if (DEBUG_LEVEL>0) System.out.println(((this.SYNC_COMMAND.stopRequested.get()>0)?"Partial (interrupted by user) set of grids":"All")+ " grids calculation done at "+ IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-startTime),3));
if (DEBUG_LEVEL>0) System.out.println(((this.SYNC_COMMAND.stopRequested.get()>0)?"Partial (interrupted by user) set of grids":"All")+ " grids calculation done at "+ IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-startTime),3));
if (DEBUG_LEVEL>0) System.out.println(((this.SYNC_COMMAND.stopRequested.get()>0)?"Partial (interrupted by user) set of grids":"All")+ " grids calculation done at "+ IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-startTime),3));
public boolean showPatternDetectParametersDialog(MatchSimulatedPattern.PatternDetectParameters patternDetectParameters) {
public boolean showPatternDetectParametersDialog(MatchSimulatedPattern.PatternDetectParameters patternDetectParameters, boolean use_lwir) {
GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Parameters");
gd.addNumericField("Gaussian width for the window function (<=0 - use Hamming):", patternDetectParameters.gaussWidth, 3);
@@ -19844,10 +20023,24 @@ use the result to create a rejectiobn mask - if the energy was high, (multiplica
gd.addNumericField("Minimal pattern correlation contrast" , patternDetectParameters.minCorrContrast, 3); //5.0; // Discrimination threshold between good and bad pattern correleation
gd.addNumericField("Minimal pattern grid period (<=0.0 - do not check)" , patternDetectParameters.minGridPeriod, 2,5,"pix");
gd.addNumericField("Maximal pattern grid period (<=0.0 - do not check)" , patternDetectParameters.maxGridPeriod, 2,5,"pix");
if (use_lwir) {
gd.addNumericField("Minimal pattern grid period for LWIR sensors (<=0.0 - do not check)" , patternDetectParameters.minGridPeriodLwir, 2,5,"pix");
gd.addNumericField("Maximal pattern grid period for LWIR sensors (<=0.0 - do not check)" , patternDetectParameters.maxGridPeriodLwir, 2,5,"pix");
gd.addMessage("----- debug -----");
gd.addNumericField("Debug grid near pixel X" , patternDetectParameters.debugX, 1,6,"pix");
gd.addNumericField("Debug grid near pixel X" , patternDetectParameters.debugY, 1,6,"pix");
gd.addNumericField("Debug grid nodes at this distance of (x,Y) - <0 - no debug", patternDetectParameters.debugRadius, 1,5,"pix");
gd.addMessage("----- New method that should work with large cells (only half-period negative correlations fit in window) -----");
gd.addCheckbox("Keep Gaussian width absolute when increasing FFT size",distortionParameters.absoluteCorrelationGaussWidth);
@@ -20108,23 +20325,25 @@ use the result to create a rejectiobn mask - if the energy was high, (multiplica
gd.addNumericField("Correlation minimal contrast for initial search (absolute)", distortionParameters.correlationMinAbsoluteInitialContrast, 3);
gd.addNumericField("Decrease contrast of cells that are too close to the border to be processed in refinement pass", distortionParameters.scaleFirstPassContrast, 3);
gd.addNumericField("Gaussian sigma to select correlation centers (fraction of UV period), 0.1", distortionParameters.contrastSelectSigma, 3);
gd.addNumericField("Gaussian sigma to select correlation center in pixels, 2.0", distortionParameters.contrastSelectSigmaCenter, 3);
gd.addNumericField("Gaussian sigma to select correlation off-centers (fraction of UV period), 0.1", distortionParameters.contrastSelectSigma, 3);
gd.addNumericField("Gaussian sigma to average correlation variations (as contrast reference), 0.5", distortionParameters.contrastAverageSigma, 3);
gd.addNumericField("Max frame diff",this.max_frame_diff,0,3,"","Maximal difference in frames between simultaneously acquired channels as calculated from the timestamps");