Commit 1cf71ddd authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

testing did is sane

parent 93e8efe9
......@@ -17,9 +17,22 @@ public abstract class Did_ins <T extends Did_ins <T>>{
/** WGS84 latitude, longitude, height above ellipsoid (degrees,degrees,meters) */
public double [] lla = new double [3];
/** for DID_INS verification */
public static int eHdwStatusFlags_mask = 0xffffffd0;
public static int eHdwStatusFlags_data = 0x0008007f;
// public static int eInsStatusFlags_mask = 0x8c0059ee;
// public static int eInsStatusFlags_mask = 0x8c00596e; // once in 300-400 - GPS aided heading
public static int eInsStatusFlags_mask = 0x8800596e; // once in 300-400 - INS_STATUS_RTK_COMPASSING_VALID
public static int eInsStatusFlags_data = 0x00635177;
public static int MIN_WEEK = 1766; // -10 yrs
public static int MAX_WEEK = 2806; // +10 yrs
static int interpolateInt(double frac, int v_this, int v_next) {
return (int) Math.round(frac * v_next + (1.0 - frac) * v_this);
static float interpolateFloat(double frac, float v_this, float v_next) {
return (float) (frac * v_next + (1.0 - frac) * v_this);
......@@ -36,6 +49,34 @@ public abstract class Did_ins <T extends Did_ins <T>>{
return new int [] { week, (int)Math.round(timeOfWeek * 1000.0)};
public boolean isDidSane() {
if ((week < MIN_WEEK) || (week > MAX_WEEK)) {
System.out.println("isDidSane(): bad week = "+week+
" - should be in range ["+MIN_WEEK+","+MAX_WEEK+"]");
return false;
if ((timeOfWeek < 0) || (timeOfWeek > WEEK_SECONDS)) {
System.out.println("isDidSane(): bad timeOfWeek = "+timeOfWeek+
" - should be in range [0,"+WEEK_SECONDS+"]");
return false;
if (((hdwStatus ^ eHdwStatusFlags_data) & eHdwStatusFlags_mask) != 0) {
System.out.println(String.format("isDidSane(): bad hdwStatus=0x%08x"+
" (0x%08x ^ 0x%08x) & 0x%08x = 0x%08x",
hdwStatus, hdwStatus, eHdwStatusFlags_data,eHdwStatusFlags_mask,
(hdwStatus ^ eHdwStatusFlags_data) & eHdwStatusFlags_mask));
return false;
if (((insStatus ^ eInsStatusFlags_data) & eInsStatusFlags_mask) != 0) {
System.out.println(String.format("isDidSane(): bad insStatus=0x%08x"+
" (0x%08x ^ 0x%08x) & 0x%08x = 0x%08x",
insStatus, insStatus, eInsStatusFlags_data,eInsStatusFlags_mask,
(insStatus ^ eInsStatusFlags_data) & eInsStatusFlags_mask));
return false;
return true;
public void interpolateBase(double frac, T next_did, T new_did) {
new_did.week = this.week;
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