Commit ea294ba2 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

added extra UART wait FIFO empty

parent 1764b459
......@@ -662,12 +662,14 @@ int arch_cpu_init(void)
Be careful not to call functions or access data stored in the 3 lower OCM pages.
writel() is OK as it is just a macro, not a function call
\tasm("add pc, pc, #0x4000000" );
\tasm("add pc, pc, #0x4000000\\n\\t"
"mov r0,r0\\n\\t"
"mov r0,r0" );
# seems some delay is needed before remapping DDR memory
self.cfile+='\tddrc_wait_queue_empty(); /* seems some delay is needed here before remapping DDR memory */\n'
self._cp_led('LED_CHECKPOINT_9') # After relocation to DDR (to 0x4000000+ )
# self._cp_led('LED_CHECKPOINT_9') # After relocation to DDR (to 0x4000000+ )
self.cfile+='\twritel(0, &scu_base->filter_start); /* Remap DDR to zero, FILTERSTART */\n'
self.cfile+='''/* Device config APB, unlock the PCAP */
\twritel(0x757BDF0D, &devcfg_base->unlock);
......@@ -725,12 +727,9 @@ int arch_cpu_init(void)
if 'uart_xmit' in self.sections:
self.cfile+='\tuart_wait_tx_fifo_empty(); /* u-boot may re-program UART differently, wait all is sent before getting there */\n'
#uart_wait_tx_fifo_empty() - add if u-boot debug is on
self._cp_led('LED_CHECKPOINT_12') # Before leaving lowlevel_init()
# #Setup GPIO outputs (after LED debug is over)
# if 'gpio_out' in self.sections:
# self.cfile+='\tsetup_gpio_outputs(); /* Setup GPIO outputs */\n'
if 'uart_xmit' in self.sections:
self.cfile+='\tuart_wait_tx_fifo_empty(); /* Second time - for some reason 1 wait sometimes fails after LAST_PRINT_DEBUG */\n'
if self.features.get_par_value_or_none('LOCK_SLCR') is False:
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