\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline{figure}{\numberline{1}{\ignorespaces The other 4 pixels are used to find the value of the 5th.\relax}}{1}{figure.caption.1}\protected@file@percent }
\author{Dr. Andrey Filippov \qquad Nathaniel Callens Jr. \\
Kelly Chang \qquad Bryce Hepner \\
Nikolay (Last Name) \\
Elphel, Inc.\\
1455 W. 2200 S. \#205, Salt Lake City, Utah 84119 USA \\
@@ -91,7 +92,7 @@ Elphel, Inc.\\
% The method described in this paper is a simple method that has intended use with thermal images.
This algorithm operates by scanning through each pixel in a raster pattern, using already scanned pixels to decompress the next pixel's value.
This method operates by scanning through each pixel in a raster pattern, using already scanned pixels to decompress the next pixel's value.
By saving the error between the predicted pixel value and the actual value, we were able to losslessly compress thermal images to be less than 41\% of their original size.
The resulting files were approximately 34\% smaller than their equivalent PNGs, and 35\% smaller than LZW compression with TIFF files.