Commit abcbbeef authored by Oleg Dzhimiev's avatar Oleg Dzhimiev

added LEPTON35 and TIFFs displaying

parent 5bd10580
......@@ -260,11 +260,11 @@ function abstractToNative($absPar) {
case "csr": return array ("COLOR_SATURATION_RED"=>100);
case "comp_run": return array ("COMPRESSOR_RUN"=>array("stop","single","run"));
case "sens_run": return array ("SENSOR_RUN"=>array("stop","single","run"));
case "sensor": return array ("SENSOR"=>array(56 => "MT9F002", 4 => "ZR32112", 8 => "ZR32212",32 => "KAC1310",36 => "KAC5000",48 => "MI1300",49 => "MT9M001",50 => "MT9D001",51 => "MT9T001",52 => "MT9P001",64 => "IBIS51300"));
case "decXmask": return array ("SENSOR"=>array(56 => 255, 4 => 139, 8 => 139, 32 => 32907, 36 => 15, 48 => 139, 49 => 139, 50 => 139, 51 => 255, 52 => 255, 64 => 0));
case "decYmask": return array ("SENSOR"=>array(56 => 255, 4 => 139, 8 => 139, 32 => 32907, 36 => 13, 48 => 139, 49 => 139, 50 => 139, 51 => 255, 52 => 255, 64 => 0));
case "binXmask": return array ("SENSOR"=>array(56 => 255, 4 => 0, 8 => 0, 32 => 0, 36 => 3, 48 => 0, 49 => 0, 50 => 0, 51 => 255, 52 => 255, 64 => 0));
case "binYmask": return array ("SENSOR"=>array(56 => 255, 4 => 0, 8 => 0, 32 => 0, 36 => 3, 48 => 0, 49 => 0, 50 => 0, 51 => 255, 52 => 255, 64 => 0));
case "sensor": return array ("SENSOR"=>array(56 => "MT9F002", 4 => "ZR32112", 8 => "ZR32212",32 => "KAC1310",36 => "KAC5000",48 => "MI1300",49 => "MT9M001",50 => "MT9D001",51 => "MT9T001",52 => "MT9P001",64 => "IBIS51300", 68 => "LEPTON35"));
case "decXmask": return array ("SENSOR"=>array(56 => 255, 4 => 139, 8 => 139, 32 => 32907, 36 => 15, 48 => 139, 49 => 139, 50 => 139, 51 => 255, 52 => 255, 64 => 0, 68 => 255));
case "decYmask": return array ("SENSOR"=>array(56 => 255, 4 => 139, 8 => 139, 32 => 32907, 36 => 13, 48 => 139, 49 => 139, 50 => 139, 51 => 255, 52 => 255, 64 => 0, 68 => 255));
case "binXmask": return array ("SENSOR"=>array(56 => 255, 4 => 0, 8 => 0, 32 => 0, 36 => 3, 48 => 0, 49 => 0, 50 => 0, 51 => 255, 52 => 255, 64 => 0, 68 => 255));
case "binYmask": return array ("SENSOR"=>array(56 => 255, 4 => 0, 8 => 0, 32 => 0, 36 => 3, 48 => 0, 49 => 0, 50 => 0, 51 => 255, 52 => 255, 64 => 0, 68 => 255));
case "hrw": return array ("HISTWND_RWIDTH"=>0x10000);
case "hrh": return array ("HISTWND_RHEIGHT"=>0x10000);
case "hrl": return array ("HISTWND_RLEFT"=>0x10000);
......@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ input {
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<script src="js/tiff.js"></script>
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<script src="js/jquery-jp4.js"></script>
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