Commit ad398d2f authored by Oleg Dzhimiev's avatar Oleg Dzhimiev

added mkdirs for elphel/elphel393 so links could be created

parent c360c297
......@@ -67,6 +67,12 @@ if [ ! -h "$CONFIGS/$EZYNQ" ]; then
echo "Step 3c: Creating symbolic links for separate files (a suffix is added to the originals)"
if [ ! -d "board/elphel" ]; then
mkdir "board/elphel"
if [ ! -d "board/elphel/elphel393" ]; then
mkdir "board/elphel/elphel393"
for SRC in $(find $UBOOT_TREE -type f -not -path "$UBOOT_TREE/$CONFIGS/$EZYNQ/*")
LINK=$(echo $SRC | sed "s:^$UBOOT_TREE/::")
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