Commit 0efdded4 authored by Oleg Dzhimiev's avatar Oleg Dzhimiev

recipe to package naming fixed

parent 904edceb
......@@ -109,14 +109,14 @@ def deep_analysis(local,remote):
recstr = bcolors.FAIL+recstr+bcolors.ENDC
pl = getname(pl,"","recipe_to_package")
update_list = update_list + " " + pl
update_list = update_list+" bitbake "+pl+" -c target_scp -f\n"
if not prfound:
recstr = bcolors.WARNING+recstr+bcolors.ENDC
pl = getname(pl,"","recipe_to_package")
update_list = update_list + " " + pl
update_list = update_list+" bitbake "+pl+" -c target_scp -f\n"
print("\nTo sync the software on the target run:\n bitbake"+update_list+" -c target_scp -f")
print("\nTo sync the software on the target run:\n"+update_list)
# all exceptions in one place
def getname(name,project,mode):
......@@ -126,11 +126,12 @@ def getname(name,project,mode):
if mode=="project_to_recipe":
if name.find(project_prefix)==0:
name = name[len(project_prefix):]
if project.find(package_prefix)==0:
name = package_prefix+name
if project.find(package_prefix)==0:
name = package_prefix+name
#only exception
if name=="fpga-x393_sata":
if name=="fpga-x393_sata":
return name
elif mode=="recipe_to_package":
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