this.lwirReader.setMotorsPosition(this.goniometerParameters.goniometerMotors.getTargetPositions());// Used target, not current to prevent minor variations
this.lwirReader.acquire(this.distortionProcessConfiguration.sourceDirectory);// true - use lasers, updateStatus - make false?
this.lwir16Reader.setMotorsPosition(this.goniometerParameters.goniometerMotors.getTargetPositions());// Used target, not current to prevent minor variations
this.lwir16Reader.acquire(this.distortionProcessConfiguration.sourceDirectory);// true - use lasers, updateStatus - make false?
System.out.println("Neignter traditional camera/rig, no LWIR rig are initialized, dry run");
gd.addNumericField("Number to average",this.avg_number,0,3,"","Number of acquired consecutive images to average");
// TODO: separate parameters into common and type -specific
gd.addChoice("Camera name",CAMERA_NAMES,camera_name,"Camera type - now Talon (4*Lepton+4*MT9P006) and LWIR16 (16xBoson+4*MT9P006");
gd.addNumericField("Number to average LWIR",this.avg_number,0,3,"","Number of acquired consecutive LWIR images to average");
gd.addNumericField("Number to average EO",this.avg_number_eo,0,3,"","Number of acquired consecutive EO images to average");
gd.addNumericField("Number of sets to acquire",this.num_frames,0,3,"","Total number, may be limited by EO quality/frame size (last will be missed/null)");
gd.addCheckbox("Run FFC",this.lwir_ffc,"Perform calibration before each measurements to average (Lepton takes ~1.6 sec, 15 frames), Boson - twice ffc_frames");
gd.addStringField("EO gain corrections",arr_to_str(this.eo_gcorr_rbgb),100,"Fine corrections to per channel, per color gains:'r0 b0 gb0 r1 b1 gb1 ...'");
gd.addNumericField("LWIR trig dly",this.lwir_trig_dly,0,10,"x10ns","Output trigger delay, should eventually match Lepton+FPGA latency to trigger EO exactly 1 frame after LWIR. 0 does not work with current FPGA - usec do not match sec in transmitted timestamp");
gd.addNumericField("EO lag",this.eo_lag,0,3,"","Visible camera lag (in frames) relative to LWIR one");
gd.addNumericField("Max frame diff",this.max_frame_diff,0,3,"","Maximal difference in frames between simultaneously acquired channels as calculated from the timestamps");