Commit 3ead1b3d authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

moving plane fitness to each other to a separate class

parent 86e21078
** LinkPlanes - manage links between supertile planes
** Copyright (C) 2017 Elphel, Inc.
** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------**
** is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <>.
** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------**
clt_parameters.plWorstWorsening, // final double worst_worsening,
clt_parameters.plWorstWorsening2,// final double worst_worsening2 Worst case worsening for thin planes,
clt_parameters.plWorstEq, // final double worstEq, // Worst case worsening after merge with equal weights
clt_parameters.plWorstEq2, // final double worstEq2, // Worst case worsening for thin planes with equal weights
clt_parameters.plWeakWorsening, // final double worst_worsening,
clt_parameters.plOKMergeEigen, // final double okMergeEigen, f result of the merged planes is below, OK to use thin planes (higher) threshold
clt_parameters.plMaxWorldSin2, // final double maxWorldSin2,
clt_parameters.plEigenFloor, // final double eigenFloor, // Add to eigenvalues of each participating plane and result to validate connections
0, // final int debugLevel)
public class LinkPlanes {
SuperTiles st;
public boolean plPreferDisparity; // = false;// Always start with disparity-most axis (false - lowest eigenvalue)
public double plDispNorm; // = 3.0; // Normalize disparities to the average if above (now only for eigenvalue comparison)
public double plMinStrength; // = 0.1; // Minimal total strength of a plane
public double plMaxEigen; // = 0.05; // Maximal eigenvalue of a plane
public double plEigenFloor; // = 0.01; // Add to eigenvalues of each participating plane and result to validate connections
public double plWorstWorsening; // = 2.0; // Worst case worsening after merge
public double plWorstWorsening2; // = 5.0; // Worst case worsening for thin planes
public double plWorstEq; // = 1.0; // Worst case worsening after merge with equal weights
public double plWorstEq2; // = 2.0; // Worst case worsening for thin planes with equal weights
public double plOKMergeEigen; // = 0.03; // If result of the merged planes is below, OK to use thin planes (higher) threshold
public double plMaxWorldSin2; // = 0.1; // Maximal sine squared of the world angle between planes to merge. Set to >= 1.0 to disable
public double plWeakWorsening; // = 1.0; // Relax merge requirements for weaker planes
public int dbg_tileX;
public int dbg_tileY;
public LinkPlanes (
EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters,
SuperTiles st)
plWorstWorsening = clt_parameters.plWorstWorsening;
plWorstWorsening2 = clt_parameters.plWorstWorsening2;
plWorstEq = clt_parameters.plWorstEq;
plWorstEq2 = clt_parameters.plWorstEq2;
plWeakWorsening = clt_parameters.plWeakWorsening;
plOKMergeEigen = clt_parameters.plOKMergeEigen;
plMaxWorldSin2 = clt_parameters.plMaxWorldSin2;
plDispNorm = clt_parameters.plDispNorm;
plMaxEigen = clt_parameters.plMaxEigen;
plEigenFloor = clt_parameters.plEigenFloor; // final double eigenFloor, // Add to eigenvalues of each participating plane and result to validate connections
plMinStrength = clt_parameters.plMinStrength;
dbg_tileX = clt_parameters.tileX;
dbg_tileY = clt_parameters.tileY;
public boolean planesFit(
TilePlanes.PlaneData plane1, // should belong to the same supertile (or be converted for one)
TilePlanes.PlaneData plane2,
double merged_ev, // if NaN will calculate assuming the same supertile
double merged_ev_eq, // if NaN will calculate assuming the same supertile
String prefix,
int debugLevel)
if ((plane1 == null) || (plane2 == null)) return false;
TilePlanes.PlaneData merged_pd = null;
TilePlanes.PlaneData merged_pd_eq = null;
if (plane1.getWeight() < plMinStrength) {
if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println(prefix+" plane1 is too weak ("+plane1.getWeight()+" < plMinStrength="+plMinStrength+")");
return false;
if (plane2.getWeight() < plMinStrength) {
if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println(prefix+" plane2 is too weak ("+plane2.getWeight()+" < plMinStrength="+plMinStrength+")");
return false;
double corr_max_eigen = corrMaxEigen(
if ((plMaxEigen != 0.0) &&
(plane1.getValue() > corr_max_eigen)){
if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println(prefix+" plane1 is too thick ("+plane1.getValue()+" > corr_max_eigen="+corr_max_eigen+")");
return false;
if ((plMaxEigen != 0.0) &&
(plane2.getValue() > corr_max_eigen)){
if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println(prefix+" plane2 is too thick ("+plane2.getValue()+" > corr_max_eigen="+corr_max_eigen+")");
return false;
if (Double.isNaN(merged_ev)) {
merged_pd = plane1.mergePlaneToThis(
plane2, // PlaneData otherPd,
1.0, // double scale_other,
1.0, // double starWeightPwr, // Use this power of tile weight when calculating connection cost
false, // boolean ignore_weights,
true, // boolean sum_weights,
debugLevel - 1); // int debugLevel)
merged_ev = merged_pd.getValue();
if (Double.isNaN(merged_ev_eq)) {
merged_pd_eq = plane1.mergePlaneToThis(
plane2, // PlaneData otherPd,
1.0, // double scale_other,
1.0, // double starWeightPwr, // Use this power of tile weight when calculating connection cost
true, // boolean ignore_weights,
true, // boolean sum_weights,
debugLevel - 1); // int debugLevel)
merged_ev_eq = merged_pd_eq.getValue();
double w1 = plane1.getWeight();
double w2 = plane2.getWeight();
double this_rq = mergeRQuality(
plane1.getValue(), // double L1,
plane2.getValue() , // double L2,
merged_ev, // double L,
w1, // double w1,
w2, // double w2)
plEigenFloor);// double eigen_floor)
double this_rq_norm = this_rq;
if ((w1 + w2) < plWeakWorsening) this_rq_norm *= (w1 + w2) / plWeakWorsening; // forgive more for weak planes
double this_rq_eq = mergeRQuality(
plane1.getValue(), // double L1,
plane2.getValue() , // double L2,
merged_ev_eq, // double L,
1.0, // double w1,
1.0, // double w2)
plEigenFloor);// double eigen_floor)
double this_rq_eq_norm = this_rq_eq;
if ((w1 + w2) < plWeakWorsening) this_rq_eq_norm *= (w1 + w2) / plWeakWorsening; // forgive more for weak planes
if ((this_rq_norm <= plWorstWorsening) ||
((merged_ev <= plOKMergeEigen) && (this_rq_norm <= plWorstWorsening2)) || // use higher threshold
(this_rq_eq_norm <= plWorstEq) ||
((merged_ev_eq <= plOKMergeEigen) && (this_rq_eq_norm <= plWorstEq2)) // use higher threshold
) {
if ((plMaxWorldSin2 >= 1.0) || (plane1.getWorldSin2(plane2) <= plMaxWorldSin2)) {
if (debugLevel > 0){
System.out.print(prefix+": planes FIT");
if (this_rq_norm <= plWorstWorsening)
System.out.print(" (this_rq_norm="+this_rq_norm+" <= plWorstWorsening="+plWorstWorsening+")");
if ((merged_ev <= plOKMergeEigen) && (this_rq_norm <= plWorstWorsening2))
System.out.print(" merged_ev="+merged_ev+" <= plOKMergeEigen="+plOKMergeEigen+") && (this_rq_norm="+this_rq_norm+
" <= plWorstWorsening2="+plWorstWorsening2+")");
if (this_rq_eq_norm <= plWorstEq)
System.out.print(" this_rq_eq_norm="+this_rq_eq_norm+" <= plWorstEq="+plWorstEq);
if ((merged_ev_eq <= plOKMergeEigen) && (this_rq_eq_norm <= plWorstEq2))
System.out.print(" ((merged_ev_eq="+merged_ev_eq+" <= plOKMergeEigen) && (this_rq_eq_norm="+
this_rq_eq_norm+" <= plWorstEq2="+plWorstEq2+")");
if (debugLevel > 1){
System.out.println(prefix+" this_rq="+this_rq+
", this_rq_eq="+this_rq_eq+
" w1="+w1+" w2="+w2+
" L1="+plane1.getValue()+" L2="+plane2.getValue()+
" L="+merged_ev+" L_eq="+merged_ev_eq);
System.out.println(prefix+", world sin2 ="+
", world dist this="+ Math.sqrt(plane1.getWorldPlaneDist2(plane2))+
", world dist other="+Math.sqrt(plane2.getWorldPlaneDist2(plane1))+
", world dist sum="+Math.sqrt(plane1.getWorldPlaneDist2(plane2)+
return true;
if (debugLevel > 0) {
System.out.print(prefix+": planes DO NOT FIT");
if (debugLevel > 1){
System.out.println(prefix+" this_rq="+this_rq+
", this_rq_eq="+this_rq_eq+
" w1="+w1+" w2="+w2+
" L1="+plane1.getValue()+" L2="+plane2.getValue()+
" L="+merged_ev+" L_eq="+merged_ev_eq);
System.out.println(prefix+", world sin2 ="+
", world dist this="+ Math.sqrt(plane1.getWorldPlaneDist2(plane2))+
", world dist other="+Math.sqrt(plane2.getWorldPlaneDist2(plane1))+
", world dist sum="+Math.sqrt(plane1.getWorldPlaneDist2(plane2)+
return false;
public double getFitQuality(
TilePlanes.PlaneData plane1, // should belong to the same supertile (or be converted for one)
TilePlanes.PlaneData plane2,
double merged_ev, // if NaN will calculate assuming the same supertile
double merged_ev_eq, // if NaN will calculate assuming the same supertile
String prefix,
int debugLevel)
if ((plane1 == null) || (plane2 == null)) return 0.0;
TilePlanes.PlaneData merged_pd = null;
TilePlanes.PlaneData merged_pd_eq = null;
if (Double.isNaN(merged_ev)) {
merged_pd = plane1.mergePlaneToThis(
plane2, // PlaneData otherPd,
1.0, // double scale_other,
1.0, // double starWeightPwr, // Use this power of tile weight when calculating connection cost
false, // boolean ignore_weights,
true, // boolean sum_weights,
debugLevel - 1); // int debugLevel)
merged_ev = merged_pd.getValue();
if (Double.isNaN(merged_ev_eq)) {
merged_pd_eq = plane1.mergePlaneToThis(
plane2, // PlaneData otherPd,
1.0, // double scale_other,
1.0, // double starWeightPwr, // Use this power of tile weight when calculating connection cost
true, // boolean ignore_weights,
true, // boolean sum_weights,
debugLevel - 1); // int debugLevel)
merged_ev_eq = merged_pd_eq.getValue();
double w1 = plane1.getWeight();
double w2 = plane2.getWeight();
double this_rq = mergeRQuality(
plane1.getValue(), // double L1,
plane2.getValue(), // double L2,
merged_ev, // double L,
w1, // double w1,
w2, // double w2)
plEigenFloor);// double eigen_floor)
double this_rq_nofloor = mergeRQuality(
plane1.getValue(), // double L1,
plane2.getValue(), // double L2,
merged_ev, // double L,
w1, // double w1,
w2, // double w2)
0); // eigenFloor);// double eigen_floor)
double this_rq_eq = mergeRQuality(
plane1.getValue(), // double L1,
plane2.getValue(), // double L2,
merged_ev_eq, // double L,
1.0, // double w1,
1.0, // double w2)
plEigenFloor);// double eigen_floor)
this_rq /= (w1 + w2); // for comparison reduce this value for stronger planes
if (debugLevel > 0){
System.out.println(prefix+", this_rq="+this_rq);
if (debugLevel > 1){
System.out.println(prefix+", this_rq="+this_rq+
" this_rq_raw="+(this_rq * (w1+w2)) +
" this_rq_eq="+(this_rq_eq) +
" this_rq_nofloor="+(this_rq_nofloor) +
" w1="+w1+" w2="+w2+
" L1="+plane1.getValue()+" L2="+plane2.getValue()+" L="+merged_ev+
" L_eq="+merged_ev_eq);
System.out.println(prefix + ", world sin2 =" + plane1.getWorldSin2(plane2));
", world dist this="+ Math.sqrt(plane1.getWorldPlaneDist2(plane2))+
", world dist other="+Math.sqrt(plane2.getWorldPlaneDist2(plane1))+
", world dist sum="+Math.sqrt(plane1.getWorldPlaneDist2(plane2)+
return this_rq; // TODO: add modes to select what is output
public double corrMaxEigen(
double maxEigen,
double dispNorm,
TilePlanes.PlaneData pd)
return corrMaxEigen(
public double corrMaxEigen(
double maxEigen,
double dispNorm,
double disparity)
double corrV = maxEigen;
if ((dispNorm > 0.0) && (disparity > dispNorm)) {
// double dd = (dispNorm + z0)/ dispNorm; // > 1
double dd = disparity/ dispNorm; // > 1
corrV *= dd * dd; // > original
return corrV;
public double mergeRQuality(
double L1_in,
double L2_in,
double L_in,
double w1,
double w2,
double eigen_floor)
double L1 = L1_in + eigen_floor;
double L2 = L2_in + eigen_floor;
double L = L_in + eigen_floor;
// double Lav = Math.sqrt((L1*L1*w1 + L2*L2*w2)/(w1+w2));
double Lav = (L1*w1 + L2*w2)/(w1+w2);
/// double wors = (L - Lav)*(w1+w2)*(w1+w2) /(Lav*w1*w2);
/// double rquality = (L - Lav)*(w1+w2) /(Lav*w1*w2); // ==wors/(w1+w2) to amplify stronger planes
double rquality = (L - Lav)*(w1+w2)*(w1+w2) /(Lav*w1*w2);
return rquality;
......@@ -6498,9 +6498,9 @@ public class SuperTiles{
double this_rq_norm = this_rq;
if ((w1 + w2) < weakWorsening) this_rq_norm *= (w1 + w2) / weakWorsening; // forgive more for weak planes
double this_rq_eq = mergeRQuality(
planes[nsTile0][np0].getValue() + eigenFloor, // double L1,
planes[nsTile][np].getValue() + eigenFloor, // double L2,
merge_ev[np], // double L,
planes[nsTile0][np0].getValue(), // double L1,
planes[nsTile][np].getValue(), // double L2,
merge_ev_eq[np], // double L,
1.0, // double w1,
1.0, // double w2)
eigenFloor);// double eigen_floor)
......@@ -6763,8 +6763,8 @@ public class SuperTiles{
double this_rq_norm = this_rq;
if ((w1 + w2) < weakWorsening) this_rq_norm *= (w1 + w2) / weakWorsening; // forgive more for weak planes
double this_rq_eq = mergeRQuality(
planes[nsTile][np1].getValue() + eigenFloor, // double L1,
planes[nsTile][np2].getValue() + eigenFloor, // double L2,
planes[nsTile][np1].getValue(), // double L1,
planes[nsTile][np2].getValue(), // double L2,
merged_pd_eq.getValue(), // double L,
1.0, // double w1,
1.0, // double w2)
import java.awt.Point;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
** TileSurface - hadle tile surfaces
** TileSurface - handle tile surfaces
** Copyright (C) 2017 Elphel, Inc.
......@@ -29,6 +21,14 @@ import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------**
import java.awt.Point;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
public class TileSurface {
// public
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