tile
smpl_arms, // final double smpl_arms, // = 0.1; // Maximal RMS of the remaining tiles in a sample
smpl_rrms, // final double smpl_rrms, // = 0.005; // Maximal RMS/disparity in addition to smplRms
damp_tilt, // final double damp_tilt, // = 0.001; // Tilt cost for damping insufficient plane data
rwsigma, // final double rwsigma, // = 0.7; // influence of far neighbors diminish as a Gaussian with this sigma
clt_parameters.tileX, // final int dbg_x,
clt_parameters.tileY, // final int dbg_y,
debugLevel); // final int debugLevel);
double [] density = biScan.getDensity(
strong_only, // final boolean strong_only,
need_tiles, // 20, // 10, // final int need_tiles,
max_radius, // 20, // 15, // final int max_radius,
clt_parameters.tileX, // final int dbg_x,
clt_parameters.tileY, // final int dbg_y,
debugLevel+2); // final int debugLevel
boolean [] pre_select = biScan.selectLowTextures(
min_disparity, // double min_disparity,
max_density, // double max_density,
lt_radius+extra_grow, // int grow,
gap_hwidth, // int max_gap_radius,
clust_hwidth, // int min_clust_radius,
density, // double [] density,
null); // double [] src_disparity);
double [] dbg_presel = new double [pre_select.length];
for (int i = 0; i < pre_select.length; i++) dbg_presel[i] = pre_select[i]? 1.0:0.0;
double [][] dbg_dens_str = {density, dbg_presel};
// biScan.showScan(quadCLT_main.image_name+"-density-"+scan_index,dbg_dens_str); //list_index
biScan.showScan(quadCLT_main.image_name+"-density-"+biScan.list_index,dbg_dens_str); //list_index
double [][] ds = biScan.getFilteredDisparityStrength(
pre_select, // final boolean [] area_of_interest,
null, // final double [][] disparityStrength,
min_disparity, // final double min_disparity, // keep original disparity far tiles
trusted_strength, // final double trusted_strength, // trusted correlation strength
strength_rfloor, // final double strength_rfloor, // strength floor - relative to trusted
!keep_unreliable, // final boolean discard_unreliable,// replace v
!keep_weak, // final boolean discard_weak, // consider weak trusted tiles (not promoted to trusted) as empty
!keep_strong, // final boolean discard_strong, // suggest new disparities even for strong tiles
strength_pow, // final double strength_pow, // raise strength-floor to this power
null, // final double [] smpl_radius_array, // space-variant radius
smpl_radius, // final int smpl_radius,
smpl_num, // final int smpl_num, // = 3; // Number after removing worst (should be >1)
smpl_fract, // final double smpl_fract, // Number of friends among all neighbors
smpl_num_narrow, // final int smpl_num_narrow, // = 3; // Number after removing worst (should be >1)
max_adiff, // final double max_adiff, // Maximal absolute difference between the center tile and friends
max_rdiff, // final double max_rdiff, // Maximal relative difference between the center tile and friends
max_atilt, // final double max_atilt, // = 2.0; // pix per tile
max_rtilt, // final double max_rtilt, // = 0.2; // (pix / disparity) per tile
smpl_arms, // final double smpl_arms, // = 0.1; // Maximal RMS of the remaining tiles in a sample
smpl_rrms, // final double smpl_rrms, // = 0.005; // Maximal RMS/disparity in addition to smplRms
damp_tilt, // final double damp_tilt, // = 0.001; // Tilt cost for damping insufficient plane data
rwsigma, // final double rwsigma, // = 0.7; // influence of far neighbors diminish as a Gaussian with this sigma
rwsigma_narrow, // final double rwsigma_narrow, // = used to determine initial tilt
center_weight, // final double center_weight, // use center tile too (0.0 - do not use)
use_alt, // final boolean use_alt, // use tiles from other scans if they fit better
goal_fraction_rms, // final double goal_fraction_rms, // Try to make rms to be this fraction of maximal acceptable by removing outliers
boost_low_density, //final double boost_low_density, // 0 - strength is proportional to 1/density, 1.0 - same as remaining tiles
fourq_min, // final int fourq_min, // each of the 4 corners should have at least this number of tiles.
fourq_gap, // final int fourq_gap, // symmetrical vertical and horizontal center areas that do not belong to any corner
clt_parameters.tileX, // final int dbg_x,
clt_parameters.tileY, // final int dbg_y,
debugLevel+2); // final int debugLevel
boolean [] lt_select = biScan.selectLowTextures(
min_disparity, // double min_disparity,
max_density, // double max_density,
lt_radius+extra_grow, // int grow,
gap_hwidth, // int max_gap_radius,
clust_hwidth, // int min_clust_radius,
density, // double [] density,
ds[0]); // double [] src_disparity);
// compare iterations at lt_compare;
boolean [] lt_compare = lt_select.clone();
2*(lt_radius), // int grow, // grow tile selection by 1 over non-background tiles 1: 4 directions, 2 - 8 directions, 3 - 8 by 1, 4 by 1 more
lt_compare, // boolean [] tiles,
null); // boolean [] prohibit)
double [][] ds1 = {ds[0].clone(), ds[1].clone()} ;
for (int i = 0; i < lt_select.length; i++) if (!lt_select[i]) {
ds1[0][i] = Double.NaN;
ds1[1][i] = 0.0;
double [] lt_strength = smooth_strength? ds1[1]:null;
double [][] ds2 = biScan.fillAndSmooth(
ds1[0], // final double [] src_disparity,
lt_strength, // final double [] src_strength, // if not null will be used for weighted pull
lt_select, // final boolean [] selection,
neib_pull, // final double neib_pull, // pull to weighted average relative to pull to the original disparity value. If 0.0 - will only update former NaN-s
max_iter, // final int max_iterations,
min_change, // final double min_change,
clt_parameters.tileX, // final int dbg_x,
clt_parameters.tileY, // final int dbg_y,
debugLevel+2); // final int debugLevel
biScan.calcTrusted( // finds strong trusted and validates week ones if they fit planes
// if (run_avg) {
int tilesX =;
double [][] disparity_bimap = measureNewRigDisparity(
quadCLT_main, // QuadCLT quadCLT_main, // tiles should be set
quadCLT_aux, // QuadCLT quadCLT_aux,
ds2[0], // double [] disparity, // Double.NaN - skip, ohers - measure
clt_parameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters,
false, // boolean notch_mode, // use notch filter for inter-camera correlation to detect poles
lt_radius, // int lt_rad, // low texture mode - inter-correlation is averaged between the neighbors before argmax-ing, using (2*notch_mode+1)^2 square
// use set from parameters
clt_parameters.rig.no_int_x0, // boolean no_int_x0, // do not offset window to integer maximum - used when averaging low textures to avoid "jumps" for very wide
threadsMax, // final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch
updateStatus, // updateStatus, // final boolean updateStatus,
debugLevel); // final int debugLevel)
(new showDoubleFloatArrays()).showArrays(
//try to refine
int [] num_new = new int[1];
boolean [] trusted_measurements = getTrustedDisparity(
quadCLT_main, // QuadCLT quadCLT_main, // tiles should be set
quadCLT_aux, // QuadCLT quadCLT_aux,
clt_parameters.rig.min_trusted_strength, // double min_combo_strength, // check correlation strength combined for all 3 correlations
clt_parameters.grow_disp_trust, // double max_trusted_disparity, // 4.0 -> change to rig_trust
clt_parameters.rig.trusted_tolerance, // double trusted_tolerance,
null, // boolean [] was_trusted,
disparity_bimap); // double [][] bimap // current state of measurements
double [][] prev_bimap = null;
double [] scale_bad = new double [ds2[0].length];
for (int i = 0; i < scale_bad.length; i++) scale_bad[i] = 1.0;
for (int nref = 0; nref < num_lt_refine; nref++) { // clt_parameters.rig.num_inf_refine; nref++) {
// for (int nref = 0; nref < clt_parameters.rig.num_inf_refine; nref++) {
double [][] disparity_bimap_new = refineRigAvg(
quadCLT_main, // QuadCLT quadCLT_main, // tiles should be set
quadCLT_aux, // QuadCLT quadCLT_aux,
disparity_bimap, // double [][] src_bimap, // current state of measurements (or null for new measurement)
prev_bimap, // double [][] prev_bimap, // previous state of measurements or null
scale_bad, // double [] scale_bad,
lt_select, // final boolean [] area_of_interest,
num_new, // int [] num_new,
clt_parameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters,
lt_radius, // final int lt_radius, // low texture mode - inter-correlation is averaged between the neighbors before argmax-ing, using (2*notch_mode+1)^2 square
biScan, // final BiScan biScan,
min_disparity, // final double min_disparity, // keep original disparity far tiles
trusted_strength, // final double trusted_strength, // trusted correlation strength
strength_rfloor, // final double strength_rfloor, // strength floor - relative to trusted
cond_rtrusted, // final double cond_rtrusted, // minimal strength to consider - fraction of trusted
strength_pow, // final double strength_pow, // raise strength-floor to this power
smpl_radius, // final int smpl_radius,
smpl_num, // final int smpl_num, // = 3; // Number after removing worst (should be >1)
smpl_fract, // final double smpl_fract, // Number of friends among all neighbors
max_adiff, // final double max_adiff, // Maximal absolute difference betweenthe center tile and friends
max_rdiff, // final double max_rdiff, // Maximal relative difference between the center tile and friends
max_atilt, // final double max_atilt, // = 2.0; // pix per tile
max_rtilt, // final double max_rtilt, // = 0.2; // (pix / disparity) per tile
smpl_arms, // final double smpl_arms, // = 0.1; // Maximal RMS of the remaining tiles in a sample
smpl_rrms, // final double smpl_rrms, // = 0.005; // Maximal RMS/disparity in addition to smplRms
damp_tilt, // final double damp_tilt, // = 0.001; // Tilt cost for damping insufficient plane data
rwsigma, // final double rwsigma, // = 0.7; // influence of far neighbors diminish as a Gaussian with this sigma
clt_parameters.tileX, // final int dbg_x,
clt_parameters.tileY, // final int dbg_y,
debugLevel); // final int debugLevel);
double [] density = biScan.getDensity(
strong_only, // final boolean strong_only,
need_tiles, // 20, // 10, // final int need_tiles,
max_radius, // 20, // 15, // final int max_radius,
expand_floor * strength_rfloor,// final double strength_rfloor, // strength floor - relative to trusted
strength_pow, //final double strength_pow, // raise strength-floor to this power
ref_smpl_radius, // final int smpl_radius,
smpl_fract, // final double smpl_fract, // Number of friends among all neighbors
ref_smpl_num, // final int ref_smpl_num, // = 3; // Number after removing worst (should be >1)
ref_max_adiff, // final double max_adiff, // Maximal absolute difference betweenthe center tile and friends
ref_max_rdiff, // final double max_rdiff, // Maximal relative difference between the center tile and friends
max_atilt, // final double max_atilt, // = 2.0; // pix per tile
max_rtilt, // final double max_rtilt, // = 0.2; // (pix / disparity) per tile
ref_smpl_arms, // final double smpl_arms, // = 0.1; // Maximal RMS of the remaining tiles in a sample
ref_smpl_rrms, // final double smpl_rrms, // = 0.005; // Maximal RMS/disparity in addition to smplRms
damp_tilt, // final double damp_tilt, // = 0.001; // Tilt cost for damping insufficient plane data
rwsigma, // final double rwsigma, // = 0.7; // influence of far neighbors diminish as a Gaussian with this sigma
goal_fraction_rms, //final double goal_fraction_rms, // Try to make rms to be this fraction of maximal acceptable by removing outliers
max_iter, // final int max_iterations,
min_change, // final double min_change,
clt_parameters.tileX, // final int dbg_x,
clt_parameters.tileY, // final int dbg_y,
debugLevel+2); // final int debugLevel
boolean [] pre_select = biScan.selectLowTextures(
min_disparity, // double min_disparity,
max_density, // double max_density,
lt_radius+extra_grow, // int grow,
gap_hwidth, // int max_gap_radius,
clust_hwidth, // int min_clust_radius,
density, // double [] density,
null); // double [] src_disparity);
double [] dbg_presel = new double [pre_select.length];
for (int i = 0; i < pre_select.length; i++) dbg_presel[i] = pre_select[i]? 1.0:0.0;
double [][] dbg_dens_str = {density, dbg_presel};
ds = biScan.getFilteredDisparityStrength(
pre_select, // final boolean [] area_of_interest,
null, // final double [][] disparityStrength,
threadsMax, // final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch
updateStatus, // final boolean updateStatus,
debugLevel); // final int debugLevel);
prev_bimap = disparity_bimap;
disparity_bimap = disparity_bimap_new;
double max_diff =0.0, sw = 0.0, swd = 0.0, swd2 = 0.0;
for (int nTile = 0; nTile < lt_compare.length; nTile++) if (lt_compare[nTile]){
double w = disparity_bimap[ImageDtt.BI_STR_CROSS_INDEX][nTile]; // subtract floor?
double d = disparity_bimap[ImageDtt.BI_TARGET_INDEX][nTile]-prev_bimap[ImageDtt.BI_TARGET_INDEX][nTile];
if (Double.isNaN(d)) {
System.out.println("showBiScan(): got NaN: disparity_bimap[ImageDtt.BI_TARGET_INDEX]["+nTile+"]="+disparity_bimap[ImageDtt.BI_TARGET_INDEX][nTile]+
", prev_bimap[ImageDtt.BI_TARGET_INDEX]["+nTile+"]="+prev_bimap[ImageDtt.BI_TARGET_INDEX][nTile]);
} else {
sw += w;
swd += w*d;
swd2 +=w*d*d;
max_diff = Math.max(max_diff, Math.abs(d));
double mean = swd / sw;
double rms = Math.sqrt(swd2 / sw);
if (debugLevel > 0) {
System.out.println("showBiScan() iteration "+nref+": mean ="+mean+", rms = "+ rms+", max diff. = "+max_diff );
if (debugLevel > 10) {(new showDoubleFloatArrays()).showArrays(
if (debugLevel > 0) {
System.out.println("groundTruthByRigPlanes(): refinement step="+nref+" num_new= "+num_new[0]+" tiles");
if (num_new[0] < clt_parameters.rig.pf_min_new) break; // currently will never happen
if (( max_diff < min_change) || (nref == (num_lt_refine - 1))) {
if (debugLevel > -2) {
System.out.println("showBiScan() final iteration "+nref+": mean ="+mean+", rms = "+ rms+", max diff. = "+max_diff );
(new showDoubleFloatArrays()).showArrays(
double [][] avg_ds = {disparity_bimap[ImageDtt.BI_TARGET_INDEX],disparity_bimap[ImageDtt.BI_STR_CROSS_INDEX]};
// maybe trim all previously added to the last BiScan.BISCAN_SINGLECORR?
// so far just add
for (int nTile = 0; nTile < lt_select.length; nTile++) if (!lt_select[nTile]){ // keep border tiles
avg_ds[0][nTile] = Double.NaN;
avg_ds[1][nTile] = 0.0;
* boolean expand_lt, // = true;
int expand_dist, // = 4;
double expand_tol, // = 0.15; // expand LT right and left if it ends with same or nearer tile
2* max_gap_radius, // int grow, // grow tile selection by 1 over non-background tiles 1: 4 directions, 2 - 8 directions, 3 - 8 by 1, 4 by 1 more
selection, // boolean [] tiles,
null); // boolean [] prohibit)
final TileNeibs tnImage = biCamDSI.tnImage;
boolean [] strong = biScan.strong_trusted;
boolean [] weak = biScan.trusted;
double [][] ds_single = biScan.getDisparityStrength(
false, // only_strong,
false, // only_trusted,
true); // only_enabled);
if (expand_lt) {
boolean [] expanded_lt = lt_select.clone();
TileNeibs tnImage = biCamDSI_persistent.tnImage;
2* expand_dist, // int grow, // grow tile selection by 1 over non-background tiles 1: 4 directions, 2 - 8 directions, 3 - 8 by 1, 4 by 1 more
expanded_lt, // boolean [] tiles,
null); // boolean [] prohibit)
for (int nTile = 0; nTile < expanded_lt.length; nTile++) {
expanded_lt[nTile] &= ! lt_select[nTile] && !weak[nTile]; // Or just !Double.isNaN(ds_single[0][nTile]) ???
if (debugLevel > -2) {
double [][] dbg_sel = new double [2][expanded_lt.length];
for (int i = 0; i < expanded_lt.length; i++) {
dbg_sel[0][i] = (lt_select[i]? 1:0) + (expanded_lt[i]? 2:0);
dbg_sel[1][i] = (lt_select[i]? 1:0);
biScan.showScan(quadCLT_main.image_name+"-lt-selections"+biScan.list_index, dbg_sel);
biScan.showScan(quadCLT_main.image_name+"-avg_ds"+biScan.list_index, avg_ds);
int expand_radius = 2*expand_dist; // where it looks for valid tiles
double [][] ds_preexpanded = biScan.getFilteredDisparityStrength(
expanded_lt, // final boolean [] area_of_interest,
avg_ds, // final double [][] disparityStrength,
min_disparity, // final double min_disparity, // keep original disparity far tiles
trusted_strength, // final double trusted_strength, // trusted correlation strength
strength_rfloor, // final double strength_rfloor, // strength floor - relative to trusted
!keep_unreliable, // final boolean discard_unreliable,// replace v
!keep_weak, // final boolean discard_weak, // consider weak trusted tiles (not promoted to trusted) as empty
!keep_strong, // final boolean discard_strong, // suggest new disparities even for strong tiles
expand_floor * strength_rfloor,// final double strength_rfloor, // strength floor - relative to trusted
true, // final boolean discard_unreliable,// replace v
true, // final boolean discard_weak, // consider weak trusted tiles (not promoted to trusted) as empty
true, // final boolean discard_strong, // suggest new disparities even for strong tiles
strength_pow, // final double strength_pow, // raise strength-floor to this power
null, // final double [] smpl_radius_array, // space-variant radius
smpl_radius, // final int smpl_radius,
smpl_num, // final int smpl_num, // = 3; // Number after removing worst (should be >1)
expand_radius, // final int smpl_radius,
0, // final int smpl_num, // = 3; // Number after removing worst (should be >1)
// 0.5 * smpl_fract, // final double smpl_fract, // Number of friends among all neighbors
smpl_fract, // final double smpl_fract, // Number of friends among all neighbors
smpl_num_narrow, // final int smpl_num_narrow, // = 3; // Number after removing worst (should be >1)
max_adiff, // final double max_adiff, // Maximal absolute difference between the center tile and friends
max_rdiff, // final double max_rdiff, // Maximal relative difference between the center tile and friends
expand_sample_num, // ref_smpl_num, // final int smpl_num_narrow, // = 3; // Number after removing worst (should be >1)
ref_max_adiff, // final double max_adiff, // Maximal absolute difference between the center tile and friends
ref_max_rdiff, // final double max_rdiff, // Maximal relative difference between the center tile and friends
max_atilt, // final double max_atilt, // = 2.0; // pix per tile
max_rtilt, // final double max_rtilt, // = 0.2; // (pix / disparity) per tile
smpl_arms, // final double smpl_arms, // = 0.1; // Maximal RMS of the remaining tiles in a sample
smpl_rrms, // final double smpl_rrms, // = 0.005; // Maximal RMS/disparity in addition to smplRms
ref_smpl_arms, // final double smpl_arms, // = 0.1; // Maximal RMS of the remaining tiles in a sample
ref_smpl_rrms, // final double smpl_rrms, // = 0.005; // Maximal RMS/disparity in addition to smplRms
damp_tilt, // final double damp_tilt, // = 0.001; // Tilt cost for damping insufficient plane data
rwsigma, // final double rwsigma, // = 0.7; // influence of far neighbors diminish as a Gaussian with this sigma
rwsigma_narrow, // final double rwsigma_narrow, // = used to determine initial tilt
center_weight, // final double center_weight, // use center tile too (0.0 - do not use)
use_alt, // final boolean use_alt, // use tiles from other scans if they fit better
0.0, // final double rwsigma, // = 0.7; // influence of far neighbors diminish as a Gaussian with this sigma
rwsigma, // final double rwsigma_narrow, // = used to determine initial tilt
1.0, // final double center_weight, // use center tile too (0.0 - do not use)
false, // final boolean use_alt, // use tiles from other scans if they fit better
goal_fraction_rms, // final double goal_fraction_rms, // Try to make rms to be this fraction of maximal acceptable by removing outliers
boost_low_density, //final double boost_low_density, // 0 - strength is proportional to 1/density, 1.0 - same as remaining tiles
fourq_min, // final int fourq_min, // each of the 4 corners should have at least this number of tiles.
fourq_gap, // final int fourq_gap, // symmetrical vertical and horizontal center areas that do not belong to any corner
0.8, // boost_low_density, //final double boost_low_density, // 0 - strength is proportional to 1/density, 1.0 - same as remaining tiles
0, // final int fourq_min, // each of the 4 corners should have at least this number of tiles.
0, // final int fourq_gap, // symmetrical vertical and horizontal center areas that do not belong to any corner
clt_parameters.tileX, // final int dbg_x,
clt_parameters.tileY, // final int dbg_y,
debugLevel+2); // final int debugLevel
boolean [] lt_select = biScan.selectLowTextures(
min_disparity, // double min_disparity,
max_density, // double max_density,
lt_radius+extra_grow, // int grow,
gap_hwidth, // int max_gap_radius,
clust_hwidth, // int min_clust_radius,
density, // double [] density,
ds[0]); // double [] src_disparity);
double [][] ds1 = {ds[0].clone(), ds[1].clone()} ;
for (int i = 0; i < lt_select.length; i++) if (!lt_select[i]) {
ds1[0][i] = Double.NaN;
ds1[1][i] = 0.0;
debugLevel+0); // final int debugLevel
if (debugLevel > -2) {
biScan.showScan(quadCLT_main.image_name+"-preexpand"+biScan.list_index, ds_preexpanded);
double [] lt_strength = smooth_strength? ds1[1]:null;
double [][] ds2 = biScan.fillAndSmooth(
ds1[0], // final double [] src_disparity,
lt_strength, // final double [] src_strength, // if not null will be used for weighted pull
lt_select, // final boolean [] selection,
neib_pull, // final double neib_pull, // pull to weighted average relative to pull to the original disparity value. If 0.0 - will only update former NaN-s
max_iter, // final int max_iterations,
min_change, // final double min_change,
clt_parameters.tileX, // final int dbg_x,
clt_parameters.tileY, // final int dbg_y,
debugLevel+2); // final int debugLevel
if (run_avg) {
int tilesX =;
double [][] disparity_bimap = measureNewRigDisparity(
quadCLT_main, // QuadCLT quadCLT_main, // tiles should be set
quadCLT_aux, // QuadCLT quadCLT_aux,
ds2[0], // double [] disparity, // Double.NaN - skip, ohers - measure
clt_parameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters,
false, // boolean notch_mode, // use notch filter for inter-camera correlation to detect poles
lt_radius, // int lt_rad, // low texture mode - inter-correlation is averaged between the neighbors before argmax-ing, using (2*notch_mode+1)^2 square
// use set from parameters
clt_parameters.rig.no_int_x0, // boolean no_int_x0, // do not offset window to integer maximum - used when averaging low textures to avoid "jumps" for very wide
threadsMax, // final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch
updateStatus, // updateStatus, // final boolean updateStatus,
debugLevel); // final int debugLevel)
(new showDoubleFloatArrays()).showArrays(
// try to refine
int [] num_new = new int[1];
boolean [] trusted_measurements = getTrustedDisparity(
quadCLT_main, // QuadCLT quadCLT_main, // tiles should be set
quadCLT_aux, // QuadCLT quadCLT_aux,
clt_parameters.rig.min_trusted_strength, // double min_combo_strength, // check correlation strength combined for all 3 correlations
clt_parameters.grow_disp_trust, // double max_trusted_disparity, // 4.0 -> change to rig_trust
clt_parameters.rig.trusted_tolerance, // double trusted_tolerance,
null, // boolean [] was_trusted,
disparity_bimap); // double [][] bimap // current state of measurements
double [][] prev_bimap = null;
final int refine_inter = 2; // 3; // 3 - dx, 2 - disparity
double [] scale_bad = new double [ds2[0].length];
for (int i = 0; i < scale_bad.length; i++) scale_bad[i] = 1.0;
for (int nref = 0; nref < 7; nref++) { // clt_parameters.rig.num_inf_refine; nref++) {
// for (int nref = 0; nref < clt_parameters.rig.num_inf_refine; nref++) {
double [][] disparity_bimap_new = refineRigAvg(
quadCLT_main, // QuadCLT quadCLT_main, // tiles should be set
quadCLT_aux, // QuadCLT quadCLT_aux,
disparity_bimap, // double [][] src_bimap, // current state of measurements (or null for new measurement)
prev_bimap, // double [][] prev_bimap, // previous state of measurements or null
scale_bad, // double [] scale_bad,
lt_select, // final boolean [] area_of_interest,
num_new, // int [] num_new,
clt_parameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters,
lt_radius, // final int lt_radius, // low texture mode - inter-correlation is averaged between the neighbors before argmax-ing, using (2*notch_mode+1)^2 square
biScan, // final BiScan biScan,
min_disparity, // final double min_disparity, // keep original disparity far tiles
trusted_strength, // final double trusted_strength, // trusted correlation strength
strength_rfloor,// final double strength_rfloor, // strength floor - relative to trusted
strength_pow, //final double strength_pow, // raise strength-floor to this power
ref_smpl_radius, // final int smpl_radius,
smpl_fract, // final double smpl_fract, // Number of friends among all neighbors
ref_smpl_num, // final int ref_smpl_num, // = 3; // Number after removing worst (should be >1)
ref_max_adiff, // final double max_adiff, // Maximal absolute difference betweenthe center tile and friends
ref_max_rdiff, // final double max_rdiff, // Maximal relative difference between the center tile and friends
max_atilt, // final double max_atilt, // = 2.0; // pix per tile
max_rtilt, // final double max_rtilt, // = 0.2; // (pix / disparity) per tile
ref_smpl_arms, // final double smpl_arms, // = 0.1; // Maximal RMS of the remaining tiles in a sample
ref_smpl_rrms, // final double smpl_rrms, // = 0.005; // Maximal RMS/disparity in addition to smplRms
damp_tilt, // final double damp_tilt, // = 0.001; // Tilt cost for damping insufficient plane data
rwsigma, // final double rwsigma, // = 0.7; // influence of far neighbors diminish as a Gaussian with this sigma
goal_fraction_rms, //final double goal_fraction_rms, // Try to make rms to be this fraction of maximal acceptable by removing outliers
max_iter, // final int max_iterations,
min_change, // final double min_change,
clt_parameters.tileX, // final int dbg_x,
clt_parameters.tileY, // final int dbg_y,
threadsMax, // final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch
updateStatus, // final boolean updateStatus,
debugLevel); // final int debugLevel);
prev_bimap = disparity_bimap;
disparity_bimap = disparity_bimap_new;
if (debugLevel > -10) {(new showDoubleFloatArrays()).showArrays(
// refine infinity using inter correlation
double [][] disparity_bimap_new = refineRigSel(
quadCLT_main, // QuadCLT quadCLT_main, // tiles should be set
quadCLT_aux, // QuadCLT quadCLT_aux,
disparity_bimap, // double [][] src_bimap, // current state of measurements (or null for new measurement)
prev_bimap, // double [][] prev_bimap, // previous state of measurements or null
scale_bad, // double [] scale_bad,
refine_inter, // int refine_mode, // 0 - by main, 1 - by aux, 2 - by inter
false, // boolean keep_inf, // keep expected disparity 0.0 if it was so
0.0, // clt_parameters.rig.refine_min_strength , // double refine_min_strength, // do not refine weaker tiles
0.0, // clt_parameters.rig.refine_tolerance , // double refine_tolerance, // do not refine if absolute disparity below
lt_select, // trusted_measurements, // tile_list, // ArrayList<Integer> tile_list, // or null
num_new, // int [] num_new,
clt_parameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters,
false, // final boolean notch_mode, // use notch filter for inter-camera correlation to detect poles
lt_radius, // final int // low texture mode - inter-correlation is averaged between the neighbors before argmax-ing, using
// disable window preset in refine mode
true, // boolean no_int_x0, // do not offset window to integer maximum - used when averaging low textures to avoid "jumps" for very wide
threadsMax, // final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch
updateStatus, // final boolean updateStatus,
debugLevel); // final int debugLevel);
prev_bimap = disparity_bimap;
disparity_bimap = disparity_bimap_new;
// re-smooth target disparity
if (debugLevel > -10) {(new showDoubleFloatArrays()).showArrays(
double [][] ds30 = {
double [][] ds3 = biScan.getFilteredDisparityStrength(
lt_select, // final boolean [] area_of_interest,
ds30, // final double [][] disparityStrength,
min_disparity, // final double min_disparity, // keep original disparity far tiles
trusted_strength, // final double trusted_strength, // trusted correlation strength
0.5 * strength_rfloor,// final double strength_rfloor, // strength floor - relative to trusted
true, // final boolean discard_unreliable,// replace v
true, // final boolean discard_weak, // consider weak trusted tiles (not promoted to trusted) as empty
true, // final boolean discard_strong, // suggest new disparities even for strong tiles
strength_pow, // final double strength_pow, // raise strength-floor to this power
null, // final double [] smpl_radius_array, // space-variant radius
ref_smpl_radius, // final int smpl_radius,
0, // final int smpl_num, // = 3; // Number after removing worst (should be >1)
smpl_fract, // final double smpl_fract, // Number of friends among all neighbors
ref_smpl_num, // final int smpl_num_narrow, // = 3; // Number after removing worst (should be >1)
ref_max_adiff, // final double max_adiff, // Maximal absolute difference between the center tile and friends
ref_max_rdiff, // final double max_rdiff, // Maximal relative difference between the center tile and friends
max_atilt, // final double max_atilt, // = 2.0; // pix per tile
max_rtilt, // final double max_rtilt, // = 0.2; // (pix / disparity) per tile
ref_smpl_arms, // final double smpl_arms, // = 0.1; // Maximal RMS of the remaining tiles in a sample
ref_smpl_rrms, // final double smpl_rrms, // = 0.005; // Maximal RMS/disparity in addition to smplRms
damp_tilt, // final double damp_tilt, // = 0.001; // Tilt cost for damping insufficient plane data
0.0, // final double rwsigma, // = 0.7; // influence of far neighbors diminish as a Gaussian with this sigma
rwsigma, // final double rwsigma_narrow, // = used to determine initial tilt
1.0, // final double center_weight, // use center tile too (0.0 - do not use)
false, // final boolean use_alt, // use tiles from other scans if they fit better
goal_fraction_rms, // final double goal_fraction_rms, // Try to make rms to be this fraction of maximal acceptable by removing outliers
0.8, // boost_low_density, //final double boost_low_density, // 0 - strength is proportional to 1/density, 1.0 - same as remaining tiles
0, // final int fourq_min, // each of the 4 corners should have at least this number of tiles.
0, // final int fourq_gap, // symmetrical vertical and horizontal center areas that do not belong to any corner
clt_parameters.tileX, // final int dbg_x,
clt_parameters.tileY, // final int dbg_y,
debugLevel+2); // final int debugLevel
double [][] ds4 = biScan.fillAndSmooth(
ds3[0], // disparity_bimap[ImageDtt.BI_TARGET_INDEX], // ds1[0], // final double [] src_disparity,
null, // lt_strength, // final double [] src_strength, // if not null will be used for weighted pull
lt_select, // final boolean [] selection,
0.0, // only gaps neib_pull, // final double neib_pull, // pull to weighted average relative to pull to the original disparity value. If 0.0 - will only update former NaN-s
max_iter, // final int max_iterations,
min_change, // final double min_change,
clt_parameters.tileX, // final int dbg_x,
clt_parameters.tileY, // final int dbg_y,
debugLevel+2); // final int debugLevel
// Set disparity_bimap[ImageDtt.BI_TARGET_INDEX]from processed disparity
disparity_bimap[ImageDtt.BI_TARGET_INDEX] = ds4[0];
if (debugLevel > -10) {
for (int nTile = 0; nTile < expanded_lt.length; nTile++) {
if (Double.isNaN(ds_preexpanded[0][nTile]) && !Double.isNaN(avg_ds[0][nTile])){
ds_preexpanded[0][nTile] = avg_ds[0][nTile];
ds_preexpanded[1][nTile] = avg_ds[1][nTile];
if (debugLevel > -2) {
biScan.showScan(quadCLT_main.image_name+"-combo-expand"+biScan.list_index, ds_preexpanded);
// double [][] ds_expanded =
avg_ds = biScan.getLTExpanded(
expand_tol, // final double tolerance, // should be not NaN over lt
ds_preexpanded, // final double [][] ds_lt, // should be not NaN over lt
ds_single[0], // final double [] d_single,
lt_select, // final boolean [] lt_sel,
expanded_lt, // final boolean [] exp_sel,
weak); // final boolean [] trusted);
// TODO use fillAndSmooth() to calculate new weights (keeping disparity as it was)
if (debugLevel > -2) {
biScan.showScan(quadCLT_main.image_name+"-lt-expanded"+biScan.list_index, avg_ds);
if (debugLevel > -2) {
System.out.println("groundTruthByRigPlanes(): refinement step="+nref+" num_new= "+num_new[0]+" tiles");
if (num_new[0] < clt_parameters.rig.pf_min_new) break;
int new_index = biCamDSI_persistent.addBiScan(
avg_ds[0], // double [] disparity, // this will be "measured"
avg_ds[1], // double [] strength,
null, // boolean [] trusted,
null, // boolean [] disabled,
BiScan.BISCAN_AVGCORR); //int scan_type)
BiScan newScan = biCamDSI_persistent.getBiScan(new_index);
if (debugLevel > -2) {
System.out.println("Added scan #new_index");
for (int nTile = 0; nTile < lt_compare.length; nTile++){
if (!lt_compare[nTile]) {
if (!Double.isNaN(ds_single[0][nTile])) { // keep border from low texture if there are no normal measurements for this tile
newScan.src_index[nTile] = biScan.src_index[nTile]; // will use same disparity/strength
} else {
if (
(strong[nTile] && (Math.abs(ds_single[0][nTile] - avg_ds[0][nTile]) <= strong_tol)) ||
(weak[nTile] && (Math.abs(ds_single[0][nTile] - avg_ds[0][nTile]) <= weak_tol))) {
newScan.src_index[nTile] = biScan.src_index[nTile]; // will use same disparity/strength
(new showDoubleFloatArrays()).showArrays(
double [][] merged_ds = newScan.getDisparityStrength(
false, // only_strong,
false, // only_trusted,
true); // only_enabled);
// TODO: strength floor with averaged
double avg_rfloor = 0.8 * strength_rfloor;
double avg_cond_rtrusted = 0.8 * cond_rtrusted;
int [] trusted_stats = newScan.calcTrusted( // finds strong trusted and validates week ones if they fit planes
trusted_strength, // final double trusted_strength, // trusted correlation strength
avg_rfloor, // final double strength_rfloor, // strength floor - relative to trusted
avg_cond_rtrusted, // final double cond_rtrusted, // minimal strength to consider - fraction of trusted
strength_pow, // final double strength_pow, // raise strength-floor to this power
smpl_radius, // final int smpl_radius,
smpl_num, // final int smpl_num, // = 3; // Number after removing worst (should be >1)
smpl_fract, // final double smpl_fract, // Number of friends among all neighbors
max_adiff, // final double max_adiff, // Maximal absolute difference betweenthe center tile and friends
max_rdiff, // final double max_rdiff, // Maximal relative difference between the center tile and friends
max_atilt, // final double max_atilt, // = 2.0; // pix per tile
max_rtilt, // final double max_rtilt, // = 0.2; // (pix / disparity) per tile
smpl_arms, // final double smpl_arms, // = 0.1; // Maximal RMS of the remaining tiles in a sample
smpl_rrms, // final double smpl_rrms, // = 0.005; // Maximal RMS/disparity in addition to smplRms
damp_tilt, // final double damp_tilt, // = 0.001; // Tilt cost for damping insufficient plane data
rwsigma, // final double rwsigma, // = 0.7; // influence of far neighbors diminish as a Gaussian with this sigma
clt_parameters.tileX, // final int dbg_x,
clt_parameters.tileY, // final int dbg_y,
debugLevel); // final int debugLevel);
} else {
if (debugLevel > -2) {
System.out.println("groundTruthByRigPlanes() strong trusted: "+trusted_stats[0]+
" neib trusted: "+trusted_stats[1]+" weak trusted: " + trusted_stats[2]);
return true;
if (debugLevel > -2) {
newScan.showScan(quadCLT_main.image_name+"-smooth-"+newScan.list_index, avg_ds);
return merged_ds;
public double [][] refineRigAvg(
QuadCLT quadCLT_main, // tiles should be set
QuadCLT quadCLT_aux,
......@@ -3062,7 +3423,7 @@ if (debugLevel > -100) return true; // temporarily !
// final double [][] disparityStrength,
final double min_disparity, // keep original disparity far tiles
final double trusted_strength, // trusted correlation strength
final double strength_rfloor, // strength floor - relative to trusted
final double avg_strength_rfloor, // strength floor - relative to trusted
final double strength_pow, // raise strength-floor to this power
final int smpl_radius,
final double smpl_fract, // Number of friends among all neighbors
......@@ -3127,7 +3488,7 @@ if (debugLevel > -100) return true; // temporarily !
ds_ref[1] = src_bimap[ImageDtt.BI_STR_CROSS_INDEX];
if (debugLevel > -2) {
if (debugLevel > 0) {
System.out.println("refineRigAvg(): prepared "+numMeas+" to measure");
......@@ -3136,7 +3497,7 @@ if (debugLevel > -100) return true; // temporarily !
ds_ref, // final double [][] disparityStrength,
min_disparity, // final double min_disparity, // keep original disparity far tiles
trusted_strength, // final double trusted_strength, // trusted correlation strength
0.5 * strength_rfloor,// final double strength_rfloor, // strength floor - relative to trusted
avg_strength_rfloor,// final double strength_rfloor, // strength floor - relative to trusted
true, // final boolean discard_unreliable,// replace v
true, // final boolean discard_weak, // consider weak trusted tiles (not promoted to trusted) as empty
true, // final boolean discard_strong, // suggest new disparities even for strong tiles
......@@ -3163,7 +3524,7 @@ if (debugLevel > -100) return true; // temporarily !
0, // final int fourq_gap, // symmetrical vertical and horizontal center areas that do not belong to any corner
clt_parameters.tileX, // final int dbg_x,
clt_parameters.tileY, // final int dbg_y,
debugLevel+2); // final int debugLevel
debugLevel+0); // final int debugLevel
// fill NaN gaps:
double [][] ds_no_gaps = biScan.fillAndSmooth(
......@@ -3175,7 +3536,7 @@ if (debugLevel > -100) return true; // temporarily !
min_change, // final double min_change,
clt_parameters.tileX, // final int dbg_x,
clt_parameters.tileY, // final int dbg_y,
debugLevel+2); // final int debugLevel
debugLevel+0); // final int debugLevel
// reformat back to disparity_array
for (int tileY = 0; tileY<tilesY;tileY++) {
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