Commit 44c8892a authored by Oleg Dzhimiev's avatar Oleg Dzhimiev

arrow for undo button

parent ae4130ed
...@@ -242,11 +242,15 @@ X3DOM Flash version is not available.<br/>\ ...@@ -242,11 +242,15 @@ X3DOM Flash version is not available.<br/>\
$("#main").append(rst_model); $("#main").append(rst_model);
undo_model = $("<button>",{id:"undo_model"}).addClass("btn-my btn nooutline").html("undo").css({ undo_model = $("<button>",{id:"undo_model"}).addClass("btn-my btn nooutline").html("<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-share-alt\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></span>").css({
position: "absolute", position: "absolute",
top: "3px", top: "3px",
left: "105px", left: "105px",
cursor:"pointer" cursor:"pointer",
"-moz-transform": "scaleX(-1)",
"-o-transform": "scaleX(-1)",
"-webkit-transform": "scaleX(-1)",
transform: "scaleX(-1)"
}); });{{
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