Commit 47f42826 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

after removing old code

parent 6e19233a
......@@ -1786,7 +1786,7 @@ public class EyesisCorrectionParameters {
public double dbg_y1 =0;
public double dbg_sigma =2.0;
public String dbg_mask = ".........:::::::::.........:::::::::......*..:::::*:::.........:::::::::.........";
public int dbg_mode = 1; // 0 - old LMA, 1 - new LMA
public int dbg_mode = 1; // 0 - old LMA, 1 - new LMA - *** not used anymore ***
public int dbg_window_mode = 2; // 0 - none, 1 - square, 2 - sin 3 - sin^2
public boolean centerWindowToTarget = true;
// parameters to extract a kernel from the kernel image file
......@@ -2970,7 +2970,7 @@ private Panel panel1,panel2,panel3,panel4,panel5,panel5a, panel6,panel7,panelPos
} else if (label.equals("Test Kernel Factorization")){
if (!DCT_PARAMETERS.showDialog()) return;
FactorConvKernel factorConvKernel = new FactorConvKernel(DCT_PARAMETERS.dbg_mode == 1);
FactorConvKernel factorConvKernel = new FactorConvKernel();
factorConvKernel.setTargetWindowMode(DCT_PARAMETERS.dbg_window_mode, DCT_PARAMETERS.centerWindowToTarget);
factorConvKernel.numIterations = DCT_PARAMETERS.LMA_steps;
......@@ -3098,7 +3098,7 @@ private Panel panel1,panel2,panel3,panel4,panel5,panel5a, panel6,panel7,panelPos
} else if (label.equals("Min Kernel Factorization")){
if (!DCT_PARAMETERS.showDialog()) return;
FactorConvKernel factorConvKernel = new FactorConvKernel(DCT_PARAMETERS.dbg_mode == 1);
FactorConvKernel factorConvKernel = new FactorConvKernel();
factorConvKernel.setTargetWindowMode(DCT_PARAMETERS.dbg_window_mode, DCT_PARAMETERS.centerWindowToTarget);
factorConvKernel.numIterations = DCT_PARAMETERS.LMA_steps;
......@@ -43,9 +43,7 @@ import ij.IJ;
* 3. Try "jumping" (one remove, one add)?
public class FactorConvKernel {
public boolean new_mode = false; // trying new version of LMA
public int asym_size = 6;
public int sym_radius = 8; // 2*2^n - for DCT
public double[] target_kernel = null; // should be expanded to 2*(sym_radius)+asym_size- 1 in each direction
......@@ -75,27 +73,9 @@ public class FactorConvKernel {
public int center_j0;
public double center_y;
public double center_x;
public double lambda = init_lambda;
public double currentRMS ;
public double firstRMS;
public double nextRMS ;
public double [] RMSes = {-1.0,-1.0};
public double currentRMSPure=-1.0; // calculated RMS for the currentVector->currentfX
public double nextRMSPure= -1.0; // calculated RMS for the nextVector->nextfX
public double firstRMSPure= -1.0; // RMS before current series of LMA started
// public boolean [] vector_mask = null;
public double [] currentfX = null; // conv
public double [] nextfX = null;
public double [] currentVector=null; //kern_vector;
public double [] nextVector;
public double [][] jacobian=null; // partial derivatives of fX (above) by parameters to be adjusted (rows)
public int iterationStepNumber=0;
public long startTime=0;
public LMAArrays lMAArrays=null;
public LMAArrays savedLMAArrays=null;
public double [] lastImprovements= {-1.0,-1.0}; // {last improvement, previous improvement}. If both >0 and < thresholdFinish - done
public double goal_rms_pure;
public LMAData lMAData = null;
......@@ -142,6 +122,7 @@ public class FactorConvKernel {
// private int [][] map_to_fx = null;
private double [] par_vector = null;
private LMAArrays lMAArrays = null;
public LMAArrays savedLMAArrays=null;
public int debugLevel = 1;
public double [] rmses = {-1.0, -1.0, -1.0}; // [0] - composite, [1] - "pure" (without extra "punishment"), [2] - DC error
public double [] saved_rmses = null;
......@@ -981,11 +962,6 @@ public class FactorConvKernel {
} // class LMAData
public FactorConvKernel(){
this.new_mode =true;
public FactorConvKernel(boolean new_mode){
this.new_mode =new_mode;
public FactorConvKernel(int asym_size, int sym_radius){
......@@ -999,9 +975,7 @@ public class FactorConvKernel {
public double[] getRMSes(){
if (new_mode) return lMAData.getRMSes();
System.out.println("getRMSes() (old): rmses.length="+this.RMSes);
return this.RMSes; // lMAData.getRMSes();
return lMAData.getRMSes();
public double getTargetRMS(){
......@@ -1043,12 +1017,8 @@ public class FactorConvKernel {
this.sym_radius = sym_radius;
this.target_kernel = target_kernel;
if (new_mode) {
initLevenbergMarquardt(fact_precision, seed_size, asym_random);
if (mask != null) {
// lMAData.setAsymKernel (
// null, // double [] asym_kernel, // if null - set mask only
// mask);
lMAData.updateAsymKernelMask(mask); // this will zero out asym_kernel elements that are masked out
......@@ -1101,43 +1071,8 @@ public class FactorConvKernel {
lMAData.setSymKernel(null, sym_mask);
boolean OK = levenbergMarquardt();
this.RMSes = lMAData.getRMSes().clone();
// this.RMSes = lMAData.getRMSes().clone();
return OK;
} else{
initLevenbergMarquardt_old(fact_precision, seed_size, asym_random);
if (mask != null){
if (this.debugLevel > 3) {
System.out.println("calcKernels(): this.currentVector 0");
for (int i=63;i<this.currentVector.length;i++){
System.out.println(i+": "+ this.currentVector[i]);
int asym_start= sym_radius * sym_radius - 1;
for (int i = 0; i<mask.length; i++) {
if (Double.isNaN(this.currentVector[asym_start+i])) this.currentVector[asym_start+i] = 0.0; // replace all NaN with 0.0;
if (!mask[i]) this.currentVector[asym_start+i] = Double.NaN;
if (debugLevel > 1){
System.out.println("mask.length="+mask.length+" asym_start="+asym_start+" this.currentVector.length="+this.currentVector.length);
System.out.println("asym mask: ");
for (int ii=0;ii < asym_size;ii++){
System.out.print(ii+": ");
for (int jj=0;jj < asym_size;jj++){
System.out.print((mask[ii * asym_size + jj]?" X":" .")+" ");
if (this.debugLevel > 3) {
System.out.println("calcKernels(): this.currentVector 1");
for (int i=63;i<this.currentVector.length;i++){
System.out.println(i+": "+ this.currentVector[i]);
return levenbergMarquardt_old();
public int calcKernels(
......@@ -1148,14 +1083,6 @@ public class FactorConvKernel {
int asym_pixels, // maximal number of non-zero pixels in asymmmetrical kernel
int asym_distance, // how far to seed a new pixel
int seed_size){
if (!new_mode) return calcKernels_old(
asym_pixels, // maximal number of non-zero pixels in asymmmetrical kernel
asym_distance, // how far to seed a new pixel
this.asym_size = asym_size;
this.sym_radius = sym_radius;
......@@ -1401,225 +1328,11 @@ public class FactorConvKernel {
this.RMSes = RMSes.clone();
// this.RMSes = RMSes.clone();
return numAsym;
public int calcKernels_old(
double []target_kernel,
int asym_size,
int sym_radius,
double fact_precision,
int asym_pixels, // maximal number of non-zero pixels in asymmmetrical kernel
int asym_distance, // how far to seed a new pixel
int seed_size){
this.asym_size = asym_size;
this.sym_radius = sym_radius;
this.target_kernel = target_kernel;
this.asym_pixels = asym_pixels;
this.asym_distance = asym_distance;
int asym_start= sym_radius * sym_radius - 1;
int num_lma = 0;
double s = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i<target_kernel.length; i++){
s+= target_kernel[i]*target_kernel[i];
this.goal_rms_pure = Math.sqrt(s/target_kernel.length)*fact_precision;
double [] bestRms = new double [asym_pixels];
int [] enPixels = new int [asym_pixels];
// int numPixels = 0;
/// double[] initialVector = setInitialVector(target_kernel, null); // should be (asym_size + 2*sym_radius-1)**2
double [][]kernels = setInitialVector(target_kernel, seed_size, 0.0); // should be (asym_size + 2*sym_radius-1)**2
double[] initialVector = setVectorFromKernels(kernels[0], kernels[1]);
enPixels[0] = center_i0*asym_size+center_j0;
boolean [] mask = new boolean [asym_size*asym_size];
for (int i = 0; i<mask.length; i++) mask[i] = false;
mask[enPixels[0]] = true;
this.currentVector = initialVector.clone();
System.out.println("mask.length="+mask.length+" asym_start="+asym_start+" this.currentVector.length="+this.currentVector.length);
for (int i = 0; i<mask.length; i++) if (!mask[i]) this.currentVector[asym_start+i] = Double.NaN;
boolean OK = levenbergMarquardt_old();
bestRms[0] = this.currentRMSPure;
for (int i = 0; i<numPixels; i++) mask[enPixels[i]] = true;
this.currentVector = initialVector.clone();
for (int i = 0; i<mask.length; i++) if (!mask[i]) this.currentVector[asym_start+1] = Double.NaN;
boolean OK = levenbergMarquardt_old();
if (numPixels == 1){
bestRms[numPixels-1] = this.currentRMSPure;
int numPixels = 0;
for (numPixels = 1; numPixels < asym_pixels; numPixels++) {
if (debugLevel > 0) {
System.out.println("calcKernels() numPixels="+numPixels);
for (int i = 0; i < mask.length; i++) mask[i] = false;
for (int i = 0; i < numPixels; i++) mask[enPixels[i]] = true;
boolean diagonal = false;
if (asym_distance < 0){
asym_distance = -asym_distance;
diagonal = true;
boolean[] mask0 = mask.clone();
for (int n = 0; n < asym_distance; n++){
boolean[] mask1 = mask0.clone();
if (diagonal){
for (int i = 0; i <asym_size; i++){
for (int j = 1; j<asym_size; j++){
mask1[asym_size*i + j] |= mask0[asym_size*i + j-1];
mask1[asym_size*i + (asym_size-j-1)] |= mask0[asym_size*i + (asym_size-j)];
mask1[asym_size*j + i] |= mask0[asym_size*(j-1) + i];
mask1[asym_size*(asym_size-j-1) + i] |= mask0[asym_size*(asym_size-j) + i];
} else {
// hor
for (int i = 0; i <asym_size; i++){
for (int j = 1; j<asym_size; j++){
mask1[asym_size*i + j] |= mask0[asym_size*i + j-1];
mask1[asym_size*i + (asym_size-j-1)] |= mask0[asym_size*i + (asym_size-j)];
// vert
mask0 = mask1.clone();
for (int i = 0; i <asym_size; i++){
for (int j = 1; j<asym_size; j++){
mask1[asym_size*j + i] |= mask0[asym_size*(j-1) + i];
mask1[asym_size*(asym_size-j-1) + i] |= mask0[asym_size*(asym_size-j) + i];
mask0 = mask1.clone();
if (debugLevel > 1) {
System.out.println("mask0: (n="+n+"), asym_size="+asym_size+" mask0.length="+mask0.length);
for (int i=0;i<asym_size;i++){
System.out.print(i+": ");
for (int j=0;j<asym_size;j++){
System.out.print((mask0[i*asym_size+j]?" X":" .")+" ");
System.out.println("calcKernels() numPixels="+numPixels);
if (debugLevel > 0) {
System.out.println("mask/mask0: , asym_size="+asym_size+" mask0.length="+mask0.length);
for (int i=0;i<asym_size;i++){
System.out.print(i+": ");
for (int j=0;j<asym_size;j++){
System.out.print((mask[i*asym_size+j]?" O":(mask0[i*asym_size+j]?" X":" ."))+" ");
System.out.println("calcKernels() numPixels="+numPixels);
ArrayList<Integer> asym_candidates = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i = 0; i<mask.length; i++) if (mask0[i] && !mask[i]) asym_candidates.add(new Integer(i));
double [] results= new double[asym_candidates.size()];
System.out.println("asym_candidates.size()="+asym_candidates.size()+" asym_start="+asym_start);
for (int ncand = 0; ncand<asym_candidates.size();ncand++){
mask0 = mask.clone();
mask0[asym_candidates.get(ncand)] = true;
this.currentVector = initialVector.clone();
for (int i = 0; i<mask0.length; i++) if (!mask0[i]) this.currentVector[asym_start+i] = Double.NaN;
if (debugLevel > 0) {
System.out.println("+++ mask0: asym_size="+asym_size+" mask0.length="+mask0.length);
for (int i=0;i<asym_size;i++){
System.out.print(i+": ");
for (int j=0;j<asym_size;j++){
System.out.print((mask0[i*asym_size+j]?" X":" .")+" ");
System.out.println("calcKernels() numPixels="+numPixels);
if (debugLevel > 1) {
System.out.println("Before calling levenbergMarquardt_old numPixels = "+numPixels+" ncand="+ncand);
OK = levenbergMarquardt_old();
if (debugLevel > 1) {
System.out.println("After calling levenbergMarquardt_old, OK="+OK+" numPixels = "+numPixels+" ncand="+ncand);
if (debugLevel > 2) {
for (int i=asym_start;i< this.currentVector.length;i++){
results[ncand] = this.currentRMSPure;
int best_cand=0;
for (int ncand = 1; ncand<asym_candidates.size();ncand++){
if (results[ncand] < results[best_cand]){
best_cand = ncand;
bestRms[numPixels] = results[best_cand];
enPixels[numPixels] =asym_candidates.get(best_cand);
if (results[best_cand] < this.goal_rms_pure) {
if (debugLevel > 0) {
System.out.println("Reached goal at numPixels="+(numPixels+1)+ " results["+best_cand+"]= "+results[best_cand]+" < "+this.goal_rms_pure);
// Re-run with the best settings
for (int i = 0; i < mask.length; i++) mask[i] = false;
for (int i = 0; i < numPixels; i++) mask[enPixels[i]] = true;
this.currentVector = initialVector.clone();
for (int i = 0; i<mask.length; i++) if (!mask[i]) this.currentVector[asym_start+i] = Double.NaN;
if (debugLevel > 0) {
System.out.println("Final mask");
for (int i=0;i<asym_size;i++){
System.out.print(i+": ");
for (int j=0;j<asym_size;j++){
System.out.print((mask[i*asym_size+j]?" X":" .")+" ");
System.out.println("calcKernels() numPixels="+numPixels);
OK = levenbergMarquardt_old();
if (debugLevel > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i< numPixels; i++){
System.out.println(i+": "+bestRms[i]+" i="+(enPixels[i]/asym_size)+" j="+(enPixels[i]%asym_size));
System.out.println("Target pure rms is="+this.goal_rms_pure);
System.out.println("Number of LMA runs = "+num_lma+", spent "+ IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-startTime),3)+" sec");
return numPixels;
// LMAData contains current kernels/masks (but not RMSes!)
// if improved - will leave with the new kernels/masks and return RMSes, if failed - return null and restore
public double [] addCell(
......@@ -1835,28 +1548,20 @@ public class FactorConvKernel {
public double [] getSymKernel(){
if (new_mode) return lMAData.getSymKernel(sym_kernel_scale);
return getSymKernel(currentVector, sym_kernel_scale);
return lMAData.getSymKernel(sym_kernel_scale);
public double [] getAsymKernel(){
if (new_mode) return lMAData.getAsymKernel(1.0/sym_kernel_scale);
return getAsymKernel(currentVector,1.0/sym_kernel_scale);
return lMAData.getAsymKernel(1.0/sym_kernel_scale);
public double [] getTargetWeights(){
if (new_mode) return lMAData.getTargetWeights();
return null;
return lMAData.getTargetWeights();
public double [] getConvolved(){ // check that it matches original
if (new_mode) {
return lMAData.getConvolved(true); //boolean skip_disabled_asym
double [] convolved = new double [target_kernel.length];
System.arraycopy(currentfX, 0, convolved, 0, convolved.length);
return convolved;
public void setDebugLevel(int debugLevel){
this.debugLevel =debugLevel;
......@@ -1880,32 +1585,6 @@ public class FactorConvKernel {
private double [] getSymKernel(
double [] kvect,
double scale){
int sym_len= sym_radius * sym_radius;
double [] sym_kernel = new double [sym_len];
sym_kernel[0] = scale;
for (int i =1; i< sym_kernel.length; i++) sym_kernel[i] = scale * kvect[i-1];
if (debugLevel>1){
System.out.println("getSymKernel(): sym_kernel.length="+sym_kernel.length);
return sym_kernel;
private double [] getAsymKernel(
double [] kvect,
double scale){ // should be 1/scale of the sym_vector
int sym_len= sym_radius * sym_radius;
double [] asym_kernel = new double [asym_size*asym_size];
int indx = sym_len -1;
for (int i =0; i< asym_kernel.length; i++) asym_kernel[i] = scale * kvect[indx++];
if (debugLevel>1){
System.out.println("getAsymKernel(): asym_kernel.length="+asym_kernel.length);
return asym_kernel;
// initial estimation
private double [][] setInitialVector(
double [] target_kernel, // should be (asym_size + 2*sym_radius-1)**2
......@@ -2044,198 +1723,9 @@ public class FactorConvKernel {
if (debugLevel > 2)System.out.println("sym_kernel[0] = "+sym_kernel[0]);
double [][] kernels = {sym_kernel, asym_kernel};
return kernels;
// return setVectorFromKernels(sym_kernel, asym_kernel);
private double [] setVectorFromKernels(
double [] sym_kernel,
double [] asym_kernel){
if (this.debugLevel>2){
System.out.println("setVectorFromKernels(): sym_kernel.length= "+sym_kernel.length);
System.out.println("setVectorFromKernels(): asym_kernel.length= "+asym_kernel.length);
sym_kernel_scale = sym_kernel[0];
double [] kvect = new double [sym_kernel.length+asym_kernel.length -1];
int indx = 0;
for (int i =1; i< sym_kernel.length; i++) kvect[indx++] = sym_kernel[i]/sym_kernel[0];
for (int i =0; i< asym_kernel.length; i++) kvect[indx++] = asym_kernel[i]*sym_kernel[0];
if (debugLevel>2){
for (int i = 0; i < kvect.length; i++) {
System.out.println("kvect["+i+"] = "+kvect[i]);
return kvect;
private void maskAsymPoint(
double [] kvect,
int indx) {
kvect[indx + sym_radius * sym_radius -1] = Double.NaN;
private void unMaskAsymPoint(
double [] kvect,
int indx) {
kvect[indx + sym_radius * sym_radius -1] = 0.0;
private int [] getVectorLengths(double [] kvect){ // full lengths, some elements may be Double.NaN (disabled)
int [] lengths = {0,0,0};// [0] - full length; [1] - asym start, [2] - asym length;
for (int i = 0; i<sym_radius*sym_radius - 1; i++){
if (!Double.isNaN(kvect[i])) lengths[1] ++;
for (int i = sym_radius*sym_radius - 1; i < kvect.length; i++){
if (!Double.isNaN(kvect[i])) lengths[2] ++;
lengths[0] = lengths[1] + lengths[2];
return lengths;
private double [] getDerivDelta( // calcualte approximate partial derivative as delta
double [] kvect, // parameters vector
int cindx, // index of parameter to calculate approximate derivative
double delta
int indx=0;
int j = 0;
for (indx =0;indx < kvect.length;indx++) if (!Double.isNaN(kvect[indx])){
if (j== cindx) break;
double [] kvect_inc = kvect.clone();
double [] fX = getFX( kvect);
kvect_inc[indx] += delta;
double [] fx1 = getFX( kvect_inc);
// if (indx == 63) {
// System.out.println("----- getDerivDelta(): indx="+indx+" delta="+delta+" kvect["+indx+"]="+kvect[indx]+" kvect_inc["+indx+"]="+kvect_inc[indx]);
// }
for (int i = 0; i < fX.length; i++){
fX[i] = (fx1[i]-fX[i])/delta;
return fX;
public double [] compareDerivative(
int indx,
double delta, // value to increment parameter by for derivative calculation
boolean verbose){
double [] rslt = {0.0,0.0};
double [][] jacob = getJacobian(this.currentVector);
double [] deriv = getDerivDelta(this.currentVector, indx, delta);
double [] fX = getFX(this.currentVector);
for (int i = 0; i< fX.length; i++) {
if (verbose) {
System.out.println(i+": "+(jacob[indx][i]-deriv[i])+ " jacob["+indx+"]["+i+"] = "+jacob[indx][i]+
" deriv["+i+"]="+deriv[i]+" f["+i+"]="+fX[i]);
rslt[0] = Math.sqrt(rslt[0]/fX.length);
rslt[1] = Math.sqrt(rslt[1]/fX.length);
if (debugLevel>3) {
System.out.println("rms(jacob["+indx+"][]) = "+rslt[1]+", rms(diff) = "+rslt[0]);
return rslt;
private double [] getFX(
double [] kvect) // first - all elements of sym kernel but [0] (replaced by 1.0), then - asym ones. May have Double NaN
int conv_size = asym_size + 2*sym_radius-2;
int asym_start= sym_radius * sym_radius - 1;
int sym_radius_m1 = sym_radius -1;
int asym_terms_start= conv_size*conv_size;
double cw = getCompactWeight();
int num_pars = 0;
int [] cind = new int [kvect.length];
for (int i = 0; i < asym_start ; i++){
if (Double.isNaN(kvect[i])) cind[i] = -1;
else cind[i] = num_pars++;
int num_asym = -num_pars;
for (int i = asym_start; i<kvect.length ; i++){
if (Double.isNaN(kvect[i])) cind[i] = -1;
else cind[i] = num_pars++;
num_asym +=num_pars;
// double [][] jacob = new double [num_pars][asym_terms_start + num_asym];
// double [] fX = new double [conv_size*conv_size+asym_size*asym_size];
double [] fX = new double [asym_terms_start + num_asym];
if (this.debugLevel>3){
System.out.println("fX(): vector_length= "+kvect.length);
System.out.println("fX(): sym_radius= "+sym_radius);
System.out.println("fX(): asym_size= "+asym_size);
System.out.println("fX(): conv_size= "+conv_size);
System.out.println("fX(): fX.length= "+fX.length);
System.out.println("fX(): asym_start= "+asym_start);
for (int i = 0; i < fX.length; i++) fX[i] = 0.0;
for (int i = -sym_radius_m1; i <= sym_radius_m1; i++) {
for (int j = -sym_radius_m1; j <=sym_radius_m1; j++) {
double sd = 1;
int indx = (((i < 0)? -i : i) * sym_radius + ((j < 0)? -j : j)) - 1;
if ((indx < 0) || (cind[indx] >= 0)) {// <0 - only one, center of symmetrical == 1
if (indx >=0 ) { // so cind[indx]>=0
sd = kvect[indx];
indx = cind[indx]; // it can be used only as jacobian first index
if (indx <0) {
System.out.println("getJacobian() BUG ");
continue; // should never happen?
// now sd - value of the parameter vector, indx - index of the compacted (for only enabled parameters) jacobian
int base_indx = conv_size * (i + sym_radius_m1) + (j + sym_radius_m1);
for (int ia=0; ia < asym_size; ia++) {
for (int ja=0; ja < asym_size; ja++) {
int asym_index = asym_size*ia + ja + asym_start; // index of the parameter space, full, not compacted
if (cind[asym_index] >= 0) {
int conv_index = base_indx + conv_size * ia + ja;
fX[conv_index] += sd* kvect[asym_index];
// if ((cind[asym_index]==63) && (conv_index==74)) {
// System.out.println("cind["+asym_index+"]="+cind[asym_index]+
// " conv_index ="+conv_index+" kvect["+asym_index+"]=" +kvect[asym_index]+
// " fX["+conv_index+"]="+fX[conv_index]);
// }
int asym_term = asym_terms_start;
for (int ia=0; ia <asym_size;ia++){
for (int ja=0;ja< asym_size;ja++){
int asym_index = asym_size*ia + ja;
int casym_index = cind[asym_index+asym_start];
if (casym_index >= 0) {
int ir2 = (ia-center_i0)*(ia-center_i0)+(ja-center_j0)*(ja-center_j0);
if ((ia - center_i0 <= asym_tax_free) &&
(center_i0 - ia <= asym_tax_free) &&
(ja - center_j0 <= asym_tax_free) &&
(center_j0 - ja <= asym_tax_free)) ir2 = 0;
fX[asym_term++] = ir2 * cw* kvect[asym_start + asym_index];
return fX;
private double getCompactWeight(){
return compactness_weight*sym_kernel_scale; // (asym_size*asym_size*asym_size*asym_size); // use
public int getNumPars(double [] kvect){
int num_pars = 0;
......@@ -2244,196 +1734,6 @@ public class FactorConvKernel {
return num_pars;
private double [][] getJacobian(
double [] kvect) // some entries may be Double.NaN - skip them as well as asym_kernel entries in the end
int conv_size = asym_size + 2*sym_radius-2;
int asym_start= sym_radius * sym_radius - 1;
int sym_radius_m1 = sym_radius -1;
double cw = getCompactWeight();
int num_pars = 0;
int [] cind = new int [kvect.length];
for (int i = 0; i < asym_start ; i++){
if (Double.isNaN(kvect[i])) cind[i] = -1;
else cind[i] = num_pars++;
int num_asym = -num_pars;
for (int i = asym_start; i<kvect.length ; i++){
if (Double.isNaN(kvect[i])) cind[i] = -1;
else cind[i] = num_pars++;
num_asym +=num_pars;
int asym_terms_start=conv_size*conv_size;
double [][] jacob = new double [num_pars][asym_terms_start + num_asym];
if (debugLevel > 3) {
System.out.println("getJacobian(): asym_terms_start="+asym_terms_start+" num_asym="+num_asym);
for (int i = asym_start; i<kvect.length ; i++){
System.out.println("getJacobian(): cind["+i+"]="+cind[i]+", kvect["+i+"]="+kvect[i]);
for (int i = -sym_radius_m1; i <= sym_radius_m1; i++) {
for (int j = -sym_radius_m1; j <=sym_radius_m1; j++) {
double sd = 1;
int indx = (((i < 0)? -i : i) * sym_radius + ((j < 0)? -j : j)) - 1;
if ((indx < 0) || (cind[indx] >= 0)) {// <0 - only one, center of symmetrical == 1
if (indx >=0 ) { // so cind[indx]>=0
sd = kvect[indx];
indx = cind[indx]; // it can be used only as jacobian first index
if (indx <0) {
System.out.println("getJacobian() BUG ");
continue; // should never happen?
// now sd - value of the parameter vector, indx - index of the compacted (for only enabled parameters) jacobian
int base_indx = conv_size * (i + sym_radius_m1) + (j + sym_radius_m1); // base index in the convolved space
for (int ia=0; ia < asym_size; ia++) {
for (int ja=0; ja < asym_size; ja++) {
int asym_index = asym_size*ia + ja + asym_start; // index of the parameter space, full, not compacted
if (cind[asym_index] >= 0) {
int conv_index = base_indx + conv_size * ia + ja;
if (indx >= 0) jacob[indx][conv_index] += kvect[asym_index];
// if ((debugLevel > 1) && (indx == 0)) {
// System.out.println(" getJacobian: indx="+indx+" asym_index="+asym_index+" cind[asym_index]="+cind[asym_index]+
// " conv_index="+conv_index+" kvect["+asym_index+"], sd="+sd);
// System.out.println("jacob["+indx+"]["+conv_index+"] += kvect["+asym_index+"] +="+kvect[asym_index]+" = "+ jacob[indx][conv_index]);
// }
jacob[cind[asym_index]][conv_index] += sd;
// if ((debugLevel > 4) || (cind[asym_index] == 0)) {
// System.out.println("+++++++++++++++++ getJacobian: indx="+indx+" asym_index="+asym_index+" cind[asym_index]="+cind[asym_index]+
// " conv_index="+conv_index+" kvect["+asym_index+"], sd="+sd+ " jacob["+cind[asym_index]+"]["+conv_index+"]="+jacob[cind[asym_index]][conv_index]);
// }
// System.out.println("3:jacobian[0][167]="+jacob[0][167]);
// System.out.println("3:jacobian[0][168]="+jacob[0][168]);
// System.out.println("3:jacobian[0][169]="+jacob[0][169]);
// System.out.println("3:jacobian[0][170]="+jacob[0][170]);
for (int i = 0; i < jacob.length; i++) for (int j=asym_terms_start; j < jacob[i].length;j++) jacob[i][j] = 0.0;
int asym_term = asym_terms_start;
for (int ia=0; ia <asym_size;ia++){
for (int ja=0;ja< asym_size;ja++){
int asym_index = asym_size*ia + ja;
int casym_index = cind[asym_index+asym_start];
if (casym_index >= 0) {
int ir2 = (ia-center_i0)*(ia-center_i0)+(ja-center_j0)*(ja-center_j0);
if ((ia - center_i0 <= asym_tax_free) &&
(center_i0 - ia <= asym_tax_free) &&
(ja - center_j0 <= asym_tax_free) &&
(center_j0 - ja <= asym_tax_free)) ir2 = 0;
jacob[casym_index][asym_term++] = ir2 * cw;
// System.out.println("4:jacobian[0][167]="+jacob[0][167]);
// System.out.println("4:jacobian[0][168]="+jacob[0][168]);
// System.out.println("4:jacobian[0][169]="+jacob[0][169]);
// System.out.println("4:jacobian[0][170]="+jacob[0][170]);
return jacob;
private double [][] getJTByJ(double [][] jacob){
double [][] jTByJ = new double [jacob.length][jacob.length];
for (int i = 0; i < jacob.length; i++ ){
for (int j = 0; j < jacob.length; j++ ){
if (j<i){
jTByJ[i][j] = jTByJ[j][i];
} else {
jTByJ[i][j] = 0;
for (int k=0; k< jacob[i].length; k++){
jTByJ[i][j] += jacob[i][k] * jacob[j][k];
return jTByJ;
private double [] getJTByDiff(
double [][] jacob, // jacobian
double [] target_kernel, // target kernel
double [] fX) // current convolution result of async_kernel (*) sync_kernel, extended by asym_kernel components
double [] jTByDiff = new double [jacob.length];
for (int i=0; i < jTByDiff.length; i++){
jTByDiff[i] = 0;
for (int k = 0; k< target_kernel.length; k++){
jTByDiff[i] += jacob[i][k]*(target_kernel[k]-fX[k]);
for (int k = target_kernel.length; k< fX.length; k++){
jTByDiff[i] += jacob[i][k]*(-fX[k]);
return jTByDiff;
private double[] getDiffByDiff(
double [] target_kernel, // target kernel
double [] fX) // current convolution result of async_kernel (*) sync_kernel, extended async kernel components
double [] diffByDiff = {0.0,0.0};
for (int k=0; k< target_kernel.length; k++){
double d = target_kernel[k]-fX[k];
diffByDiff[0] += d*d;
diffByDiff[1] = diffByDiff[0]; // actual squared error, without compactness
for (int k=target_kernel.length; k< fX.length; k++){
double d = fX[k];
diffByDiff[0] += d*d;
if (this.debugLevel > 2){
System.out.println("getDiffByDiff: diffByDiff[0]="+diffByDiff[0]+" diffByDiff[1]="+diffByDiff[1]);
return diffByDiff;
private double [] solveLMA(
LMAArrays lMAArrays,
double lambda,
int debugLevel){
double [][] JtByJmod= lMAArrays.jTByJ.clone();
int numPars=JtByJmod.length;
for (int i=0;i<numPars;i++){
JtByJmod[i][i]+=lambda*JtByJmod[i][i]; //Marquardt mod
// M*Ma=Mb
Matrix M=new Matrix(JtByJmod);
if (debugLevel>2) {
System.out.println("Jt*J -lambda* diag(Jt*J), lambda="+lambda+":");
M.print(10, 5);
Matrix Mb=new Matrix(lMAArrays.jTByDiff,numPars); // single column
if (!(new LUDecomposition(M)).isNonsingular()){
double [][] arr=M.getArray();
System.out.println("Singular Matrix "+arr.length+"x"+arr[0].length);
// any rowsx off all 0.0?
for (int n=0;n<arr.length;n++){
boolean zeroRow=true;
for (int i=0;i<arr[n].length;i++) if (arr[n][i]!=0.0){
if (zeroRow){
System.out.println("Row of all zeros: "+n);
// M.print(10, 5);
return null;
Matrix Ma=M.solve(Mb); // singular
return Ma.getColumnPackedCopy();
public void resetLMARuns(){
numLMARuns = 0;
......@@ -2442,7 +1742,6 @@ public class FactorConvKernel {
return numLMARuns;
private void initLevenbergMarquardt(double fact_precision, int seed_size, double asym_random){
lMAData = new LMAData(debugLevel);
......@@ -2510,25 +1809,22 @@ public class FactorConvKernel {
") at "+ IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-startTime),3));
// stepLevenbergMarquardtAction(startTime); // apply step - in any case?
if (this.debugLevel > 2) {
"stepLevenbergMarquardtAction() step="+this.iterationStepNumber+
", this.currentRMS="+lMAData.getSavedRMSes()[0]+
", this.currentRMSPure="+lMAData.getSavedRMSes()[1]+
", this.currentRMSDC="+lMAData.getSavedRMSes()[2]+
", this.nextRMS="+lMAData.getRMSes()[0]+
", this.nextRMSPure="+lMAData.getRMSes()[1]+
", this.nextRMSDC="+lMAData.getRMSes()[2]+
", currentRMS="+lMAData.getSavedRMSes()[0]+
", currentRMSPure="+lMAData.getSavedRMSes()[1]+
", currentRMSDC="+lMAData.getSavedRMSes()[2]+
", nextRMS="+lMAData.getRMSes()[0]+
", nextRMSPure="+lMAData.getRMSes()[1]+
", nextRMSDC="+lMAData.getRMSes()[2]+
" lambda="+this.lambda+" at "+IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()- startTime),3)+" sec");
// if (this.nextRMS < this.currentRMS) { //improved
if (state[0]) { // improved
this.lambda *= this.lambdaStepDown;
this.currentRMS = this.nextRMS;
} else {
this.lambda*= this.lambdaStepUp;
this.lambda *= this.lambdaStepUp;
if ((this.debugLevel > 1) && ((this.debugLevel > 3) || ((System.nanoTime()-this.startTime)>30000000000.0))){ // > 10 sec
......@@ -2731,393 +2027,4 @@ public class FactorConvKernel {
return status;
// Old version
private void initLevenbergMarquardt_old(double fact_precision, int seed_size, double asym_random){
double s = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i<target_kernel.length; i++){
s+= target_kernel[i]*target_kernel[i];
this.goal_rms_pure = Math.sqrt(s/target_kernel.length)*fact_precision;
// this.currentVector = setInitialVector(target_kernel, 1); // should be (asym_size + 2*sym_radius-1)**2
double [][]kernels = setInitialVector(target_kernel, seed_size, asym_random); // should be (asym_size + 2*sym_radius-1)**2
this.currentVector = setVectorFromKernels(kernels[0], kernels[1]);
private boolean levenbergMarquardt_old(){
long startTime=System.nanoTime();
this.firstRMS=-1; //undefined
this.iterationStepNumber = 0;
this.lambda = this.init_lambda;
// New
this.jacobian=null; // invalidate
//System.out.println("Setting both lastImprovements(); to -1");
if (this.numIterations < 0){
this.currentfX=getFX (this.currentVector);
return true;
if (this.debugLevel > 3) {
System.out.println("this.currentVector 0");
for (int i=63;i<this.currentVector.length;i++){
System.out.println(i+": "+ this.currentVector[i]);
while (true) { // loop for the same series
boolean [] state=stepLevenbergMarquardtFirst_old(goal_rms_pure);
if (this.debugLevel > 2) System.out.println(this.iterationStepNumber+": stepLevenbergMarquardtFirst_old()==>"+state[1]+":"+state[0]);
// boolean cont=true;
// Make it success if this.currentRMS<this.firstRMS even if LMA failed to converge
if (state[1] && !state[0] && (this.firstRMS>this.currentRMS)){
if (this.debugLevel>1) System.out.println("LMA failed to converge, but RMS improved from the initial value ("+this.currentRMS+" < "+this.firstRMS+")");
if ((this.stopOnFailure && state[1] && !state[0])){
if (this.debugLevel > 1){
System.out.println("LevenbergMarquardt(): step ="+this.iterationStepNumber+
", RMS="+IJ.d2s(this.currentRMS,8)+
" ("+IJ.d2s(this.firstRMS,8)+") "+
") at "+ IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()- startTime),3));
long startDialogTime=System.nanoTime();
startTime+=(System.nanoTime()-startDialogTime); // do not count time used by the User.
// if (this.showThisImages) showDiff (this.currentfX, "fit-"+this.iterationStepNumber);
// if (this.showNextImages) showDiff (this.nextfX, "fit-"+(this.iterationStepNumber+1));
} else if (this.debugLevel > 2){
System.out.println("==> LevenbergMarquardt(): before action step ="+this.iterationStepNumber+
", RMS="+IJ.d2s(this.currentRMS,8)+
" ("+IJ.d2s(this.firstRMS,8)+") "+
") at "+ IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-startTime),3));
stepLevenbergMarquardtAction_old(startTime); // apply step - in any case?
if ((this.debugLevel > 1) && ((this.debugLevel > 2) || ((System.nanoTime()-this.startTime)>10000000000.0))){ // > 10 sec
// if ((this.debugLevel>0) && ((this.debugLevel>0) || ((System.nanoTime()-this.startTime)>10000000000.0))){ // > 10 sec
System.out.println("--> LevenbergMarquardt(): step = "+this.iterationStepNumber+
", RMS="+IJ.d2s(this.currentRMS,8)+
" ("+IJ.d2s(this.firstRMS,8)+") "+
") at "+ IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-startTime),3));
if (state[1]) {
if (!state[0]) {
return false; // sequence failed
break; // while (true), proceed to the next series
// if (this.fittingStrategy.isLastSeries(this.seriesNumber)) break;
if (this.debugLevel > 1) System.out.println(
"LevenbergMarquardt_old() finished in "+this.iterationStepNumber+
" steps, RMS="+this.currentRMS+
" ("+this.firstRMS+")"+
", RMSPure="+this.currentRMSPure+
" ("+this.firstRMSPure+") "+
"at "+ IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()- startTime),3));
if (this.debugLevel > 3) {
double worstRatio = 0;
int worstIndex = -1;
int param_index=0;
for (int i = 0; i<currentVector.length;i++) {
if (!Double.isNaN(currentVector[i])){
double [] r=compareDerivative(
0.0000001, // delta, // value to increment parameter by for derivative calculation
false); // param_index>61); //false); // verbose)
if (r[1] > 0){
if (r[0]/r[1] > worstRatio){
worstRatio = r[0]/r[1];
worstIndex = i;
System.out.println(" rms(relative diff["+worstIndex+"]) = >>>>> "+worstRatio+" <<<<<");
return true; // all series done
private boolean [] stepLevenbergMarquardtFirst_old(double goal_rms_pure){
int deltas_indx;
double [] deltas=null;
double [] rmses; // [0]: full rms, [1]:pure rms
// moved to caller
// calculate this.currentfX, this.jacobian if needed
if (this.debugLevel > 4) {
System.out.println("this.currentVector 1");
for (int i=0;i<this.currentVector.length;i++){
System.out.println(i+": "+ this.currentVector[i]);
if (this.debugLevel > 3) {
System.out.println("this.currentVector 2");
for (int i=63;i<this.currentVector.length;i++){
System.out.println(i+": "+ this.currentVector[i]);
if ((this.currentfX==null)|| (this.lMAArrays==null)) {
this.currentfX=getFX (this.currentVector);
this.jacobian = getJacobian (this.currentVector);
if (debugLevel > 2){
int conv_size = asym_size + 2*sym_radius-2;
int asym_terms_start= conv_size*conv_size;
for (int i=asym_terms_start; i<currentfX.length; i++){
for (int n=(debugLevel > 3)?0:63; n<this.jacobian.length;n++){
// for (int i=asym_terms_start; i<currentfX.length; i++){
for (int i=0; i<currentfX.length; i++){
System.out.println("this.jacobian["+n+"]["+i+"]="+this.jacobian[n][i]+" this.currentfX["+i+"]="+this.currentfX[i]);
this.lMAArrays= new LMAArrays();
this.target_kernel, // target kernel to factor
this.currentfX); // used to control compactness of asym_kernel
if (debugLevel > 3) {
System.out.println("Calculated new lMAArrays, lMAArrays.jTByJ[0][0] = "+lMAArrays.jTByJ[0][0]);
if (debugLevel > 3) {
for (int n=63; n < this.lMAArrays.jTByJ.length;n++){
for (int i=0; i < this.lMAArrays.jTByJ.length; i++){
rmses = getDiffByDiff(
this.target_kernel, // target kernel
this.currentRMSPure= Math.sqrt(rmses[1] / target_kernel.length);
this.currentRMS = Math.sqrt(rmses[0] / currentfX.length);
if (debugLevel > 2){
System.out.println("currentRMSPure= "+ currentRMSPure + " getDiffByDiff[1] = "+Math.sqrt(getDiffByDiff(
this.target_kernel, // target kernel
this.currentfX)[1] / target_kernel.length));
if (this.debugLevel > 3) {
System.out.println("initial RMS="+IJ.d2s(this.currentRMS,8)+
" ("+IJ.d2s(this.currentRMSPure,8)+")"+
// ". Calculating next Jacobian. Points:"+(asym_size*asym_size+target_kernel.length)+" Parameters:"+this.currentVector.length);
". Calculating next Jacobian. Points:"+currentfX.length+" Parameters:"+getNumPars(this.currentVector));
} else {
rmses = getDiffByDiff(
this.target_kernel, // target kernel
this.currentRMSPure= Math.sqrt(rmses[1] / target_kernel.length);
this.currentRMS = Math.sqrt(rmses[0] / currentfX.length);
if (debugLevel > 3){
System.out.println("this.currentRMS=" + this.currentRMS+ " getDiffByDiff[1] = "+Math.sqrt(getDiffByDiff(
this.target_kernel, // target kernel
this.currentfX)[1] / target_kernel.length));
if (debugLevel > 2) {
System.out.println("Reused existing lMAArrays (after previous failure), lMAArrays.jTByJ[0][0] = "+lMAArrays.jTByJ[0][0]);
if (this.firstRMS<0) {
// calculate deltas
deltas=solveLMA(this.lMAArrays, this.lambda, this.debugLevel);
boolean matrixNonSingular=true;
if (deltas==null) {
deltas=new double[this.currentVector.length];
for (int i=0;i<deltas.length;i++) deltas[i]=0.0;
if (this.debugLevel > 3) {
System.out.println("--- deltas.1 ---");
for (int i=63;i<deltas.length;i++){
System.out.println("deltas["+i+"]="+ deltas[i]+" this.currentRMS="+this.currentRMS);
if (this.debugLevel > 3){ // 2!!! ) {
System.out.println("--- deltas ---"+" this.currentRMS="+this.currentRMS);
// for (int i=0; i < deltas.length; i++) if ((debugLevel > 3) || (map_from_pars[i][0]==1)) {
for (int i=0; i < deltas.length; i++) if ((this.debugLevel > 4) || (i >= 63)) {
System.out.println("deltas["+i+"]="+ deltas[i]);
// apply deltas
deltas_indx = 0;
for (int i=0;i<this.nextVector.length;i++) {
if (!Double.isNaN(this.nextVector[i])){
// another option - do not calculate J now, just fX. and late - calculate both if it was improvement
// save current Jacobian
if (this.debugLevel > 3) { // change to 2 later
int indx = 0;
System.out.println("modified Vector");
for (int i=0;i<this.nextVector.length;i++) if (!Double.isNaN(this.nextVector[i])){
System.out.println(indx+": "+ this.nextVector[i]+" ("+deltas[indx]+")");
this.jacobian=null; // not needed, just to catch bugs
this.nextfX=getFX (this.nextVector);
this.jacobian = getJacobian(this.currentVector);
this.lMAArrays= new LMAArrays();
this.target_kernel, // target kernel to factor
this.nextfX); // next convolution result of async_kernel (*) sync_kernel
rmses = getDiffByDiff(
this.target_kernel, // target kernel
this.nextfX); // current convolution result of async_kernel (*) sync_kernel
this.nextRMSPure= Math.sqrt(rmses[1] / target_kernel.length);
this.nextRMS = Math.sqrt(rmses[0] / nextfX.length);
if (debugLevel > 3){
System.out.println("nextRMSPure= "+ nextRMSPure + " target_kernel.length = "+target_kernel.length+" getDiffByDiff[1] = "+Math.sqrt(getDiffByDiff(
this.target_kernel, // target kernel
this.nextfX)[1] / target_kernel.length)); // current convolution result of async_kernel (*) sync_kernel
// System.out.println("Setting this.lastImprovements[1]="+this.lastImprovements[1]+" new this.lastImprovements[0]="+this.lastImprovements[0]);
if (this.debugLevel > 3) {
System.out.println("stepLMA this.currentRMS="+this.currentRMS+
", this.nextRMS="+this.nextRMS+
", delta="+(this.currentRMS-this.nextRMS));
boolean [] status={matrixNonSingular && (this.nextRMS<=this.currentRMS),!matrixNonSingular};
// additional test if "worse" but the difference is too small, it was be caused by computation error, like here:
//stepLevenbergMarquardtAction_old() step=27, this.currentRMS=0.17068403807026408, this.nextRMS=0.1706840380702647
if (!status[0] && matrixNonSingular) {
if (this.nextRMS<(this.currentRMS+this.currentRMS*this.thresholdFinish*0.01)) {
if (this.debugLevel > 2) {
System.out.println("New RMS error is larger than the old one, but the difference is too small to be trusted ");
"stepLMA this.currentRMS="+this.currentRMS+
", this.currentRMSPure="+this.currentRMSPure+
", this.nextRMS="+this.nextRMS+
", this.nextRMSPure="+this.nextRMSPure+
", delta="+(this.currentRMS-this.nextRMS)+
", deltaPure="+(this.currentRMSPure-this.nextRMSPure));
if (status[0] && matrixNonSingular) { //improved
// System.out.println("this.lastImprovements[0]="+this.lastImprovements[0]+" this.lastImprovements[1]="+this.lastImprovements[1]);
// System.out.println("this.thresholdFinish="+this.thresholdFinish+
// " this.thresholdFinish*this.currentRMS="+(this.thresholdFinish*this.currentRMS));
status[1]=(this.iterationStepNumber>this.numIterations) || ( // done
(this.lastImprovements[0]>=0.0) &&
(this.lastImprovements[0]<this.thresholdFinish*this.currentRMS) &&
(this.lastImprovements[1]>=0.0) &&
if (!status[1] && (this.currentRMSPure < goal_rms_pure)) {
status[1] = true;
if (this.debugLevel > 2) {
System.out.println("Improvent is possible, but the factorization precision reached its goal");
"stepLMA this.currentRMS="+this.currentRMS+
", this.currentRMSPure="+this.currentRMSPure+
", this.nextRMS="+this.nextRMS+
", this.nextRMSPure="+this.nextRMSPure+
", delta="+(this.currentRMS-this.nextRMS)+
", deltaPure="+(this.currentRMSPure-this.nextRMSPure));
} else if (matrixNonSingular){
// this.jacobian=this.savedJacobian;// restore saved Jacobian
this.lMAArrays=this.savedLMAArrays; // restore Jt*J and Jt*diff - it is done in stepLevenbergMarquardtAction_old
status[1]=(this.iterationStepNumber>this.numIterations) || // failed
//TODO: add other failures leading to result failure?
if (this.debugLevel > 3) {
return status;
* Apply fitting step
private void stepLevenbergMarquardtAction_old(long startTime){//
// apply/revert,modify lambda
if (this.debugLevel>1) {
"stepLevenbergMarquardtAction_old() step="+this.iterationStepNumber+
", this.currentRMS="+this.currentRMS+
", this.currentRMSPure="+this.currentRMSPure+
", this.nextRMS="+this.nextRMS+
", this.nextRMSPure="+this.nextRMSPure+
" lambda="+this.lambda+" at "+IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()- startTime),3)+" sec");
if (this.nextRMS<this.currentRMS) { //improved
if (this.debugLevel > 2) {
System.out.println("Using new fX and vector");
this.lMAArrays = null; // need to calculate new ones
} else {
this.lMAArrays=this.savedLMAArrays; // restore Jt*J and Jt*diff
if (this.debugLevel > 2) {
System.out.println("Re-using saved saved LMAArrays");
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