Commit 3fd21c81 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

fixing bugs for variable images per set (e.g. eo only)

parent 9c63f90b
......@@ -92,6 +92,18 @@ import ij.text.TextWindow;
public boolean updateStatus=true;
public int debugLevel=2;
private ShowDoubleFloatArrays SDFA_INSTANCE=null; // just for debugging
public static int pathToChannel(String path) {
int last_dash = path.lastIndexOf('-');
int last = path.lastIndexOf('_');
if (last_dash >last) last = last_dash;
int last_dot = path.lastIndexOf('.');
if (last_dot < 0) {
last_dot = path.length();
return Integer.parseInt(path.substring(last+1, last_dot));
public int getNumStations(){
return (eyesisCameraParameters==null)?0:eyesisCameraParameters.getNumStations();
......@@ -839,6 +851,8 @@ import ij.text.TextWindow;
public DistortionCalibrationData (
String [][] stationFilenames,
boolean [][][] gridUseChn, // per station, per set - a bmask of permitted channels
// int [][] gridUseTypes, // per station, per set - a bitbmask of channels to use (+1 - eo, +2 - lwir)
String [] source_dirs, // directories of the source files per station
MultipleExtensionsFileFilter gridFilter,
MultipleExtensionsFileFilter sourceFilter,
......@@ -852,6 +866,8 @@ import ij.text.TextWindow;
gridUseChn, // per station, per set - a bmask of permitted channels
// gridUseTypes, // per station, per set - a bitbmask of channels to use (+1 - eo, +2 - lwir)
source_dirs, // directories of the source files per station
......@@ -933,6 +949,7 @@ import ij.text.TextWindow;
// from data organized as image sets
public static int getChannelFromPath(String path) {
// int indexSuffix=path.length()-suffix.length();
if (path == null) return -1;
int indexSuffix = path.lastIndexOf(".");
int indexLastDash=indexSuffix-1;
while ((indexLastDash>0) &&
......@@ -951,6 +968,8 @@ import ij.text.TextWindow;
public void setupDirDistortionCalibrationData (
String [][] stationFilenames, // per-station List of image set directories
boolean [][][] gridUseChn, // per station, per set - a bmask of permitted channels
// int [][] gridUseTypes, // per station, per set - a bitbmask of channels to use (+1 - eo, +2 - lwir)
String [] source_dirs, // directories of the source files per station
MultipleExtensionsFileFilter gridFilter,
MultipleExtensionsFileFilter sourceFilter,
......@@ -971,6 +990,7 @@ import ij.text.TextWindow;
String [] getSourcePaths() {return spaths;} // may not be null
DirTs(int station,
String dir, // grid image set directory that contains channel files (may be different timestamps)
boolean [] permitted_channels, // bitmask of permitted channels (lwir/eo), or null - use nay
String sdir, // source super directory that contains image set directories with files
int num_chn,
MultipleExtensionsFileFilter gridFilter,
......@@ -993,6 +1013,7 @@ import ij.text.TextWindow;
String [] files = (new File(dir)).list(gridFilter); // are these full files?
paths = new String[num_chn];
for (String path:files) {
int last_dash = path.lastIndexOf('-');
int last = path.lastIndexOf('_');
if (last_dash >last) last = last_dash;
......@@ -1001,7 +1022,11 @@ import ij.text.TextWindow;
last_dot = path.length();
int chn = Integer.parseInt(path.substring(last+1, last_dot));
int chn = pathToChannel(path);
if ((permitted_channels == null) || (permitted_channels[chn])) {
paths[chn] = (new File(dir,path)).getPath();
spaths = new String[num_chn];
......@@ -1014,6 +1039,7 @@ import ij.text.TextWindow;
System.out.println("sfiles == null");
for (String spath:sfiles) {
int last_dash = spath.lastIndexOf('-');
int last = spath.lastIndexOf('_');
if (last_dash >last) last = last_dash;
......@@ -1022,6 +1048,8 @@ import ij.text.TextWindow;
last_dot = spath.length();
int chn = Integer.parseInt(spath.substring(last+1, last_dot));
int chn = pathToChannel(spath);
spaths[chn] = (new File(set_dir,spath)).getPath();
......@@ -1040,6 +1068,7 @@ import ij.text.TextWindow;
dirTsList.add(new DirTs(
stationFilenames[numStation][is], // String dir,
gridUseChn[numStation][is], //
numSubCameras, // int num_chn,
......@@ -1297,7 +1326,8 @@ import ij.text.TextWindow;
// boolean invert_color = ((base_channel ^ nc) & 4) != 0;
boolean invert_color = invertColor(base_channel) ^ invertColor(nc); // eyesisCameraParameters.isLWIR(main_channel);
if ((this.gIS[nis].imageSet[nc].matchedPointers <= 0) && (nc != base_channel)) { // Later add non-laser conditions
if ( (this.gIS[nis].imageSet[nc] != null) &&
(this.gIS[nis].imageSet[nc].matchedPointers <= 0) && (nc != base_channel)) { // Later add non-laser conditions
int imgNum = this.gIS[nis].imageSet[nc].imgNumber; // with_pointers - base_channel + nc;
if (this.updateStatus) IJ.showStatus("Re-reading grid file "+(imgNum+1)+" (of "+(numFiles)+"): "+this.gIP[imgNum].path);
if (this.debugLevel>-1) System.out.print(imgNum+"*("+this.gIP[imgNum].getStationNumber()+
......@@ -2442,16 +2472,36 @@ import ij.text.TextWindow;
* create list of image indices per image set
* @return array of image indices for each image set
public int [][] listImages(boolean enabledOnly){
public int [][] listImages(
boolean enabledOnly,
//int type_mask // 0 - all, otherwise +1 - eo, +2 - lwir
boolean [] chn_sel // selected channels or null
int [][] imageSets = new int [this.gIS.length][];
for (int i=0;i<this.gIS.length;i++){
int setSize=0;
for (int n=0;n<this.gIS[i].imageSet.length;n++) if ((this.gIS[i].imageSet[n]!=null) && (this.gIS[i].imageSet[n].imgNumber>=0) && (!enabledOnly || this.gIS[i].imageSet[n].enabled)) setSize++;
for (int n=0;n<this.gIS[i].imageSet.length;n++) {
if ( (this.gIS[i].imageSet[n]!=null) &&
(this.gIS[i].imageSet[n].imgNumber>=0) &&
(!enabledOnly || this.gIS[i].imageSet[n].enabled)) {
if ((chn_sel == null) || (chn_sel[this.gIS[i].imageSet[n].getChannel()])){
imageSets[i]=new int [setSize];
for (int i=0;i<this.gIS.length;i++){
int index=0;
for (int n=0;n<this.gIS[i].imageSet.length;n++) if ((this.gIS[i].imageSet[n]!=null) && (this.gIS[i].imageSet[n].imgNumber>=0) && (!enabledOnly || this.gIS[i].imageSet[n].enabled)) imageSets[i][index++]=this.gIS[i].imageSet[n].imgNumber;
for (int n=0;n<this.gIS[i].imageSet.length;n++) {
if ( (this.gIS[i].imageSet[n]!=null) &&
(this.gIS[i].imageSet[n].imgNumber>=0) &&
(!enabledOnly || this.gIS[i].imageSet[n].enabled)) {
if ((chn_sel == null) || (chn_sel[this.gIS[i].imageSet[n].getChannel()])){
return imageSets;
......@@ -4466,7 +4516,7 @@ import ij.text.TextWindow;
return small_sensors;
public boolean isSmallSensor(int numImg) {
public boolean isSmallSensor(int numImg) { // number of image, not a channel!!!
boolean [] ss = getSmallSensors();
if ((this.gIP != null) && (numImg >= 0) && (numImg < this.gIP.length)){
return ss[this.gIP[numImg].getChannel()];
......@@ -1583,7 +1583,10 @@ I* - special case when the subcamera is being adjusted/replaced. How to deal wit
System.out.println("BUG: selectIndividualImages(): selection.length!=enabled.length!");
return false;
int [][] imageSets=this.distortionCalibrationData.listImages(!allImages); // true - only enabled images
int [][] imageSets=this.distortionCalibrationData.listImages(
!allImages, // true - only enabled images
null); // do not filter by eo/lwir?
boolean [] enabledSets=new boolean [imageSets.length];
boolean [] selectedSets=new boolean [imageSets.length]; // at least one image selected in the series
for (int i=0;i<imageSets.length;i++){
......@@ -2483,7 +2486,7 @@ I* - special case when the subcamera is being adjusted/replaced. How to deal wit
this.selectedImages[numSeries][i]=selectAllImages || ((i==0) && removeAllImages); // invalidate - all, regardless of .enabled
this.selectedImages[numSeries][i] &= constrainByStation[this.distortionCalibrationData.gIP[i].getStationNumber()];
if (selectHiLowRes != null) {
int small_01 = this.distortionCalibrationData.isSmallSensor(i)?1:0;
int small_01 = this.distortionCalibrationData.isSmallSensor(i)?1:0; //OK, i here is image number, not channel number
// System.out.println(i+":"+small_01);
this.selectedImages[numSeries][i] &= selectHiLowRes[small_01];
......@@ -142,7 +142,15 @@ public class LwirReaderParameters {
public int getNumChannels() {
return 20;
return isLwir16()?20:8;
public int [] getTypeMap() { // eo - 0, lwir - 1
int [] types = new int [getNumChannels()];
for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
types[i] = (i >= getEoChn0())? 0 : 1;
return types;
public static boolean is_LWIR(int width) {
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